[日本語テキストは下スクロールしますと見れます Japanese text below.]
Great! Good ideas. I hope others will also join if they are interested in this.
Title of Project: Moodle Online Courses: start date April 2020
I think we have to aim for April as that is when classes start. Do you agree?
Goal: Introduce Moodle to admin, teachers, professors, any concerned parties who will see Moodle as a viable alternative to face-to-face classes, especially useful at a time of decreased mobility. Start small but overall goal is to get info to all in Japan who need it.
Plan: 1. Gather interested Moodlers to make a task force. Decide what to do and how to do it. Some suggestions have already been made here.
2. Decide who will do what.
3. Make an online space for those targeted admin/teachers etc. to see Moodle and read about it. Text (and videos, if possible) in Japanese would be very useful. How do we get MoodleCloud space?
4. Get the information out to a few people who can give us feedback. We work more on the whole set up and improve it, then try to promote it to many more people.
Question: Where can we work together on this? In our MAJ space here? Should we create a dedicated space to work on this?
Please comment and add to the plan above, these are just initial ideas. With many people working on this, we can make a great plan!
Thank you to those who are willing to work on this. It seems like now is the time to act.
プロジェクトのタイトル:Moodle Online Courses:開始日2020年4月
③対象となる管理者/教師などのために、Moodleを見ながら、Moodleについて調べられるオンラインスペースを作成します。日本語のテキスト(および可能であればビデオ)は非常に便利だと思います。 MoodleCloudスペースを取得するにはどうすればいいですか?