Tomoya SAITO
Innovation Name:プラグインの名前:
YU Kaltura Media Plugin for Atto
Innovation Description:目的・機能の説明:


Tomoya SAITO, Yue WANG, and Katsumi TADAMURA

(Yamaguchi University)



We have developed the "YU Kaltura Media Package" that is a series of Moodle plugins in order to integrate the Moodle and the Kaltura (video platform). We have previously developed activity and resource plugins. But, users cannot embed their media (images, audio, and video) into the traditional Moodle content (for example, page, label, forum. assignment, question, and so on).

This is a sub-plugin for the "Atto Text Editor". Users (teachers/students) can choose a media from their media gallery (list of uploaded media), and embed it into a text area of the text editor. Additionally, user can upload/record new media, and embed the media into the text-area. By using this plugin, users can embed their media into various resources and activities.


[Supported Moodle versions]

Moodle 2.9-3.8

Download or GIT repository link:ダウンロード/GITリポジトリのリンク:
Demo Site:デモサイト:
Plugins Directory Link:Moodle プラグインディレクトリリンク
