MoodleMoot Japan 2018
Feb 21st
Feb 22nd
Feb 23rd
Feb 21st (Wed)
Room 1303 40 seats
Room 130440 seats
Room 9101 55 seats
English Workshops
Room 920155 seats
English Workshops(Advanced)
12:30 - 13:0030 mins
12:30 - 13:0030 mins
MCV200 seats
Collect your badges and grab a coffee.
13:00 - 13:3030 mins
13:00 - 13:3030 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
Individual presentationWorkshop (30 mins)
自分のMoodleを¥0で手に入れましょう。このワークショップでは「MoodleCloud: Moodleの開発者が提供するMoodle」の導入プロセスを案内します。ワークショップの後、参加者はその後のワークショップを始め、MoodleMoot終了後でも実際のクラス(50名まで)でご利用頂けるMoodleを手に入れます。しかも、¥0です。
13:00 - 13:3030 mins
Room 130440 seats
13:00 - 13:3030 mins
Room 9101 55 seats
English Workshops
Signing up with MoodleCloud
Individual presentationWorkshop (30 mins)
Get your own Moodle for FREE! In this workshop,participants will be guided through the sign up process for MoodleCloud: Moodle from the people that make Moodle. At the end of this session,participants will have their own Moodle that can be used in the following workshops,and even with classes of up to 50 people into the future,entirely free.
13:00 - 13:3030 mins
Room 920155 seats
English Workshops(Advanced)
13:40 - 15:1090 mins
13:40 - 15:1090 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
Individual presentationWorkshop (90 mins)
13:40 - 15:1090 mins
Room 130440 seats
Individual presentationWorkshop (90 mins)
13:40 - 15:1090 mins
Room 9101 55 seats
English Workshops
Beginners' workshop
105-WJenkins, Rawson
Individual presentationWorkshop (90 mins)
This is a workshop for the first-time Moodler. Participants will be able to learn the basics of Moodle by working,hands-on with a real live online Moodle site. The basics of the site,course contexts and categories,giving online quizzes,handling announcements to students,providing handouts for download,chatrooms,forums,and information about the gradebook will be introduced. Teachers will make their own courses in the MoodleCloud created in the previous session. In particular,the most common features of Moodle: forums,quizzes and resources will be created. Further explanation of how these features can be used will be given in the following workshop.
13:40 - 15:1090 mins
Room 920155 seats
English Workshops(Advanced)
Using Moodle's completion and restrict access features to guide students through activities
Individual presentationWorkshop (90 mins)
In this workshop I will show how to combine the completion and restrict access features of Moodle to guide students through activities in courses. These conditions can be as simple as opening a quiz after the students follow a link to a website before a certain date and time,but preventing the ones who don’t complete the requirements in the specified time frame from taking a quiz or moving on to another activity. I will also show how I use the restrict access setting,especially the restriction sets,to show and hide activities based on date,time,group membership and activity completion. I will also demonstrate how to use the label resource with these two features to hide “motivational easter eggs” for the students in the course.
15:20 - 16:5090 mins
15:20 - 16:5090 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
初心者から中級へ! ワークショップ
Individual presentationWorkshop (90 mins)
15:20 - 16:5090 mins
Room 130440 seats
数式を扱った Moodleコンテンツ作り
Individual presentationWorkshop (90 mins)
Moodle コンテンツ(ページ,ブック,小テストなど)を配信する状況において,その Web ページにおいて数式,数学図形などの数学パーツを組み込む必要性が増加しています.次の数学的表現におけるノウハウを体験して頂くワークショップを開催します。(1) 数式を綺麗に表示させる (2) ページの拡大縮小で数式表示が崩れない (3) 複雑かつ高度な数式を取り扱うことができる (4) スマートデバイスにおける数式表示に対応できる
15:20 - 16:5090 mins
Room 9101 55 seats
English Workshops
From Beginner to Intermediate User
Individual presentationWorkshop (90 mins)
In this workshop we will develop the skills you attained in the first one and add to them. Introduction of multimedia into Moodle,more detailed student and course management,and how to add resources and other activities will be covered here. For those that didn’t attend the first workshop but have a basic understanding of Moodle,you are welcome to join this too.
15:20 - 16:5090 mins
Room 920155 seats
English Workshops(Advanced)
Advanced Moodle Workshop
Individual presentationWorkshop (90 mins)
Advanced Moodle workshop - topics customized based on audience requests,however proposed topics include Database and Javascript - Add totalling and print functions to database lists and forms using Javascript templating in Moodle Database activity. Learn basics of how Javascript runs in the Database activity and make use of templates to customize what your students create. Moodle Groups and Groupings - using these to control access to activities and to allow students to jointly submit Moodle Assignments and participate in Moodle Workshop activities in different ways. Learning Tools Interoperability - How to connect and receive information from external tools (LTI objects) in Moodle. Basic consumer and provider configurations will be discussed and practiced. Participants should have understanding of Moodle at a course creator (Manager) level.
17:00 - 18:3090 mins
17:00 - 18:3090 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
Individual presentationWorkshop (90 mins)
このワークショップは、Moodleの操作方法そのものを学ぶためのものではありません。Moodleを用いた教育実践をより有意義なものにしていくために「インストラクショナルデザイン(ID)」にフォーカスして以下2つのテーマを扱います。(1)IDという理論の基礎を学ぶ IDは授業や研修を設計するための方法論であり、学習効果を高めるために必要不可欠なものです。ワークショップの前半ではIDの概説を紹介したうえで、参加者のみなさんが担当している(もしくは、これから担当する)授業や研修をIDの視点から分析します。(2)授業や研修における効果的なMoodleの活用方法を習得する Moodleには多数の活動・リソースがあり、それぞれが特徴的な機能を有しています。ワークショップの後半では、必要に応じてご自身の(あるいはテスト環境の)Moodleを操作しつつ、前半で分析した授業・研修について学習支援をするために適切と思われるMoodleの利用方法を検討します。※個人ワークおよびグループ(ペア)ディスカッションを用いて進行します。
17:00 - 18:3090 mins
Room 9101 55 seats
English Workshops
The Moodle Workshop Module
Individual presentationWorkshop (90 mins)
This workshop will showcase the Moodle Workshop Module which was developed by the presenter. This module is if not the most,one of the most powerful modules in Moodle that allows students and teachers to collaborate,peer review and develop a range of other options. It is sometimes considered a "difficult" module to understand but this workshop will endeavor to overcome that misconception and enable participants to gain a full understanding of this exceptional module.
19:00 - 21:00120 mins
19:00 - 21:00120 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
Feb 22nd (Thu)
09:00 - 09:3030 mins
09:00 - 09:3030 mins
MCV200 seats
Collect your badges and grab a coffee.
Room 1303 40 seats
Room 1304 40 seats
Room 1403 40 seats
Room 1404 40 seats
Room 1405 40 seats
Room 1406 40 seats
Room 1302 20 seats
Genius bar
09:30 - 10:1040 mins
09:30 - 10:1040 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
Server installation and tips for Moodle usage
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
This presentation gives a summary of 6 years’ experience with a small Ubuntu-webserver for using Moodle. It is for teachers or departments who want to use Moodle independently or in addition to other management systems. I will cover two subjects,mainly (1) Installation and administration and in the last quarter (2) tips and open questions. I will show only the main steps,possible difficulties and solutions. (1) Installation of recent Ubuntu server 16.04 LTS without a desktop interface and administration of the Moodle site with necessary steps like getting an SSl certificate. (2) Tips for administration: a summary of useful settings that includes how to arrange new name fields easily and also a recommendation of some Moodle modules like real time quizzes which can help to improve the active participants of students. My intention is to encourage teachers and faculties to try out and use Moodle as a very effective and creative way to support interactive learning and administrative tasks. A site on my Moodle page “” with the lecture material and further information will be opened at the presentation.
