Free Ticket for the Dinner Tonight!

Free Ticket for the Dinner Tonight!

- 佐藤 佐藤 の投稿
返信数: 7

I have a ticket for the dinner tonight to give away for free. 

If you want to go and have not got a ticket, please contact me. 

First come first serve 


currently in room 300 

佐藤 佐藤 への返信

Re: Free Ticket for the Dinner Tonight!

- 削除済みユーザ の投稿

Hi Kate. Thanks for the kind offer. I've already got a ticket. Do you know where the dinner is being held and what time it starts? Cheers, Chad

削除済みユーザ への返信

Re: Free Ticket for the Dinner Tonight!

- ジェンキンズ アダム の投稿

Hi Chad,

You can find the location of the party by clicking here! (Google map)

The place is called "Pan de Niq" and will have a moodlemoot flag in front of it.

See you at the party!

佐藤 佐藤 への返信

Re: Free Ticket for the Dinner Tonight!

- ハーシェル ロブ の投稿

Hey Kate,

Still got that ticket? I have a friend who is interested!



佐藤 佐藤 への返信

Re: Free Ticket for the Dinner Tonight!

- の投稿

Thanks Kate and everyone who helped track me down. I appreciate having the ticket now! See you all at the reception.