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Actions実行 Schedule
Title題名 Review査読 Type種類 Language言語 Main presenter筆頭発表者 Abstract要約
321-S アマゾン ウェブ サービス(AWS)
Lunch seminar (60 mins) Japanese Amazon Web Services
アマゾン ウェブ サービス(AWS)
106-W Extending Moodle Advanced Workshop
Workshop (90 mins) English Mr. Jason HOLLOWELL
ホロウェル ジェイソン

In this workshop, intermediate to advanced Moodle users will be introduced to a heavily modified version of the Face to Face module. We will briefly walk through the modifications made from both the web browser perspective and at the php code level. This module allows meeting, lesson, etc. sessions to be setup with the following conditions and settings:

1. Allows for multiple reservations within one instance of face to face (multiplession version)
2. Allows for a maximum number of reservations per one month, or other predetermined, period (adjustable via in module setting)
3. Allows for reservation lock if students miss more than a set number of sessions (without canceling)
4. Removes the ability to cancel from one hour prior to the start of the session with a direct contact (via phone) message displayed.
5. Prevents users from making more than a set number of reservations per day (adjustable via in module setting)
6. Has customized attendance settings to enable #3 above to function

An existing Moodle instance will be used for demonstration and some hands on experience purposes but participants are strongly encouraged to bring their own devices, ideally with a preinstalled local instance of Moodle if possible. Please visit the Moodle.org downloads page to obtain a MAMP or XAMPP version for MacOS or Windows. Please use a version between 3.5 and 3.8 for this workshop. A copy of the modified module will be provided and participants will be guided through the installation and setup process. By experimenting with this modified version of a contributed Moodle module, participants will gain experience that enables them to experiment with modifying or tweaking Moodle capabilities thus empowering them to customize the platform to their needs.

Urkund - An Efficient, Accurate, and User Friendly Plagiarism Checker from Sweden
Lightning talk (10 mins) English Henning Sall
サール ヘニング

Urkund is an anti plagiarism system focused on one thing; To provide teachers with the most efficient tool for identifying plagiarism. Since 2000, Urkund's mission has been to promote original thinking and improve education quality globally. Today, Urkund has grown to be the second largest anti plagiarism system globally. In February 2020, European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI) awarded Urkund as the world's most user friendly, efficient, and accurate anti plagiarism system.