2023年のベストMoodleイノベーション/2023Best Innovations nominations

2023年のベストMoodleイノベーション/2023Best Innovations nominations

- YOSHIBA David C の投稿
返信数: 1



The deadline for nominations for Best Moodle Innovation for 2023 is coming up 11 February. If you have a favorite plugin from this year please show your appreciation by nominating it before this coming Sunday (Japan time). Click on the link above to access the nominations page. The developers will appreciate your nomination.

YOSHIBA David C への返信

Re: 2023年のベストMoodleイノベーション/2023Best Innovations nominations

- YOSHIBA David C の投稿
We have only two more days to nominate innovations for this year’s innovation awards. If you have a nomination, please be reminded that the deadline is this coming Sunday, 11 February. To nominate an innovation you can follow the link below.

