... 2016年1月20日 22時00分現在の発表の一覧

... presentations as of 2016 1 20, 22:00

この仮の発表の一覧は基調講演、 ワークショップ、学術研究発表系、ショーケースとライトニング・トークと企業プレゼンテーションを表示しています。

This provisional presentations list shows Keynotes, Workshops, Academic presentations, showcases, lightning talks, and Commercial presentations.


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例 for example



Presenter: Takayuki Ishikawa. 石川 高行 (Osaka International University 大阪国際大学)

Co-Presenter(s): Miha Takubo. 田窪 美葉 (Osaka International University 大阪国際大学)

Title: 文系科目向けの Moodle 入門

Presentation type: 初級者向け 日本語ワークショップ 1



Moodle を触ったことがない方、授業での Moodle 活用度をより高めたい方を対象に、主に社会科学・人文科学分野での Moodle 利用法を紹介し、体験していただきます。Moodle 初心者の一般教員の方が受講することを想定しています。授業資料の置き方、記述課題の最も簡単な出題・採点方法、自動採点試験の作り方、学生にやらせたプリントを電子的に集める方法、などを扱います。特に、学生のsmartphone 所持率の高さから近年可能になった、iPhone, iPad による Moodle利用にも焦点を当てます (Android 端末でもほぼ同様のことができると思われます)。逆に、学生の PC 普及率が低下し、「自宅に MS-Word や MS-PowerPointがない」という学生が増えたため、iPhone, iPad 上で作成した MS-Word file, MS-PowerPoint file を OneDrive 経由で提出させる方法も紹介します (管理者への設定依頼が必要)。

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Yoshikazu Asada. 淺田 義和 (Jichi Medical University 自治医科大学)


Title: moodle のレッスン機能を使ってみよう

Presentation type: 初級者向け 日本語ワークショップ 2



本ワークショップではMoodleの基本機能の一つである「レッスン」を扱います。レッスンでは大きく分けて (1)学習者にコンテンツを見せる。(2)多肢選択などのテストを受けさせる という2種類の画面があり、いずれの場合でも (3)学習者の選択に応じて次に見せる内容を変えるという3つのことが実施できます。特筆すべきは(3)の機能です。これにより、学習者が適応学習(アダプティブラーニング)を実施することができます。例えばゲームブックのような形で、ストーリー性を持ったシナリオを体験させることも可能です。一方でレッスンの設定、特に各ページの遷移設定は少しクセがあり、慣れないうちは一苦労してしまうこともあります。本ワークショップでは標準的なレッスン機能の解説および利用体験の場を提供します。また、時間の余裕があれば「どのように学習記録が記録されているか& エクスポートできるか」についても紹介していきたいと思います。

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Yoshikazu Asada. 淺田 義和 (Jichi Medical University 自治医科大学)


Title: moodle 3.0 の新しい小テストを体験しよう

Presentation type: 初級者向け 日本語ワークショップ 3



moodle 3.0 からデフォルトで利用可能となったThe Open Universityによって開発された小テスト(Drag & Drop / Missing word)の使い方について、簡単な解説および実際に問題を作る練習を行ってみます。前者は特定の画像にマーカーや単語をDrag& Dropするタイプの問題です。例えば地図を使った地名クイズ(場所を選ばせる)、解剖の問題(名称を答えさせる)といった使い方が可能です。Missing wordはこれまでにもCloze形式を使うことで実装可能でしたが、「選択式の穴埋め」に限ることで非常に容易に問題作成することが可能です。これまでの小テストの機能と合わせてこれらの新機能を活用することで、さらに多種多様な問題を作ることが可能となります。ぜひこの機会に使い方を学んで、日々の実践でも使ってみてください。なお、時間の余裕があれば「どのような学習記録が得られるか」なども紹介していく予定です。

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Masumi Kameda. 亀田 真澄 (Tokyo University of Science, Yamaguchi 山口東京理科大学一般基礎)


宇田川暢 Udagawa Mitsuru, 山口県立大学 情報化推進室

Title: 美しい数式を配信しよう (中級向け)

Presentation type: 中級・上級者向け 日本語ワー クショップ 2



Moodle サイトで数式を含めたコンテンツを配信されることは簡単ではない。すなわち配信させる Web ページの数式表示が伸縮可能、かつ綺麗であることは重要なことである。これを解決するためのノウハウを習得するため、ハンズオン形式のワークショップを開設します。

1. 数式を含むコンテンツを送受信するためのシステム要件(TeX フィルター、MathJax など)について


2. 数式を含めたコンテンツ作成法について

3. 高度な数式を含めたコンテンツ作成法について

4. 発展的な数式を含めたコンテンツ作成法について

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Yutaka Fujita. 藤田 豊 (Yokohama City Fire Department 横浜市消防局)


Title: 【必要なのはブラウザだけ】あなたのムードルをおしゃれに変える!アピアラステーマ変更ワークショップ

Presentation type: 中級・上級者向け 日本語ワー クショップ 3








Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Eric Hagley. (Muroran Institute of Technology )


Title: Moodle Beginners' workshop part 1

Presentation type: English Beginner Workshop 1



This is a workshop for the Moodle novice. People who have little or no idea about how to use Moodle will be given a chance to learn. Participants will be able to learn the basics of Moodle by working hands on in a real example of an online course. Moodle is an interactive website useful for most learning environments. It is an open source (free) learning management system that can be a one-stop location for giving online quizzes, handling email announcements to students, providing handouts for download, and publishing protected student blogs, chatrooms, forums, wikis, or glossaries. This workshop will give an overview of what Moodle is and showcase quickly some of its features. It will then train teachers to be able to create content using Moodle. Teachers will make their own courses in a Moodle site. Even teachers who have never used computers for teaching may find it useful to see how discussion forums, blogs, chatrooms, surveys, online quizzes and other interactive activities can make livelier learning programs and streamline management of assignments, grades, and materials. In particular, the most common features of Moodle: forums, quizzes and resources will be created. Participants will also be able to request specific feature explanations too. This workshop will be followed by another one where your skills as Moodle editors and creators are further honed.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Adam Jenkins. (Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology )


Title: Moodle Beginners' workshop part 2

Presentation type: English Beginner Workshop 2



In this workshop we will develop the skills you attained in the first one and add to them. Introduction of multimedia into Moodle, more detailed student and course management, and how to add resources and other activities will be covered here. For those that didn't attend the first workshop but have a basic understanding of Moodle, you are welcome to join this too.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: David Campbell. (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine )


Title: Unleash the Power of the Moodle Database Module

Presentation type: English Beginner Workshop 3



The Moodle Database module is a powerful and flexible element of Moodle that is often overlooked. In this workshop participants will be shown some examples of how the module can be used and then they will be walked through the settings. We will share ideas on how to use the module and then the participants will be assisted in creating several simple activities and data collection forms that they can use in their courses.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Thom Rawson. (Nagasaki International University )


Title: Moodle Connectivity Workshop - Advanced Users and Administrators

Presentation type: English Intermediate /Advanced Workshop 1



In as early as Moodle version 1.8, Moodle sites could connect via SSO using the MNet communication protocol. While this flexible standard supports site-wide access across Moodle installations, each site still exists as a separate entity containing courses and activities enclosed. Cross-site connectivity first appears in Moodle version 2.4 with LTI, or Learning Tools Interoperability. Proposed by IMS Global as a standard for connecting learning tools, LTI allows for closer-knit integration and abstraction of the various activities and courses. The primary benefits include seamless integration between learning platforms (not only Moodle, but any other LT implementing the standard) and grade-sharing between provider and consumer. In this workshop, the different steps for configuring both LTI consumer objects and provided objects will be covered. Basic Moodle Administrator experience is a prerequisite for getting the most from this hands-on workshop. If time allows, additional topics may be offered related to site or server administration.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Thierry Koscielniak. (Paris Descartes Univ. - Sorbonne Paris Cité パリ・デカルト大学(パリ市ソルボンヌ))