09:30 - 10:1040 mins
Room 1304 40 seats
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
09:30 - 10:1040 mins
Room 1403 40 seats
Action research as a strategy for Moodle course development
202-PKessler, Hinkelman, Cotter
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
Educators doing classroom research may feel compelled to do scientific,experimental research to prove whether a method is effective or not. However,experimental methods that isolate variables may not be useful in educational environments because of the multitude of variables. When viewed as a learning ecology,these variables should be not be isolated,but analyzed as relations in a holistic environment. Qualitative research methods,particularly action research and classroom ethnography aid researchers who wish to intervene and improve educational processes with students as research participants,not subjects. This presentation compares types of research questions that fit quantitative or qualitative studies,examines the latest practice in contextual inquiry approaches and demonstrates case studies of how action research was implemented in blended classroom environments integrated with Moodle. One example in Japan is an eight year,annual cycle course on presentation-making skills that was developed through an action research process that used both standard Moodle tools as well as purpose-designed plugins such as the Video Assessment module. The techniques of the annual AR cycle will be listed and given as a teaching guidebook for each participant.
09:30 - 10:1040 mins
Room 1404 40 seats
Moodle運用におけるJupyter Notebookの活用
203-PHamamoto, Yokoyama, Takefusa, Aida, Kuwata
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
Moodleサービスを提供する際には,Moodleの構築作業とともに,セキュリティアップデート作業を継続的かつ確実に実施する必要がある。このため,運用系のMoodleの他に,検証系,バックアップ系等の複数のMoodleを運用することが定石となっている。本発表では,主に大学でMoodleのインストール,アップデート等を行っている管理者を想定し,Jupyter Notebook,及びDockerコンテナ環境を利用した運用方法を提案し,これらのツールを利用してMoodleの構築,アップデート作業実施の省力化を図った結果を発表する。本方式では,仮想マシン1台で運用するMoodle環境を想定し,検証環境と運用環境を同梱した環境を構築した。両環境と両者の切り替えに利用するリバースプロキシは全てDockerコンテナを利用して構築し,仮想マシン1台の中で独立した2つの環境を作成することで仮想マシンリソースの削減を行った。アップデート時には本番環境の複製を必要とするが,本方式では,Moodleのアップデート時の検証環境を運用環境に切り替えることで実現した。この方式により切り戻しが容易となる。また,ダウンタイムを少なくするための方策として,Copy on write機能を有するファイルシステム上でデータベース領域,Moodledata領域を実装し,運用環境の複製の時間を最小限にとどめた。以上の手順はJupyter Notebookを利用して実装し,自動実行/手動実行を選択して実行しつつ,手順の記録,実行記録が残る構成とした。発表では,本方式を利用してMoodleの運用を行った事例と利用した手法の詳細を紹介する。
09:30 - 10:1040 mins
Room 1405 40 seats
Creating a collaborative combo
204-PRuthven-Stuart, Smith
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
In this presentation,attendees will discover how the presenters have combined the Assignment,Forum,and Workshop modules into activities that foster collaborative learning. The presenters administer four completely online English language courses; each course comprises about 250 computer engineering majors. Each of these courses include a set of four required writing tasks. The presenters will begin with an explanation of the pedagogical and practical advantages and potential pitfalls of collaborative learning. The most recent version of the tasks consist of a combination three Moodle activity modules in conjunction with the Group and Grouping features. Forums are used to encourage intra-group communication and brainstorming,Workshops are used for group writing and peer review,and Assignments for group submissions. As well as a description of these activity module settings and their effect on students’ learning and interaction with their group members,the audience will also learn how the course Group and Grouping features,along with the Conditional Activity settings have been harnessed to facilitate these writing tasks. This presentation will be of interest to educators interested in collaborative learning,and to people wanting to discover how various Moodle modules and features can be effectively combined together into discrete learning activities.
09:30 - 10:1040 mins
Room 1406 40 seats
MoodleとKaltura CEを用いたコンテンツ配信機能の開発(2)
205-PSaito, Wang, Tadamura
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
Kaltura CEはKaltura社が開発・販売する動画配信プラットフォーム「Kaltura」の無償版であり,AGPLを採用したオープンソース・ソフトウェアである。Kalturaサーバは機能や手続きごとのCGIを有しており,個々のCGIの仕様はAPIとして無償で公開されている。また,各種プログラミング言語向けのクライアント・ライブラリもAGPLのもとで配布されており,利用者は用途に応じたクライアント・アプリケーションを開発・運用することが可能である。Moodleとの連携については,Kaltura社がMoodle用プラグイン(Kaltura Video Package)を開発し,Moodle配布サイトから公開・提供されている。しかしながら,Kaltura Video Package version 4.0.0以降では,プラグインからCGIに直接アクセスする仕様ではなく,LTIを用いて両システムを連携させる仕様に変更された。KalturaシステムをLTIに対応させるためには,KAFと呼ばれる有償モジュールを追加する必要があるが,Kaltura CEにKAFを追加することはできない。そこで我々は,Moodle 2.9以降に対応し,Kaltura CEと連携可能なMoodleプラグインを新たに開発した。本論では,昨年度の発表以降に追加・修正した機能,並びに従来のプラグインとの相違点を中心として,これまでの開発・運用状況について述べる。
09:30 - 10:1040 mins
10:20 - 10:4020 mins
10:20 - 10:4020 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
Using Quizlet word retention data to generate scaled vocabulary quizzes
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
Quizlet,the world's largest flashcard website and application,provides to teachers term retention data specific to each class or course. Once teachers have created and assigned a flashcard set,each term (i.e. word definitions,L2 vocabulary translations,historical dates,etc.) is tracked as to how often it could be correctly recalled by students. This data gives teachers a snapshot of which terms students are excelling at and struggling with but also provides an opportunity to create class-personalized difficulty-scaled quizzes,such as a compilation of easier terms,more difficult terms,or a spectrum. As no data export feature native to Quizlet currently exists,the author has developed an Excel-based workaround tool that can capture this retention data with minimal user effort. Once collected,users can specify the percentage of terms from the set to be tested and the desired difficulty,with Excel selecting the terms based on the retention figures (in addition to a manual term selection option). Finally,the tool reconfigures the data into GIFT format,which is then uploaded and ready to be set for testing. As a result,this tool rapidly streamlines the quiz generation process. Educators,even those with little to no Excel or Moodle training,can easily configure tests utilizing real retention data from their students rather than educated guesses. This presentation will walk users through the process from Quizlet to Moodle and demonstrate the Excel tool,and a link for free downloading will be provided.
10:20 - 10:4020 mins
Room 1304 40 seats
Glossary (用語集)の活用法
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
10:20 - 10:4020 mins
Room 1403 40 seats
How essay auto-grading works in classroom practice
208-PCotter, Bateson, Hinkelman
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
Non-human automatic grading of essay questions is a difficult goal as complex rubrics will always need careful human judgment. However,the Essay (auto-grade) question type plugin may give sufficient immediate feedback to students to allow re-drafting of essays or encourage extensive writing. The standard "Essay" question,requires teachers to manually input grades and/or comments leading to high teacher workloads and demotivating delays for students to receive grades and feedback. The new "Essay (auto-grade)" question type helps to alleviate this problem by instantly awarding an automatic,provisional score that is calculated from the number of countable items (characters,words,sentences or paragraphs) and/or the presence of certain predefined target phrases. In addition,teachers can specify "grade bands," and also determine the type of statistical data they and/or the students can see after submission such as unique words used,lexical density or fog index. Consistent with standard Moodle question types the teacher can override the automatically generated grade by giving a manual grade and/or feedback. The design process and initial classroom implementation will be discussed with examples of use in actual educational situations in three Japanese universities.
