Presentation ID Number 発表ID:
Presenters & Author(s)発表者と著者:
Peter Ruthven-Stuart (Future University Hakodate)
Presentation title 発表標題:
Setting up and running blended and fully online Moodle courses
Presentation type 提出原稿のタイプ: 達人コーナー Genius Bar
Day & Time 日時: 土 Saturday 09:30 - 16:30
Location 場所: ルーチェ Luce
Presentation abstract 発表内容
I can advise you how to set up and design Moodle courses for blended or fully online courses. I have been using Moodle for ten years, and in that time I have set up numerous Moodles and am now the administrator of four production Moodle systems. Currently, I use Moodle in blended learning settings, and also administer four fully online Moodle courses. I can show you how to use and integrate most of the standard activity and resource modules into your teaching. Furthermore, I can explain to you how to use various other course functions and features such as Groups and Groupings, Conditional Activities, the Gradebook and embedding multimedia. As a Moodle administrator, I can also give you some tips about how to run a Moodle system

Presentation topic(s) トピック:
Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings
学校以外の場所でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in non-traditional settings
Keyword(s) キーワード:
activity modules, resources modules, gradebook, conditional activites, groups, multimedia