Title: Setting up and Using Zapette for BYOD interactive lectures

Presentation type: English Intermediate /Advanced Workshop 2



Lectures are popular in many schools in Japan and the world. This hands-on workshop demonstrates a new Moodle app that makes lectures more interactive. The Moodle development team of Paris Descartes University has developed a tool, called reMoot Control ("Zapette" in French), that aims to integrate a Moodle triggering button into the teacher's slideshow and to permit the student to answer on there own smartphone, tablet or laptop (BYOD Bring Your Own Device). This handsonworkshop aims This virtual remote control allows the teacher to control Moodle's interface without leaving his slideshow and simplifies the use of Moodle quizzes in interactive lectures in BYOD mode. The students answer via a shortened URL or a QR-code that open the control interface. This tools has been developed as a separate Web application to minimize Wi-Fi bandwidth use. It requests directly into the tables of Feedback or "Questionnaire" modules. Participants will learn how to install and use the app in this workshop on their own smart devices.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Mary Cooch. (Moodle HQ Community Educator ムードル本部コミュニティー教育者)


Title: Personalised Learning with the Lesson activity

Presentation type: Japanese and English Workshop (日本語通訳付き)



Moodle’s Lesson activity is a very powerful but advanced tool. Recently it has been given some attention and its features have been improved. In this workshop, Mary will share different ways to use the Lesson activity as part of your teaching. You will build a lesson together to understand how you can use it to personalise learning for your students.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Jedha Chan. (LMS and Games UI/UX Developer LMSやゲームのUI/UX開発者)


Title: Getting started with Moodle development

Presentation type: Workshop



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Jedha Chan. チャン ジェダ (LMS and Games UI/UX Developer LMSやゲームのUI/UX開発者)


Title: LMS Issues in Asia, and What We Can Do

Presentation type: Featured Speaker 特別講演者



LMS software such as Moodle have had an incredible impact on education worldwide. However, in Asia more than a few problems present themselves with regards to their everyday use and management. Through the introduction and discussion of some real-world issues (Unicode, UI/UX, localization and the like), I would like to introduce some thoughts on what we as Moodle users, partners and developers could do to address Asian and Japanese issues as they present themselves in the Moodle community.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Mary Cooch. クーチ メアリー (Moodle HQ Community Educator ムードル本部コミュニティー教育者)


Title: Working for the Community: The role of Community Educator

Presentation type: KEYNOTE



Moodle is developing rapidly, with new versions released every six months and exciting new features such as the mobile app helping increase its popularity. Moodle is, and always will be free, and its focus is, and always will be on Learning. In this keynote Mary will show how Moodle HQ connects to the global community and helps them use, understand and share Moodle.

As Community Educator, Mary will discuss the importance of the Moodle.org forums, the Community sites, local Moodle User Groups and national conferences. She will describe the part she plays in running the free Moodle MOOC twice a year and in creating and editing Moodle documentation, videos and example course content. Mary will discuss use of the HQ hub Moodle.net and outline plans for the new Moodle User Association.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Martin Dougiamas. ドゥーギアマス マーティン (Founder and lead developer of Moodle. Moodle創始者 ムードル本部)


Title: Moodle, the road ahead (A virtual presentation)

Presentation type: KEYNOTE



The world is changing, Internet is spreading into every room of every home. Apps and sites are proliferating and merging under the control of some of the biggest companies the world has ever seen. More and more people are using software and they care nothing about how that software is made.

Is Moodle relevant in a world like this? How should an open source project respond to these pressures? What directions should we take? What will Moodle look like in 10 years?

Martin will discuss some of these and more, giving his perspective on how the Moodle project is responding and where Moodle can go.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Thierry Koscielniak. コシエルニアク ティエリー (Paris Descartes Univ. - Sorbonne Paris Cité パリ・デカルト大学(パリ市ソルボンヌ))


Title: reMoot Control for Moodle: BYOD interactive lectures

Presentation type: Featured Speaker 特別講演者



The Moodle development team of Paris Descartes University has developed a tool, called reMoot Control ("Zapette" in French), that aims to integrate a Moodle triggering button into the teacher's slideshow and to permit the student to answer on there own smartphone, tablet or laptop (BYOD Bring Your Own Device).

This virtual remote control allows the teacher to control Moodle's interface without leaving his slideshow and simplifies the use of Moodle quizzes in interactive lectures in BYOD mode. The students answer via a shortened URL or a QR-code that open the control interface.This tool has been developed as a separate Web application to minimize Wi-Fi bandwidth use. It requests directly into the tables of Feedback or "Questionnaire" modules.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Kiyoshi Nakabayashi. 仲林 清 (Chiba Institute of Technology, Professor 千葉工業大学 教授)


Title: Value of e-Learning Standardization: LMS Activities, Content, Learning Records, and More

Presentation type: KEYNOTE



E-learning technology standardization, similar to other areas of information technology, is indispensable to make products and services disseminated, sophisticated and valuable. This talk discusses the role and the future direction of e-learning technology standardization, from the view point of both technological seeds and educational needs, reviewing the stream of e-learning content standards including SCORM, Experience API, and CMI5. The talk also briefly introduces the new Extensible Learning Environment with Courseware Object Architecture (ELECOA) which we have developed as a Moodle plug-in module with the aim of technology standardization as well as technical integration with Moodle.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Ryuta Fujii. 藤井 竜太 (ATAMI PC SUPPORT 熱海PCサポート)


Title: Security For Moodle

Presentation type: ケース・スタディー 20分 Case Study 20 mins (Non Academic AND non-commercial)

Keywords: 学生もしくは生徒の個人情報を扱う上でのセキュリティリスク



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site: https://facebook.com/atamipc/


Presenter: Shawn R. White. ホワイト ショーン ・ R. (Kinki University 近畿大学)


Title: Developing Ubiquitous Learning for Cengage Pathways

Presentation type: ケース・スタディー 20分 Case Study 20 mins (Non Academic AND non-commercial)

Keywords: Pathways, Cengage, National Geographic


This is a case study demonstration of courses integrating textbook, e-learning, and m-learning, into “ubiquitous learning" with Moodle as the backbone. Cengage has worked to develop a Moodle version for the WorldLink textbook series so I approached their representative to discuss using other textbooks with Moodle. With their assistance I am working on Rapid Prototyping three books of the Pathways series. There remain questions concerning copyrighted materials so this talk is intended to further that discussion in hopes of persuading more companies to work with teachers to further the goals of Ubiquitous Learning.

Presentation URL: http://jEFL.org

Presenter’s web site: http://jEFL.org


Presenter: Paul Daniels. (Kochi University of Technology )


Title: Adding Web Speech capabilities to Moodle

Presentation type: ショーケース 最大90分 Showcase, up to 90 mins (Academic)

Keywords: web speech, speech recognition


Google’s Web Speech API makes it easy to create web-based speaking activities in Moodle. This presentation will provide an overview of the speech-to-text and text-to-speech capabilities of the API and how it can be integrated into Moodle activity modules. A number of Moodle activities that make use of these speech recognition and speech synthesis tools will be demonstrated including a computerized speech assessment activity, a voice commenting activity, and a voice shadowing activity. The limitations of using the Web Speech API with Moodle will also be discussed. This presentation will focus on practical speaking activities that can be deployed within Moodle and will not cover the coding and development process of the Moodle activities. Participants will be able to demo the Moodle speaking activities, currently available at github.com/spnova. The activities have been tested with Moodle 2.4 - 2.8.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site: http://hokulele.us


Presenter: Jonathan Harrison. ハリソン ジョナサン (Nihon University, College of Science and Technology )


Ruth Vanbaelen, Nihon University, College of Science and Technology

Title: Moodling a Yearlong TOEFL Workshop

Presentation type: ショーケース 最大90分 Showcase, up to 90 mins (Academic)

