Main presenter筆頭発表者
Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology 静岡理工科大学 Hamamatsu Japan
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Presentation details 発表詳細
Presentation title発表の題名
Japan and the Internet of Moodles
Presentation abstract発表の要約

E-learning and increasingly mobile learning are topics that continue to gain momentum in educational and administrative discourse. In response to this ever increasing demand for online learning opportunities, Moodle is being more and more widely integrated into institutions across Japan. Often such integrations start out small with only one or a handful of teachers using the system, which grows into an institution-wide platform. Institution-wide instances of Moodle enable teachers to collaborate, sharing resources and ideas, improving the quality of education throughout the institution. In recent years, this has expanded further with technologies such as Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) leading to collaborations between teachers from multiple institutions sharing resources and having their students exchange ideas, in some cases internationally. Networking features like LTI and Mnet have given rise to the Internet of Moodles, where the online learning environments provide opportunities that were once unimaginable. This presentation will showcase the benefits of expanding small scale Moodles into institution-wide systems and beyond into the Internet of Moodles, as well as how this can be achieved.

Original submission元の原稿

presentation_abstract Format HTML format

Integrating Moodle
Possible presentation times可能な発表時間
Handout file資料のファイル
Presentation slides fileスライドのファイル
Presentation URL発表のURL
Presentation video発表のビデオ
Comments or questionsコメント・質問
Submitted by提出ユーザ
Adam Jenkins
Submitted: 提出: 11 Feb 2021
Modified: 更新: 11 Feb 2021
Peer review査読
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