ID :
Original submission元の投稿 :

発表の題名: H5P Tasks for Communicative Language Practice

発表の種類: Workshop (90 mins) ワークショップ(90分)

発表の言語: English 英語

発表のキーワード: H5P, interactive content, communicative language teaching (CLT), language education

発表の要約: H5P is a content collaboration framework (a plugin for Moodle) that enables teachers to create interactive content including slideshows, interactive videos, games, branching scenarios, quizzes, and much more. In this workshop, attendees will first be introduced to a range of H5P content as they were designed to facilitate a first-year university-level English course rooted in the communicative language teaching (CLT) approach. Applications and limitations of H5P to enhance existing classroom activities such as information-gaps and dictations will be demonstrated on PC and mobile versions, as will a handful of entirely new language learning tasks made possible through H5P. Following demonstrations of the end user experience for a variety of content types, attendees will have the chance to build their own content in a dedicated Moodle course, as workshop leaders demonstrate how anyone, regardless of tech-savviness, can develop and share content that is engaging, eye-catching, and grounded in research. It is recommended that attendees bring their favorite device to interact with and create H5P content, and though most content is compatible on all browsers, please note that content involving automated speech recognition (ASR) is currently usable only on Google Chrome.

Title題名 : H5P Tasks for Communicative Language Practice
Type種類 : ワークショップ(90分)
Category部類 : 個人の発表
Language言語 : 英語
Abstract要約 :

H5P is a content collaboration framework (a plugin for Moodle) that enables teachers to create interactive content including slideshows, interactive videos, games, branching scenarios, quizzes, and much more. In this workshop, attendees will first be introduced to a range of H5P content as they were designed to facilitate a first-year university-level English course rooted in the communicative language teaching (CLT) approach. Applications and limitations of H5P to enhance existing classroom activities such as information-gaps and dictations will be demonstrated on PC and mobile versions, as will a handful of entirely new language learning tasks made possible through H5P. Following demonstrations of the end user experience for a variety of content types, attendees will have the chance to build their own content in a dedicated Moodle course, as workshop leaders demonstrate how anyone, regardless of tech-savviness, can develop and share content that is engaging, eye-catching, and grounded in research. It is recommended that attendees bring their favorite device to interact with and create H5P content, and though most content is compatible on all browsers, please note that content involving automated speech recognition (ASR) is currently usable only on Google Chrome.

Keywordsキーワード : H5P, interactive content, communicative language teaching (CLT), language education
Topicsトピック : Moodleの利用
Presentation times発表時間 : 2月27日(木)午前##2月27日(木)午後##2月28日(金)午前##2月28日(金)午後
Main presenter筆頭発表者 : Mr. Branden KIRCHMEYER カーシマイヤー ブランデン
Affiliation所属 : Sojo Univeristy 崇城大学 (Kumamoto, Japan)
EmailEメール :
Handout資料 :
Slidesスライド :
Commentsコメント :
Added by入力ユーザ : KIRCHMEYER Branden
Date added入力日付 : 2019年 10月 17日
Date modified更新日付 : 2019年 10月 30日
Message from the
Vetting Committee

Thanks for your submission!

Your proposal has been accepted.

  • Please remember to register for the conference (Presenter registrations).
  • Please be sure to have any co-presenters register as well.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference in February.

Peer review査読 :

Peer Review 1

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Peer Review 2

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Peer Review 3

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Submission status処理状況 : 承認
Schedule numberスケジュール番号 : 110-W
Schedule day開催予定日 : 2月 26日 (水)
Schedule time開催予定時刻 : 16: 20 - 17: 50
Schedule duration開催予定時間 : 90 分
Schedule room name開催予定室名 : 第1号室:辛子レンコン
Schedule room seats開催予定室名の坐整数 : undefined
Schedule audience聴講予定者 :