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235-L Recent developments in the IVEProject 85
Lightning talk (10 mins) English Mr. Eric HAGLEY
ハグリー エリック

The International Virtual Exchange project has been presented on at MoodleMoots in the past. The project allows students studying English and/or intercultural studies to link with others around the world and practice the language they are studying in real-world communicative events. This lightning talk will give a brief update on some of the recent changes to the project and the role that Moodle has played in them. It will focus on the forum and the questionnaire modules in addition to the database module as these have been instrumental in ensuring the ongoing development of the project. This past year over 6000 students from 12 countries have participated in the exchange. More will be joining in the coming years.

233-L - Making "Common English Errors" Less Common 91
Lightning talk (10 mins) English Mr. John C. HERBERT
ジョン ハーバート

Moodle is an excellent platform for recycling language practice that helps students master the areas of language learning where they would otherwise make repeated mistakes. Furthermore, the TaskChain module provides a unique tool for facilitating such practice in a variety of creative ways through multiple output formats. The presenters will share an example of this through their supplementary Moodle course that was used to promote the repeated practice of finding and correcting common errors that Japanese students make in English. The course is downloadable from the MAJ Showcase.

313-P Moodle MobileAppに対応した出欠Pluginの開発 88
Presentation (40 mins) Japanese Mr. Kenichi MIURA
三浦 謙一
Moodleに新しい機能を追加する方法として、Plugin技術が用意されているが、これまでは通常のMoodleでのみ動作すれば良かった。しかし、現在リリースされているMoodle MobileApp(スマホアプリ)でも動作するPluginの開発には、非常に難しい技術が必要である。Moodle3.4までは、Angular JS、Ionic、Remote add-on用Zip等の難易度の高い技術を使用する必要があった。しかし、Moodle3.5からは、JavaScript、PHP、Mustache Template等を使った新方式が提供され、従来よりは難易度が下がっている。現状、Moodle.orgでもMobileAppに対応したPluginはまだ少ない状況であり、この開発手法を含めて、まだまだ普及しているとは言えない。我々は、実際にこの新手法を使ってMobileApp対応の「出欠モジュールPlugin」を作成することにより、MobileApp対応の開発手法を広めると共にスマホアプリによるMoodleの活用を広げることができると考える。
239-P Roundtable: Expectations for Learning Analytics Development in Moodle 99
Presentation (40 mins) English Prof. Hideto HARASHIMA
原島 秀人

In the last MoodleMoot Japan we presented on the basic ideas of implementing learning analytics and its tools to Moodle. We introduced some built-in analytics tools, plugins to install, and other external tools including an original plugin being developed by one of us. We also showed ways to conduct student-initiated analytics reporting activities. In this presentation, we will introduce some current development in Moodle learning analytics studies including activities of Moodle LA Working Group at Moodle.org. Then we will invite the audience into roundtable discussion on what we expect in regard to learning analytics with Moodle. The discussion agenda will include questions such as “What kind of data do we want?”, “How do we want them to be represented graphically?”, “What kind of LA plugins do we want developed?”, and “How can we apply the analytics to improving our lessons?”. Our team will answer questions, absorb participants’ opinions and requests, and adopt them to our research agenda or/and convey them to Moodle LA Working Group. We will mostly use English in the discussion, but opinions in Japanese are more than welcome.    

308-P Explicit Grammatical Feedback for Moodle Quiz Items 94
Presentation (20 mins) English Prof. Brad VISGATIS
ヴィスゲイティス ブラッド

This presentation reports results from an experiment that used the item feedback option in quiz questions to evaluate the impact of explicit direct grammatical feedback on attainment. The experiment targeted two clearly defined English grammatical functions. The first was past versus the present particles. The second was appropriate forms for comparatives and superlatives.

The participants consisted of 1st and 2nd year students drawn from an intensive English program at a mid-sized university. Participants were divided into two, balanced groups (control and experimental) based upon TOEIC scores.

