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Actions実行 Schedule
Title題名 Review査読 Type種類 Language言語 Main presenter筆頭発表者 Abstract要約
313-P S-P表分析プラグインの開発報告と自作プラグインの紹介 94
Presentation (20 mins) Japanese Mr. Mitsuru UDAGAWA
宇田川 暢



304-P Developing a Multi-Lingual On-demand Curriculum for English Communication Classes 85
Presentation (40 mins) English Mr. Thom RAWSON
ローソン トム
For many educators, 2020 forced a dramatic swing from blended in-person classes to completely online and also on-demand classes. This presentation will show how teachers at a private university in southwestern Japan collaboratively developed on-demand lessons for students in English communication courses held during the fall semester of 2020. During the summer of 2020 in preparation for fall classes, four university teachers designed a curriculum, prepared scripted interludes, created multilingual slideshows, recorded and produced course guidance videos, implemented self-access on-demand Moodle courses, integrated Pearson's MyMobileWorld textbook companion website, and also Microsoft's FlipGrid video forums to deliver a 100% on-demand curriculum across nine introductory English classes. Lessons learned by the team in a separate JSPS KAKEN research project about Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), the previous experience gained in self-access content design and development was used to fill the need created by the global pandemic. The presenters will report on the processes for building the online curriculum, the implementation of the courses, the processes for grading assignments and activities, and the resulting outcomes at the end.
208-P コロナ禍における愛媛大学Moodleの運用事例 90
Presentation (20 mins) Japanese Prof. Kazuhiro URA
裏 和宏


213-P Performance Assessment: Strengths and Weaknesses of Moodle Approaches 67
Presentation (40 mins) English Dr. Bordin Chinda
チンダー ボルディン

Performance-based assessment includes classroom-based assessment of presentations, skill demonstrations, role-plays, drama, composition, teaching/nursing practice, interviews in English language classes, and other live performances. The presentation will demonstrate how performance-based assessment could make use of Moodle as a main assessment tool, especially in self and peer assessment, as well as teacher assessment. One case study of a student role-play performance assessment in an English for Hotel and Tourism course, which employed Moodle as the main assessment tool, will be presented with the focus on the weaknesses and strengths of employing Moodle as the main assessment tool. In this case,  Moodle’s rubric designer was employed in the assessment process for recorded performances of two persons on zoom. This is compared with a second method where three teachers view the same performance live, record their scores on a paper rubric, then transfer the grades into a Moodle assignment.  We will compare both standard modules (for example, forum, workshop, assignment) and custom modules (for example, video assessment module) and give recommendations. Finally, the weaknesses of current module design will lead to a brainstorm of suggestions for future application development.

228-P Best Open Courseware of Japan 73
Presentation (40 mins) English Mr. Don HINKELMAN
ヒンクルマン ダン

This presentation showcases the best open courseware available in Japan from the past five years. In addition, this is an MAJ R&D grant report on the progress of development of the Showcase website and a workshop where participants can upload their favorite course for open sharing. In 2020, MAJ combined both Innovations Awards and Open Courseware Awards in one site and called it the Showcase. Participants in this course will have the opportunity to learn five easy steps to upload a course into the Showcase during the presentation. In addition, we will demonstrate three specific programing objectives for improving the Showcase for this year as covered in the 2020 grant:

·      Download Counting Block and Subject-specific course promotion: This block provides a listing of courses based on the amount of downloads, including top ten downloads, top ten science and math courses, top ten highly reviewed courses, and courses just added.

·      Combining course versions and reviews: This allows teachers to upload improvements and new additions, and combine the new courses with their older versions.

·      Moodle Upgrades and Roadmap to Moodle 4.0: This involves systematic testing on various browsers as well and new Moodle versions 3.10, 3.11, and beyond.

