2月27日 (水)
English Workshops(Basic)
English Workshops(Advanced)
12: 30 - 13: 0030 分
12: 30 - 13: 0030 分
Collect your badges and grab a coffee.
13: 00 - 14: 3090 分
13: 00 - 14: 3090 分
English Workshops(Basic)
Beginner Workshop
This is a workshop for the first-time Moodler. Participants will be able to learn the basics of Moodle by working, hands-on with a real live online Moodle site. The basics of the site, course contexts and categories, giving online quizzes, handling announcements to students, providing handouts for download, chatrooms, forums, and information about the gradebook will be introduced. Teachers will make their own courses in the MoodleCloud created in the previous session. In particular, the most common features of Moodle: forums, quizzes and resources will be created. Further explanation of how these features can be used will be given in the following workshop.
13: 00 - 14: 3090 分
English Workshops(Advanced)
Advanced Workshop - Security: Server Hardening
Complete abstract coming soon. . . Topics: Basic Server Security TLS encryption with LetsEncrypt HTTPS and HSTS Basic Firewalls with UFW Securing SSH Securing PHPMyAdmin
13: 00 - 14: 3090 分
STEM と Moodle: 理数工学系教育活動に対する Moodle の利活用
STEM 教育,すなわち Science(科学), Technology(技術), Engineering(工学),Mathematics(数学)における教育活動に対して,Moodle の機能を利活用させる学習(修)環境を提案かつ体験します。特に,「数式」「グラフ」などの数学的コンテンツについて詳細な運用を取り扱いします。
13: 00 - 14: 3090 分
14: 40 - 16: 1090 分
14: 40 - 16: 1090 分
English Workshops(Basic)
Intermediate Workshop
In this workshop we will develop the skills you attained in the first one and add to them. Introduction of multimedia into Moodle, more detailed student and course management, and how to add resources and other activities will be covered here. For those that didn’t attend the first workshop but have a basic understanding of Moodle, you are welcome to join this too.
14: 40 - 16: 1090 分
English Workshops(Advanced)
Advanced Workshop - A better way to use the database module
Abstract coming soon. . .
14: 40 - 16: 1090 分
Moodleの学習分析(Learning Analytics)機能を分析する
Moodle 3.4から学習分析(Learning Analytics、LA)に関する機能がデフォルトで搭載されました。この機能を使うことで、小テストや課題の利用、ログイン履歴等などを用いて様々な分析や予測を行うことが可能となっています。一方、比較的新しい機能ということもあり、まだ使ったことがない、利用方法が良くわからない、といった方もいらっしゃることかと思います。そこで本ワークショップでは、(A)MoodleのLA機能を概説できるようになり(B)サンプルサイト上で実際にLA設定して運用することができる という2点を目標に掲げます。具体的には(1)LAの簡単な解説を行ったのち(2)デフォルトで搭載されている「脱落するリスクのある学生」モデルの構造を読み解き(3)そのモデルを改修することで自分オリジナルのLAを作成する ということを扱います。本ワークショップを通じて、Moodleの新しい機能に親しんでください。
14: 40 - 16: 1090 分
16: 20 - 17: 5090 分
16: 20 - 17: 5090 分
English Workshops(Basic)
Applied Workshop
In this workshop I will show how to combine the completion and restrict access features of Moodle to guide students through activities in courses. These conditions can be as simple as opening a quiz after the students follow a link to a website before a certain date and time, but preventing the ones who don’t complete the requirements in the specified time frame from taking a quiz or moving on to another activity. I will also show how I use the restrict access setting, especially the restriction sets, to show and hide activities based on date, time, group membership and activity completion. I will also demonstrate how to use the label resource with these two features to hide “motivational easter eggs” for the students in the course.
16: 20 - 17: 5090 分
English Workshops(Advanced)
Featured Workshop
Bilingual Workshop. Abstract coming soon. . . このワークショップは日本語もあります。アブストラクトは準備中です。
16: 20 - 17: 5090 分
主に教師の立場で、より応用的な学習活動(ワークショップ、データベース、評点の一括処理)の体験、利用制限、Moodle Cloud 等について解説を行ないます。(基本ワークショップを引継ぎ行ないますので、極力そちらの WS にご参加後、こちらの WS にご参加ください。)
2月28日 (木)
09: 00 - 09: 3030 分
09: 00 - 09: 3030 分
Collect your badges and grab a coffee.
