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Original submission元の投稿 :

発表の題名: Optimizing Learners’ Critical Thinking in Online Collaborative Writing through WIKI-Moodle

発表の種類: Presentation (20 mins) プレゼンテーション(20分)

発表の言語: English 英語

発表のキーワード: critical thinking, collaborative writing, online learning, Wiki-Moodle

発表の要約: Writing collaboration in small groups has great potential to help learners learn and grow in significant ways. They can be more productive from the collaborative process than they do themselves. Moreover, they can build their confidence, pride, and a sense of accomplishment. Moodle as a learning management system (LMS) has provided many online applications that can be used to facilitate students in improving their writing skills, including discussion forum, quiz, and wiki. This study aims at discussing the benefits of Wiki-Moodle for online collaborative writing activities and describing the process of distance learners’ collaborative writing at Writing III Course of Universitas Terbuka (UT) Indonesia. A qualitative approach was conducted in this research through a literature study and an observation. This study involved 29 learners of the English Education Program of UT. The results of this study show that Wiki-based learning activities and discussion forums through Moodle are very effective in improving learners' writing skills and giving them experiences interacting with other learners. Moreover, they are satisfied with the feedback received from their peers.

Title題名 : Optimizing Learners’ Critical Thinking in Online Collaborative Writing through WIKI-Moodle
Type種類 : プレゼンテーション(20分)
Category部類 : 個人の発表
Language言語 : 英語
Abstract要約 :

Online collaborative writing (OCW) in small groups has great potential to help learners enhance their writing skills in significant ways. Moreover, they can be more productive from working as parts of a collaborative process than working alone. Moodle as a learning management system (LMS) has provided many online applications that can be used to facilitate students in improving their writing skills, including discussion forum, quiz, and wiki. This study aims at discussing the difference between using the discussion forum and wiki-Moodle, the benefits of Wiki-Moodle for the OCW activities, and describing the process of distance learners’ OCW at Writing III Course of Universitas Terbuka (UT) Indonesia. This study conducted a qualitative approach through a literature study and an observation, involving twenty-nine learners of English Education Program of UT. The results of this study show that Wiki-based learning activities integrated in Moodle are very effective in improving learners' writing skills. The OCW activities have also given them experiences to interact with other learners and the instructor through the online platform. Another benefit of the OCW activities is increasing learners’ critical thinking while they are working on the OCW. Furthermore, the survey results show that the learners are satisfied with the feedback received from their peers.


Keywordsキーワード : critical thinking, collaborative writing, online learning, Wiki-Moodle
Topicsトピック : Moodleの利用
Presentation times発表時間 : 2月27日(木)午後
Main presenter筆頭発表者 : Dr. Lidwina Sri ARDIASIH
Affiliation所属 : Universitas Terbuka Indonesia (Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia)
EmailEメール :
Handout資料 :
Slidesスライド :
Commentsコメント :

Added by入力ユーザ : ARDIASIH Lidwina
Date added入力日付 : 2019年 11月 15日
Date modified更新日付 : 2019年 12月 20日
Message from the
Vetting Committee

Thanks for your submission!

Your proposal has been accepted.

  • Please remember to register for the conference (Presenter registrations).
  • Please be sure to have any co-presenters register as well.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference in February.

Peer review査読 :

Peer Review 1

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Peer Review 2

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Peer Review 3

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Submission status処理状況 : 承認
Schedule numberスケジュール番号 : 232-P
Schedule day開催予定日 : 2月 27日 (木)
Schedule time開催予定時刻 : 15: 30 - 15: 40
Schedule duration開催予定時間 : 10 分
Schedule room name開催予定室名 : 第1号室:辛子レンコン
Schedule room seats開催予定室名の坐整数 : undefined
Schedule audience聴講予定者 :