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Actions実行 Schedule
Title題名 Review査読 Type種類 Language言語 Main presenter筆頭発表者 Abstract要約
311-P 医学生の実技の練習、互いの評価、及び自動解析ツールとしてのMoodle 78
Presentation (40 mins) Japanese Dr. Hiroshi MIHARA
三原 弘







209-P 遠隔授業の増加に伴うMoodleシステムの性能強化ならびに利用状況の変化 84
Presentation (20 mins) Japanese Mr. Tomoya SAITO
齊藤 智也

山口大学ではプライベート・クラウド上にMoodleを構築し,全学向けの授業支援システムとして運用している。新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大の影響により,Moodleの利用科目数及び同時利用者数は著しく増加した。これに伴い,4月下旬には4台のWebサーバのうち2台が過負荷で停止する等,システムの性能不足が顕著となった。そこで我々は,Webサーバ及び共有ディスクの増強等,システムの性能改善に取り組んだ。発表の前半では,性能改善の状況及びサーバの負荷状況について報告する。前年度との比較では,利用コース数は400未満から1500以上に,最大同時利用者数は200名程度から1000名以上に増加した。発表の後半では,授業で活用されるコンテンツや小テストの問題の変化を含め, Moodleの利用状況の変化について報告する。また,受講生がMicrosoft WordからMoodleのテキストエディタに文章を貼り付けるために,評定画面では文章の一部が表示されない不具合や,教師が極めてデータ量の多い問題を作成するために,受講生のPCでは小テストの問題が正常に表示されない不具合が生じている。このような,利用科目数の増加及びコンテンツの拡充によって新たに生じた課題についても報告する。

302-P 同時双方向型遠隔授業と共生させる Moodle サイトの活用事例 87
Presentation (90 mins) Japanese Mr. Masumi KAMEDA
亀田 真澄

COVID-19 により、理工系大学の初年次科目において「教育変革(EdTech)」(高等教育における「デジタル事業変革(DX)」)が本格的に始まった。この変革では理工系大学で設定・統一された Web 会議システム(Zoom Webinar/Meetings)を使用して、担当教員の運用下で少人数制クラスの履修生(15~90人)がオンライン授業を聴講し、かつ同時に質疑応答を行った学修環境である。この学修環境に約10年使用し続けている Moodle サイトをオンライン授業(同時双方向型)により高度に融合させて運用させた。例えば、「個人学習とグループ学習の連携」に対応させた電子掲示板(Forum)機能の利活用、「授業内学習と授業外学習の連携」に対応させたオンライン小テスト(Quiz)機能の利活用、「2次元形式の数式」に対応させたチャット(Chat)機能の利活用が実践された。さらに Moodle サイトの「エビデンス(受験結果・活動ログなど)に基づいた学習データ分析」の事例などを紹介する。

222-L 医療者教育学を学ぶ社会人大学院生によるMoodle上での協働学習の促進を目指して 83
Lightning talk (10 mins) Japanese Kaho HAYAKAWA
早川 佳穂


305-P Moodle Functions that Aid Emergency Remote Teaching of Presentation Skills 89
Presentation (40 mins) English Mr. Matthew COTTER
コッター マシュー

Being thrust into the 2020 Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) setting, the teaching of an Oral Presentation class for university second-year English majors had to undergo many changes.  With the live interaction of a classroom environment between speaker and audience being taken away, systems that were taken for granted in face-to-face classes had to be rethought.  Various Moodle functions were utilized for feedback, assessment, coaching, learning activities and even basic communication between teachers and students.

1. Video Assessment Module (VAM) for recording interactive peer and teacher feedback, and b) skill awareness.
2.Communication methods (synchronous and asynchronous) within Moodle such as the Comments Block and Mobile Quickmail JPN.
3. Tools for independent learning such as  flipped Moodle quizzes to be completed on demand that taught, tested and revised certain presentation skills.

Adoption of these functions, all of which are available on Moodle Association of Japan Showcase, resulted in pragmatic skill development for live oral presentations. They also encouraged students to remain engaged with the class content while learning in a totally remote classroom environment.   
205-P 表に配置された知識からGIFT形式の設問を生成する知識グリッドパッケージ 74
Presentation (20 mins) Japanese Prof. Daiji ENDŌ
遠藤 大二


206-C Moodleを活用した救急隊員への教育実践例~Moodle未経験者の挑戦~ 87
Case study (20 mins) Japanese Ms. Hirona OKUDAIRA
奥平 寛奈



230-P Extensive Multimedia Language Practice: Moodle Quizzes, Google, YouTube and other sites 87
Presentation (40 mins) English Mr. Bob GETTINGS
ゲティングス R. E.

The Moodle Quiz Activity is perfect for managing extensive listening, reading, writing and speaking practice for language learning. In particular, using bulk upload to import hundreds of questions at a time with csv text files in the GIFT or other import formats can stock your course with lots of material for drill, practice and communicative activities. You can simply design complex materials with the Essay, Auto Grade Essay and Embedded Answers (cloze) Question Types. Google Drive or YouTube can embed media rich materials in Moodle questions that would otherwise put a burden on your server or be too large to meet your Moodle's maximum file upload size limit. Free use or creative commons materials media can be used to avoid copyright problems. A few Moodle Quiz class management and grading techniques can simplify your work load so that your students are getting the practice - not you!

This "show and tell" style presentation will outline the possibilities of doing extensive language practice with Moodle and provide links for participants to download categories of pre-prepared questions.

220-P Improving the Moodle Database activity 92
Presentation (40 mins) English Mr. David CAMPBELL
キャンベル デビッド

The database activity is one of the oldest activities in Moodle, and it is one of the most flexible and powerful modules. However, it is one of the more difficult modules for Moodle users to master due to the challenging interface and the knowledge of databases and templates required to use it effectively. This project identified the problem areas in both the database activities' UI and UX and developed possible solutions. Wherever possible, we had prototypes created for the features that we felt needed to be improved. In this presentation, we will demonstrate the prototypes and explain the thinking behind the improvements. We will also explain how we plan to have the Moodle Users Association accept our work as one of their projects. The goal is to have the changes funded by the MUA and implemented by the Moodle HQ development team.

226-P Creating a Clean Interface for Group-Specific Activities and Resources 78
Presentation (20 mins) English Mr. Andy JOHNSON
ジョンソン アンディ

If you want to give students access to a specific version of an activity or resource based on group membership, this can be achieved by creating multiple versions of the activity or resource and making appropriate settings in the "restrict access" part of the activity's settings page. However, especially with large numbers of groups, having many versions of an activity can result in a cluttered interface for teachers. A technique to separate the clutter using Moodle's auto-linking function will be illustrated using the presenters' Moodle course where each group was provided with a URL resource to a Google Doc.