09:30 - 10:1040 分
09:30 - 10:1040 分
Mind map Moodle as a Portal for Learning and IOT
202-PHo, Kim
Moodle is one of the most widely used LMS's today. Moodle has many features that are educationally useful because of its long history and contributions of the community. Moodle’s wide variety of functions are sometimes criticized as being too complicated to use. It is necessary to develop an LMS with various functions inside a simple and user-friendly GUI. In this presentation, a Moodle GUI has been improved by mapping the main functions of a Moodle course to OKMindmap, which is an open service that runs on the Web, so that learners and teachers can use LMS services in a simple and convenient way. Also, the IOT(Internet of Things) elements can be added to monitor sensors control actuators, and watch CCTV(Closed Circuit Television). This IOT element mind map nodes enable us to monitor and control a real-world classroom from a mindmap. The developed results are demonstrated by applying actual class scenarios with which course activities, supplementary resources, and additional guide information were successfully integrated into a mind map with IOT elements. Moodleは今日最も広く使われているLMSの1つです。長い歴史とコミュニティの貢献のために、教育的に有用な多くの機能を備えています。Moodleの多種多様な機能は、使い方が複雑すぎると批判されることがあります。シンプルで使いやすいGUIの中で、さまざまな機能を備えたLMSを開発する必要があります。このプレゼンテーションでは、Moodleコースの主な機能をOKMindmap(Web上で実行されるオープンサービス)にマッピングすることで、Moodle GUIを改善し、学習者や教師がLMSサービスを簡単かつ便利に使用できるようにしました。また、IOT要素を追加して、センサ制御アクチュエータを監視し、CCTVを監視することができる。このIOT要素マインドマップノードは、マインドマップから現実世界の教室を監視し、制御することを可能にします。開発された結果は、コース活動、補足資料、および追加のガイド情報がIOT要素を含むマインドマップにうまく統合された実際のクラスシナリオを適用することによって実証されます。
09:30 - 10:1040 分
Using Moodle Competencies and Learning Plans; Personalized and Differentiated Learning Made Easy
Since the introduction of competency frameworks in Moodle 3.1, it has become possible to evaluate learners against specific competencies. Competency-based education (CBE), also known as competency-based learning or skills-based learning, refers to systems of assessment and grading that evaluate learners against specific skills, knowledge, abilities, attributes, experience, and personality traits considered predictive of a learner’s ability to carry out a task or role expected at specific levels of learning or training. Using Moodle site screenshots and slides, participants will be provided an overview of the steps required to set-up competency based frameworks in Moodle and associate a competency specified in a learning plan template to completion of a Moodle course or to specified activities. Tips and pitfalls regarding the set-up and use of the CBE features in Moodle will be shared with the audience. The use of learning plan templates to create personalized, or group/cohort differentiated learning will be discussed. The presenter will also talk about the role of the teacher in the Moodle CBE framework, and will discuss emerging trends in the ways CBE is being applied effectively in various types of learning institutions and workplaces. There will be a short question and answer session, and a handout detailing the main points of this presentation will be distributed to participants.
09:30 - 10:1040 分
The International Virtual Exchange Project - Moodle in Action
204-Pハグリー , Rawson, Harashima, Campbell
Moodle has been the platform for the International Virtual Exchange Project (IVEProject) that has been carried out in its large-scale form over the last three years. Students participating in the IVEProject, under the guidance of their teachers, interact with students in other countries in English as a lingua-franca. They use text, audio, video and other multimedia to learn about their own and other cultures by using the language they are studying to participate in real-world communicative events. This has been presented previously at Moots in the past. This presentation will show how Moodle's ability to be enhanced has allowed the project to develop and become an intergral part of language classes in many countries around the world. An enhanced forum interface was extensively used in addition to a new block, called "forum report". This block allows teachers to easily see their students' interaction on the forums. The questionnaire module was also used to gather data. Thus, this presentation will outline how we used Moodle to carry out the project, attain data, (which proves students with low levels of English ability increase their interactional confidence, intercultural sensitivity, knowledge of their own culture in addition to gaining motivation to learn English and being more interested in other cultures) and follow student activity throughout the exchange.
