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2015-P Customizing a Moodle course for use as a shared remote learning platform 79
Presentation (40 mins) English Dr. Nicholas Bovee
ボビー ニコラス

In order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, language courses at Kyushu Sangyo University (Fukuoka) have been conducted primarily online since April 2020. To enable this sudden change in format, a single course within our existing Moodle site was heavily customized into a communal class-organization platform that accommodates the needs of language instruction. It is currently used by over 200 teachers of 6 languages to teach 700 courses to some 6,000 students. In this presentation, we will describe the major customizations that serve to facilitate the posting of instructional content, the submission of student work, and the management of student grades. Student work (text, images, video, and audio) is submitted via 84 separate forums over each 14-week semester, and teachers are required to grade and provide feedback on a large number of student submissions on a weekly basis. Amongst the new features are a forum sidebar that allows teachers to display only posts made by a single student and filter by deadline, as well as a multifunctional grade dashboard that allows both teachers and students to navigate quickly to any forum in which work is to be submitted or which requires grading.

3024-P Creating Escape Rooms in Moodle 91
Presentation (40 mins) English Mr. Malcolm Swanson
Escape Rooms involve people—working alone or in groups—in such goal achievement activities as solving puzzles and codes, finding things, and unlocking zones in order to “escape” before time runs out. While we normally associate escape rooms with physical spaces, it is also possible to run them in our classes online. These provide opportunities for our students to develop and use their English skills in both creative and critical ways. Using Moodle’s “Restrict access” and “Activity completion” functions with activities, students have to move through a series of timed tasks in order to gather the clues that will allow them to escape from the “room”. These sessions are always a lot of fun and are well received by the students. In this presentation, I’ll demonstrate how I have been using these escape rooms on Moodle in my Media Skills classes. Attendees will have an opportunity to try an escape room themselves, and I’ll explain the nuts and bolts of setting one up.
2025-L Mobile Quickmail JPN: Effective emails to students where they want it. 78
Lightning talk (10 mins) English Mr. Matthew COTTER
コッター マシュー
The Mobile Quickmail JPN block has some advantages over the Moodle messaging system. This quick lightening talk will highlight how these functions can benefit both teacher and student. Examples include the full editor with fonts, colour and size choice, the ability to add links, media and more. Files can also be attached and it is possible for teachers to email all course users, groups or individuals. A big benefit is that students can register the email address where they prefer to receive emails, without having to change their Moodle profile email address. The quick set up will be demonstrated.
2009-L Happy Tenth Birthday Video Assessment Module! What’s New? 87
Lightning talk (10 mins) English Mr. Matthew COTTER
コッター マシュー
The Video Assessment Module (VAM) created in 2012 has undergone many changes over ten years. Initially designed to give quick, asynchronous scores and feedback to student by teachers, it has evolved to include pre-calibration for rubric scoring, synchronous assessment, self and peer assessment, YouTube link uploading, and improved smartphone uploading. New features include notifications for teachers and students and also fairness bonuses for scoring. This lightening talk will summarize these new developments and introduce future settings, how they can be set up and where to download the plugin.
3017-P New Sharing Cart, Showcase, and MoodleNet 73
Presentation (20 mins) English Prof. Don HINKELMAN
ヒンクルマン ダン
This short presentation reviews 2021 feature changes in Moodle course and activity sharing. The Sharing Cart is a Moodle plugin that copies and moves activities and content from course to course. It works together with or separately from the MAJ Showcase where teachers can upload and download courses they wish to share. In addition, the release of MoodleNet is approaching to allow global sharing of courses and course learning media. This is a report on a Moodle Association of Japan grant to develop open courseware sharing in 2021. This includes initial planning for MoodleNet integration with the four Hub plugins. このショートプレゼンテーションでは、Moodleのコースおよびアクティビティ共有における2021年の機能変更についてレビューします。共有カートは、コースからコースへ活動およびコンテンツをコピーおよび移動するMoodleプラグインです。これは、教師が共有したいコースをアップロードおよびダウンロードすることができるMAJショーケースと一緒に、または別々に動作します。さらに、コースやコースの学習メディアをグローバルに共有できるMoodleNetのリリースが近づいています。2021年のオープンコースウェア共有の発展のために、日本ムードル協会の助成を受けた報告書です。これには、MoodleNetと4つのHubプラグインとの統合の初期計画も含まれています。
2003-P Using spreadsheet formulas to generate items with feedback for question banks 83
Presentation (40 mins) English Dr. Tamara SWENSON
One of the most useful but least utilized features of Moodle is feedback for question answer distractors. The importance of feedback for developing learners understanding has been well documented (e.g., Lavolette et al., 2015). As properly developed technology-mediated feedback adds to students’ understanding and encourages learning (Loncar et al., 2021), educators should be encouraged to use Moodle’s answer feedback. This presentation will demonstrate the steps need to develop items with feedback for distractors. These are (a) creating a taxonomy of error types, (b) developing items from this taxonomy, and (c) using a spreadsheet to create the GIFT file to bulk import these into a question bank. This presentation will be useful for those who are unfamiliar with building error taxonomies, employing spreadsheets for creating principled distractor feedback, or adding feedback to Moodle question bank items. References Lavolette, E., Polio, C., & Kahng, J. (2015). The accuracy of computer-assisted feedback and students’ responses to it. Language Learning & Technology, 19(2), 50–68. Loncar, M., Schams, W., & Liang, J. S. (2021). Multiple technologies, multiple sources: Trends and analyses of the literature on technology-mediated feedback for L2 English writing published from 2015-2019. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 1-63.
2034-P Discovering Christmas Through a Moodle Advent Calendar 89
Presentation (20 mins) English Mr. Alex Bodnar
ボードナー アレックス

