ムードルムート参加者の皆様 (English below)
3.ワークショップは正午開始です。昼休みはありません。食堂は学生で混みますので、 他の方法でお昼を済ませてからご参加下さい。
Dear MoodleMoot Japan 2017 participants,
Here are some announcements.
1. There is no parking at the venue except designated vehicles. Please use public transportation systems. Take a look at this access map and learn the way to walk from the nearest station.
2. Please study the latest schedule on the web. Some workshops are switched last week.
3. Workshops start at noon on the 17th. There is no lunch break. The school cafeteria may be packed with students. Please finish lunch some other ways and participate in the workshops.
4. One of the keynote speakers, Dr. Dougiamas, has kindly agreed to do two keynote speeches. The two abstracts are up on the web for you to refer to.
Thank you.