Shizuka Shirai
Innovation Name:プラグインの名前:
MathTOUCH Editor: Rich-text Editor Plugin for Math E-learning
Innovation Description:目的・機能の説明:


  • Shizuka Shirai, Osaka University
  • Takahiro Nakahara, Sangensha LLC.
  • Tetsuo Fukui, Mukogawa Women’s University

In the feild of mathematics e-learning, there are long standing challenge about mathematical input mathod. When students and teachers enter mathematical expressions, it is required special manner because mathematical expressions have a two-dimensional structure. Therefore, it is difficult to input and edit mathematical expressions using digital devices. 

    In response to this challenge, we have developed the MathTOUCH editor plugin, which embodies an intelligent interface for mathematical input, facilitating the entry of equations through predictive conversion from colloquial-style text. The performance experiment participated 71 participants to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed editor reveals that users were able to input equations with the MathTOUCH editor at a rate approximately 1.5 times faster than with a conventional interface. Furthermore, participants reported heightened levels of subjective satisfaction.

    We believe that the propoed plugin is promissing way to support both students and teachers in math e-learning.

Download or GIT repository link:ダウンロード/GITリポジトリのリンク:
Demo Site:デモサイト:
Plugins Directory Link:Moodle プラグインディレクトリリンク


  • Adam JenkinsAdam Jenkins - Fri, 9 Feb 2024, 3:05 PM
    This looks great! I'll be trying this out shortly.