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Title題名 Review査読 Type種類 Language言語 Main presenter筆頭発表者 Abstract要約
203-P Using Moodle's database for student online profiles 80
Presentation (40 mins) English David C YOSHIBA
ヨシバ ディビッド

Demands for improved individualized attention to students' education have inspired some universities to introduce student profiles or portfolios to actively track students’ progress. These profiles often include such items as time spent studying abroad, proficiency test results, student goals, along with special interests and needs.

This presentation will introduce the Moodle database module and give example of how it can be used to create a confidential, self-reporting student profile system. It will describe how to ensure privacy for students. The two main purposes of this session are to introduce Moodle's database to beginning and intermediate users and to provide a demonstration of how to effectively use the database module for self-reporting projects where databases may be efficient.

The discussion will cover database basics, including how to navigate the database, how to design and construct the profile system's database and its interfaces for the student profiles, as well as the elements of HTML used to format the interfaces for this project. An annotated template will be supplied and explained. Attendees may use this template freely in their own projects.

The differences between profiles, such as the one presented in the presentation, and portfolio systems like Mahara will also be discussed. 

215-P ワークショップにおけるピアレビューのための独自のユーザロールの定義 89
Presentation (20 mins) Japanese Dr. Tetsuya OISHI
大石 哲也


323-P The role of Moodle Reader Settings in Motivating Students to Read 88
Presentation (40 mins) English Mr. David CAMPBELL
キャンベル デビッド

In an ideal world, our students would see the importance of reading English graded-readers as a way to improve their English and our extensive reading programs would all easily incorporate the ten principles set by Day and Bramford (1998). However, in reality, many of us teach reluctant readers who don’t want to read books; English or otherwise. This presentation will look at how the settings in MoodleReader (word count or points, restrict reading level, quizzes at the previous level, quizzes at the current level, quizzes at the next level, and reading rate) affect student motivation and behavior. The author will share what he has learned from 5 years of adjusting these settings in a 3-semester series of required courses. These setting adjustments were based on data generated from MoodleReader (word counts, book genre, passed and failed quiz count), but also from student feedback and observing student behavior when selecting books. Finally, the author will share some ideas for possible changes to the MoodleReader settings to give instructors more flexibility in motivating their reluctant readers.

Using the Moodle Database Module to Create Scaffolding Activities 73
Workshop (90 mins) English Mr. David CAMPBELL
キャンベル デビッド

This workshop will demonstrate how the database module can be used to create scaffolding activities to activate students’ world knowledge, to share topic-specific vocabulary, or to practice specific grammar patterns. Of course, some of this can be done with pencil and paper, but by using the database module it is easier to share the data among the students and the instructor can quickly use the information to pinpoint any problems the students may be having with the material. The instructor can also download this student data to create other activities that target points where students are having difficulty. The workshop will go step by step through the process of building a database module activity by looking a the basic settings and the different fields and views that are available. By the end of the workshop, the participants should have an exciting and engaging activity that they can use in their courses.

305-P A new Moodle quiz question type for speaking practice 92
Presentation (40 mins) English Mr. Paul DANIELS
ダニエルズ ポール

This presentation will guide participants on how to create speaking tasks using a Moodle quiz activity that can grade speech input using automated speech recognition (ASR) technology.

The presenter will first explain how to download and install the updated Moodle quiz speaking question type that was developed by the presenter. Participants will then be given access to a sample Moodle course where they can create their own speaking task in order to demo the sample speech engine and scoring algorithm.

This new Moodle quiz question type for speaking tasks uses Google’s ASR engine to transcribe students’ speech, which is compared to a target phrase and awarded a score based on how closely the phonemes in the student’s transcribed speech match the phonemes from the target phrase.

The presenter will show examples of both extensive and intensive speaking tasks that can be created within a Moodle course and explain how the speaking tasks can be used to augment traditional speaking activities.

This new speaking assessment question type is open source and can be downloaded from Github.com.