10:20 - 10:4020 mins
Room 1405 40 seats
Do collaborative tasks result in collaborative behaviour?
209-PSmith, Ruthven-Stuart
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
Moodle has been primarily designed to facilitate collaborative learning. For example,in the Forum module,students can post messages to each other in small groups that may be part of a larger cohort. The Assignment module makes it possible for a teacher to require students to submit work as a group. With the Workshop module collaborative learning can be taken a step further in that students can be assigned other students’ work to peer review. The presenters will explain how they have used a combination of these three activity modules for online writing tasks in four fully online English language courses; each course comprises about 250 computer engineering students. The main focus of the presentation will be on the effectiveness of these activities in actually facilitating collaborative process writing and enhancing students’ writing skills. Put another way,do students’ actions vis-a-vis the writing tasks change for the better because of having to collaborate with and review other students or do the results suggest that for this type of cohort students are better left to do tasks on their own? This presentation will give attendees valuable insights into how to set up collaborative tasks within Moodle courses.
10:20 - 10:4020 mins
Room 1406 40 seats
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
大学看護学科 1 年次のクリティカルシンキング講義の中で、多様な視点で物事を検討する力の養成を目指して Moodle を活用している。クイズ機能と課題機能を利用し,グループワークを活性化させ,当該科目への関心を高め,事後学習の提出率向上を図った。本学の ICT 環境は,学生に同一仕様のノート PC が入学時に貸与されており,全ての教室で無線 LAN が利用可能である。この環境を活用して,講義中にクイズを出し,結果をプロジェクタに表示し,結果を共有した。また,50 文字から 100 文字程度の文章を作成し,Moodle の課題から提出し,提出内容をプロジェクタに表示し,内容を共有した。これらを活用して,学生同士でコメントの交換,グループワークを行った。この結果、授業中のクイズや課題提出を実施した授業回の事後課題提出率は,平均 86.7 %であり,9 課題中 6 課題の提出率は 100 %であった。一方,実施しなかった授業回の平均提出率は 80.1 %であった。最終課題の提出率は,96.5 %であった。これらの提出率の推移から授業中のクイズや課題提出を実施した場合は,実施しない場合に比べて 6 ポイント提出率が向上したことが分かった。次年度は,事後学習の提出率に加えて,学生の満足度や知識確認テストの結果との関連も分析する予定である。また,Moodle の操作方法を習得する時間を充分に確保することも課題となる。
10:20 - 10:4020 mins
10:40 - 11:0020 mins
10:40 - 11:0020 mins
Room 1304 40 seats
Logstore xAPIプラグインを用いたLearning Lockerとの接続検証
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
LMSの学習履歴をLRS(Learning Record Store)で管理し、学習分析や教学IRに用いる事例が増えてきている。今回、Logstore xAPIプラグイン 2.2.1を利用し、Moodle 3.3.2とオープンソースLRSであるLearning Locker 2.0.4との接続検証を行った。この結果、以下の特徴が明らかとなった。(1)Logstore xAPIはlogstore_standard_logのデータを用いており、ページ閲覧履歴などを時系列で整理・解析するには適する(2)小テストの回答ログは1回の受験が1つのxAPI記述にまとめられており、回答傾向などを解析するには不便である(3)小テストに自由記述が含まれているとviewedログしか残らず、学習者が小テストを提出したログが残らない(4)課題では提出や採点の記録は残るが、提出内容についてはオンラインテキストであっても記録されない(5)フォーラムやフィードバックはviewedログしか残らず、投稿したか否か判別できない。(2)〜(5)についてはプラグインの改良が必要となる。一方、Learning LockerはJSONで学習履歴を受け取ることもできるため、小テスト回答結果等の詳細をMoodleのデータベースから別プラグイン等で出力し、JSONで流し込むなどの代替策を検討することも可能である。
10:40 - 11:0020 mins
Room 1405 40 seats
Standardizing academic credits calculation in a Moodle course
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
According to the European Credit Transfer System Users’ Guide,academic credits “are based on the workload typically needed to achieve the defined learning outcomes”. It is however not mentioned how practically the workload can be measured. The students’ workload in an online course may be a combination of learning activities which are happening online and can be stored in a Learning Management System,such as Moodle,and by offline learning activities,which do not require an internet connection. We propose to use the “training sessions” Moodle plugin to calculate the online time for the different learning activities and a customized plugin “Moodle offline session” to store the weekly students’ self-reported offline learning activities,both non-standard third-party plugins. To calculate the credits,the sum of the time for the offline and online learning activities per student is exported in a single database. The calculation of the mode ,which represents the most frequent encountered Student Investment Time value,gives the most realistic value of the time spent online and offline for the learning activities. The mode calculation can be used as well for “live” courses,in surveys querying the indirect time spent by the students after the classrooms on additional learning tasks.
10:40 - 11:0020 mins
Room 1406 40 seats
213-PIwata, Wang, Telloyan, Murphy
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
10:40 - 11:0020 mins
11:10 - 12:0050 mins
11:10 - 12:0050 mins
Room 1002 150 seats
Latest News from Moodle HQ: Development, Contributions, and Plugins ムードル本部からの最新情報:開発、貢献、拡張
Keynote speechKeynote speech (50 mins)
English abstract coming soon 日本語の講演概要は間もなく公開します。
12:00 - 13:0060 mins
12:00 - 13:0060 mins
13:00 - 13:5050 mins
13:00 - 13:5050 mins
Room 1002 300 seats
Instructional Design and Moodle インストラクショナル・デザインとムードル
Keynote speechKeynote speech (50 mins)
English abstract coming soon. 日本語の講演概要は間もなく公開します。
13:50 - 14:0010 mins
13:50 - 14:0010 mins
Room 1002 300 seats
Best Open Courseware Awards Ceremony
14:10 - 15:0050 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
Room 1304 40 seats
Room 1403 40 seats
Room 1404 40 seats
Room 1405 40 seats
Room 1406 40 seats
Room 1302 20 seats
Genius bar
15:10 - 15:2010 mins
15:10 - 15:2010 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
216-PFukuda, Hamazaki
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
北里大学一般教育部における,教職員のグループウェアとしてのMoodleの活用事例を報告する。事例は以下の通りである。1) 「フォーラム」を設置してメーリングリストとして利用する。これによって通常メーリングリストの添付ファイル等のセキュリティの問題を解決することができる。2) 「フォーラム」記事の投稿後編集機能を利用して文書の共同編集をおこなう。フォーラムで編集案を議論できるので,共同編集の分かりにくさが解消される。3) 教員に「教師」ではなく「学生」パーミッションのみを与えた事務局コースを作り,「課題」によって事務局から各教員に個人情報等を含むファイルを個別配布したり,回収したりする。以前はUSBメモリの受け渡しで行っていた秘密ファイルのやり取りを安全迅速におこなうことができる。これらの事例では,Moodleに非標準モジュールを導入したり,Moodleコードを修正したりはしていない。しかし,もしMoodleが標準で備えていれば,よりわかりやすいグループウェアが可能になるユーザーインターフェイスの修正案についても指摘する。
15:10 - 15:2010 mins
Room 1304 40 seats
Quick listen and speed reading via Moodle
Individual presentationLightning talk (10 mins)
(1) A “Quick Listen” is another way to effectively use a graded reader other than ER. With this task,about 5 minutes of a graded reader is heard in class with about 10 comprehension questions following the listening. Questions can either be shown on Moodle via a PDF file to promote discussion in small groups or questions can be made using the quiz module to assess individual student comprehension. Regardless of the question format,the answers to the questions should be elicited from the class so that all students understand the content as the story will continue on in future classes. (2) “Speed Reading” is another activity that can be done using Moodle without students buying expensive Speed Reading textbooks. This talk will show how to do Speed Reading with Moodle using free Internet resources. Posting reading passages using screenshots/PDFs and creating questions about those readings using the quiz module,students can do speed reading in each class using their smartphone. Students can record their reading speed each week as well as their quiz score. By pushing the notion of speed in each class,students typically show a gain in their reading speed by semester’s end.
