Presentation ID Number 発表ID:
Presenters & Author(s)発表者と著者:
Martin Dougiamas (Moodle HQ)
Presentation title 発表標題:
Back to the Classroom (virtual presentation) 教室に戻って (遠隔講演)
Presentation type 提出原稿のタイプ: 基調公演 Keynote
Day & Time 日時: 日 Sunday 10:40 - 11:30
Location 場所: 三木ホール Miki Hall
Presentation abstract 発表内容

Moodle has become popular around the world but there are still many inefficiencies surrounding the ways it is being used. Those who use Moodle and develop Moodle are not only educators but designers and engineers, and as such we are concerned with increasing learning outcomes while reducing the effort being spent to achieve them.
Martin will talk about how Moodle HQ is focussing on three main areas of development to achieve this:
1) Moodle as a platform, with better systems for developing, distributing and maintaining plugins across installations.
2) Moodle community, including a wide range of tools for sharing ideas and content between users, both in teacher, administration and particularly research.
3) Moodle core improvements to make it a more powerful tool for research, including analytics and usability improvements as well as performance improvements. This is especially intended to improve learning research which in turn will guide future development of core and plugins.
In particular our research focus enables us to go "back to the classroom" to study what works and what doesn't, so that we can continue towards our goal of making computers become strong partners for our teachers and learners.

1) 開発や配布やプラグインの維持管理などについてバージョンを超えてより良いシステムとなるような、プラットフォームとしてのムードル
2) 教育、管理、特に研究に従事するユーザ間でアイディアやコンテンツを交換し合えるような広範囲なツールを含む、ムードルコミュニティー
3) 解析ツールや使用感の向上、パフォーマンスの向上などを含みムードルが研究活動にとってより強力なツールになるためのムードルコアの改善。これは特に学習研究活動の改善を目指すもので、その結果がまた将来的なコアプログラムやプラグインの開発を導くものになるのです。

Presentation topic(s) トピック:
Keyword(s) キーワード: