Participation from Malaysia

Participation from Malaysia

- 削除済みユーザ の投稿
返信数: 5


I am Mr Paridon Sahid from Aminuddin Baki Institute of Leadership and Management, Ministry of Education Malaysia. We have been use Moodle since 2009 until now. I will bring along 12 participants including administrators and senior lecturers to this event and really looking forward to share with others.


削除済みユーザ への返信

Re: Participation from Malaysia

- ヒンクルマン ダン の投稿

Dear Mr. Sahid,

Thank you for your message about participating in the MoodleMoot Japan.  We would love to have all of you participate in the conference. By the way, have you applied for a presentation?  If not, the submission deadline is over, but I could see if we could make an exception. It would be very interesting to hear your case study of how you use Moodle in your institution in Malaysia or another topic.  Thank you kindly for considering this.

With regards,

Don Hinkelman

ヒンクルマン ダン への返信

Re: Participation from Malaysia

- 削除済みユーザ の投稿

First of all thank you very much of your quick response.

We actually already had planned to submit and present paper in the Moodle Moot.
Now you're already gave us an opportunity, so within this week we will submit our paper to share our experiance.

Thanks again.

削除済みユーザ への返信

Submission of Abstract (Malaysia Delegate)

- 削除済みユーザ の投稿

On behalf of Malaysian delegate, I would like if secretariat can give us chance to submit our abstract due to
our time constraint.

削除済みユーザ への返信

Re: Submission of Abstract (Malaysia Delegate)

- ベイトソン ゴードン の投稿
Dear Paridon,
I have added you to the group of "Late submissions", so that you can submit your proposal for review.

Please add your proposal to the Submissions database on the following URL:

We look for ward to receiving your proposal.

Kind regards
Gordon Bateson
MootJP 2019 Program Committee