ラクレア エルトン によって開始されたディスカッション


The MAJ Moodle MOOT 2020 is coming up soon, and each year awards will be made for the best developments related to Moodle by members of MAJ. These might be the development of a new module or block, or even a suggested patch to the current code which adds greater functionality to a current version. The development itself need not be specific to Moodle as used in Japan. If you would like to make a nomination, please follow this link and fill in the necessary information.


Voting for the Best Moodle Innovation begins today. Please click this link to see the nominees and test out the new features and plugins. Voting will close at 5PM today!

Moodle innovation Awards(日本語は下)

New Moodle innovations contributed by members of the Moodle Association of Japan were recognized in an award ceremony at the recent Japan MOOT held at Musashi University in Tokyo. Contributions to the open source learning platform included novel plugins and interface improvements.

First prize was awarded to Miura Kenichi and Matsuki Takayuki of Tokyo Kasei University for the ChemJax plugin, which enables users to draw chemical structural formulas for display in Moodle. The second prize winner was Gordon Bateson of Kochi University of Technology for the MAJ Submissions block, which allows Moodle to be used as a conference organization tool. There were three honorable mention awards this year. The first went to Nobuhiro Kumai of Gakushin University and Paul Daniels of Kochi University of Technology for the VoiceShadow 3 plugin, the second also went to Paul Daniels and Nobuhiro Kumai for the Speech Assessment plugin, and the third was awarded to Takahiro Nakahara of Three Strings (合同会社三玄舎), Eric Hagley of Muroran Institute of Technology, David Campbell of Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, and Thom Rawson of Nagasaki International University for Forum Interface Improvements. All contributions were evaluated by David Mudrak of Moodle HQ and winners were chosen based on the votes of Moodle Association of Japan members. 

Please visit this page for more details about the winning entries.

ムードルイノベーション賞 武蔵大学で開催された大会で日本ムードル協会ムードル・イノベーション賞に多数の応募がありました。応募には、プラグインやインタフェースの改善といったものがありました。 賞の第1位は、ChemJax plugin(三浦謙一と松木孝幸(東京家政大学))に与えられました。このプラグインは、Moodleの画面上に化学構造式を描くことを可能にするものです。第2位は、MAJ Submissions block(Gordon Bateson (高知工科大学))です。これは、Moodleを会議システムとして有効に使えるようにしたものです。その他に、3つの優秀賞が与えられました。一つ目は、VoiceShadow 3 plugin(熊井 信弘 (学習院大学) と Paul Daniels (高知工科大学))に与えられ、2つめは、Speech Assessment plugin(Paul Danielsと熊井 信弘)に与えられ、3つめは、Forum Interface Improvements(中原 敬広 (合同会社三玄舎),Eric Hagley (室蘭工科大学),David Campbell (帯広畜産大学),それに Thom Rawson (長崎国際大学))でした。 全ての応募作品は、ムードル本部から来られた David Mudrak により評価され、受賞者は日本ムードル協会会員による投票により決められました。(敬称略)


Best Open Courseware at MAJ Moodle MOOT 2018(日本語は下) During 2017 a total of 22 courses were contributed to the Moodle Association of Japan Hub. Of these, eight were considered for this year's Best Open Courseware competition. Submissions are judged by a panel of experts and are assessed in areas such as presentation, interactivity, unique or highly-valued themes, extensiveness of content, and relevant assessment system.

The winners of this year’s first prize were Rob Olson, Wayne Skelton, Don Hinkleman (Sapporo Gakuin University), Kate Sato (Hokkaido University of Science) and Matt Cotter (Hokusei Gakuen Junior College) for English Communication 1 - Semester 1 & 2. Second Prize went to Rob Hirschel and Levy Solomon of Sojo University for Sharing Stories in English. Two Honorable Mention prizes were also awarded. The first went to Thom Rawson, Tomoko Matsumoto, J. Patrick Owatani-Dorgan, and Brendon Van Deusen of Nagasaki International University for Fifteen Week Extensive Reading, while the other was presented to Atsuhiro Kojima of Osaka Prefectural University for Introduction to Programming (C Language). Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all who submitted a course to the Moodle Association of Japan Hub. 

Please visit this page for more details about the winning submissions.

ベスト・オープン・コースウェア賞 2017年度は、MAJのハブに全部で22コースの応募がありました。これらのうち、8コースが賞の対象となり、専門家により判断され、以下の要素を重点的に見ていきました:プレゼンの仕方、対話的であるか、ユニークであるかあるいは高付加価値のテーマか、内容の拡張性、適切な評価があるかどうか。 子年度の第1位は、English Communication 1 - Semester 1 & 2 (Rob Olson, Wayne Skelton, Don Hinkleman (札幌学院大学), Kate Sato (北海道科学大学) それに Matt Cotter (北星学園大学短期大学部))に与えられました。第2位は、Sharing Stories in English(Rob Hirschel と Levy Solomon(崇城大学))に与えられました。2つの優秀賞があり、一つは、Fifteen Week Extensive Reading(Thom Rawson, Tomoko Matsumoto, J. Patrick Owatani-Dorgan, それに Brendon Van Deusen (長崎国際大学))。二つ目は、Introduction to Programming (C Language)(小島 篤博(大阪府立大学))に与えられました。 受賞者はお目出度うございます。また、日本ムードル協会のムードル・ハブに投稿して頂いた方達に感謝します。(敬称略)



Voting for the Best Moodle Innovation begins today. Please click this link to see the nominees and test out the new features and plugins. Voting will close at 5PM today!