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発表の題名: Explicit Grammatical Feedback for Moodle Quiz Items

発表の種類: Presentation (20 mins) プレゼンテーション(20分)

発表の言語: English 英語

発表のキーワード: feedback, grammar

発表の要約: This presentation reports results from an experiment that used the item feedback option in quiz questions to evaluate the impact of explicit direct grammatical feedback on attainment. The experiment targeted two clearly defined English grammatical functions. The first was past versus the present particles. The second was appropriate forms for comparatives and superlatives. The participants consisted of 1 st and 2 nd year students drawn from an intensive English program at a mid-sized university. Participants were divided into two, balanced groups (control and experimental) based upon TOEIC scores. A pre-test was administered to evaluate student knowledge of participles. Then, participants answered a series of 75 multiple choice questions where the correct answer was either the past- or present-participle form. For the control group, generic item feedback (e. g. , "Good job! "; "Try harder! You can do it! ") was given in Japanese. Conditions for the experimental group varied only in that feedback for incorrect answers consisted of an explicit explanation in Japanese as to why their choice was incorrect. A post-test was then administered to measure gain. For the second grammatical function, the experimental and control groups were reversed, and participants followed the same steps as for the first function (pre-test, answering a series of questions in moodle, post-test). ANOVA were used to evaluate differences between groups. Results from the analyses, implications for use of the feedback options in moodle, and advice for setting feedback options will be discussed.

Title題名 : Explicit Grammatical Feedback for Moodle Quiz Items
Type種類 : プレゼンテーション(20分)
Category部類 : 個人の発表
Language言語 : 英語
Abstract要約 :

This presentation reports results from an experiment that used the item feedback option in quiz questions to evaluate the impact of explicit direct grammatical feedback on attainment. The experiment targeted two clearly defined English grammatical functions. The first was past versus the present particles. The second was appropriate forms for comparatives and superlatives.

The participants consisted of 1st and 2nd year students drawn from an intensive English program at a mid-sized university. Participants were divided into two, balanced groups (control and experimental) based upon TOEIC scores.

A pre-test was administered to evaluate student knowledge of participles. Then, participants answered a series of 75 multiple choice questions where the correct answer was either the past- or present-participle form. For the control group, generic item feedback (e.g., "Good job!"; "Try harder! You can do it!") was given in Japanese. Conditions for the experimental group varied only in that feedback for incorrect answers consisted of an explicit explanation in Japanese as to why their choice was incorrect. A post-test was then administered to measure gain. For the second grammatical function, the experimental and control groups were reversed, and participants followed the same steps as for the first function (pre-test, answering a series of questions in moodle, post-test). ANOVA were used to evaluate differences between groups.

Results from the analyses, implications for use of the feedback options in moodle, and advice for setting feedback options will be discussed.
Keywordsキーワード : feedback, grammar
Topicsトピック : Moodleの利用
Presentation times発表時間 : 2月27日(木)午前##2月27日(木)午後##2月28日(金)午前##2月28日(金)午後
Main presenter筆頭発表者 : Prof. Brad VISGATIS ヴィスゲイティス ブラッド
Affiliation所属 : Osaka International University 大阪国際大学 (Osaka, Japan)
EmailEメール :
Handout資料 :
Slidesスライド :
Commentsコメント :
Added by入力ユーザ : VISGATIS Brad
Date added入力日付 : 2019年 10月 31日
Date modified更新日付 : 2020年 02月 19日
Message from the
Vetting Committee

Thanks for your submission!

Your proposal has been accepted.

  • Please remember to register for the conference (Presenter registrations).
  • Please be sure to have any co-presenters register as well.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference in February.

Peer review査読 :

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Peer Review 2

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Peer Review 3

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Submission status処理状況 : キャンセルされた
Schedule numberスケジュール番号 : 308-P
Schedule day開催予定日 :
Schedule time開催予定時刻 :
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Schedule room seats開催予定室名の坐整数 :
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