09:30 - 10:1040 分
今回の発表は画像や音声を認識するAIサービスとMoodleを組み合わせたデモをご紹介します。具体的には、Moodleでもよく利用される課題プラグインとMicrosoft社のAI(Cognitive Services)の画像認識・音声認識AIを連携させて、提出された画像や音声を解析し自動評点をおこなうプラグインです。音声認識AIを使う場合に期待できる効果として、なら英語の発音が正しくおこなわれているかどうかをAIで判定し評定に変換することにより、教師が提出した音声をチェックせずに(ある程度)自動的に評価をおこなうことができます。画像認識AIの場合は、手書きの提出資料(写真)から文字列を自動的に抜き出しテキストデータ化するといった用途が考えられます。プレゼンテーションでは作成したプラグインの解説と導入の仕方を説明し、あわせて試せるデモ環境を用意します。
09:30 - 10:1040 分
Updates and Improvements to the Moodle Cloze & GIFT Code Generator
The Moodle Cloze & GIFT Code Generator, developed and released in 2017, is a free-to-download Excel based interface that allows users to quickly generate lines of code ready to be imported into Moodle, streamlining the often-laborious Moodle question creation process. This generator has recently been updated with several new features. First, the generator now allows for categorization of questions within the target question bank, making question organization within Moodle more convenient. Secondly, partial credit can now be applied for incorrect answers, increasing the range of question types for which the generator is applicable. Third, teachers are now able to provide automated feedback by entering predetermined comments into the system that are numerically indexed. These comments can be later referenced by typing a number in the feedback column that corresponds to the desired feedback comment. Finally, the input screens have been expanded from 20 questions to 50, allowing for the creation of longer tests. This presentation demonstrates these new features of the generator in addition to reviewing the process from question input to readying the quiz in Moodle.
09:30 - 10:1040 分
10: 20 - 10: 3010 分
10: 20 - 10: 3010 分
Moodle: Back to the Future
Moodle 1.0 was released in 2002. Since then, it has evolved from a small open-source project to become the world’s most popular learning management system. At the speed of light, lets retrospect Moodle’s evolution during the past 15 years or so. Then, take a look at the current state of play and the future ahead. For long-time Moodlers, this presentation will be a nostalgic journey down memory lane. For new(er) Moodlers, it will be a light-hearted and curious insight into where Moodle came from, where it is now and where it may be going.
10: 20 - 10: 3010 分
10: 20 - 10: 3010 分
Remaking Read Aloud
Read Aloud, as it's name suggests, is a Moodle plug-in for recording students as they read out loud. It was originally designed to test oral reading fluency, which measures a learner's reading ability in terms of speed and accuracy. However, as it came into general use a number of novel applications were discovered, among them preparing learners for speech contests and assessing pronunciation. Although popular, the plug-in relied upon Flash for recording, which limited the range of contexts in which it could be used. Early this year Read Aloud received a substantial overhaul, which saw the addition of an HTML 5 recorder and optional AI auto-grading. Using a voice-to-text API, it is now possible for scoring and reporting to be accomplished without direct input from the teacher. The plug-in features a number of options to mitigate errors made by the AI, including the ability to manually score submissions. This presentation will demonstrate the latest version of Read Aloud and discus possible future directions for the software.
10: 20 - 10: 3010 分
本学では、教職員に対して、自由にMoodleのコースを作成できる権限を付与しているが、活用経験が乏しい教職員に対してはサポートが不十分であると考えていた。Moodle初心者には、どのように資料配置を行い、どの機能(活動)を用いることが適切であるか、自ら判断することが難しいからである。我々は、自身の教授計画とMoodle利用イメージの橋渡しとして、雛形コースの提供方法を検討してきた。本発表では、過去のMoodleコースを調査し、コースの分類を試みた結果について報告する。具体的には、Moodle のデータベースを直接参照し、各コースのトピック構成とリソース・活動の配置などを調査した。コースを分類することで、雛形コースとしていくつか構成できれば、Moodle初心者に提供を試みることができる。同時に、シラバス上のデータも活用することで、授業計画を反映したコースを簡単に準備できる環境を目指す。
10: 20 - 10: 3010 分
An auto-graded Moodle question type for speaking practice
This presentation will provide and overview of a new question type for Moodle that was developed to automatically score student speech using automated speech recognition (ASR) technology. The speaking assessment question type, currently being developed by the presenter, makes use of Google’s ASR engine to transcribe speech input. The transcribed speech is then compared to a target phrase and awarded a score based on how closely it matches the target phrase. The presenter will begin with an overview of how the speaking assessment question type generates a numerical score based on inputted speech. Participants will then be guided though the process of creating auto-graded speaking tasks using the standard Moodle question type interface. Finally, the presenter will provide examples of both extensive and intensive speaking tasks that can be deployed within Moodle to augment traditional speaking activities. The speaking assessment question type is an open source initiative and can be downloaded from Github. com.
