Posts made by Jun SAITO

お支払いいただきました各種料金の扱いにつきましては,理事会での検討が続いております。「懇親会」(Moot Dinner)は完全に中止となりましたので,少なくとも「懇親会費」につきましてはご返金させていただく方向で調整しております。確定まで今しばらくお待ちいただけましたら幸いです。
Thank you for your support for this online attempt.
Yes, please prepare at the moment for your online presentation broadcasted at the same time as originally scheduled. However, the timetable and detail of the program are subject to change. We will let you know about them later. For presenters who will not be able to join the broadcasting session, we may ask them to upload their presentation slides and/or recordings. Thank you for your cooperation.
The organizing committee is now making arrangements for a new program and technical things like which part is open and which may not. We will let you know more on the program later. Thank you for your patience.

2020年日本ムードルムート参加者のみなさま / Dear Participants for MoodleMoot Japan 2020


The board of directors of the Moodle Association of Japan has, after careful deliberation, decided to change from a face-to-face Moot, to an "online moot" style for the upcoming Moot. The face-to-face MoodleMoot conference at Sojo University has been cancelled. Previously we stated it would be postponed. Now we are planning to hold, wherever possible, online sessions on the same days as originally planned. 

This decision was made due to a request from Sojo University, the venue, as a measure against the spreading of the new coronavirus.

We apologize that this decision was made at the last minute and also for causing trouble to you. However, considering the situation, it is truly unavoidable. We appreciate your understanding of this regrettable situation.

Regarding the refunding of fees paid to MAJ, we will make another announcement later.

**Only for participants coming from abroad to Kumamoto** We are arranging an online streaming space for the "online moot". We will be contacting you individually. A special team of broadcasters will organize this. 

皆様へ:オンラインMoodleMoot Japan(2月26日〜2月28日)の詳細につきましては,今しばらくお待ちください。
To everyone: Stay tuned for more information on the very first online MoodleMoot Japan from February 26th - 28th.

2020年日本ムードルムート参加者のみなさま / Dear Participants for MoodleMoot Japan 2020


The board of directors of Moodle Association of Japan has, after deliberation, decided today to POSTPONE MoodleMoot Japan 2020.


This decision is made due to a request from Sojo University, the venue, as a measure against new coronavirus infections.


We apologize for this decision being made at the last minute and also for causing such a big trouble to you. We appreciate your understanding of the unavoidable situations.


As for the refund of fees paid to MAJ, we will make another announcement later.

なお,海外から熊本へ来られる方々のために,27日(木)をワンデイムートとします。 やむを得ず熊本へ来られた方には少人数ワークショップへの参加をご招待します。ただし,講演者は海外からの参加者に限定します。

For the participants coming from abroad to Kumamoto, we are arranging a one-day Moot on Thursday, February 27th. We would like to invite those who will have arrived in Kumamoto for unavoidable reasons to the special sessions of small groups. Presentations will be limited to the participants from abroad.

日本ムードル協会 / Moodle Association of Japan