Main presenter筆頭発表者
Sapporo Gakuin University 札幌学院大学 Sapporo Japan
Presenter [2]発表者[2]
Presenter [3]発表者[3]
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Presentation details 発表詳細
Presentation title発表の題名
How to Teach Gestures to Beginners Using Moodle
Presentation abstract発表の要約

Gestures are a critical part of communication, yet few students in Japan use them in their learning performances. Also, communication researchers report that the majority of meaning is communicated non-verbally  in face-to-face communication (Birdwhistell, 1970). Unfortunately, teachers often omit practice on simple gestures and body language which give impact and meaning to an oral communication performance. In this presentation, I will explain why teaching gestures (as well as eye contact, facial expression, posture, and prosody) are not only important for professional performances, but also for normal, day-to-day conversation and classroom presentations. I will also demonstrate five Moodle activities where I teach gestures for beginner level communication students in Japanese universities. These five activities are used in a blended learning ecology of both face-to-face classroom activities and online activities. The Moodle tools include video quizzes, assignments, questionnaires, forums and the video assessment module with rubrics for gestures. This presentation draws on over fifteen years of teaching gestures to first and second year English university students, with Moodle fully integrated into the process. Many of the insights and process have been contributed by my colleagues, Matt Cotter, David Harrington and Charles LeBeau, which will be outlined in this presentation.

Original submission元の原稿

発表の題名: How to Teach Gestures to Beginners Using Moodle

発表の種類: Presentation (40 mins) プレゼンテーション(40分)

発表の言語: English 英語

発表のキーワード: non-verbal communication, gestures, video assessment module

発表の要約: Gestures are a critical part of communication, yet few students in Japan use them in their learning performances. Also, communication researchers report that over 90% of meaning is communicated via non-verbal communication, which includes gestures. Unfortunately, teachers focus on just the words too much, which may contribute to less than 10% of impact and meaning. In this presentation, I will explain why teaching gestures (as well as eye contact, facial expression, posture, and prosody) are not only important for professional performances, but also for normal, day-to-day conversation and classroom presentations. I will also demonstrate five Moodle activities where I teach gestures for beginner level communication students in Japanese universities. These five activities are used in a blended learning ecology of both face-to-face classroom activities and online activities. The Moodle tools include video quizzes, assignments, questionnaires, forums and the video assessment module with rubrics for gestures. This presentation draws on over fifteen years of teaching gestures to first and second year English university students, with Moodle fully integrated into the process. Many of the insights and process have been contributed by my colleagues, Matt Cotter, David Harrington and Charles LeBeau, which will be outlined in this presentation.

non-verbal communication, gestures, video assessment module
Possible presentation times可能な発表時間
Handout file資料のファイル
Presentation slides fileスライドのファイル
Presentation URL発表のURL
Presentation video発表のビデオ
Comments or questionsコメント・質問

This submission is a little late, but I submitted because it seems we have few presentations this year. It is my only individual presentation--two others are MAJ grant reports. I will be at Ryudai to do the presentation face-to-face, but of course it will be shown online too.

Submitted by提出ユーザ
Submitted: 提出: 2021年 01月 12日
Modified: 更新: 2021年 02月 1日
Peer review査読
Peer review score査読評価
Peer review details査読詳細

Peer Review 1

Clarity of Submission7 / 10
Presentation Length9 / 10
Originality of Submission8 / 10
Appropriateness & Relevance to the Moot9 / 10
Quality of Content & Writing7 / 10
Overall evaluation40 / 50
80 / 100

Peer Review 2

Clarity of Submission9 / 10
Presentation Length9 / 10
Originality of Submission9 / 10
Appropriateness & Relevance to the Moot9 / 10
Quality of Content & Writing9 / 10
Overall evaluation45 / 50
90 / 100
Peer review notes査読メモ

Thanks for your submission!

Your proposal has been conditionally accepted.

  • For this submission to be fully accepted, please make the requested changes to your abstract/presentation before 2021 Feb 1 (Mon) 23:55.
  • When the changes have been made, they will be reviewed and you will be notified of the new acceptance status.
Schedule numberスケジュール番号