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204-S MEC (Moodle Educator Certification program)開講
Commercial presentation (40 mins) Japanese Mr. Takeshi Masuzaki
松崎 剛

MECはMoodle Pty Ltd. が提供する教育者のためのMoodleのトレーニングと資格です。EUが制定したコンピテンシーであるDigCompEduをフレームワークとしており、教育者がいかにデジタルおよびMoodle/Moodle Workplace を使って教育を提供するかについてフォーカスしています。日本で受けられる様になったこのMECについて紹介します。

234-S 日本でのMoodle Workplace
Commercial presentation (20 mins) Japanese Mr. Takeshi Masuzaki
松崎 剛

基調講演に引き続き、日本でのMoodle Workplace利用についてご紹介いたします。

Future Virtual Study Opportunities with Moodle in Japan
Case study (20 mins) English Prof. George MACLEAN
マクレーン ジョージ
Initiatives such as the Asia-Pacific Virtual Exchange Association (APVEA), the IVE Project, and Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) have internationalized education and expanded students’ horizons beyond any given classroom, campus or country. A possible next step would be to implement university credit-worthy virtual exchanges on a syllabus, course or even diploma level. This could significantly democratise and internationalize education. Double major/major-minor tie ups between Japanese universities and universities located elsewhere are an emerging area of interest. Are such programs at least partially feasible in a virtual environment using a platform like Moodle? Implementation is often a challenge. An exchange of opinion involving many actors and participants in the education domain would help to articulate and define the advantages and disadvantages and the future implications of university exchanges. This discussion will therefore encourage university-exchange actors to share their experiences, and insights about emerging virtual study opportunities. For example, Sapporo Gakuin University, Japan and Chiang Mai University, Thailand have developed credit-bearing courses called, Global Volunteer, and, Global Internship, that include online, student-to-student exchanges using Moodle and Zoom where assessed performances and facilitated problem-solving workshops are conducted. This is a blended format, that includes cross-border face-to-face activities, asynchronous (on-demand) activities, and live interactive virtual activities. This session will be a discussion by four leaders of virtual student exchange through the IVE Project, the COIL project of the University of the Ryukyus and the SGU-CMU Partnership.