A pre-test was administered to evaluate student knowledge of participles. Then, participants answered a series of 75 multiple choice questions where the correct answer was either the past- or present-participle form. For the control group, generic item feedback (e.g., "Good job!"; "Try harder! You can do it!") was given in Japanese. Conditions for the experimental group varied only in that feedback for incorrect answers consisted of an explicit explanation in Japanese as to why their choice was incorrect. A post-test was then administered to measure gain. For the second grammatical function, the experimental and control groups were reversed, and participants followed the same steps as for the first function (pre-test, answering a series of questions in moodle, post-test). ANOVA were used to evaluate differences between groups.

Results from the analyses, implications for use of the feedback options in moodle, and advice for setting feedback options will be discussed.
228-P A Study of the Recent Increase in Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT) Administrative Staff using Moodle 79
Presentation (20 mins) English Mr. Keisuke TAMAI
玉井 啓介

An increasing number of Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT) administrative staff have begun using Moodle since 2015. We find their Moodle-use can be largely categorized as: 

a) Providing a way for faculty/staff members who are absent from on-campus training to view training videos.

b) Collecting honest feedback on "Center of Community (COC)," and other KIT projects.

c) Providing a way for faculty and staff to submit monthly reports and other documents. 

Although Moodle has increased the ease and accessibility of tasks in these three categories, we have received complaints and suggestions from administrative staff. For instance, what they are interested the most in is "how to contact those who have NOT completed activities, such as feedback module, quiz module, and assignment module." However, the contacting methods are different among these modules, which sometimes makes them annoyed. For this reason, it should be meaningful to analyze and discuss the complaints and suggestions from administrator staff, rather than faculty or students. I would like to introduce as many cases as time allows.

217-L Bulk Reset Plugin: MAJ R& D Project 87
Lightning talk (10 mins) English Mr. Adam JENKINS
ジェンキンズ アダム

In Moodles where the administration is done by a sole sysadmin, there are many tasks that need to be completed in a speedy and efficient manner. For courses that are to be reused, a course reset can be necessary each semester or annually. For small sites, this is not difficult, but for sites with 100+ courses, the lone sysadmin can find doing reset after reset enormously tedious and time consuming, at a time of year when time is scarce. The Bulk Reset plugin, developed using an R&D grant from the Moodle Association of Japan, solves this problem by giving administrators the ability to schedule resets for multiple courses which are then carried out as a scheduled task. Courses can be chosen from a list or alternately, entire categories can be selected. Next, the administrator selects the options for what content and activities should be reset on a single page. The resets can be timed so that the server executes them at a time when server load is minimal. This plugin has the potential to save administrators hours if not days in the weeks before a new semester.

327-P 大学教職員向けMoodle導入事例 88
Presentation (20 mins) Japanese Prof. Noriko ASAMOTO
浅本 紀子


316-P - Can-Doを視覚化するプラグイン「あの人みたいになりたいサー」 89
Presentation (20 mins) Japanese Prof. Shinya OZAWA
大澤 真也


本発表ではCan-Do調査の結果を視覚化して学生に提示するために開発を行ったMoodleプラグインを紹介する。本プラグイン「あの人みたいになりたいサー(仮称)」は、学生がCan-Do項目を自己評価することによって、他の学生との比較および将来目指している職業に就いた学生との比較をレーダーチャートの形態で視覚化し、回答時点で未習得のスキルは何かを知ることができる。 学生はMoodleのフィードバックモジュールと同様の形態で回答でき、データのエクスポート、インポート機能も備えている。その他の具体的な機能については発表当日に報告する。

234-P Moodle vs. Textbooks: competitor or complement 78
Presentation (20 mins) English Mr. Adam JENKINS
ジェンキンズ アダム

In university English education, textbooks and coursebooks often form the framework around which the syllabus is designed. However with the advent of e-learning systems such as Moodle, questions regarding the role of textbooks versus the role of content provided online have emerged. Although anticipated by some, language textbooks have failed to become obsolete. To the contrary, language textbooks have evolved relatively slowly, starting with the addition of a CD-ROM or DVD to add multimedia content to the book and progressing towards the online content that has just recently become more common. Still, the content and types of activities within the books and accompanying online activities tend to remain unchanged. In this presentation I will explore the role of the textbook in an environment that includes Moodle, and the implications for syllabus and textbook design. This will include discussion of what kinds of activities are appropriate for each medium and consideration of what the ideal textbook might be for a teacher with a Moodle.