312-L MoodleMoot Global 2019の紹介 88
Lightning talk (10 mins) Japanese Mr. Yoshikazu ASADA
淺田 義和

2019年11月に、MoodleHQが主体となりスペインにてMoodleMoot Globalが開催された。初日はワークショップ、2日目・3日目は基調講演と一般演題という構成であった。ワークショップはプラグイン作成等の開発者向けとゲーミフィケーション等の教育者向けのものが存在していた。また、学生による「次世代のMoodle」に関するセッションなど、学習者の立場からの意見も共有される場となっていた。この他、今後のMoodleMoot Japanを検討するにあたり、有益な情報を整理・発表する。

240-P Moodleを用いた医学教育基盤システムの設計と運用 86
Presentation (40 mins) Japanese Mr. Yoshikazu ASADA
淺田 義和

医学教育では卒前・卒後でのコンピテンシーが統一化され、学部教育と初期臨床研修とのシームレス化が求められている。一方、コンピテンシー基盤型の学習についての支援方策は不十分である。自治医科大学では、Moodleを用いてJPAL(Jichi Personal Assessment system for Learners)と名付けた仕組みの運用を開始した。これにより、学生の総括的評価に加え、知識・技能・態度に関する形成的評価を行い、医師としてのコンピテンシー達成を自己および他者評価するための仕組みの整備を進めている。また、卒後も同一のシステムで学習履歴を管理できるようにし、卒前・卒後の連携を目指している。 2018年度ではこれを支援するためのプラグイン開発や利用支援教材の作成に着手し、2019年度はその運用と合わせ、初期臨床研修の評価表や学部教育要項の電子化、Moodleのコンピテンシー機能への登録なども進めている。本発表ではこれらの紹介と次年度以降の計画を述べる。なお、本研究は平成30年度厚生労働科学研究費補助金 政策科学総合研究事業の助成を受けている。

326-P eラーニングを指向したMoodle動画配信方式 92
Presentation (40 mins) Japanese Mr. Yasuhiko HIGAKI
檜垣 泰彦
Moodleeラーニングで利用する場合,動画の利用が重要なポイントとなるが,Moodleに備わっている機能だけでは十分ではない。それを補うための動画配信方式を設計・実装した。このようなeラーニング向け動画配信では,受講者だけに配信を限定する機能,ダウンロードを禁止する機能,動画を見たことを確認したり,先飛ばしして視聴をごまかすのを防いだりするための視聴管理機能,スマートフォン・タブレットも含む多様なデバイスやモバイル環境への対応,登録した動画の管理機能等が必要となる。これらの要件を満たすべく,AES共通鍵暗号化によるマルチビットHLS(HTTP Live Streaming)配信方式を採用し,FFmpegでトランスコードした動画セグメントファイルとプレイリストをもとにVideos.jsで再生する構成をとった。Moodle本体とは別に,動画セグメントを配信するためのHTTPサーバのみからなるシンプルな配信サーバと,アップロードされた動画をFFmpegによりHLSトランスコードしてSCORMパッケージを生成する動画登録用サイトを設けた。ユーザは動画をこのサイトに登録することで,配信に必要な共通鍵の所在とセグメントファイルの所在情報を含むSCORMパッケージをダウンロードすることができ,これをMoodleの活動として追加することで動画配信を利用する。またクッキーを用いて共通鍵を隠蔽する仕組みをとることで信頼性の高い限定配信機能を実現し,動画のダウンロードも困難とした。Moodleと連携しつつもMoodle本体との独立性が高く,Moodleのバージョンアップの影響を受けにくい構成を実現できた。
204-P Using the Moodle database module as an academic records system 96
Presentation (40 mins) English Prof. Gordon BATESON
ベイトソン ゴードン
The presentation will introduce a project to implement an academic records system using the Moodle database module. The standard behavior of the database module was modified using several "datafield" plugins developed by the presenter, as well as some ingenious use of HTML, Javascript and CSS in the database display templates. The online database was built to replace a paper based "Global Passport" that consisted of a cardboard folder containing details of English goals, English test results, English courses taken, and intercultural experience. The most challenging aspect of the system was to allow a Moodle administrator to import new data about TOEIC and CASEC test scores as it became available and have this data added to existing records in the database. Since the standard behavior of the database module is to assign the administrator as the owner of each imported record, it was necessary to implement a new field type that could merge the incoming data with currently existing records. The presenter will demonstrate how data is added to, and retrieved from, the database and explain how it will be used to build up an online portfolio of academic and other achievements related to each student's experience of learning and using English.
218-P moodleにおける全開講科目での授業アンケートの実施 79
Presentation (20 mins) Japanese Mr. Masaharu TERADA
寺田 将春
