Innovation Name:プラグインの名前:
Moodle Conference Submissions System
Innovation Description:目的・機能の説明:

The Moodle Association of Japan Submissions database is a small to medium size conference management system based on the Moodle LMS. It offers a workflow including submissions, reviews, acceptance, rewriting, scheduling and more. This past year offers numerous updates and improvements, especially to deal with a virtual conference instead of previous face-to-face conferences. 

Note: I apologize for sending in two nominations--just running out of time. Hideo Harashima or Matt Cotter and others will take my place and sponsor this well-deserved honor for the developer and programmer, Gordon Bateson.

Matt Cotter here.  I will gladly take over nominating this wonderful innovation!

Download or GIT repository link:ダウンロード/GITリポジトリのリンク:
Demo Site:デモサイト:
Plugins Directory Link:Moodle プラグインディレクトリリンク
