Pugoy Reinald Adrian
Innovation Name:プラグインの名前:
Openg: An Innovative Chatbot for the UPOU Massive Open Distance eLearning Platform
Innovation Description:目的・機能の説明:


  • Dr. Reinald Adrian Pugoy
  • Melvir Nathaniel Paras
  • Shaira Tanay

The Massive Open and Distance eLearning (MODeL) platform, the MOOC platform of the UP Open University, receives a significant volume of inquiries related to courses, FAQs, and other general information. Addressing these inquiries manually can be inefficient and time-consuming for MODeL coordinators and administrators. To improve accessibility and provide 24/7 support, we have integrated a chatbot solution namely “Openg” into the platform solely through embedded code injected directly into the Moodle theme.

The Openg Chatbot's direct integration through embedded code within the Moodle theme demonstrates a novel approach for chatbot implementation. This method has proven to be effective in improving accessibility, reducing workload, and enhancing user experience within the MODeL platform (and Moodle). We believe that this innovative solution has the potential to be adopted by other educational platforms, offering a flexible and customizable way to provide 24/7 support and enhance the learning experience for students and teachers.

The Openg chatbot is currently live at model.upou.edu.ph

Download or GIT repository link:ダウンロード/GITリポジトリのリンク:
Demo Site:デモサイト:
Plugins Directory Link:Moodle プラグインディレクトリリンク