15:10 - 15:2010 mins
Room 1403 40 seats
The ReactForum plugin
MAJ R&D grant reportPresentation (20 mins)
This presentation will introduce the motivation for and usability of the recently developed ReactForum plugin. The ReactForum allows users to react to discussion posts by quickly clicking buttons set by the teacher which are similar to ‘like’ buttons used by social media pages such as Facebook. Buttons can be made with text,or inputting images and any number of buttons can be added. Basically,any kind of button is possible! Examples of how the ReactForum has been used in educational situations this semester will be shown.
15:10 - 15:2010 mins
Room 1404 40 seats
218-LHashimoto, Tanaka, Naruse
Individual presentationLightning talk (10 mins)
15:10 - 15:2010 mins
Room 1405 40 seats
Listening and speaking practice with EnglishCentral videos on Moodle
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
This presentation will describe the design and implementation of the EnglishCentral activity module for Moodle 3.x. Like the Moodle 2.x version by Justin Hunt,this plugin administers video listening and speaking practice activities from the website via Moodle. The website is a mature and stable Learning Management System (LMS) in its own right,but until now,it has not had close integration with Moodle. As a result,it has been somewhat underused by Moodle-centric teachers. To make it easier for teachers to incorporate video listening and speaking activities into their Moodle courses,the new activity module allows teachers to bring videos directly into the Moodle course page,and then produce grades for the Moodle gradebook and detailed reports of student interactions with the videos and associated speaking activities. The Moodle teacher can specify learning goals in terms of number of videos watched,words studied,and lines spoken. The presenter will introduce the interface and functionality of the new module,show examples of it in use,and outline plans for its inclusion in undergraduate English courses at a technical university in Japan. Although complete access to the EnglishCentral LMS requires payment of a license fee,access to the videos and activities that are accessible to this plugin is free. The development of this plugin by the presenter was sponsored by EnglishCentral,but the presenter receives neither payment for making this presentation nor royalties from the use of the plugin or EnglishCentral videos.
15:10 - 15:2010 mins
Room 1406 40 seats
Moodle の問題バンクを利用した LINE Chat Bot による小テストシステムの試作
220-PHiguchi, Shibahara
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
モバイル環境で,Moodleをアプリやブラウザに加えChatインターフェイスで使えるようにすることは,機能の一部であっても意味がある.Chatはモバイル環境と親和性が高く,学習コストが低く,さらにシステムが相手となって学習者の行動を誘導できる可能性がある.Moodleの問題バンクの問題群を利用し,日本で普及したSNSであるLINEのChatで問題をルールベースで自動的に出題・採点・誤答へのフィードバックを行うシステムを試作したことを報告する.学習者はChat Botと友だち登録し,小テストに相当する問題演習を行う.多肢選択や穴埋め問題タイプに対応する. Moodleとシステムは外部ファイル経由でデータ連携する.LINEでのLINE Botへの登録は,メールでの匿名メーリングリストへの登録に例えられ,学習者の個人IDを教員が収集する必要はないが,Moodleのユーザ登録とは別に行う必要がある.今回は少数の被験者による動作検証の報告であり,教育効果の検証は今後の課題である.
15:10 - 15:2010 mins
15:20 - 15:3010 mins
15:20 - 15:3010 mins
Room 1304 40 seats
Testing with Moodle
Individual presentationLightning talk (10 mins)
The quiz module in Moodle can be a powerful test delivery tool that serves to both engage students and streamline instructor workload. This lightening talk will introduce an application of the quiz module used to deliver test material in an asynchronous style to linguistics lecture course participants at a Japanese university. Test design from the perspectives of,1. delivery to maximize content uptake and retention,via the use of adaptive mode,and 2. limitation of cheating will be discussed. Success and failures will be introduced with a quick call for advice from the audience to finish up this short session.
15:20 - 15:3010 mins
Room 1404 40 seats
Individual presentationLightning talk (10 mins)
着手が簡単な無料の MoodleCloudを利用して、Webディスカッションを組み入れたe-Learning講座を構築 した。受講者全員が議論し合える特定の期間を設け、ブレインストーミング手法に近い形をとるため、付箋の共有ができる外部URLを利用した。付箋を用いて意見を発展させ、1つのテーマをWikiにまとめ上げる。アクティビティを重視し、受講者全員のアイデア創造までを協働体験させるものである。
15:20 - 15:3010 mins
15:30 - 15:4010 mins
15:30 - 15:4010 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
223-PWang, Ogashiwa, Saito
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
高拡張性(スケーラビリティ)をもつMoodleサーバを構築したい場合は、サーバのクラスタ化が1つの方法として考えられる。閲覧するユーザが多い場合は、ウェブサーバのクラスタ化で十分であるが、同時にデータベースにアクセスするユーザも多い場合は、データベースのクラスタ化も必要になる。また、サーバのクラスタ化によってMoodleサーバの高可用性を得ることもできる。本トークでは、MySQL ClusterによるMoodleサーバのクラスタ化の実装実験を通して、Moodleサーバのクラスタ化についてのノウハウや関連問題などを議論したい。
15:30 - 15:4010 mins
Room 1304 40 seats
A report on 2 new aspects of the forum: An interface change and the forum report block
MAJ R&D grant reportLightning talk (10 mins)
In this Lightning Talk I will report on the results of a Moodle Association of Japan research grant project. This R & D grant,funded both changes to the default Moodle forum interface and the creation of a new forum reporting block. The changes to the forum interface simplify the look which makes it easier for participants in the forum to follow a particular discussion and see which group/institution the poster belongs to. The forum report block gathers all the information a teacher needs to see quickly how much each student is participating in a forum or forums in a course including information on total word count,number of posts and replies and number of views. It also allows teachers to quickly send students an email encouraging them to participate in the forum if they aren’t.
15:30 - 15:4010 mins
Room 1403 40 seats
Managing a basic writing course with Moodle
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
This instructor was assigned a basic English writing course for a large elective class of Japanese university students,and set out to design a Moodle course that is paperless,can easily follow the textbook and syllabus,and evaluate the students’ competence with standardized items. This teacher first experimented using the Questionnaire module to both present writing items and elicit student writing. In presenting the items in their text,the teacher used the same student Questionnaire projected on the screen for guidance. In about 10-12 essay windows per class,students composed their sentences. After students finished an item,the teacher would put sample answers into the essay box on the screen for confirmation. The last essay boxes allowed for freer expression and students could share their work after submitting the answers. Students could ask for help at any time to finish their "essay window" in the questionnaire. For evaluation,the Short Answer in the Quiz module was used for dictation. Ten cloze-style dictation items from the text were made with gaps for each unit. Students were allowed three attempts,once at the end of the unit,once in the following class,and during the last class as a final test. The presenter will report on student performance and pedagogical issues. Some ideas for use of Moodle to teach writing will be discussed.