231-P Moodle利用による全科目の遠隔授業対応 85
Presentation (20 mins) Japanese Takahiro KAGOYA
篭谷 隆弘


内容は多岐に亘るが、特に利用者が従来の何倍にも増加したことに伴って、サーバシステム資源の増強のみならず利用者支援の強化も必要となった。基本的なログイン方法から教師のコース内でのリソースや活動の登録方法、ユーザの活動履歴の確認方法などについて、マニュアルを整備したうえで研修会を実施した。また多くの授業で、オンデマンドによる授業資料の配布のみならず、リアルタイムのビデオ会議や動画解説を併用することとなったため、Moodleに加え、Microsoft 365TeamsStreamを併用する具体的な方法についても研修会や動画にて説明を行った。その後のログの集計による利用状況の概観と合わせて報告する。

312-P Learning Analytics and Emergency Remote Teaching 78
Presentation (40 mins) English Prof. Hideto HARASHIMA
原島 秀人
During the pandemic-ridden academic year 2020, the way the three presenters taught classes has changed dramatically. One of us had taught in “HyFlex” (synchronization of online and F2F) format until fall and switched to a completely online format in winter. Another one has taught with totally on-demand style in spring and hybrid style in fall. The third one has taught 100% live online classes in spring and a mixture of live online and on-demand classes in fall. Through these drastic changes in teaching formats over the year, we have investigated how our students have managed to follow the lessons. Moodle has various learning analytics plugins. We have presented about these tools and other plugins such as IntelliBoard in the previous Moots. In this presentation, we will focus on the access data and will report how students reached the Moodle courses during the Emergency Remote Teaching period. We will show comparative log data from both before and after the impact of the global pandemic. We will also introduce a new web analytics tool called “Matomo (formerly Piwik)” that was recently integrated with our Moodle sites. Various data (device and location, for example) reveal many facts about the reality of students’ learning that are hidden to the naked eyes of educators.
223-L クラウドサービスMicrosoft 365 を活用したMoodleの全学的導入に向けての取り組み 83
Lightning talk (10 mins) Japanese Ms. Chieko KOMODA
智恵子 菰田

国立高等専門学校機構に所属する全国51 高専においては、Microsoft365 のアカウントが全学生・教職員に配布されている。授業は基本的には対面で行われているが、Microsoft Teams をプラットフォームとして一部遠隔授業も実施している。Teamsを補強するために、202011月より、Moodleの試験的な導入を開始した。本校の学生数は千人程度であるが、Microsoft365 のアカウントで学生の一括登録を行ない、Moodleに容易にログインすることを可能にした。また、MoodleのプラグインStackを導入し確認テストや定期試験に利用するなど、4月からの本格導入に向けての取り組みを行った。

317-P 物理のオンライン授業におけるH5P,STACK,Essay (auto-grade) の活用 99
Presentation (40 mins) Japanese Dr. Jun SAITO
斉藤 準

2020年度後期に行った物理学の講義型科目におけるオンライン授業の実践から,特にH5Pのインタラクティブ・ビデオを用いたオンデマンド講義動画の配信と進捗・出欠管理,およびSTACK問題タイプとEssay (auto-grade) 問題タイプを用いたオンライン試験の実施と採点の省力化について紹介する。


オンライン試験は同期型とし,不正対策として,数値や係数,文字に対するSTACKのランダム変数を用いて,学生各自に異なる問題セットが出題されるようにした。また,Essay (auto-grade) で資料やネット記事のコピペでは対応の難しい記述式問題を出題した。いずれも部分点を含め自動採点とした。


216-L Moodleでの匿名の非同期協調学習 89
Lightning talk (10 mins) Japanese Mr. Saburo HIGUCHI
樋口 三郎

Web上の学習でforumを匿名にすると投稿が活発になることがあるという観察が以前からあった. 2020年度のオンライン授業下では, 学生教員1対1でのみ見えるチャットで質問が活発になったという感想が語られている.

Moodleでは, ケイパビリティの設定で活動を匿名にできる場合がある. この発表では, 匿名にする様々な方法を比較・説明するとともに, 非同期オンライン授業でダブルブラインドWorkshopと匿名Open forumを協調学習に使用した際の学習者の行動の観察結果を報告する.