HARASHIMA Hideto によって開始されたディスカッション

From Aino station, take the South exit and jump in on one of the shuttle busses to the campus. It is a big white bus with 静岡理工科大学 written on the side. It's free of charge and takes only a few minutes up the hill.


ムードルムート2017ご参加の皆様 (English below)




協会は会長 松木孝幸先生、副会長に Jason Hollowell先生と浅田義和先生 の体制で新年度を迎えます。これからも日本ムードル協会を引き続き御支援下さいますよう、お願いいたします。

Dear MoodleMoot Japan 2017 participants,

Thank you very much for joining the conference. It was one of the most successful moots we've ever had. Pre-and on-site registration numbered 182 (not the total number of participants for the three days) and that was wonderful. We appreciate your support. 

The three keynote speeches were all video recorded and they will be made available on the YouTube through Moodle HQ later. Prof. Hoyashita's very informative keynote slides (Japanese edition) are available here. 

The moot next year is planned at Musashi University in Tokyo. Please keep in mind and try your best to attend the event.

MAJ has a new leadership for the next fiscal year: Mr. Takayuki Matsuki the president, Mr. Jason Hollowell and Mr. Yoshikazu Asada the vice presidents. We ask for continuing support to the new leadership. Thank you.

今回、Dougiamas 氏の2回の基調講演は逐次通訳によってその場で日本語でも提供される予定です。

English speakers,

Prof. Hoyashita has kindly prepared all his keynote slides in English, which is available here in the moot course. Please look at these slides as you listen to his keynote speech. Thank you.


スケジュール中19日(日曜)午後の時間表示に間違いがありました。申し訳御座いません。以下の様に訂正いたします。改めてウェブ上の最新 schedule でご確認下さい。

Dear Moot participants,

There was wrong time allotment for the afternoon events on Sunday the 19th in the schedule. The following are the correct times. We apologize for inconvenience. Please check and confirm the latest schedule on the web. Thank you.


日曜日(19日)午後の時間変更 Schedule change on Sunday (19th) afternoon  

12:50 - 13:45 = keynote speech        基調講演
13:55 - 14:35 = regular sessions      発表
14:45 - 15:25 = regular sessions      発表
15:35 - 16:00 = closing ceremony  閉会式
