I realize this is an extremely busy time for the conference organizers. We all appreciate your behind-the-scenes hard work which makes the conference run smoothly. For that reason, I'm hesitant to make a suggestion which involves more work, but here goes anyway. It would be really handy to have a page with all of the basic conference info on one page. In order to file paperwork to go to a conference, the office needs to see a print out of the basic details, such as name of the organization (so they know it is an academic conference), dates, place (so they can calculate transportation expenses), conference fees (for reimbursement), and a brief conference schedule. At present, this info is scattered over several different pages. To satisfy office requirements, which I assume are fairly similar all over the country, would it be possible to have a single print-friendly page which contains all these basic details (for example, by adding a bit more info to the home page, linked to the more detailed info)? A one-page printout would then be enough to keep office people all over the country happy.