ID :
Original submission元の投稿 :

発表の題名: Setting up Moodle on a VPS

発表の種類: Presentation (40 mins) プレゼンテーション(40分)

発表の言語: English 英語

発表のキーワード: Installation, Hosting, VPS

発表の要約: Many think they need special skills to use a VPS (Virtual Private Server), not true. Can you copy and paste? If you can use Facebook, then you can set up a VPS and install Moodle and not worry about any limits. You can customize everything to your needs and liking. The presenter will talk about the pros and cons of maintaining your own VPS and Moodle site. This presenter will show how simple it is. The presenter will go through the steps needed and explain the requirements needed to have a Moodle site for 100 concurrent users up and running in less than 2 hours. The topics will also include setting up a firewall and a free SSL certificate, to help keep all data private and secure. The presentation will also show you some simple commands to help you update and maintain your VPS and Moodle site.

Title題名 : Setting up Moodle on a VPS
Type種類 : プレゼンテーション(40分)
Category部類 : 個人の発表
Language言語 : 英語
Abstract要約 :
If your institution doesn’t offer a Moodle for you, then this might be for you. Many think they need special skills to use a VPS (Virtual Private Server), but this is not true. Can you copy and paste? If so then you can set up a VPS and install Moodle and not worry about any limits. The presenter will talk about the pros and cons of maintaining your own VPS and Moodle site. The presenter will show how simple it is. The presenter will go through the steps needed and explain the requirements needed to have a Moodle site for 100 concurrent users up and running in less than 2 hours. The topics will also include setting up a firewall and a free SSL certificate, to help keep all data private and secure. Also, there will be some information about customization and its benefits as well as the pitfalls. The presentation will also show you some simple commands to help you update and maintain your VPS and Moodle site.
Keywordsキーワード : Installation, Hosting, VPS
Topicsトピック : Moodleの利用
Presentation times発表時間 : 2月27日(木)午前##2月27日(木)午後##2月28日(金)午後
Main presenter筆頭発表者 : Bill WHITE ホワイト ビル
Affiliation所属 : Kindai University 近畿大学 (Kobe, Japan)
EmailEメール :
Handout資料 :
Slidesスライド :
Commentsコメント :
Added by入力ユーザ : WHITE Bill
Date added入力日付 : 2019年 11月 10日
Date modified更新日付 : 2020年 01月 13日
Message from the
Vetting Committee

Thanks for your submission!

Your proposal has been accepted.

  • Please remember to register for the conference (Presenter registrations).
  • Please be sure to have any co-presenters register as well.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference in February.

Peer review査読 :

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Peer Review 2

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Peer Review 3

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Submission status処理状況 : 承認
Schedule numberスケジュール番号 : 303-P
Schedule day開催予定日 : 2月 28日 (金)
Schedule time開催予定時刻 : 10: 10 - 10: 20
Schedule duration開催予定時間 : 10 分
Schedule room name開催予定室名 : 第6号室:東肥赤酒
Schedule room seats開催予定室名の坐整数 : undefined
Schedule audience聴講予定者 :