15:30 - 15:4010 mins
Room 1404 40 seats
Individual presentationLightning talk (10 mins)
15:30 - 15:4010 mins
Room 1405 40 seats
Flipping teacher orientation
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
This presentation takes Moodle out of the classroom and places it in front of colleagues. Often times,Moodle is thought only in terms of students. With such a narrow view,people fluent in applying Moodle may miss an opportunity to benefit from its philosophical tenant of Social Constructivism. Until now,teacher orientations have been a director-centered,2.5-hour meeting with little interaction to reinforce program goals and introduce curricular changes. Attendance is required for all full-time and new teachers and strongly recommended returning part-time teachers. The format has been a leader-centered,lecture format. In light of the pervasive use of flipped learning within the curriculum,it was noticed that what was being espoused within the curriculum was not being practiced nor demonstrated during orientation. A new goal was set to show in practice what flipped learning is during the meeting. Setting into action at a level where the teachers themselves can experience Social Constructivism is the new goal. To bring this about,the otherwise routine parts of the teacher orientation will be expressed in Moodle forums and quizzes so that the participants may be freed to construct knowledge for one another,share teaching ideas and collaboratively,creating new and useful teaching ideas on the day. It is hoped that when teachers are immersed as students within a flipped culture,learning will not be a one-time event,but something that will last throughout the year. Insights,experiences,and ideas from presentation participants are highly welcome. (
15:30 - 15:4010 mins
Room 1406 40 seats
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
15:30 - 15:4010 mins
15:40 - 15:5010 mins
15:40 - 15:5010 mins
Room 1304 40 seats
The new hub and the new sharing cart
MAJ R&D grant reportLightning talk (10 mins)
The Hub is changing with HQ's new MoodleNet coming soon. Also,Moodle's top block,the Sharing Cart,now features 'Whole Section Copy'. The newest Sharing Cart (version 3.3) is a block for duplicating not only course items but also whole sections of a course at a time. The Sharing Cart puts course items into a personal library and easily moves these resources and activities between multiple courses on your site. With just three clicks,the Sharing Cart copies and moves a single course item from one course to another. It can copy without user data--similar to the "Import” function in Course Administration,or with user data,such as user content in Forums,Wikis,Glossaries and Databases. In addition,items can be collected and saved on the Sharing Cart indefinitely,serving as a library of frequently used course items available for duplication. The Sharing Cart is viewable only by teachers,course creators and administrators. This block is now compatible with the Boost theme Moodle 3.2 and 3.3,as well as other standard themes. This lightning talk will demonstrate what the Sharing Cart can do in your course and how the Hub is changing in 2018 with powerful ways to aid course authoring by teachers on the Hub. (This research and development is partially supported by MAJ grants for programming).
15:40 - 15:5010 mins
Room 1404 40 seats
230-LNakamura, Ozaki
Individual presentationLightning talk (10 mins)
本稿では,学習者の学修活動をMoodleのログ機能をもとに行った調査および分析について報告を行う.大阪教育大学では,平成29年度よりICT基礎科目がすべての学科において必修科目となり,この科目では,学習支援システムであるMoodleを利用している.Moodleを利用することにより,学習者の講義内での行動や講義時間外の学習行動を ログデータとして収集することが可能である.これらのログデータを活用し,学習時間と最終試験の点数に相関があることを示すことができ,学習時間が成果に関連することを確認した.
15:40 - 15:5010 mins
16:00 - 16:1010 mins
16:00 - 16:1010 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
Balancing real-time feedback vs. recorded assessments using Moodle rubrics
231-PHinkelman, Cotter
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
Is it possible to overload students with too much self and peer assessment? One Moodle module,the Video Assessment Module,makes it so easy to assign video-watching homework,students may be subject to 'assessment fatigue'. During a seven-year action research project investigating assessment (self,peer,and teacher) in EFL presentation classes,online recording procedures and technologies were created to optimize student understanding of rubrics and thus improve subsequent student performances. The approach was based on Gardner’s principle of “assessment for learning” and Wiliam’s “embedded assessment while learning”. However,as self/peer/whole class assessments increased in time and number,the question arose whether assessment load was becoming too great for the students. It was also unclear if the students were taking the process seriously as most assessing tasks were done out of class time. One unexplored question was whether simple coaching by teachers during practice and performances might be as immediately effective as post-performance feedback. Therefore,in the eighth cycle of research,the teaching team chose in-class teacher coaching as the focus of investigation. During assessed performances,real-time oral feedback was given,recorded and analyzed by type of advice given. Thus real-time and post-performance feedback became more balanced. This presentation reports on classroom trials in the spring 2017 semester with 60 second-year English majors. Qualitative results showed students found real-time feedback immediately useful,and that post performance self-scoring continued to be consistent with teacher scoring.
16:00 - 16:1010 mins
Room 1403 40 seats
Moodle database module: How it works and what it can do
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
The database is among the most versatile (yet least utilized) of all Moodle modules. However,with a little imagination and a few simple tricks,the database can provide abundant learning opportunities for students across a wide range of topics and disciplines. This session will demonstrate three possible uses of the database module: speaking journal,project/presentation,and self-assessment rubric. The presenter will outline the basics of setting up each type of activity and share templates that can be used to customise the appearance of the students' entries. Special attention will given to a variety of different database fields,including: picture,text entry,checkbox,and radio buttons as well as the whiteboard and voice recording fields that are part of the PoodLL Database plugin. Those who attend will have opportunities to create a simple database as well as contribute entries to more elaborate databases created by the presenter. Finally the presenter will introduce tips for creating database activities that will function on the Moodle Mobile app.
16:00 - 16:1010 mins
Room 1404 40 seats
234-LFujimoto, Yamamoto
Individual presentationLightning talk (10 mins)
16:00 - 16:1010 mins
Room 1406 40 seats
236-PKita, Nagaoka, Hiraoka
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
VUI(Voice User Interface)は、多くの人にとって非常に効果的で直感的なユーザーインターフェイスです。近年の機械学習手法による音声認識と音声合成の精度の向上により、VUIは、スマートフォンを音声で操作するときや、Amazon Echo、Google Homeなどのスマートスピーカーを使用するときに経験するように、様々な目的について、現実的に利用可能になりつつあります。認知負荷が少ないVUIがMoodleのようなLMSで利用可能であり、うまく設計されたコースで効果的に使用されている場合、学習の初期段階で、学習者をコースにうまく導入する手段となりえます。モチベーションの低い学習者にとっては、彼らのモチベーションを取り戻すきっかけになるかもしれません。もちろん、VUIは、盲目の学習者にとって非常に便利です。このプレゼンテーションでは、VUIをMoodleに導入する簡単な例として、いくつかの多肢選択肢問題を含むMoodleの小テストを対象として、VUIで受験できるインターフェイスのプロトタイプ実装を紹介します。これは、Dialogflow(以前はAPI.AIと呼ばれていました)という開発プラットフォームのエージェントが持つWebhook機能を使用して実現したもので、この開発プラットフォームを用いることで、GUIでのチャットボットスタイルのインターフェイスも利用可能になります。
16:00 - 16:1010 mins
16:10 - 16:2010 mins
16:10 - 16:2010 mins
Room 1404 40 seats
237-LSato, Uchida, Kawashima, Tanaka, Sakabe
Individual presentationLightning talk (10 mins)
Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University and Hokkaido University of Science are to merge in April 2018. Currently Hokkaido University of Science is using Moodle 1.7 while Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University is using Moodle 2.7. In preparation for this merger,Moodle will be upgraded to version 3.0 for both institutions. However,the current usage of Moodle is unclear. Therefore after the upgrade which plug-ins would be useful,or desired is unknown. In the environment of a science university the potential for using Moodle for setting problems with automatic scoring systems,and employing plug-ins that facilitate the writing of mathematical formulae is very attractive. To clarify how Moodle might be employed by teachers after the upgrade,the authors,as Moodle users,took the initiative to investigate the way in way Moodle was being used before the upgrade. In discussions with the University permission was given to conduct an investigative survey into the current use of Moodle in Hokkaido University of Science. A questionnaire comprising of six questions using a combination of closed and open ended questions was drafted. The Technological Information Section of the university,the section distributed the survey and collected the data. After collecting the data,it was passed onto the authors for for analysis. This presentation will discuss the why Hokkaido University of Science was still using Moodle 1.7,what plug-ins the teaching staff were using before the upgrade,and what other plug-ins the teachers were hoping to use after the upgrade. Suggestions for useful plug-ins from the audience will be welcomed. Response to the reviewer: Thank you for your comments. The abstract has been redrafted,to clarify some of the points as asked. This study has been submitted under the topic of ‘using Moodle.’ There are questions the reviewer is asking that is beyond the scope of this study. We would like to be in a position where we could answer all of the reviewer’s questions. Unfortunately,the authors are not part of the instillation or administration team and cannot include information pertaining to the version of Moodle that we will be upgraded to,how the upgrade will be conducted,what features will be preserved,or what features will be available post-upgrade.