Keywords: Moodle, TOEFL, Yearlong, Uncredited


In 2015, a yearlong, uncredited, blended course was created to build students TOEFL skills and scores at a private science and technology university with two campuses. This presentation will discuss why and how Moodle was used as the hub for activities and communication. In brief, using Moodle allowed students from both campuses to access materials and activities even when unable to attend face-to-face sessions. As the sessions were voluntary, Moodle provided a flexible platform for this voluntary course which allowed students to choose their level of engagement. A variety of modules were used. Feedback was used as a registration device for both the course and for the TOEFL IP. Choices were used to negotiate and arrange availability for sessions. Quizzes were used to test basic understanding of vocabulary, and forums provided community discussion areas for usage of new vocabulary andハvenues for sharing ideas via essay exchange. Here, one game used was to play devil's advocate and write a response essay with the opposite view. Assignments were used for gathering responses to speaking prompts. Both essays and speaking responses were analyzed to evaluate growth and depth. The use of Moodle was blended with Google Drive, use of student corpora, and face-to-face sessions. Preliminary results will also be discussed.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Robert Songer. (Kanazawa Technical College 金沢工業高等専門学校)


Title: Course Skill Bars: A Gamified Feedback Plugin for Moodle

Presentation type: ショーケース 最大90分 Showcase, up to 90 mins (Academic)

Keywords: gamification, skills, feedback, assessment, plugins


Two emerging schools of thought can be seen in the gamification of education. One seeks to utilize the playful attractiveness of games to garner student engagement. The other recognizes well-defined training systems in games that design progressive learning experiences with scaffolding, feedback and increasingly difficult challenges. Existing gamification plugins for Moodle are largely pattern-bound solutions with limited customizability for unconventional gamification design. For this reason, we present an in-development Moodle plugin that provides meaningful feedback to students in the form of game-like skill bars. The plugin represents primary course skills as progress bars in a block format as well as associated sets of subskills as checklists in a page format. Course designers can define the skills and subskills to make classes feel more game-like with fun skill names, or enhance the endogenous value of the feedback by choosing names directly related to the course content and pedagogy. Updates to skill bars progression metrics and checklists provide students with feedback on their growth. This presentation aims to demonstrate the plugin's primary functions and examples of usage while engaging the user community in a dialogue about the future development of desirable features for course gamification with Moodle.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Yoshikazu Asada. 淺田 義和 (Jichi Medical University 自治医科大学)


Hideko Takayama, Jichi Medical University Hospital
Tomoya Uejo,ハJichi Medical UniversityハHospital
Junko Shiozaki,ハJichi Medical UniversityハHospital
Hiroko Osawa,ハJichi Medical UniversityハHospital

Title: 大学病院での看護師教育におけるmoodleの導入事例:シミュレーションとのブレンド型教育実践報告

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: 病院, 成人教育, ブレンド型学習, シミュレーション, 看護師


筆者の所属大学の附属病院では、看護師に対する多重課題研修(複数の患者に対するタスクが同時に発生した際、時間切迫の中でどのように優先順位を決定する かの訓練)が実施されている。当初は仮想病棟で患者役等を設定しながら行うシミュレーションのみで実施していたが、学習効果を高めるため、インストラク ショナルデザインの知見を用い、2013年より事前学習課題を導入し、2014年からはmoodleのレッスン機能を用いてストーリー性のある教材を作成 して導入してきた。今回の発表では、作成した教材の紹介、および実際の研修でmoodleの教材がどのような位置づけで利用されているかを解説する。ま た、2014年度および2015年度の利用者アンケート結果を用い、教材の長所・短所等に関する分析結果および今後の改善点を紹介する。さらに、多重課題 に限らず、新人研修全体においてeラーニングの利用を拡張し、ブレンド型教育として病院内で用いていくことの意義やLearning Analyticsの必要性、導入にあたっての課題等を述べる。なお、本発表内容はJSPS科研費15K16261の助成を受けている。

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Gordon Bateson. (Kochi University of Technology 高知工科大学)


John Brine, University of Aizu
Alexander Vazhenin, University of Aizu

Title: A graphical interface for awarding points in the Moodle Assignment module

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: digital badges, assignment, feedback, points


This presentation will describe and demonstrate a Moodle plugin that offers a graphical interface for awarding points in the Moodle assignment module. It was developed as part of a PhD project to investigate the use of digital badges to support English-village experiential language learning. The project required an interface that would allow a language teacher to award a small number of points to one or more students quickly, easily and reliably. The grading mechanism of the standard Assignment module was not suitable for several reasons. Firstly, it is difficult to locate particular students in the list of student names, and it is hard to click on the tiny grading icon that gives access to the grade page for a single student. Also, points cannot be awarded incrementally and the grading of each student requires four webpages to be loaded. To address these issues a graphical representation of the classroom was developed, in which students appear as icons that can be tapped to award points, and dragged around the screen to create a seating plan that mimics the physical arrangement of students in the classroom. Students can be shuffled, and all layouts can be stored in Moodle and retrieved later.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site: http://github.com/gbateson/


Presenter: John Brine. (University of Aizu )


Title: An educator's guide to on-premises and cloud-hosted solutions for Moodle operation

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: cloud-based Moodle, evaluation, higher-education


The purpose of this presentation is to evaluate the considerations involved in making the transition from an on-premises to a cloud-hosted solution for a Moodle installation in a university context. During the past 12 years, many university teachers have installed and maintained their own on-premises Moodle sites. However, the work required to maintain a Moodle site can escalate so that university teachers who have assumed this responsibility need to continually improve the efficiency of their operations. Advantages and disadvantages of both solutions will be described and examples will be drawn from experience with Mac OS X and Amazon Web Services. This evaluation is not limited to technical considerations. Moodle installations have the capacity and features to transform pedagogical and curricular organization, but varying stakeholder groups such as teachers, students, and administrators will respond differently, and institutional, technical, educational, cultural, and financial constraints can limit its integration. Examples will be drawn from experiences in domestic and international university contexts.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site: http://clrweb.u-aizu.ac.jp


Presenter: Jennifer Claro. (Kitami Institute of Technology )


Title: Video-based communication in an intercultural online exchange: A multimodal learning experience

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: intercultural exchange, video, multimodal


In a recent Moodle intercultural exchange, university students in Canada and Japan communicated via recorded videos. Quantitative (survey) and qualitative (interview and student journal writing) results from the 2-month project indicate that students preferred video-based communication to text only. Students found video communication to be natural and authentic, felt that it brought them closer to their overseas partners, and found the project motivating. Online intercultural exchanges are becoming more common around the world, and text and/or chat are the usual modes of communication. However, in text-based communication, misunderstandings may occur because much of the information that we normally receive in face-to-face communication is excluded from text-based communication. In contrast, in video-based communication, students get all the visual and aural information that is missing in text-based communication. Live video chat is too fast for many beginning and intermediate students, but with recorded videos, students have time to reflect and to prepare. The presenter will explain the project briefly, explain how students used PoodLL (a Moodle plug-in) and/or YouTube to make and store videos, and show how the videos were presented in Moodle forums. The presenter will show some student-made videos and discuss how they afford a unique multimodal learning experience.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Kenlay Friesen. (Hokusei Gakuen University )


Bricklin Zeff, Sapporo, Hokkai Gakuen University

Title: Rethinking Questionnaires - Putting Students in Charge

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: questionnaire, workshop, student-centered, collaboration


This presentation will demonstrate a multi-step Moodle based project that integrates the Questionnaire and Workshop activity modules. The Questionnaire activity was modified to enable students to create their own surveys. These 'student generated surveys' were taken by other students, enabling students to collect data from their classmates. The following PowerPoint presentations were uploaded to the Moodle website and then peer evaluated using the Workshop module.ハハFinally, oral presentations, utilising these PowerPoint files, and based on the data collected, were peer evaluated, again using the Workshop module. This was a five week project, part of a 15 week English course for second year students at Hokusei Gakuin University in Sapporo. The students were non-English majors studying English as a required course. As an alternative to traditional language education, this activity required self-direction, encouraged learner autonomy, utilized collaboration, and incorporated peer evaluation at multiple stages. Integrating the Questionnaire and Workshop modules in this way resulted in an engaging, student-centered, five week project.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Eric Hagley. (Muroran Institute of Technology 室蘭工業大学)


