CLARO Jennifer による投稿


Summary: We have: 2 providers, each offering something a little different:

1. Amazon Web Services (AWS): Offered for the duration of the self-restraint period of face-to-face education (about one month?).
Remote classes with Moodle, online events (such as the delivery of entrance ceremonies) and the use of Chime, our web conference tool.

Justin says: Poodll can set up a (free) MAJ Moodle image in the AWS marketplace that user's can then use one-click install to get a running Moodle in just a few minutes.
Question: Can AWS provide these services for higher education (universities) only or for schools as well?

2. Moodle Premier Partner company "eLearning." His company is willing to offer 30-50 free ready-to-go Moodle instances to secondary schools in Hokkaido.

If Justin makes a template and makes it a one-click install, and AWS will provide space and credits for all schools and universities that want to use it, until the virus alert is over (and students go back to school) then the problems of space and delivery will be at least partially solved. But teachers/admin will need a lot of help designing their online courses. It is not just how to use Moodle that they have to deal with but the pedagogy and structuring of an online course.

What questions do we need to ask providers?
1. Can these 2 providers provide services to all levels of schools and universities?
Are there any drawbacks to either of these offers that we have to consider?
2. What about Moodle Cloud?
March 6 2020

Hi Everyone,

Many thanks to everyone's contributions yesterday. So much positive energy needs to be converted into usable objects now.

There are several discussions going on about various aspects of what we are trying to do. I tried to gather the main threads and post one short note for each as a reply to this main post (see just below), simply to avoid one long note.

Templates for teachers, including the one Justin will make one-clickable
Demo website
Videos for teachers on how to use Moodle
How to get in touch with teachers/admin/schools/universities
Articles to be written for online newspapers
Reaching out via social media: Make a FaceBook page? Twitter etc.

As a means of harvesting energy and actual production, I suggest that people start thinking about how they can contribute. We need to make a list of what exactly we think needs to be done and who will do it, like the Moodle moot organizers did. Make teams, list tasks, we claim tasks we can do, and get started doing them.

Tomoya Saito said yesterday "If you can truly realize the teaching materials and services that you are discussing now, I think they will be posted." 

We can truly realize this. Let's see what we can get done today.

Goal 1: Self-organize teams, each dedicated to a specific topic above, and new ones as they arise.
Google Translation: The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry website describes products and services that companies and organizations offer to you in response to the coronavirus problem.
In order to apply for publication, you will need specific materials about the service content and system, as well as information on the organization, responsible person, and contact information.
If you request publication as the Japan Moodle Association, it will be a material that states, "The Japan Moodle Association provides such educational materials and services to everyone."
For example, if a company such as Amazon or E-Learning asks for a publication, it will be a material that "We provide such a learning service using Moodle."
Perhaps, the specific service content, target audience, and the person responsible for operation are decided, and unless detailed materials are prepared, it will not be posted.
If you can really realize the teaching materials and services that you are discussing now, I think they will be posted.
This is great news! Now we have two providers. 信じられない!

Perhaps we should make/adapt one template to use for high schools and another for universities? Justin, what kind of a template will users of the Amazon space get?

So, Hokkaido high schools can use eLearning until the end of July, and everyone else can use Amazon for a month, possibly more?

Also, is there anything we should be asking ourselves before getting involved with any providers? Do we need to ask them any questions? I know little about providers in general but I had a very bad experience with one once. We have a responsibility to provide schools with a good experience.
My 4:05 p.m. post in Japanese:



1. Moodleのデモサイトを作成するか、既存のサイトを改善して(取り入れたいものが多くある日本のMoodle.orgのウェブサイトがあります)、Moodleでできることを紹介します。しかし、それをシンプルにするのはどうですか?私たちは、教師が自分のサイトを作るために興味を持ってくださる方々が感動し、しかし圧倒されないようにすることを望んでいます。




4. Moodle Mentorsは、オンラインで(画面共有を使用する?)、またはワークショップで直接会って、地域の方々がサイトを作り始めるのをサポートします。

5.授業は計画どおり2020年4月に開始されますが、遠隔です! 2020年の春の学期は、日本での広範なオンライン学習の始まります。韓国と中国も一緒にオンライン授業に変わります。