16:10 - 16:2010 mins
16:20 - 16:4020 mins
16:20 - 16:4020 mins
Room 1404 40 seats
16:20 - 16:4020 mins
Room 1406 40 seats
239-PWakatsuki, Horiba, Sakurai, Sakuma, Suzuki
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
16:20 - 16:4020 mins
16:50 - 17:5060 mins
16:50 - 17:5060 mins
Room 1002 300 seats
MAJ Annual General Meeting
18:00 - 20:00120 mins
18:00 - 20:00120 mins
Memorial Hall200 seats
Networking Reception
Feb 23rd (Fri)
09:00 - 09:3030 mins
09:00 - 09:3030 mins
MCV200 seats
Collect your badges and grab a coffee.
Room 1303 40 seats
Room 1304 40 seats
Room 1403 40 seats
Room 1404 40 seats
Room 1405 40 seats
Room 1302 20 seats
Genius bar
09:20 - 10:0040 mins
09:20 - 10:0040 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
The power of combining the Moodle activity completion and restrict access settings to create interesting and challenging courses
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
In this presentation I will show how I combine the completion and restrict access features of Moodle two guide my students through activities in my courses. These conditions can be as simple as opening a quiz after the students follow a link to a website before a certain date and time,but preventing the ones who don’t complete the requirements in the specified time frame from taking the quiz. I will also show how I use the restrict access setting,especially the restriction sets,to show and hide activities based on date,time,group membership and activity completion. I will also demonstrate how to use the label resource with these two features to hide “motivational easter eggs” for the students in the course.
09:20 - 10:0040 mins
Room 1304 40 seats
Updates on audio and video uploading plugins from mobile devices for speaking development
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
This presentation will introduce the latest versions of VoiceShadow and VideoBoard,two popular Moodle plug-ins designed to seamlessly upload audio and video content from PCs and mobile devices. The multimedia postings can then be shared and evaluated within a Moodle course,encouraging interaction among students and instructors. To be more specific,the VoiceShadow plug-in was developed for sharing audio content and allows students to easily record and upload speech directly from the browser of PCs and mobile devices. There is also a 'shadowing' function,where students can listen to a model audio file and simultaneously record their own speech without reading the text. The VideoBoard plug-in was designed for uploading,sharing,and evaluating video content recorded either on a mobile device or PCs. The latest versions of both plug-ins include feedback in the form of rubrics and better compatibility with mobile devices. The presenter will demonstrate how these plug-ins can be utilized in speaking and presentation-based courses.
09:20 - 10:0040 mins
Room 1403 40 seats
Moodle course on GIFT for students and teachers
Individual presentationShowcase (90 mins)
Students in many fields can benefit by creating quizzes as part of their learning experience. Creating quizzes requires students to consider their learning from new perspectives,self-assess their own understanding,and communicate their understanding to others in creative ways. The process can also be an empowering productive and communicative exercise. For students,or teachers,the GIFT format is one of the most accessible methods to write and import questions into Moodle,especially when combined with question templates. It avoids the complexities of XML or programming macros. The GIFT format does not relying on plug-ins which may or may not be available or updated. This presentation first describes the contents and use of a Moodle-based training course on GIFT for formatting and importing questions into Moodle and some elements of question bank management. This step-by-step Moodle course covers the different types of questions which may or may not be imported through GIFT formatting into Moodle,how to understand and use GIFT formatting symbols,provide feedback,give partial credit,and other essentials. Using an authentic ESL class as one example,this presentation will also discuss how teachers of many subjects can employ authoring questions as a learning tool. It will also touch on its value in ESL classrooms where the language learning experience is also magnified through the question writing process. The course discussed,created by the presenter,is freely available on the MAJHUB to interested teachers.
09:20 - 10:0040 mins
Room 1403 40 seats
304-COkamoto, Kojima, Kimura, Hayasaka
Individual presentationShowcase (90 mins)
大学で行われる授業形式の中でも最も頻度が高いタイプの授業である講義型授業をアクティブ・ラーニング環境へと変容させる meaQs システムについて報告する。meaQs システムは、受講生自身で授業内容の理解を問うための問題を作成し、共有することによって、専門的知識の獲得と理解を支援するための協調学習環境である。meaQs システムには、(1) 問題作成、(2) 他の受講生が作成した問題を解く問題演習、(3) システム内に蓄積された問題への評価、そして (4) 利用状況を一覧するためのダッシュボードが備わっている。2015年度前期に、meaQsシステム(Rails版)を大阪府立大学の教養科目「心理学への招待」(受講生110名)と専門科目「心理発達と環境」(受講生23名)の授業に導入し、実践的検討を行った。授業は通常の講義形式で行われ、受講生には講義内容の重要なポイントを問う選択問題6問と記述問題3問を作成するように求めた。実践の結果、(1)meaQs システムを授業に導入することによって、受講生の能動的学習を促進すること、(2)meaQs システムを利用した作問学習が講義内容の意味的理解を促進すること、(3) 教養科目の授業よりは専門科目での授業の方が有効性が高いこと、が明らかになった。2017年度よりmeaQsシステム(Moodle版)を全学展開し、現在、3学域、3研究科、1機構の計18科目(のべ受講生827名)で利用され、安定稼働している。
09:20 - 10:0040 mins
Room 1404 40 seats
Word文書を利用したMoodle小テスト問題の一括作成(4) -小テスト問題変換ツールの改良およびランチャーツールの開発-
305-PHata, Kihara, Toyama, Ueki
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
これまで我々は,Moodle小テスト問題を作成する際に,Wordを利用して作成した問題を,Moodleにインポート可能なXML形式に変換するツールを開発してきた.これらのツールでは,Moodle XML形式からWord文書への変換も可能ではあったが,新たに,Moodle小テスト問題に記述された簡単な表をWord文書の表に変換する機能を追加した.さらに,ドラッグ&ドロップイメージ問題ツールのWordへの変換機能の追加により,Word文書とMoodle XMLの間で,完全な相互変換が実現した.また,変換を行いたいWordファイルやMoodle XMLファイルをドロップするだけで,問題タイプに合った変換ツールを自動的に選択するランチャツールの開発も行った.これらの改良・開発により,Word文書とMoodle XMLの相互変換を非常にシンプルな操作で行えるようになった.当日は,改良点及び技術的な紹介を行うとともに,ランチャーを利用した相互変換のデモを行い,このツールの使い勝手の良さを参加者の方々にも実際に体験していただく予定である.なお,変換ツールはWebサイト上で公開している.
