Payment for membership

Payment for membership

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返信数: 4


I will be attending the Moot in February so I was thinking of paying my yearly membership fee today so I can submit the payment slip to my institution. I went to the "Membership" page, clicked on "Payment Methods" and tried to pay through PayPal. However, I got an error saying that there is a problem with the moodle site so I couldn't pay using that method. Then I tried to find my four-digit participant number so I could pay through JP bank but the instructions on  to find the number didn't lead to it and the link led to a 404 error. Would you please point me in the right direction on how to pay? 


Re: Payment for membership

- キャンベル デイビット の投稿
I registered for the Moot today, but there is isn't a link to PayPal like in the past. I went to the membership page and got the same error that Jen did.
キャンベル デイビット への返信

Re: Payment for membership

- ベイトソン ゴードン の投稿
Thank you for your patience while the payment options are set up.
ベイトソン ゴードン への返信

Re: Payment for membership

- ベイトソン ゴードン の投稿
Dear Jen, David and others wanting to pay the membership fee or conference fee for MoodleMoot Japan 2020,

Please pay using the PayPal buttons on the following page:

Kind regards,
ベイトソン ゴードン への返信

Re: Payment for membership

- の投稿
Thank you. That worked. I am looking forward to the conference.
