2024 MoodleMoot in Nagasaki: Basic Information
2. What is a MoodleMoot? Should I go?
- What is a Moodle Moot?
- A MoodleMoot is a conference dedicated to users, developers and administrators of the very popular open-source course management system called Moodle. It lasts 2 or 3 days and is held in a conference center, university, or similar facility where a lot of people can meet and discuss Moodle. At a MoodleMoot you can take part in workshops, presentations, and forums covering all aspects of integrating and using Moodle effectively in a learning environment.
- What is MoodleMoot Japan?
- MoodleMoot Japan is the annual conference of the Moodle Association of Japan. It has been held every year since 2008. Because of its previous success in promoting Moodle use in Japan and its great contributions to the worldwide Moodle community, it is one of only a few MoodleMoots in the world that is recognized as an "official MoodleMoot" by Moodle headquarters in Australia.
- Should I go?
- If you are a teacher, educational administrator, software developer, materials developer, or IT manager then this conference will be of interest to you, and, if at all possible, you should try to go. If you are already using Moodle, then you can pick up ideas on how to use it more effectively as a teaching and research tool. If you are new to Moodle, then you can learn a lot from the hands-on workshops, and from talking to experienced users and suppliers of Moodle related services, such as hosting a Moodle site and creating e-learning materials.