Title: Large scale virtual exchanges with Moodle

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: Virtual Exchange, Culture, Language


The presenter has been using Moodle as the conduit for virtual exchanges over the past 10 years. These have been smallish in scale with up to 120 students participating in any exchange at a given time. The exchanges involved Japanese students (studying English) working with U.S. and/or Australian students (studying Japanese) in dual language virtual exchanges (DLVE) or Japanese students working with students in Colombia and/or Vietnam using English only in single language virtual exchanges (SLVE). Students extensively use Moodle forums to practice the language they are learning in class. This gives students access to real world communicative events. From October 1, 2015 the SLVE was opened to approximately 300 students from Japan and the same number from Colombia for a pilot course. 5 universities in Japan were involved with students from the SENA in Colombia. Creation of the course, its goals, the problems and some of the outcomes will be presented here. Plans to expand the SLVE to include 60,000 students from 4 countries in 3 levels of language will also be outlined. Some comparisons with the DLVE courses will also be detailed.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Jonathan Harrison. (Nihon University, College of Science and Technology )


Ruth Vanbaelen, Nihon University, College of Science and Technology

Title: Gmoodgling

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: Moodle, Google, Blended learning, Tools, Variety


Moodle is a fantastic CMS which acts as a hub for millions of courses worldwide, but as educators we have a plethora of online learning tools at our disposal. As educators, it could be considered one of our duties to teach our students how to use not only Moodle but also other collaborative tools available to students as they may be expected to use multiple tools in their careers. This presentation is for beginner Moodle and Google users. Some basic background on Moodle and Google tools will be given. Then the basics of Google Drive will be explained in order to demonstrate how Google tools and Moodle can complement each other for various purposes. The rationale for blending Google tools with Moodle modules will be discussed for activities such as collaborative writing, presentation making, and peer review. Sample activities from an academic writing and presenting course and other English courses will be shared. Certain modules, e.g. Wiki, Forum, Assignment and Database, and Google tools can serve different purposes. This presentation will discuss the merits and demerits of each (as experienced by the presenters and the course users).

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Atsushi Hata. 畑 篤 (Universuty of Toyama 富山大学)


Atsushi Hata,University of Toyama
Hiroshi Kihara,University of Toyama ハ

Title: Word文書を利用したMoodle小テスト問題の一括作成(2)-正誤、組合せ問題の変換及びMoodle XMLファイルのWord形式への逆変換

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: 小テスト,Word,一括変換,逆変換,XML



Presentation URL: http://www.itc.u-toyama.ac.jp/moodle2/launcher/

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Don Hinkelman. (Sapporo Gakuin University )

2015 MAJ R&D grant awardee 2015年度 研究・開発補助金受賞者


Adam Jenkins, Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology
Yoshikazu Asada 淺田 義和, Jichi Medical University
Justin Hunt, PoodLL.com

Title: MAJ Community Hub: Social Networking Theme and Personalized Mailings

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: hub, open courseware, Mailchimp, social theme


The MAJ Community Hub is a free, open courseware sharing site for MAJ members and to the Moodle community as a whole. It is a contribution-required community so that after an initial free download, participants need to contribute materials or time to continue using the service. This presentation demonstrates the improvements in the past two years to MAJ Hub and invites comments, questions and discussion by MAJ members. In the 2014 MAJ Hub Development Grant, versioning features were added. This means hub users can not only submit new courses, try them and download them, but they can also improve them, edit them, and re-submit them. Authors and contributors can edit courses and create named versions. This gives us the opportunity to host authoring communities on the hub. Then in 2015, two changes were proposed: 1) an upgrade of a custom theme to promote more social networking and maintenance and 2) personalised mailings for members based on their needs and participation. In this presentation, the managers of the Community Hub will demonstrate the group mailing feature (MailChimp) and how this tool works to give individual reports to members and encourage more contributions with incentives and recognition.

Presentation URL: http://hub.moodlejapan.org

Presenter’s web site: http://hub.moodlejapan.org


Presenter: Rob Hirschel. (Sojo University )


Title: Moodle in the move toward extensive listening

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: extensive listening, L2 listening, listening with text


Both listening with supporting text and reading while listening have been advocated as measures to improve listening comprehension, vocabulary recognition, and reading fluency. Both approaches have empirical support and yet both also suffer from the same predicament: inconvenience. Copies of the listening text may not be readily available. CDs or mp3s to match the reading may be difficult to find or unwieldy to download. For either approach, different learners will invariably require differing lengths of exposure or repetitions. The presenter proposes a solution using Moodle quizzes to present a fixed sequence of activities in which previous pages cannot be reviewed. The activities, in order, are: vocabulary support via embedded Quizlet cards, listening once without text, answering comprehension questions, listening a second time with the text displayed, and finally answering the same comprehension questions. Each sequenced quiz is completed on a weekly basis either in the classroom or for homework. Learners access quizzes and track progress via a Progress Bar. The presenter will demonstrate how to set up these activities, challenges encountered and how they were overcome, as well as learner perspectives. Data may also illustrate the effect of textual support and multiple listening opportunities.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Jason Hollowell. Hollowell (Musashi University )


Title: Integrating Moodle - Creating a unified Mahara, library management software, and student information system package

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: integration, Majara, library management, SIS


Although Moodle is arguably the most popular learning management system in the world, it is not always the best suited tool for educational administration related tasks or for learner portfolios, which typically center on each individual user. For such tasks, integrating Moodle with programs such as library management systems and student information systems, or student portfolio systems like Mahara, is often a better option as doing so allows users to get the most from each system integrated into a 'configuration'. This presentation will introduce a Moodle system that is being slowly evolved into a configuration of this nature. A detailed explanation of the goals for the configuration will be provided and attendees will be given sufficient time to ask questions, provide feedback, and brainstorm. The configuration to be introduced and displayed consists of Moodle, Openbiblio (library management system), OpenSIS (student information system), and Mahara (student portfolio system). Plans for the future of the system and current issues with it will be presented for discussion. Those with an interest in expanding a Moodle based system to encompass more educationally related administrative tasks, or the Mahara portfolio system, will benefit from the information and subsequent discussion session provided in this presentation.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Eric Jego. (Nihon University School of Medicine 日本大学医学部)


Eric Hajime Jego, Nihon University School of Medicine
Tetsuya Taniguchi, Nihon University School of Medicine
Seiichi Udagawa, Nihon University School of Medicine
Hiroaki Nemoto Nihon UniversityハCollege of Bioresource Sciences

Title: Student course evaluation results before and after flipping the classroom using Moodle

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: flipped classroom, student survey results, beginner medical students, doctor-patient communication


A new curriculum was implemented in April 2015 at Nihon University School of Medicine which reduced class time from 30 sessions of 90 minutes each to 30 sessions of 55 minutes each for new 1st year medical students. To address the challenge of maintaining learning outcomes despite the reduction in classroom hours, a flipped classroom strategy using Moodle was employed for the first time in the compulsory 1st year English course called Basic Medical History Taking: English III (ENG III). This study reports on the student course evaluation results from 1st year students after experiencing a flipped version of ENG III compared with those from 1st year students from the previous year before the implementation of the flipped classroom. This presentation will describe how Moodle was used in this blended-learning course before and after flipping the classroom as well as challenges that arose and how they were overcome. Student evaluations of a course, while admittedly limited in applicability, can provide useful data as part of a comprehensive strategy including student performance data, peer evaluation, and other measures which will also be discussed in this presentation.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Adam Jenkins. ジェンキンズ アダム (Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology 静岡理工科大学)