10: 20 - 10: 3010 分
北海道科学大学におけるMoodleの活用状況 その1
212-L田中, Kawashima, Sato, Uchida
2018年8月、大学統合に合わせてMoodle 1.9.2からMoodle 3.4.4にアップグレードした。その後のMoodle活用状況の変化とこれからの課題について報告する。1年生前期「健康と運動」と3年生後期「健康教育学」の授業において、毎講義の最後に10問のミニクイズを実施した。前期講義は、ムードルムート2018で習得した「○×問題」を取り入れた。後期講義では、北海道ムードルサマーワークショップ2018で習得した「ドラッグ&ドロップ」を取り入れた。その結果、学生の集中力向上へと繋がった。
10: 30 - 10: 4010 分
10: 30 - 10: 4010 分
Customizing a Moodle Theme
This presentation looks at the design and development of a customized Moodle theme. A good theme can engage learners and make the course effortless to work through, thus increasing learning and expanding retention. However, most existing Moodle themes are generic and have no visual connection to the students or the university using them. Because it is open-source, Moodle can be customized and tailored to individual needs by adding pictures of the school, replacing icons, and matching colors to those of the school. Through this research, I designed a Moodle theme that better connects students to their university and their studies.
10: 30 - 10: 4010 分
北海道科学大学におけるMoodleの活用状況 その2
214-L川嶋, Sato, Uchida, Tanaka
2018年8月、本学では大学統合に合わせてMoodle 1.9.2からMoodle 3.4.4にアップグレードした。これを機に授業でMoodle小テストを取り入れたので、その一例を紹介する。国家試験対策のためのPC用問題集では、同じ問題を繰り返し解答するため、そのうち問題に対する解答を覚えてしまうというデメリットがある。そこで、4年生のゼミ生を対象に、Moodle小テスト機能を利用し、選択肢をシャッフルし文言を少し変えることで改善がみられるかどうか検討した。選択肢をシャッフルすることで同じ問題という印象を与えず、効果的に知識の確認を行うことが可能であった。
10: 40 - 10: 5010 分
10: 40 - 10: 5010 分
Simple Reminder block
215-Lキャンベル, Nakahara
The presenters developed the Simple Reminder block to send a reminder to students that a deadline is approaching for a particular assignment/activity. Moodle has several different ways to notify students. Some are automated, while others require the instructor to manually notify the students of an upcoming deadline by sending a reminder through the messaging system. The Simple Reminder block will send notifications on a specified date and at a time set by the instructor for any activities they wish. In addition, this block uses the activity completion results, so only the students who have not yet completed an activity will get the reminder. あるコンテンツにおいて締め切り日より一定期間前に学生に通知を一括で行うことが必要であるが,通常のMoodleの機能だけでは困難である。そこで,指定した日時に一括で設定した通知を送ることができるシンプルリマインダブロックを開発した。このブロックは日時の指定に加えて,あるインスタンスにおいて所定の活動をしたかどうかという基準を設けることができる。例えば,「Forum1というフォーラムで指定した日時までに1件以上のPOSTをしていない」学生のみに通知をするといった設定が可能である。
10: 40 - 10: 5010 分
Moodle Homework Quizzes: Flipping the Content for Oral Communication Classes
216-Pコッター, Hinkelman
This presentation shows how to easily create quizzes in Moodle using home-grown content-based videos with the ‘flipped classroom’ approach. Flipped instruction is a blended learning approach that removes lectures as a classroom activity, instead moving the content presentation to individual online pre-class homework. This allows class time to focus on face-to-face interaction including pair-work, group work, discussion, project creation and performance. Although the examples shown in the demonstrated course are from a foreign language learning class, this approach can be applied to all fields of science, medicine, humanities, engineering, and management education. This session will first outline specific settings for Moodle such as quiz availability (time open/closed) and associated plugins (Progress Bar) that help students build study habits of pre-class preparation. Second, it will show how to sequence content to fit into a task-based learning framework. In other words, how to make the initial video so that it will present a problem or task without answering the problem, to be later followed by a mini-lecture video that does present structured content and support. Then the authors summarize techniques of short video production, show sample videos, and evaluate the best question types to allow interaction with video media (ordering, matching, missing word/cloze). Finally, as part of the presentation, each participant can receive a free text copy download the entire set of course materials (pdf, quiz, video, audio) into their own Moodle site using the Open Course Showcase (Hub), a free courseware sharing site, hosted by the Moodle Association of Japan.