09:20 - 10:0040 mins
10:10 - 10:3020 mins
10:10 - 10:3020 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
Using Moodle with a major commercial publisher: Issues and solutions
306-PWiltshier, Rawson
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
MyMobileWorld (MMW),the online accompaniment to the new edition of English Firsthand will go live next month. MMW is built on Moodle with Quizlet embedded. The publisher,understandable,had an initial desire to use one of their in-house products such as; Learning Catalytics,Pulse,or MyLab. The presenter,who is a teacher and author as opposed to a computer technician,will first explain how the publisher was persuaded that Moodle with Quizlet embedded was the best solution and how the team was put together to carry out the project. Then,issues that arose when programmers,publishers and teachers work together will be explained. Examples will be given of the steps taken to simplify Moodle for non-Moodle specialist teachers including engineered solutions as well as selection of default settings. Finally the presentation will explain some of the difficulties experienced converting the paper-based textbook and archive material into digital. This honest account of the process and issues that occurred in the building of My Mobile World will help prospective material writers,publishers,and platform builders to better prepare for any commercial endeavors they maybe planning for the future.
10:10 - 10:3020 mins
Room 1304 40 seats
Automated scoring of speech in Moodle
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
With recent advances in AI,it is becoming easier to exploit powerful cloud-based speech engines for use in online language learning activities. This presentation will explain how teachers can easily setup speaking tasks in Moodle which can be automatically scored. First,an outline of the popular speech engines being developed by Google,Apple,Microsoft and Amazon will be provided. Next the presenter will explain how Google’s Web Speech API can be adopted to support automated scoring of speech using the speech assessment module,a Moodle plugin that was developed by the presenter. Various types of extensive and intensive speaking tasks that can be delivered to learners using this speech assessment plugin will be demonstrated. In addition the presenter will briefly discuss the reliability of the Google's Web Speech engine and the scoring algorithm used in the plugin. Both a full version and a mobile version of the speech assessment plugin are available.
10:10 - 10:3020 mins
Room 1404 40 seats
Word文書を利用したMoodle小テスト問題の一括作成(5) -ドラッグ&ドロップマーカー問題の変換および逆変換-
308-PUeki, Kihara, Hata
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
10:10 - 10:3020 mins
10:30 - 10:5020 mins
10:30 - 10:5020 mins
Room 1304 40 seats
Supporting TOEIC preparation
Individual presentationPresentation (20 mins)
From 2018 students at my university will be required to score higher than 400 on the TOEIC at the end of their first year and then 450 at the end of their second year. Failure to attain those scores will result in students not being able to take 2nd or 3rd year classes,respectively. They will be registered in a TOEIC certificate class which is entirely self-study. The main activity of the class is an online software program that students will be expected to complete. They also have intensive English classes,but those classes concentrate on preparing them to take mostly science related classes taught in English and they focus on reading,listening to lectures,making presentations,and speaking. Although a teacher (or teachers) will be assigned to be responsible for the classes,no class time is scheduled except for an orientation at the beginning of the year. This means that students will have very little support to reach the TOEIC benchmarks. This presentation will introduce a Moodle course that will try to at least partially remedy that lack of support. The course will offer strategies for taking the TOEIC,strategy practice,and practice items for the TOEIC. Since the course will be untested,the presenter hopes that interested participants will offer suggestions for improving the course.
10:30 - 10:5020 mins
11:00 - 11:5050 mins
11:00 - 11:5050 mins
Room 1002 300 seats
Instructional Technology and Moodle 教育工学とムードル
Keynote speechKeynote speech (50 mins)
English abstract coming soon 日本語の講演概要は間もなく公開します。
11:50 - 12:0010 mins
11:50 - 12:0010 mins
Room 1002 300 seats
Best Moodle Innovation Awards Ceremony
12:00 - 13:0060 mins
12:00 - 13:0060 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
Room 1304 40 seats
Room 1403 40 seats
Room 1404 40 seats
Room 1405 40 seats
Room 1302 20 seats
Genius bar
13:00 - 13:4040 mins
13:00 - 13:4040 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
Moodle admin apps using FileMaker Pro
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
For the individual teacher that does not have the benefit of using an institutionally managed Moodle web page,there are two stand-alone Filemaker Pro apps for the Mac that will be presented. The first app is called Password Mailer. This app helps teachers generate usernames and passwords,export the bulk account upload file and can email or print student usernames and passwords. Having student accounts log in information already given to students on the first day of class saves time and protects against technology overload. The second app is a Moodle GIFT converter app that allows instructors to input questions and answers for a multiple-choice quiz. After a question has been input,the user pushes a correct answer button. As each correct answer button is pushed,the computer reads the correct answer back to the instructor using Mac speech. Once all questions have been input,the app can also read all the correct answers back to the instructor for confirmation and can export the whole quiz in GIFT format to be uploaded to Moodle. After instructing participants how to install the apps,the presenter will demonstrate them and give examples of how they have been used in university classes.
13:00 - 13:4040 mins
Room 1304 40 seats
Moodle の大規模運用におけるデフォルト設定の検討
312-PNiimura, Nagaoka, Ishida, Hasegawa
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
1,000人を越える教員および10,000人を越える学生に対して Moodle の運用を行う場合,利用者のスキルの幅が非常に大きい.このため,コース設定やロールに与える権限の初期値の設定により,利用者が意図しなかった動作をすることがある.信州大学では,このような Moodle の大規模運用において,ユーザの利便性と安定した動作のトレードオフについて検討を重ね,デフォルト値の設定の見直しを行ってきた.デフォルト値設定のため ・現在の運用方法でデフォルトとして期待するであろう動作を選定 ・誤操作により致命的な結果になるような操作の禁止 を基本方針とした.このうち,期待される動作については,運用側の想定による選定ではなく,利用者である教員からの,意図しなかった動作に関する問い合わせ・相談等をもとに,動作の選定を継続的に行ってきた.また,致命的な結果となる誤操作についても,運用に際して発生したトラブルをもとに,そのような事態を未然に防ぐような設定を追加してきた.このように,信州大学の Moodle におけるデフォルト値設定は,論理的に導いたものではなく,実際に運用から得られた知見に基づくものである.本発表は,デフォルト値の設定と,その値を選定するに至った経緯について説明する.
13:00 - 13:4040 mins
Room 1403 40 seats
The international virtual exchange - What we know so far
313-PHagley, Rawson, Campbell, Green
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
Often in Japan,EFL classrooms are places where only Japanese students interact. The English they use in such a situation does not have the immediacy it would have in an international setting. The International Virtual Exchange Project (IVEProject) allows students to use the language they’ve learned to interact with students from other countries. This presentation introduces the IVEProject which has had almost 8,000 students and 180 teachers from 8 countries in South America,Asia,the Middle East and Europe participating in virtual exchanges over the last 18 months. Students interact online in English as a lingua franca using a Moodle platform. Each exchange is carried out over an 8-week period employing various tasks to encourage student interaction. The Japanese government-sponsored exchanges are free of charge to participants. To assuage security concerns and improve connectivity a number of tools were used to connect the students. These will be described. Information on how some 180 teachers felt about the exchange,gained from feedback gleaned via teacher surveys,will be outlined. Finally,student inter-cultural development will be covered. In the fall of 2016 and spring of 2017,303 and 264 Japanese students,respectively,completed pre- and post-questionnaires after participating in it. The questionnaires measured inter-cultural sensitivity and understanding of one's own culture. Mean scale scores for pre- and post-testing of each construct could be used. Their significance of difference was checked using the non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Improvement in students' understanding of their own culture and appreciation of other cultures resulted.