Normally, educators use Moodle as a platform for hosting courses. In December 2020 an Advent calendar, a Christmas countdown tradition, was launched at the University of Nagasaki using Moodle. It was offered as an extra-curricular learning resource made available to all students, faculty, and staff. Every day, rather than opening a door to find a chocolate, users could learn interactively about Christmas traditions while developing their English skills. Participants could drop in daily or less frequently. In this presentation, we will share our experience launching and running this “course” during the two most recent periods of Advent. We will show examples of the types of activities and resources used, such as Board, Forum, and H5P, and look at the amount of participation. While the inaugural Advent calendar received some positive feedback, there seemed to be greater potential in terms of participation and interaction with this “course.” The hope, at time of writing, was to build on the foundation of the 2021 edition for a more successful 2022 edition of the calendar.

2024-W How to setup and use the P-CHAT module 91
Workshop (30 mins) English Mr. Branden KIRCHMEYER
カーシマイヤー ブランデン
P-CHAT is a Moodle plugin tool that supports a range of assessment strategies based on face-to-face conversations. The plugin guides students as they prepare for, record, transcribe, and review their speaking performance. During the activity, students are presented with metrics regarding their contributions to the conversation including number of words spoken, number of turns taken, average words spoken per turn, number of words spoken during longest turn, number of pre-selected target words spoken, number of questions asked, and an accuracy percentage based on an automatic speech recognition (ASR) algorithm. Learners are prompted to use these data for self-assessment and goal-setting, while teachers and researchers can access the data for pedagogical and research agendas. Student progress on key metrics can be tracked over a semester or year. In this workshop, the P-CHAT designer and develop will walk attendees through the setup and use of the plugin, highlighting new features and findings from related studies currently underway. The P-CHAT is freely available for use on existing Moodle sites, and interested teachers can also join a dedicated Moodle site for contributing to research related to the government research grant which funded this project (Kaken #19K13309).
3007-C RPAを利用した振返りコメントのテキストマイニング 82
Case study (20 mins) Japanese Mr. Hiroji ISHII
石井 広二

学生の日本語読解力不足の指導には文章の要約などを記述させることが有用であるが、語学系以外の科目においては、日々の授業内でその要素を取り入れて実施することが難しい。そのため予習・復習の段階で、学習内容を記述させることが一つの方法として挙げられる。一方で毎回その内容を確認する教員の負荷を低減するにはMoodleFormsなどを活用して記述させ、その内容を手軽にテキストマイニングして概要を把握し、授業に反映させ学生へのフィードバックに活用することが有用である。しかし、教員の中にはこれらのシステムを利用することに難しさを感じている者が多いため、その操作方法をシンプルにし、その有用性を示すことで、利用の促進につながると考えられる。そこでMoodleのフォーラムに記述された授業の振り返りコメントをテキストマイニングする一連の流れをRPAツール(Power Automate Desktop)で自動化することを試みたので、その方法や課題について発表する。

2016-L MoodleのH5Pコンテンツを用いたシナリオ型教材製作の試行 85
Lightning talk (10 mins) Japanese Takahiro KAGOYA
篭谷 隆弘
Moodleの現行バージョンで標準機能として提供されているH5Pのコンテンツタイプとして、Branching Scenarioがある。これを用いることで動画像を含むページの視聴などを踏まえて、他の複数のページへ分岐をするようなコンテンツを製作可能である。ワークショップモジュールと比較して分岐の構造を視覚的に確認でき、容易に他のH5Pコンテンツも利用可能である。この機能を用いたシナリオ型教材の製作を試行することとした。題材として、小学生を対象とした情報モラルを扱うこととし、既存の動画やストーリーをインタラクティブに操作し、自己学習をすすめられるようなコンテンツとした。この製作過程において得られた利点・課題点などについて報告する。