10: 40 - 10: 5010 分
The Usage of Database Activity Modules as an e-Portfolio System for Medical Education
The use of e-portfolios has increased in recent years. One of the most well-known and Moodle-friendly e-portfolio systems is Mahara. Although Mahara is a useful and powerful tool for portfolio-based teaching and learning, it is a little complicated for users because they have to get familiar with two different systems. The author will describe his use of Moodle database activities as e-portfolio in the medical university. Students can post their daily results of self-directed learning or other learning activities both with and without Moodle, such as a bed-side learning. The database is also used as the logbook of clinical clerkships. The advantages of using database activity modules are: (1) not only text and files but also “choices” such as radio buttons and checkboxes are available, (2) students and teachers are able to make comments like Mahara, (3) they also can grade each post, (4) you can force the minimum requirements such as the number of posts and combine them with the activity completion (available from Moodle 3.3 or higher), and (5) the display style of the data is easily changed with writing some HTML and CSS codes. On the other hand, the disadvantages are: (1) it is hard to make showcase portfolios, and (2) since Moodle activities are course based, you have to make a database specific course to manage the e-portfolio through the enrollment
10: 40 - 10: 5010 分
10: 40 - 10: 5010 分
北海道科学大学におけるMoodleの活用状況 その3
220-L佐藤, Uchida, Tanaka, Kawashima
2018年8月、本学では大学統合に合わせてMoodle 1.9.2からMoodle 3.4.4にアップグレードした。これを機に、1年生「応用英語」、2・3年生「英語コミュニケーション」・「English Conversation」の授業において、Moodleフィードバックと小テスト(ドラッグアンドドロップテスト・作文問題・記述問題)を取り入れたので、学生の反応と利用方法の改善点を報告する。また、ドイツの共同研究者とは本学のサーバーとは異なるサーバーを利用しているので、その使い方を紹介する。
10: 50 - 11: 0010 分
10: 50 - 11: 0010 分
10: 50 - 11: 0010 分
北海道科学大学におけるMoodleの活用状況 その4
221-L内田 - ウチダ, Tanaka, Kawashima, Sato
2018年8月、本学では大学統合に合わせてMoodle 1.9.2からMoodle 3.4.4にアップグレードした。アップグレード後、学内で講習会を複数回実施したこともあり、教員のMoodle活用への関心は高まり、Moodleに関する質問・意見も関係者に寄せられるようになった。講演では、Moodleを活用する上で直面した課題、特に、オンラインマニュアルで解決できなかった事項、ユーザー間での情報共有が有用だと思われる事例について紹介すると共に、現在検討中のMoodle活用改善策についても報告を行う。
11: 10 - 12: 0050 分
11: 10 - 12: 0050 分
ムードルの将来構想:ムードル3.6、MoodleNet そして 今後のロードマップ
The newest Moodle is version 3.6 and it was just released in December. In many ways, this release has made dramatic changes to Moodle that deserve the "level up” ranking of a major release. In this presentation, Martin will demonstrate the new core changes of Moodle, the growing native HTML5 compatibility that will help educators and learners become more active. Second, he will outline the vision of the upcoming MoodleNet release, which ushers in collaborative teaching across institutions, across nations, and across world-wide educational networks. In addition, he will outline directions of change on the horizon that will continue Moodle’s leadership as the global open-source learning management system. 最新のムードルのバージョンは12月にリリースされたばかりの 3.6 である。このリリースは、メジャーリリースの中でもレベルアップに相当するムードルに多くの点で劇的な変化をもたらした。この講演では、ムードルの核となる部分の変更点を示し、教育者と学習者の両方が活躍できるようにHTML5のコードを増やしていることを指摘する。次に、導入予定のMoodleNetの構想を述べる予定である。その中身は、教育機関同士、国を超え、全世界の教育ネットワークを超えた協働学習の始まりを告げている。更に、グローバルなオープンソースLMSとしてのリーダーとしてムードルを位置づける将来構想も述べる予定である。
12: 00 - 13: 0060 分
13: 00 - 13: 5050 分
13: 00 - 13: 5050 分
