HARASHIMA Hideto による投稿

One other way to input the 4-digit number is, at the ATM machine, you choose 異なる名前 (kotonaru namae -- a different name from the one already registered in your bankcard) , then type in the number and your name anew. 


お待たせしました.「MAJニュースレター No. 4  ムート直前号」が発行になりました.こちらのリンクからダウンロードしてお読み下さい.ムードルとムートに関する最新の情報が盛りだくさんです.



Dear MAJ members,

The latest issue of our newsletter "MAJ Newsletter No. 4: pre-conference issue" is hot off the press and available at the link above.  This issue includes a lot of new information about Moodle and Moot that you don't want to miss. Please enjoy reading by downloading it.



Hi Mike,

If a poster will do, you can download it from the moot page:


Look to the right-hand side of the page.

Also, the whole moot page above can be a proof document of the event. I often print such pages in color and present to school administration. Hope it works for you too.


Moodle Moot 2014大会参加の皆様

いよいよ来月にムートが迫って参りました。大会中,日本ムードル協会の総会が開かれます.その中で,取り上げて欲しい議題や,理事として立候補なさりたい方がいらっしゃいましたら,1月20日(月)までに info@moodlejapan.org までご連絡下さい.


Hello Moodle Moot participants,

Moodle Moot Japan is coming around next month. During the moot, we are having AGM (Annual General Meeting). If you have any topic to be considered on the agenda, or if you would like to nominate yourself as a board member, please contact info@moodlejapan.org by Monday, January 20th. Thank you.