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Actions実行 Schedule
Title題名 Review査読 Type種類 Language言語 Main presenter筆頭発表者 Abstract要約
3012-K MoodleとMAJ ―― 過去から未来へと広がる道 ――
基調講演(50分) 日本語 Mr. Hideto Harashima
原島 秀人
Moodleが生まれて22年、私がMoodleを使い始めて18年。日本ムードル協会(MAJ)が設立されて11年が経つ。初代会長としてどの様な経緯でM A Jが発足に至ったのか、今皆さんと一緒に振り返り、M A Jの原点を見つめ直してみたいと思う。また自分やM A Jのメンバーが行ってきた研究・開発を振り返り、それが今後のMoodleにどの様な貢献となり得るのかを考えたい。そしてこれからのMoodleはどうなって行くのか、M A Jはどう発展して行くのかについて私論的未来予想を述べる。(Partially bilingual presentation)
2011-K Crafting Hackerspaces with Moodle and Mahara: The Potential of Creation-based Learning
基調講演(50分) 英語 Dr. Jingjing Lin
リン ジンジン
Moodle is a familiar platform to many educators but making Moodle-supported online learning a student-centered active learning journey is not so familiar as a teaching practice. Japan’s adoption of educational technology (edtech) in the classroom has been slower than other developed countries, and as a result many Japanese teachers are underprepared to use edtech in their teaching. Hence there is a necessity to introduce simple and easy-to-follow educational approaches for teachers to experiment with offering active learning experiences in Moodle online classrooms. Creation-based learning (CBL) is an educational approach that aims to scaffold online active learning. Together with its associated instructional design model "CLEAR" the approach offers a promising pedagogical foundation for crafting online hackerspaces, where teachers use "creation" as a teaching tool in Moodle, and students deliver their "creations" as learning output in Mahara. Combining such pedagogical considerations and technical capabilities is a powerful way for educators to improve their online classrooms with hackerspaces in Moodle and Mahara.
3025-K More information available soon. . .
基調講演(50分) 英語 Mr. Martin Dougiamas
ドゥギアーマス マーティン

More information available soon...

1007-W Mahara training in 90 minutes.
ワークショップ(90分) 英語 Dr. Jingjing LIN
リン ジンジン

This is an online hands-on activity that aims to inform participants on what Mahara can do and how to use it. The 90-minute online workshop will take place via BigBlueButton made available by MoodleMoot Japan 2022 conference. During the event I will engage every participant in a bundled environment integrating both Moodle and Mahara. Each learner will access an online course "Mahara in 90 Minutes", which includes six lessons and six hands-on assignments. These lessons cover: Overview of Mahara, Creating in Mahara - ePortfolio pages and collections, Creating in Mahara - Plan and record development, Sharing with Mahara, Engaging in Mahara - Groups, and Assessment with Mahara - Mahoodle. The six assignments will guide participants to dive into the provided Mahara site and create their own ePortfolio pages, collections and groups. The course embraces the approach of creation-based learning and follows a novel online teaching model CLEAR (Create, Locate, Enlarge, Apply, and Reflect) by Dr. Jingjing Lin. It is also designed to be a self-regulated learning experience so that anyone can use it independently.

1005-W VPSでMoodleを作ろう - 最初から最後まで
ワークショップ(90分) 日本語 Mr. Adam Jenkins
ジェンキンズ アダム
Moodleを素手で作りたい人、このワークショップがおすすめです。多くの人はVPS (仮想プライベートサーバ)を使用するには特別なスキルが必要だと考えていますが、これは真実ではありません。コピー・ペーストができますか? もしそうであれば、VPSをセットアップしてMoodleをインストールすることができます。すると人数・ファイルサイズなどの制限を気にする必要はありません。VPSとMoodleサイトを維持することの長所と短所について話します。必要な手順を説明し、2時間以内に100人の同時接続ユーザのためのMoodleサイトを立ち上げるために必要な要件を説明します。また、すべてのデータをプライベートかつ安全に保つためのファイアウォールと無料のSSL証明書の設定についても説明します。また、カスタマイズとその利点と落とし穴についても説明します。VPSとMoodleサイトの更新とメンテナンスに役立つ簡単なコマンドも紹介します。
1010-W Moodle competencies and learning plans for beginners
ワークショップ(90分) 英語 Mr. Brendan VAN DEUSEN
ヴァンドゥーセン ブレンダン

This workshop is intended to help people get started using competencies in Moodle. After a brief discussion of what competencies are and why they are useful, participants will have an opportunity to try the following: create a competency framework, add a framework to a class, and connect a competency to an activity. Time permitting, the workshop will conclude with how to create a learning plan for students which encompasses competencies.. It is hoped that this surface-level introduction to competencies will provide a jumping-off point from which participants can continue to learn about implementing competencies in their classes.

1002-W Teaching with Moodle: the basics
ワークショップ(90分) 英語 Mr. Thom RAWSON
ローソン トム
This is a workshop for the first-time Moodler. Participants will be able to learn the basics of Moodle by working, hands-on with a real live online Moodle site. The basics of the site, course contexts and categories, giving online quizzes, handling announcements to students, providing handouts for download, chatrooms, forums, and information about the gradebook will be introduced. Teachers will make their own courses in the Moodle demo site provided. In particular, the most common features of Moodle: forums, quizzes and resources will be created. Further explanation of how these features can be used will be given in the following workshop.
1006-W Adding resources and activities
ワークショップ(90分) 英語 Mr. Thom RAWSON
ローソン トム
In this workshop we will develop the skills you attained in the first one and add to them. Introduction of multimedia into Moodle, more detailed student and course management, and how to add resources and other activities will be covered here. For those that didn’t attend the first workshop but have a basic understanding of Moodle, you are welcome to join this too.
1003-W Setting up a VPS to run Moodle
ワークショップ(90分) 英語 Mr. Bill White

If your institution doesn’t offer a Moodle for you, then this might be for you. Many think they need special skills to use a VPS (Virtual Private Server), but this is not true. Can you copy and paste? If so then you can set up a VPS and install Moodle and not worry about any limits. The presenter will talk about the pros and cons of maintaining your own VPS and Moodle site. The presenter will show how simple it is. The presenter will go through the steps needed and explain the requirements needed to have a Moodle site for 100 concurrent users up and running in less than 2 hours. The topics will also include setting up a firewall and a free SSL certificate, to help keep all data private and secure. Also, there will be some information about customization and its benefits as well as the pitfalls. The presentation will also show you some simple commands to help you update and maintain your VPS and Moodle site.

1004-W Moodleの基本①(初心者ワークショップ)
ワークショップ(90分) 日本語 Mr. Takahiro KAGOYA