Title: Measuring the Impact of a Moodle

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: analytics, measuring results, engagement


Quantifying the success of an e-learning system is a difficult, but often essential, task. A simple examination of student performance, in terms of grades before and after the system was implemented, does not yield an isolated nor valid measurement of a system. In order to accurately assess the impact of an e-learning system it becomes necessary to look at the e-learning process over performance based results. Measuring student engagement is thus the task of analytics. In Moodle there are several methods for measuring student engagement with a course. Additional third party plugins have extended this functionality and external analytic systems such as Google Analytics can also be used with Moodle to gain more complete and robust data. In the first part of this presentation, we will examine how Moodle logs and reports can be used to gauge student engagement. Following this, I will demonstrate how Google Analytics can be used to obtain further data. Finally, the quality of the data obtained from the various sources will be critiqued to clearly identify what can and what cannot be inferred from these data.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Andrew Johnson. ジョンソン アンドリュー (Future University Hakodate 未来大学はこだて)


Adam Smith, Future University Hakodate
Michiko Nakamura, Future University Hakodate ハ

Title: Quiz Reports Plus: A Plug-in for Filtering Data from Multiple Quizzes

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: quiz reports, plug-in,


The authors manage a self-access, fully online Moodle course called English Foundations. The course consists of a large number of quizzes which allow students to improve their English grammar in a targeted manner. They can access the course at any time during their studies. First- and second-year students also take English language courses which include English Foundations quizzes taken during the current semester in the assessment. The authors needed an efficient way of isolating and displaying grades from selected quizzes taken by a large cohort of students during specific time periods. Even with the introduction of the Grade History View in Moodle 2.8, this is not possible. The authors created a third-party plug-in called "Quiz Reports Plus" which has this capability. The plug-in offers two main views: the first is similar to Moodle's graded report with the added ability to filter results from a specific time window, and the second reports the number of passed quizzes from a specified time period. Both views allow the data to be exported to a spreadsheet. The authors will describe this plug-in in detail and demonstrate how it is being used to track quiz activity in the English Foundations course.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Masumi Kameda. 亀田 真澄 (Tokyo University of Science, Yamaguchi 山口東京理科大学)


Mitsuru Udagawa, Yamaguchi Prefectural University

Title: Moodle2.8における数学基礎 e-Learning の取り組みと次への展望について

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: 大学, 数学, e-Learning, STACK, TeX


MMJで4回連続となった本発表では,Moodle2.8, TeX, STACK3.2 を利用した大学初年次の数学基礎 e-Learning の学習環境とその他の学習コースにおいて実践した次の活動に関して紹介する。① 紙ベース試験に代わる Quiz 機能を活用したオンライン試験の取り組みについて,② ゲーミフィケーションを取り入れたリアルタイムに反映される Quiz 評点のヒストグラム活用の取り組みについて,③ スマホカメラのスキャンアプリを用いた数学レポートに対するルーブリックによるピア評価の取り組みについて,④ Moodle 学習コースにおける,TeX による数式 を含めた全文検索の取り組みについて,⑤ TeX, STACK を活用した Moodle 学習教材の利活用に向けた普及活動について,⑥ Moodle3.0(Release Date: 9th November 2015)の関連情報と準備活動について紹介する。

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Tetsuo Kimura. 木村 哲夫 (Niigata Seiryo University 新潟青陵大学)


Title: CAT and MST on Moodle

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: CAT, MST


Moodleで、Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) や Multi Stage Testing (MST) を実施したりその結果を管理する方法は、大きく分けて、1)MoodleへCATやMSTを実施する追加モジュールを開発する方法と、2)CATやMST の実施は外部で行いデータ連携によりその結果をMoodleに取り入れる方法である。これまでに提案されている方法(木村・大西 2014, 木村 2015)を紹介した上で、これまで扱っていなかったMSTの実施の手法を提案する。ひとつは、Moodleの基本モジュールだけを使ってMSTを実施す る方法、もうひとつは外部でMSTを実施しデータ連携を図る方法である。前者は、毎回の準備には時間を要するが実施は容易である。後者は、一度定型を準備 すればそれ以降の準備は容易であるが、最初の準備に時間を要する。

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Junior Koch. (Sapporo Gakuin University 札幌学院大学)


Don Hinkelman, Sapporo Gakuin University
Kate Sato, Sapporo Gakuin University
Cotter Matt, Sapporo Gakuin University ハ

Title: Video Assessment of Student Performances: Live In-class Group Assessment with iPads

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: iPad, video assessment, student project presentations, peer and self assessment, qualitative and quantitative evaluation,


Video recording of live student performances has proven to be a powerful method to conduct comprehensive assessment. However, video recording can be a time-consuming chore that consumes full class periods with limited student interaction. Using the video assessment in Moodle, teachers use digital cameras or iPads to video record student project presentations and upload to a Moodle course. Multiple rubric scales can be used to guide students to do peer and self assessment as well as giving teachers an easy-to-use interface to evaluate student performances on multiple scales with qualitative and quantitative criteria. The Video Assessment Module manages this process using rubrics to enable self-reflection and peer assessment while saving time for teachers and students. It flexibly combines whole class, self, peer, and teacher assessment into a single combined grade for presentations, medical practice sessions, role-plays, dramas, or other performances. In our four classes of 20 students each doing speeches, students completed over 90% of the assigned self and peer assessments, with an overall positive response. This presentation highlights a new feature in 2015 (whole class, live peer assessment using iPads) and a planned feature for 2016 (calibrating student self-assessment with model assessments).

Presentation URL: http://hub.moodlejapan.org/course/view.php?id=52

Presenter’s web site: http://moodle.sgu.ac.jp/


Presenter: Elton LaClare. (Sojo University 崇城大学)


Title: Developing and Applying Moodle Tools to Identify Reading Disorders

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: reading disorders, voice recording, timed quiz


Although struggles with efficient and accurate decoding of English texts are common among language learners throughout Japan, reading problems are rarely diagnosed and explored by either teachers or independent experts. One of the principal reasons behind this is a lack of appropriate testing instruments to identify those in need of assistance. This presentation will explore a potential role for Moodle in the diagnosis and remediation of reading disorders by introducing two plugins developed by Justin Hunt: TQuiz and ReadAloud. Although originally designed to identify those suffering from phonological processing problems and low reading rates, the modules can be applied in a wide variety of learning and testing situations. TQuiz is a quiz module for creating audio-prompt multiple choice or true/false type questions with advanced reporting features that provide teachers with access to interesting new metrics. ReadAloud is a reading fluency module that records learners reading a passage of text aloud. The session will conclude with suggestions from the presenter concerning how each of these modules may be applied in more general teaching and learning contexts.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Elton LaClare. (Sojo University 崇城大学)


Title: Using Moodle for Journals and Portfolios

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: portfolio, database, journal, writing, voice recording


Even among teachers who have fully embraced technology, there are those who still find themselves using standard notebooks for classroom journalling. In addition to being cumbersome, traditional journals miss an opportunity for the students to share and engage in social learning. This talk will introduce ways of using Moodle's database module along with the Blog Export Portfolio plugin to create visually appealing journals that can be made available to learners for as long as they have a valid Moodle account. The presenter will share basic information relating to the database module such as: creating fields, setting submission criteria, creating scales for quick evaluation and allowing reviews and comments. Special attention will be given to the topic of creating templates to control the way that submissions are displayed. Samples with additional CSS enhancements will be discussed and shared. Additionally, the presenter will showcase examples of student work across a range of proficiency levels and offer suggestions for enriching entries with images and voice recordings prepared by the learners. The Blog Export Portfolio plugin is a third-party plugin created by Justin Hunt that allows learners to collect samples of work created across numerous courses in one place.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Martin Meadows. (Nayoro City University )


Title: The effectiveness of using Moodle to support self-access study for National Examinations in a university Nutritional Science program.

