理事信任投票について / About vote of confidence for officers

理事信任投票について / About vote of confidence for officers

- アサダ ヨシカズ の投稿
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日本ムードル協会 会員のみなさま ( ※english is below)

日本ムードル協会 会長の淺田です。



  • ASADA Yoshikazu
    • 会長 / President
  • SHIRAI Tatsuya
    • プログラム、副会長 / Program,   Vice President
  • RAWSON Thom
    • 研究開発(R&D)、副会長 / R&D, Vice President
    • 英語広報, 渉外担当 / English Public Relation, liaison
  • COTTER Matthew
    • オープンコースウェア / Open Courseware
  • MEADOWS Martin
    • オープンコースウェア + MAJ MoodleNet / Open Courseware Awards & MAJ MoodleNet site
  • YOSHIBA David C
    • ベストイノベーション / Best Innovation
    • スポンサーコーディネート / Sponser Coordination
  • KAGOYA Takahiro
    • 研修・広報 / training・Japanese PR
  • WHITE Bill
    • 研修・イベント / training・event
  • SAEKI YAGI Machiko
    • 会計 + プロシーディングス / Treasurer + Proceedings
  • SAITO Jun
    • 会員 + 事務局業務(外注等がなされていないもの) / Membership + Secretariat (which is not outsourced)
  • HARADA Hiroyuki
    • サーバ管理 / Server Administration
  • SOULIER Aurelie (from Moodle HQ)
    • Moodle community engagement lead,  投票権なし(non-voting)





・投票期間は 3月1日(正午)〜3月7日(23:59)といたします。


Dear Members of the Moodle Association of Japan

This is Asada, President of the Moodle Association of Japan.

Yesterday, February 28th, at noon, the candidacy period for the Board of Directors was closed. Based on the results, I would like to propose the following board of directors.


  • ASADA Yoshikazu
    • 会長 / President
  • SHIRAI Tatsuya
    • プログラム、副会長 / Program,   Vice President
  • RAWSON Thom
    • 研究開発(R&D)、副会長 / R&D, Vice President
    • 英語広報, 渉外担当 / English Public Relation, liaison
  • COTTER Matthew
    • オープンコースウェア / Open Courseware
  • MEADOWS Martin
    • オープンコースウェア + MAJ MoodleNet / Open Courseware Awards & MAJ MoodleNet site
  • YOSHIBA David C
    • ベストイノベーション / Best Innovation
    • スポンサーコーディネート / Sponser Coordination
  • KAGOYA Takahiro
    • 研修・広報 / training・Japanese PR
  • WHITE Bill
    • 研修・イベント / training・event
  • SAEKI YAGI Machiko
    • 会計 + プロシーディングス / Treasurer + Proceedings
  • SAITO Jun
    • 会員 + 事務局業務(外注等がなされていないもの) / Membership + Secretariat (which is not outsourced)
  • HARADA Hiroyuki
    • サーバ管理 / Server Administration
  • SOULIER Aurelie (from Moodle HQ)
    • Moodle community engagement lead,  投票権なし(non-voting)


If you approve this board structure, Asada will be serving his second term as the president of the association. Especially in fiscal year 2022, I would like to make some improvements to the membership to make up for the inconvenience we have caused, and to connect to the end of my term as President. In addition, with the resignation of the board members who have been in charge of programs and R&D, we are also considering the improvement of the organizational structure as well as the management of MAJ. For this reason, we would like to continue recruiting people who can cooperate with the management of MAJ, even if they have been approved on this list.

With the above in mind, we would like to ask our members to cast their vote of confidence for the new organization at the following URL.


The voting period is from March 1 (noon) to March 7 (23:59).

Normally, the quorum for the AGM is those present at the meeting. For this reason, we would like to treat the number of " those who voted" as a quorum during this voting period.