2023年度MAJ理事選出について / Election of MAJ officers 2023

2023年度MAJ理事選出について / Election of MAJ officers 2023

- アサダ ヨシカズ の投稿
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会員のみなさまへ( ※english is below)


2月15日ー17日に開催されたMoodleMoot Japan 2023は、COVID-19以来はじめての対面開催として実施されました。ハイブリッドの運営方法を含めて直前まで情報が整理しきれておらず、みなさまにご迷惑・ご心配をおかけしてしまったこと、改めて深くお詫び申し上げます。



  • 理事に立候補するための有資格者は個人会員と、団体会員からの代表者、となります(規約IV-2)
  • 会員ページ( Members Area 2022年度 コース )に設置するアンケートモジュールにて実施いたします。



  • 会員ページに設置する投票モジュールにて実施いたします。※URLは3月1日に通知いたします
  • 通常、総会においては「出席者」を定足数とした投票を行っております。このため、この投票期間においては、「投票いただいた」方の数を定足数として扱わせていただきたいと思っております。

Dear Members   

My name is Asada, President of the MoodleMoot Japan Association. 

MoodleMoot Japan 2023, held February 15-17, was the first face-to-face meeting since COVID-19. We apologize again for the inconvenience and concern caused by the lack of information, including the operation of the hybrid, until just before the event.

Now, at the general meeting held during the session, there was a suggestion that information regarding the election of board members, etc. was inadequate. This is another point that we deeply regret as a lack of information disclosure. Therefore, we would like to implement the following schedule for the election and credentialing of the Board of Directors in this fiscal year.

(1) Candidates for the Board of Directors, including the positions of President and Vice President: February 20 (noon) to February 28 (noon) 

  • Persons eligible to become officers shall include both individual members and designated representatives of institutional members. (Constitution IV-2)
  • The survey will be conducted via the survey module to be placed on the membership course ( Members Area 2022年度 ) . 


(2) Voting for the candidates of directors: March 1 (noon) to March 7 (23:59) 

  •  Voting will be conducted via the voting module on the members' course. *URL will be notified on March 1.
  • Normally, voting at the General Meeting is quorum on attendance. Therefore, during this voting period, we would like to treat "the number of votes" as the quorum.