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: 国家試験、National Exams, Self-access study


Moodle is a versatile LMS, grounded in constructivist/constructionist theories of knowledge and learning, that can be used in a variety of instructional contexts to create a learning experience tailored to the student's needs through use of the many available activity plugins.ハ Preparing for national examinations of professional certification is not generally interactive or constructivist in nature, but Moodle is well suited to providing online training and practice for such exams that can be self-accessed by learners at their own convenience, thus allowing them to take greater control of their preparation strategies. This presentation reviews a Moodle-based effort at the presenter's university to prepare students for success in their national examinations for certification as registered dieticians. Course content and feedback constructs will be demonstrated and correlation between participation in the voluntary online courses and ultimate success in the national exam will be analyzed.ハ Finally, discussion of whether or not Moodle is an effective platform in the training for national exams will be made.ハ

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Kenichi Miura. 三浦 謙一 (Tokyo Kasei University 東京家政大学)


Title: Cloud時代のMoodle管理

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: Cloud, 管理画面, jQuery, Bootstrap, カスタマイズ


近年、Cloudサーバが活用される時代となり、MoodleCloudのようなSaaS型サービスの採用が増える事が考えられる。サーバのカスタマイズ を含めたMoodleの管理もこれに対応することが必要である。これまでのMoodleの管理では、SSH等でサーバにリモートログインして不具合や改良 等をコード修正で行っていた。今回の提案は、Moodleのソースコードを改変することなく、Moodleの管理画面からLook and Feelおよび操作性等の改善を全て行うものである。主な手法としては、JavaScriptライブラリであるjQuery、Bootstrapおよび CSS3を活用して前述の改善を図ることが出来ることを示す。これにより、LinuxやPHP等の技術が不要でかつサーバにリモートログインすることな く、Moodleの管理画面から必要な修正が行えるようになる。また、Moodle PluginのようなJavascriptやCSSによる機能を持ったScriptライブラリを共有する仕組みの創設も提案する。プレゼンでは、このよう なCloud時代にマッチしたMoodle管理手法を提案する。

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Yasuyuki Nakamura. 中村 泰之 (Nagoya University 名古屋大学)


Takahiro Nakahara, Sangensha LLC.

Title: 数学オンラインテストSTACKにおける数式入力プラグインの開発

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: STACK, 数学, 数式入力


Moodleの問題タイププラグイン「STACK」は、数式処理システムMaximaをバックエンドとし、解答として送信された数式の正誤を 正しく評価することができ、数学のみならず理工系のeラーニングにおいて非常に有益である。しかし、解答として入力する数式はMaxima形式である必要 があり、解答入力時の弊害もしばしば見られる。この問題を是正するために、昨年MathDox formula editorをベースとした直感的に数式を入力できる解答入力プラグインを開発した。一方で、近年、タブレットやスマートフォンなどを利用したeラーニン グも広がりを見せつつあり、STACKもドリル形式での利用などに期待が持たれているが、現状ではスマートフォンなどに対応した入力形式は用意されていな い。そこで、MathDox入力形式を拡張し、スマートフォンにおいてフリック形式で数式を入力することができる解答入力プラグインを開発した。フリック 入力は国内で広く利用されており、学生が抵抗なく利用できると考えられる。また、手書きでの解答入力の開発にも着手している。本報告ではこの二つの解答入 力プラグインについてデモを交え紹介する。

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Masaaki Niimura. 新村 正明 (Shinshu University 信州大学)


Hasegawa Osamu, 信州大学
Nagaoka Kyoko, 信州大学
Ishida Miyoko, 信州大学

Title: LDAPサーバの設定によるサーバ単位でのアクセス制限

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: 認証, LDAP, アクセス制限


信州大学では,Moodle を FD(Faculty Development) や SD(Staff Development) のために積極的に利用している.しかし,FD,SD として利用する場合には,教職員向けの情報が多く掲載されることから,学生による閲覧を禁止する必要がある.このようなアクセス制限は,Moodle のコース設定によっても可能であるが,設定ミス等により誰でも閲覧できてしまう可能性がある.そこで,我々は,FD,SD 専用のサーバを用意し,認証に用いているLDAPサーバの設定により,教職員以外はログインできないような運用を行っている.これにより,設定ミスがあったとしても,教職員の範囲内でしか閲覧できないことが保証される.サーバ仮想化技術により,複数のサーバで別々の Moodle を運用することが容易となってきている.本発表は,LDAPサーバの設定によるアクセス制限技術を普遍化し,複数のサーバにおける個別のアクセス制限を認証の段階で制御する方法について発表する.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Peter Ruthven-Stuart. ルースベン・スチュアート ピーター (Future University Hakodate 公立はこだて未来大学)


Andrew Johnson, Future University Hakodate
Adam Smith, Future University Hakodate
Michiko Nakamura, Future University Hakodate

Title: A Cascading Deadline System for Quizzes

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: deadlines, quizzes, course management,


For the past six years, the authors have been managing four fully online English language courses each consisting of more than 250 students. The courses have no face-to-face component and so are designed to run with minimum teacher intervention. One issue the authors initially faced was how to manage the multiple weekly quiz deadlines during the 15-week courses. While wanting to encourage students to complete tasks before deadlines, it was felt to be unnecessarily harsh, not in the spirit of the 'any time, any place, anywhere' ethos of eLearning, and administratively problematic to have singe deadlines for quizzes. This presentation describes a solution to this issue: a third-party plug-in which allows students to complete quizzes after a deadline has passed for a reduced score. The 'Cascading Deadline' plug-in allows quiz creators to create up to four periods each with a set penalty. The potential benefits are two-fold. First, this system helps students take more responsibility for their time management. Second, it potentially reduces the number of emails from students asking for extensions and the number of students failing. The authors will describe this module, the pedagogical and managerial reasons for its creation, and student use and perception. The plugin will be made freely available to Moodle users.

Presentation URL: http://hope.c.fun.ac.jp/course/index.php?categoryid=3

Presenter’s web site: http://vle.c.fun.ac.jp/workshop/


Presenter: Kate Sato. 佐藤 ケイト (Sapporo Gakuin Daigaku 札幌学院大学)


Matthew Cotter, Sapporo Gakuin University
Mari Yamauchi, Chiba Institute of Technology
Junior Koch, Sapporo Gakuin University
Ken Friesen, Sapporo Gakuin University
Don Hinkelman, Sapporo Gakuin University

Title: Dream in English: A Moodle Metacourse Dream

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: Moodle metacourse, collaboration, cloud resources, university programme


Dream in English is a multimedia curriculum for learning English as a foreign language using desk resources (printed textbook, cards, handouts) and cloud resources (Moodle activities). It is an open educational resource (OER) available to contributors to the authoring community on the Moodle Hub. This presentation demonstrates how two Japanese universities applied the curriculum in their institutions. One institution used a metacourse to consolidate all quizzes and assessments into one central location for over forty courses and teachers. This provided benefits for updating over one thousand question items over the course of the year. The second institution applied Dream in English for students using a mobile phone and tablet environment, also know as, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). Participants in the presentation will receive a set of printed materials and a link to downloadable Moodle-based activities to try in their learning environment. Guidelines for teachers wishing to contribute to the curriculum will also be shared.