As smartphone usage around the around the world continues to grow, software development is trending toward a mobile-first approach. Although much educational technology is still designed for desktop, notebook, and tablet computers, there is an increasing demand to bring the full functionality of learning management systems to mobile devices. This has posed a particular challenge to Moodle with its vast array of contributed plugins. The Moodle Gapfill and Wordselect question types were among the first 3rd party plugins to function on the Moodle app. Marcus will detail the challenges of being a pioneer in the creation of app friendly plugins, and discuss the future of contributed plugins in a mobile-first educational landscape. Marcus will also discuss the specific attributes the Gapfill and Wordselect question types and how they compare to the existing alternatives. He will explain how each can be used to create more complex questions as well as their potential role in language learning. スマートフォンの使用率が世界中で増加している中で、ソフト開発は増々スマホ指向となっている。教育用ソフトの開発が、まだまだデスクトップ、ノートブック、それにタブレット向けではあるが、LMSのスマホ上での完璧な操作性の向上が望まれている。多彩なプラグインを持つムードルにとっては、これは大変なチャレンジである。ムードルの Gapfill と Wordselect question type は、モバイル用ムードル上で動作する最初のサードパーティ製ソフトである。モバイル用プラグインを初めて作成するにあたっての詳細と彼の作成したプラグインの将来構想を述べる。彼は、Gapfill and Wordselect プラグインの特徴を挙げ、他の同様のプラグインとの違いを述べる。言語教育に於いて、各々のプラグインがより複雑な設問を作り上げる方法においても詳述する。
13: 50 - 14: 0010 分
13: 50 - 14: 0010 分
ベスト・オープン・コースウェア 賞授賞式
14: 10 - 15: 0050 分
15:10 - 15:2010 分
15:10 - 15:2010 分
Combining ForumReact and Update Forum Module User Interface
227-Lキャンベル, Cotter
This presentation will show how the interfaces from two MAJ-funded projects, "ForumReact" (2017), a simple polling system in a discussion forum, and "New Forum User Interface" (2017), have been combined to create a custom version of the Forum module. The improved forum interface simplifies the list of discussion topics by removing the link from the name of the person who posted and added a “follow button” to make it easier for participants to keep track of conversations they are taking part in. The ForumReact feature will let the instructor create simple polls in a forum to gather student feedback or opinions.
15:10 - 15:2010 分
New MAJ Showcase: Hubs for Course-sharing and Innovations
228-Pヒンクルマン, Weerapanpisit
This presentation reports on how an R& D grant for open course sharing was used and the results from it. In late 2017, Moodle HQ closed the private hub system and ended the Publish function that allowed course authors to contribute their course to the public. This could have meant the end of the MAJ Hub, which was built upon the 'Publish' function. However, with an innovative strategy designed by our new Hub programmer, Ponlawat Weerapanpisit, in consultation with our old Hub programmer, Justin Hunt, an easy-to-use Showcase or Hub for course-sharing was developed. This new Showcase requires a contributing author to simply drag a course backup file (. mbz) into an upload box. Uploading triggers a form to enter information that is used for cataloging the course (called 'metadata') and publishing it on an index of courses. This plugin is also used as a transition to the new MoodleNet that is being developed by Moodle HQ. Other aspects of this grant include Moodle 3.5-3.6 upgrading and troubleshooting the parallel site called the 'Innovations Showcase', which demonstrates newly contributed plugins from Japan.
