Main presenter筆頭発表者
Poodll Co. Ltd 株式会社ヒューマンサイエンス Nagasaki Japan
Presenter [2]発表者[2]
Presenter [3]発表者[3]
Presenter [4]発表者[4]
Presenter [5]発表者[5]
Presentation details 発表詳細
Presentation title発表の題名
Teaching Languages on Moodle with Poodll
Presentation abstract発表の要約

Poodll is a system built to help language teachers on Moodle. It contains plugins for reading assessment, speaking and listening practice, vocabulary learning, and audio/video recording assignments. The Poodll plugins, Wordcards, ReadAloud, MiniLesson, Solo and EnglishCentral all contain automatically graded speaking features. In this presentation you will be introduced to these features and hear about some of the challenges in designing activities that use them. These include the difficulty of assessing open speech, managing the expectations of learners and teachers, and teaching languages other than English. Attendees will learn how teachers can overcome these challenges using Poodll. Poodll is a Moodle Premium Integration partner and is based in Nagasaki, Japan.

Original submission元の原稿
languages, audio, video, english, ai, speech
Possible presentation times可能な発表時間
Handout file資料のファイル
Presentation slides fileスライドのファイル
Presentation URL発表のURL
Presentation video発表のビデオ
Comments or questionsコメント・質問
Submitted by提出ユーザ
HUNT Justin
Submitted: 提出: 2022年 02月 14日
Modified: 更新: 2022年 02月 14日
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Schedule numberスケジュール番号