Presentation URL: http://hub.moodlejapan.org

Presenter’s web site: http://moodle.sgu.ac.jp


Presenter: Adam Smith. スミス アダム (Future University 未来大学)


Andy Johnson, Future University
Michiko Nakamura, Future University

Title: A Moodle-based pre-enrolment English course for prospective university students

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: pre-enrolment course, university, English, AO, Suisen


The presenters will describe a Moodle-based English course which was offered to high school students who were accepted to an information science university via the Admissions Office (AO) or Suisen examinations. These exams are held months before the start of the academic year, and students who choose not to study during this time can not only cause disruption for their classmates but ultimately lose hard-earned study skills and specific knowledge, resulting in a difficult transition to university life. A common approach to this situation is for a university to provide paper-based pre-enrolment activities for its prospective students. This presentation will describe a pre-enrolment course which has a significant e-learning component. Students could interact in forums with their new classmates and mentors, receive timely feedback on quizzes relating to reading activities, and become familiar with e-learning, which is widely used at the university. The presenters will describe student participation in the course and the results of student surveys. In addition, the 2016 version of the course, which is already open, will be introduced and its current status will be discussed.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Doug Strable. (Royal Roads University, Canada. MA in Education and Technology Student (2014-2016) )


Title: Designing exceptional teaching experiences with Moodle

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: course design


Internationalization of the curriculum is becoming a key policy initiative in Japan just as it is for higher educational institutes worldwide (Second Basic Plan, 2013). Leak (2014) further explains, “the focus of internationalization of the curriculum in policy and practice is currently more on what students will experience than on what they will learn and how they will demonstrate their learning” (p. 5). In Japan, Horie (2015) is researching and creating bridge programs for faculty in higher education institutions that will enable faculty in Japan to create more effective classes and presentations in English. I am currently embarked on an online Master of Arts course in Education and Technology in which fifty percent of the assignments have been collaborative. The course uses Moodle as the Learning Management System (LMS) plus Blackboard Collaborate or Google documents for collaborative projects. The question I will address in my presentation is: In what ways can Moodle technology be integrated into the classroom to engage students in Japan? I will share experiences from a student’s perspective of five Moodle activities that I believe can engage students both internationally and in Japan.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Toyokazu Takeuchi. 竹内 豊一 (Otemon Gakuin Elementary School 追手門学院小学校)

2015 MAJ R&D grant awardee 2015年度 研究・開発補助金受賞者


Takahiro Nakahara,ハSangensha,LLC.

Title: 小学校教育における小テスト印刷機能の研究と人材育成

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: 印刷機能, 小テスト, 小学校, 一人一台, コンテンツ作成



Presentation URL: https://j-learning.jp

Presenter’s web site: https://j-learning.jp


Presenter: Masaharu Terada. 寺田 将春 (Kagoshima Immaculate Heart College 鹿児島純心女子短期大学)


Katsuyuki Suenaga, Kagoshima Immaculate Heart College

Title: Mnetによるイントラポータルサイトの構築

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: Mnet, システム管理・運用, イントラネットポータル, 学生支援



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Nobuo Umemura. 梅村 信夫 (Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences 名古屋学芸大学)


Megumi Yamamoto, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies

Title: テキストマイニング・プラグインTeMPの有用性評価

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: block development, text mining, Japanese text, performance evaluation, learning analytics


著者らは、Moodle上で日本語テキストマニングを実現するブロック“TeMP”(Text Mining Plugin)の開発を試み、2015年の日本ムードルムートにおいて成果の一部を報告した。TeMPは、Moodle内の日本語文書(例えば、学生が課題モジュールを利用し提出した小論文やレポート)からテキストデータを取得し、検査・整形の過程を経てクラウド型アプリケーションへ送信する。アプリケーションは受け取ったデータを数理的に解析し、種々のテーブルあるいはグラフィックスによって情報を可視化する。教師は出力結果から、語彙力の推定指標・文書間の類似性・文書の要約・文中に出現した単語の統計情報などを取得できる。本演題では、次の見地からTeMPの性能を実践的・実験的に評価しつつ、eラーニングにおける有用性について議論する:①情報リテラシー科目における授業評価自由記述文の分析、②サーバー負荷テストを中心とした評価実験。①については、現在実践の最中にあり、発表時に事例を挙げつつ成否を明らかにしたい。また、前年の報告以降に実装したTeMPの新機能についても、適宜補足する予定である。

Presentation URL: http://mdl.dev0.e-learning.nagoya/course/view.php?id=3

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Ruth Vanbaelen. (Nihon University, College of Science and Technology )


Jonathan Harrison, Nihon University, College of Science and Technology

Title: Fontastic: Fonts for Online Use

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Keywords: Font, style, readability, design, online


Page design affects user experience. This presentation will focus on issues first-time Moodle users may wish to consider when designing their courses. Some researchers and public speakers have promoted simple design to improve student experience, yet there is also evidence that culture may play an important role in webpage design. Research suggests that in some cultures user expectations for depth of content may influence design. The initial discussion will focus on this conflict between simple design and depth of content. Then, general aspects of design for main Moodle course pages will be introduced. This will be followed with module-specific design tips. Aspects to be discussed include: font sizes and styles, lengths of text, sizes of input boxes and pull down menu items, use of photos and videos, simplicity, and mobile device considerations. As this is a presentation for beginning users of Moodle, the presenters will take time to answer audience questions and demonstrate how to user certain modules as requested.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Gordon Bateson. (Kochi University of Technology )

2015 MAJ R&D grant awardee 2015年度 研究・開発補助金受賞者


Title: A Wish List for the Reader Module

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: Reader module, extensive reading


Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Matthew Cotter. (Sapporo Gakuin University )


Title: Different Courses for Different Horses

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: different courses, student needs, adapting


Teachers and students respond to CALL technology and to Moodle in different ways. When creating and using a Moodle course for certain classes, it is necessary to think about how the course may best suit the type of students. Such factors to consider are the department of the student, how Moodle assists the curriculum, the learning environment, the teaching style and students’ attitudes towards Moodle. This short presentation will display how five Moodle courses have been set up to support the above factors.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Justin Hunt. (POODLL )

2015 MAJ R&D grant awardee 2015年度 研究・開発補助金受賞者


Title: PoodLL 3

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)



PoodLL is a set of Moodle plugins whose chief function is to enable multimedia submission types. The three multimedia submission types are audio and video recordings, and whiteboard drawings. PoodLL offers these via 9 different plugins that include a question type, an assignment submission type, a filter and a set of atto editor icons. PoodLL is eight years old, and over that time Moodle has developed tremendously. With the help of a MAJ grant PoodLL had a major re-write in 2016. In this presentation the developer will introduce PoodLL and discuss the upcoming commercialization of PoodLL.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site: http://poodll.com/


Presenter: Hirotaka Ikuma. 生熊 宏崇 (Sophia University 上智大学)


Title: Moodle-Turnitin連携についての事例紹介

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: turnitin


上智大学では2014年4月からMoodle2.4上で、Turnitinの利用を開始している。Turnitinは剽窃チェックのプラグインで、 Moodleに課題がアップされると引用部分がハイライトされて返却される。他校での導入・運用の参考となるよう下記三点について報告する。 1.Turnitinプラグインの構成とできること(実際の操作画面を紹介する)。2.導入によるメリット。3.過去2年間のトラブルについて、成績判定 に関わる深刻なものから、軽微なものまでの紹介と運用ノウハウについて。

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Yoshiaki Ishii. 石井 嘉明 (Kumamoto University 熊本大学大学院)


Yutaka Fujita, Yokohama City Fire Bureau
Yoshikazu Asada, Jichi Medical University

Title: レッスンの設定に直感的な操作性をもたらす遷移可視化機能の開発

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: 適応学習, レッスン, 可視化, 状態遷移設計支援, プラグイン開発



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Takahiro Kagoya. 篭谷 隆弘 (Jin-Ai University 仁愛大学)


Title: Exabis E-Portfolioプラグインの利用評価と日本語化

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: eポートフォリオ, Exabis


多くの教育機関でeポートフォリオシステムの導入が検討されている。Mahara等のシステムが導入される場合も多いが、Moodleのプラグインとして容易に導入できるExabis E-Portfolioでも、アーティファクトの蓄積とビューによるアセスメントが可能である。またコースの課題内容をアーティファクトとしたり、公開範囲をMoodleユーザから選択できるなど利点も多い。そこで、このプラグインの利用評価を行った。また、まだ日本国内での利用例があまりない原因として日本語化がされていない点があると思われるので、言語パックの作成を行った。

