Presentation ID Number 発表ID:
Presenters & Author(s)発表者と著者:
Jason Hollowell
Presentation title 発表標題:
Face-to-face : Using the customized face-to-face module for scheduling lessons, appointments, and other collaborative activities
Presentation type 提出原稿のタイプ: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation
Day & Time 日時: 土 Saturday 11:10 - 11:50
Location 場所: 161C
Presentation abstract 発表内容
Institutions that use Moodle often require their students (participants etc.) to make reservations for meetings, counseling sessions, and other face to face type sessions. This presentation will introduce a modified version of the face-to-face 3rd party module (compatible with Moodle 2.0~), which allows for scheduling of these types of events. The version introduced is a special multi-session version that was designed to allow users to register for more than one 'meeting time' in each face-to-face module instance. The presenter will walk through a demonstration of the simple installation and setup process for the module. An explanation of how the face-to-face module can be used for scheduling lessons, counseling sessions, and other meetings will follow the module introduction. After introducing the module and providing examples of how it can be used, the presenter will ask attendees to participate in a short brainstorming activity in which they are encouraged to think of other ways that the face-to-face module might be used. (Note - The face-to-face module and the special multi-session version that will be introduced are available via the same open source GPL as Moodle.)

Presentation topic(s) トピック:
学校以外の場所でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in non-traditional settings
学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings
Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
学生の観点 - Students' perspectives
Keyword(s) キーワード:
custom lessons, lesson, appointment, meeting