Presentation ID Number 発表ID:
Presenters & Author(s)発表者と著者:
David Campbell
Presentation title 発表標題:
How to Create a Self-Paced Listening Activity by combining the Lesson and Quiz Activities
Presentation type 提出原稿のタイプ: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation
Day & Time 日時: 土 Saturday 14:00 - 14:40
Location 場所: 104A
Presentation abstract 発表内容
Research has shown that giving learners control over when, where and how long they learn helps with motivation, but instructor set limits and goals are also necessary for many students. To supply these elements the grade condition feature of the restrict access settings was used to create a self-paced nine-week listening activity that combines the Lesson and Quiz activities. This presentation demonstrates the creation of the pre-listening exercises in the Lesson Module and the set up of the lesson flow that enables learners the ability to review material as many times as necessary before listening to the audio file. After passing a comprehension quiz students move on to the next set of pre-listening exercises in the activity. Moving between the pre-listening exercises, the audio file and comprehension quiz is controlled using the restrict access grade condition feature. The settings for this feature and the settings in the Quiz and Lesson activities will be outlined, taking into consideration the severity of the penalty applied to a question with multiple attempts in the question settings. If the penalty is too strict students can become discouraged.

Presentation topic(s) トピック:
Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keyword(s) キーワード:
Lesson Module, Quiz Module, restrict access settings, grade condition