TAMAI Keisuke による投稿

MAJ広報 斉藤様、

Thank you for your reply! And thanks again for allowing me to use images as long as they are properly selected or handled.
Can I capture images from recorded movies(Keynote, Workshop, and so on) as materials for the report that should be submitted to our university? I would like to introduce the exciting trial, "Online Moot 2020" to our colleagues.
本日15:10より第3号室:一文字ぐるぐるにて発表予定でした、京都工芸繊維大学 技術職員の玉井啓介と申します。


Hi, I'm Keisuke TAMAI, a technical staff member of Kyoto Institute of Technology.

I was supposed to give a presentation at Room 3: Hitomoji Guruguru today but I'm afraid all I could do is uploading my presentation material.
The theme of my presentaion is "An increasing number of Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT) office staff have begun using Moodle".
If you are interested in the administrative staff's Moodle-use, I hope my material might be of some help.

Thank you for your reply and introducing your blog & video!
I'm glad to recommend them to my colleague.

I'm ashamed to say that my ppt is almost divided version of the abstract...but,
I upload my ppt here. I hope it can be of any help to you.

So much enjoyed talking with you at the party last night.
Looking forward to seeing you again!

Hi, I'm Keisuke TAMAI of Kyoto Institute of Technology,
the lightning talk speaker of [238-L] "The long way to multilingualization of KIT Moodle".
Thanks for coming and listening to my talk like a daily struggling story...!

Below is the page I failed to introduce at my talk.
If you're interested in the global university project in Japan, I recommend that you visit.

In spite of my poor English, I've got kind note and advice after the talk.
That has become a great help for me. I really appreciate that.

Looking forward to the party & the 3rd day of MMJP19!
Best regards,