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Hiroshi Kihara. 木原 寛 (University of Toyama 富山大学)


Takahiro Nakahara, Sangensha LLC
Minoru Akiyama, e-Learning Service Co., Ltd.
Sakiko Ueki, University of Toyama

Title: 分子モデル表示モジュールJmol ResourceのMoodle 2用Javascript版の開発

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: 分子モデル,Jmol, JSmol, Javascript,


先 に、Moodle 1.9用に配布されていたJmol Resourceモジュールを改良し、分子構造に加え分子軌道や分子振動のアニメーションなどをMoodleの画面上に表示しインタラクティブに操作でき ることを報告した。その後、Moodle 2用に移植し、今回Javaランタイムを必要としないJavascript版モジュールを開発したので報告する。Jmol ResourceはJmol filterに比べサーバに対する負荷や副作用が少なく、化学系の教育において学習者の理解を助けるための有効な手段となる。

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site: http://katakago.sakura.ne.jp/


Presenter: Takayuki Matsuki. 松木 孝幸 (Tokyo Kasei University 東京家政大学)


Takayuki Matsuki, Tokyo Kasei University
Kenichi Miura, Tokyo Kasei University

Title: STACKプラグインの欠点のJavaScriptによる修正

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: STACK, JavaScript, 修正


代数処理システムmaximaをムードルの小問用に使えるようにしたプラグインSTACKの欠点を指摘し、その解決方法の一つを提示する。STACKの小 問を回答する際に設けられたテキストボックスにmaximaの命令文を入れると、回答がMathJax形式で表示されてしまうという割と大きな欠点があ る。maximaの命令文を知っている学生は、簡単に回答を得ることができる。ここでは、解決法としてJavaScriptをサイト管理・アピアランスの 追加HTMLにスクリプトを書いて回避する方法を提示する。

Presentation URL: http://photino.tokyo-kasei.ac.jp/moodle/course/view.php?id=10

Presenter’s web site: http://www.tokyo-kasei.ac.jp/~matsuki/research/


Presenter: Kahori Ogashiwa. 小柏 香穂理 (Yamaguchi university 山口大学)


Kahori Ogashiwa, Yamaguchi University
Takahiro Matsumoto, Yamaguchi University
Yue Wang, Yamaguchi University
Joji Kariya, Yamaguchi University
Hiroo Naitoh, Yamaguchi University

Title: 授業外学習時間とMoodleコース開設数の関係に関する一考察 -大学評価とIRの視点から-

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: 授業外学習時間,Moodleコース,大学評価,IR


現在,Moodleを活用した授業は,授業時間外でも学習が可能な環境を備えており,授業時間外の学習を促進させる効果があると考えられている.本研究で は,授業時間外学習時間とMoodleコース開設数の相関を,本学学生アンケートデータに基づいて,最も簡便な分析手法を用いて解析したので,その結果に ついて報告する.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Thom Rawson. ローソン トム (Nagasaki International University 長崎国際大学)


Title: Connecting Moodle and Blackboard with LTI

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: LTI, virtual exchange, Blackboard


LTI, or Learning Tools Interoperability, is the open standard by which LMSs are connected. By having a common interface between the wide range of online learning tools and systems, it is now possible to connect with more of these different systems. In this brief overview talk, the author will discuss how a school using Blackboard and a school using Moodle collaborated online using a shared forum connected with LTI and eliminating a technology barrier incompatible LMSs generally have. ***Be sure to have attended the Sunday LTI workshop for the DIY details.

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Thomas Robb. (Kyoto Sangyo University 京都産業大学)

2015 MAJ R&D grant awardee 2015年度 研究・開発補助金受賞者


Title: A Workshop Module Enhancement

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: Workshop module


Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Kate Sato. 佐藤 ケイト (Sapporo Gakuin Daigaku 札幌学院大学)


Title: Express yourself with Moodle? The trials, errors and outcome!

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: Expression, Pronunciation


Moodle is an attractive tool for teaching students to express themselves in English because it can offer the individual student time to work alone using activities embedded in a course (e.g. PoodLL, video assessment, video shadowing, etc) to work on problem areas. This lightning talk looks at the potential Moodle has to help both the teacher and the student in this field, the problems that were encountered and how they were dealt with by a Moodle ‘relative newbie’. Ideas from the audience on how to move into the next stage are welcome.

Presentation URL: http://moodle.sgu.ac.jp

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: George Truscott. (Kinki University )


Title: Setting Up a Writing Task Using the Quiz Module

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: homework/supplemental activities, writing, critical thinking skills, video tasks, quiz module, assessment


This Lightning Talk will focus on using the Quiz Module for writing assignments, demonstrating a simple way to setup a writing task that provides excellent feedback for the student writer. Moreover and equalling important for the instructor, the writing task is easy and fast to grade. Using the “Essay” type question, it is easy to give constructive meaningful feedback by embedding the grading rubric into the “General feedback” section for students. Yet the same rubric must also be embedded in the “Grader Information” section so that the grader can refer to the rubric while grading. Using the rubric, students can easily see what they are doing well and what they need to improve upon. And, as their writing improves, the rubric can change to further focus student attention on problem areas.

Presentation URL: http://georgetruscott.com/

Presenter’s web site: http://georgetruscott.com/


Presenter: Mitsuru Udagawa. 宇田川 暢 (Yamaguchi Prefectural University 山口県立大学)


Title: サーバ監視してますか?

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: 負荷監視, 死活監視, OSS



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Sakiko Ueki. 上木 佐季子 (University of Toyama 富山大学)


Atsushi HATA, University of Toyama
Yuzo KIMURA, University of Toyama

Title: Wordを利用した穴埋め問題一括変換ツールの活用事例 -既存の医学英語問題がMoodleに載るまでの過程-

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: 小テスト, 穴埋め問題, 問題一括変換, 医学英語, 活用事例



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Yue Wang. 王 躍 (Yamaguchi University 山口大学)


香穂理 小柏, 山口大学
加久治 小河原, 山口大学

Title: MariaDBクラスタによるMoodleサーバの高可用性について

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: server cluster, high availability


MoodleのDBサーバは、多くの情報が一元集約されるため、システムの単一障害点かつ高負荷になりやすい。これらの問題を解決するには、DBサーバの冗長化が必要である。本トークでは、仮想環境におけるMariaDB Galera ClusterによるMoodleのDBサーバの冗長化に関する構築方法やその特徴及び注意点などを議論する。特に、Moodleサーバの負荷分散と高可用性に焦点を当てることにする。

Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Megumi Yamamoto. 山本 恵 (Nagoya University of Foreign Studies 名古屋外国語大学)


Nobuo Umemura, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences

Title: 「語彙の豊富さ」からみた学生レポートの分析・評価

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Keywords: プラグイン,学生レポート,採点支援,語彙,トークン比



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Matsuzaki. 松崎 剛 (株式会社イーラーニング )



Presentation type: 企業プレゼンテーション



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Nishikiori. 錦織 孝行 (アシストマイクロ株式会社 )



Presentation type: 企業プレゼンテーション



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Nouno. 能野 健一 (株式会社SRA西日本 )



Presentation type: 企業プレゼンテーション



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: Justin Hunt. (PoodLL )



Presentation type: 企業プレゼンテーション



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: . (アシストマイクロ株式会社 )



Presentation type: 企業プレゼンテーション



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: . (パナソニック インフォメーションシステムズ株式会社 )



Presentation type: 企業プレゼンテーション



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: . (株式会社SRA西日本、能野健一 )



Presentation type: 企業プレゼンテーション



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: . (株式会社イーラーニング )



Presentation type: 企業プレゼンテーション



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: . (株式会社エデュプレイ )



Presentation type: 企業プレゼンテーション



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:


Presenter: . (株式会社ヒューマンサイエンス, Ltd. )



Presentation type: 企業プレゼンテーション



Presentation URL:

Presenter’s web site:

Last modified: Monday, 8 February 2016, 11:30 PM