13:00 - 13:4040 mins
Room 1404 40 seats
314-PMiura, Matsuki
MAJ R&D grant reportPresentation (40 mins)
13:00 - 13:4040 mins
13:50 - 14:3040 mins
13:50 - 14:3040 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
Using Moodle to objectively assess student effort
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
The fundamental principle underlying education is that through the expenditure of effort,a person’s abilities can be enhanced and new abilities can be acquired. However,it is commonplace to assess students solely on the performance of their abilities and to neglect the effort expended. When student effort is assessed,it tends to be a subjective judgement made by a teacher or a ‘participation’ mark that may not capture the effort that leads to an improvement in ability. One way effort can be assessed more objectively is by incorporating quizzes in Moodle that allow multiple attempts and by grading them via the ‘Highest Grade' option. Students who exert the effort required to attain full marks on such a quiz will be rewarded with a higher grade. Quiz content can then be set at a higher level ensuring that 100% is unattainable without significant effort. In this presentation I will introduce an assessment schedule that is a hybrid of both measures of ability and measures of effort,along with several principles that can be applied to effort-based assessments to enhance their effectiveness. Finally,there will be a discussion of the hybrid syllabus’ effects on student motivation and their development of a ‘growth-mindset.’
13:50 - 14:3040 mins
Room 1304 40 seats
317-PKuwata, Ishizaka, Aida, Takefusa, Yokoyama
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
Amazon Web Services (AWS)やMicrosoft Azureといった商用クラウドが普及してきている。今後、オンサイトにハードウェアを用意する代わりに、クラウド上にMoodleを立ち上げて利用するケースが増加すると考えられる。クラウドを利用することで、手軽にMoodleを立ち上げることが可能になる反面、(1) 必要かつ十分な性能を確保するためのチューニングおよびサイジング、(2) セキュリティの確保、(3) 運用ライフサイクルの最適化などの課題がある。そこで、本発表では、SINET5を経由してAWS上でMoodleを運用することを前提としたアーキテクチャの検討および運用方法に関する評価結果を報告する。まず、(1) AWS上で複数の構成のMoodleの性能評価結果を示す。この結果を参照することで、クラウド上で確保することが必要なリソース設計の指針となる。また、(2) Moodle構築にあたっては、SINET5の機能であるL2VPNを利用することを提案する。L2VPNによって通信路上のセキュリティを確保することが可能になる。更に、(3) 上記検討を踏まえて、クラウド上でMoodleを構築する場合の利用形態、ライフサイクルモデルについて議論する。なお、本発表はMoodleを導入済み、若しくは導入を検討中の高等教育機関の技術担当者および管理者、それを支援する技術者を対象としている。クラウド上にMoodleを構築し運用して行く際の指針となる。
13:50 - 14:3040 mins
Room 1403 40 seats
Extensive reading using blended learning in Moodle
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
Extensive Reading is a key component to the development of EFL learners in Japan. With all the online tools now available for supporting this process (MoodleReader,Mreader,Xreading VL),it is easy to prepare,organize,and track student activity to foster good reading habits. In this presentation,the use of Moodle to track student reading progress and a "reversion to paper" approach will be discussed in detail. In this approach,students are given points for both words read,and the time spent reading. Book discussions are also facilitated through the use of weekly book reports. As a result of these efforts,the author has experienced an increase in reading activity in the Reading Skills required course at the university. There is also a noticeably more positive outlook of the Extensive Reading process from the students. This course is also made available in 2017 through the Moodle Association of Japan HUB for course sharing.
13:50 - 14:3040 mins
Room 1405 40 seats
319-PEgi, Kuno, Akazawa, Takeuchi, Sasakura
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
13:50 - 14:3040 mins
14:40 - 15:2040 mins
14:40 - 15:2040 mins
Room 1303 40 seats
Moodle beyond the course level
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
The vast majority of Moodle activities exist within courses and it is from this perspective that instructors and students most commonly interact with course content and one another. The main theme of this presentation,"collecting and reporting on information beyond the course level" is one that the presenter has explored since 2007 and wrote about in the context of Moodle 1.9. As it has evolved and matured,Moodle has gradually added feature sets that allow educational administrators and program directors to focus upon and aggregate information in a "beyond the course level" setting with the goal of gaining insight into curricular continuity and efficacy. This presentation will introduce various methods of gathering and aggregating this type of data. Modules and features introduced and discussed will include; learning plans,competency frameworks,e-portfolio (Mahara),the Monitoring of Learning Plans report,use of student profile fields,SmartKlass,and Elastic. The goal of the presentation will be to introduce tools available,explore their strengths and limitations,and to discuss and call for better Moodle integrated tools for monitoring students and curriculum beyond the individual class level.
14:40 - 15:2040 mins
Room 1403 40 seats
Conference organization tools for Moodle
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
This presentation will describe how a series of 3rd-party plugins can transform Moodle into a Conference Organization tool which can be used to advertise key dates,collect and peer-review submissions,collect delegates' registration information,generate registration documents such as badges,receipts and tickets,and publish the schedule for a conference. These steps are coordinated by a new block,called the "maj_submissions" block,that can be added to any Moodle course page. This block has several setup tools which create Database activities to collect data,Workshop activities to review the data,and Resources to display formatted data. Access to data within the databases is controlled by five new types of Database field,namely the "action","admin","constant","template",and "report" fields. Data movement between the activities is handled by other tools within the block. Moodle admin rights are required to install the new database fields and block,but once installed the plugins can be used by any Moodle users with teacher access rights in the Moodle course used to coordinated the conference. The presentation will first describe the key considerations that went into the design and planning of the plugins,and then demonstrate how the software looks and behaves in the Moodle context.
14:40 - 15:2040 mins
Room 1404 40 seats
STEM 教育に対する Moodle 3.2 の活用の実践~数学基礎教育・ICT教育・コンピュータリテラシー教育~
322-PKameda, Udagawa
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
近年注目されているSTEM教育の分野において,数年間の運用歴で得られた知見の下に,平成29年度に実践したMoodle3.2の機能+αとして,受講者の学習意欲(効果)を向上させる教育環境について,すなわちMoodleのe-Learningが補助的教材ではなく「主体的・対話的で深い学び」を促す仕組みとなった事例について紹介します.【1.基礎数学教育】オンライン教材に可動的な数式と数学図形の組み込み活用で,スマートデバイスに適用されたWebブラウザで数学的特性を可視化できました.【2.コンピュータ教育】協調学習で「グループ」機能と「電子投票」機能の利用で,グループの活動内容と活動優劣を即時に共有できました.【3.コンピュータリテラシー教育】PCソフトウェア:Microsoft Word・Excel・PowerPoint,Adobe Photoshopの学習成果物に対してルーブリックを使った「パフォーマンス評価」機能の活用で,「学習の」「学習のための」「学習としての」評価活動が確立できました.
14:40 - 15:2040 mins
Room 1405 40 seats
323-PNakamura, Nakahara
Individual presentationPresentation (40 mins)
Moodleを始めとするLMSのオンラインテストでは,学習者が思考して導き出した結果としての 解答を自動採点する場合,その思考過程を知ることは考慮されておらず,それを得るための何かしらの別の手段を教員が用意しなければならない。特に理数系科目においては,適切な思考過程を経て解答しているかどうかを確認することは,学習者の理解度や習熟度を正しく測るためにも重要であると考えられる。例えばMoodleの数式問題解答タイプSTACKは,数式による解答を自動採点することができるが,数学における習熟度・理解度の判断基準となる計算過程を提出する機能が存在しない。そこで,我々はSTACKの新たな入力タイププラグインとして,解答に付随して計算過程を記したノートを提出することができる機能を開発した。具体的には,学習者は計算過程を記したノートの写真を添付するか,タブレット上での手書きデータを提出することができるようになっている。同時に,教師は提出されたノートを閲覧し,手書きによる赤ペン添削を行い,学習者にフィードバックできるようにするためのレポートタイププラグインも併せて開発した。この機能はSTACK用のプラグインとして開発されたものであるが,STACK以外の問題タイプにも応用できると考えている。
14:40 - 15:2040 mins
15:30 - 15:5020 mins
15:30 - 15:5020 mins
Room 1002 300 seats
Closing Ceremony
Last modified: Friday, 23 February 2018, 9:16 AM