15:10 - 15:2010 分
QuizのSTACK問題タイプは, ランダムに生成される主に数学の問題に学生が数式で解答し, 数式処理システムMaxima が数学的等価性を考慮して自動採点するものである. 数学と限らない分野で, 類似する問題を自動生成すること, 問題を管理し, 採点することへの需要は大きい. この発表では, 手動採点用レポート課題, プログラミング課題, 多肢選択問題などの類題の生成, 手動採点の支援をSTACKを利用して行う手法を説明する. また, 大学の理系科目の授業で利用して得られた観察を報告する.
15:10 - 15:2010 分
Utilizing the Moodle Database Activity for Student-Centered Learning
231-Pローソン, Van Deusen, Owatari-Dorgan, Matsumoto
The Moodle Database activity is one of the most powerful activities available in Moodle and it is widely underused. It enables teachers to create customized databases for student collaboration and data collection. Moodle Database activity provides a powerful template system which includes a JavaScript interface allowing for a more interactive approach when compared with the Moodle Assignment activity. In this presentation, some different methods of using the Moodle database to enable both student study activity reporting and report making will be shown. While Moodle tends to prefer a more collaborative approach to activities, using groups and groupings enables a teacher to create private logging facilities for different aspects of courses. These logging activities can help to keep students on task with weekly study behaviors, and making sure students meet certain requirements for assignments before they are submitted. These activities also serve to help make classroom time more student-centered and are in support of active learning principles. The presenters will show examples of the activities and talk about their experiences using them with students. The benefits of using the Moodle database activity as well as the limitations will also be discussed.
15:10 - 15:2010 分
232-P三浦, 松木
Moodleにおいて従来は困難であった化学式の描画プラグイン「化学式フィルタープラグインChemJax」を2017年度研究・開発補助金の基で実現した。これは、化学式はもちろんのことベンゼン環などの構造式をMoodleの中でも描画できる機能を持ち、かつTeXに不慣れな教員でも化学式や化学構造式を記述することができるようになっている。具体的には、TeX環境では有名なchemfigパッケージのコマンドに準拠し、かつ、描画プラグインとしてxy-pic. jsをベースにしたJavaScriptライブラリChemJaxをMathJaxの拡張プラグインとして開発したものである。しかし、実際に運用してみると、MathJaxでもそうであるように、Attoエディターでの編集段階では描画結果を確認できないなど改善の必要性がある事が分かった。そのため、Attoエディターでの編集時に、プレビュー画面を表示させ化学・構造式を表示できる機能を提供することにより、入力方法の改善を実現した。このプラグインのシェイプアップVer.2の開発により、多くの化学系教員による更なるMoodleの利用を促進することができる。
15:20 - 15:3010 分
15:20 - 15:3010 分
Moodle Features for Better Class Management: Medical School Blended English Education
In this age of hyper-connectivity and Line infiltrated classrooms, it can be often difficult to preserve the integrity of the quizzes and activities we run on Moodle. This talk will be a brief look at some of the measures taken over the past few years to mitigate the ill-effects of hyper-connectivity. Our attempts to preserve the integrity of the activities we design for our medical students in our English courses will be briefly described. The pitfalls of the default settings in quiz creation along with some ways the Moodle settings/features can be manipulated to increase the meaningfulness of activities will also be addressed. This talk will outline the evolution of some of our assessment strategies starting with Multiple Choice quizzes using the default settings through to Forums with some of the steps along the way. At the end, the audience members will be invited to share their experiences by participating in an online discussion forum which will hopefully continue long after the talk has finished. Improving and enriching the students' educational experience is a goal that remains elusive. However, by sharing our ideas, we can perhaps find better ways to use Moodle to more effectively evaluate students while at the same time provide the best educational experiences possible in a practical way for big classes.
15:20 - 15:3010 分
234-L井上, Nagata
15:30 - 15:4010 分
15:30 - 15:4010 分
A brief introduction to H5P
For those who have not heard of it, H5P is an open source content authoring tool that enables teachers to make, share, and reuse interactive questions and other engaging content. H5P, an abbreviation for HTML5 Package, makes it easy to deliver online content to learners both inside and outside of Moodle. The H5P plugin for Moodle includes dozens of question and content types, all of which can be easily downloaded by teachers or administrators as needed. H5P content that is created in one Moodle course can be easily shared throughout the site via iframes. This feature also enables H5P content to be used on the Moodle app, which is relatively unusual for contributed plugins. Content created in H5P can even be embedded from popular third-party platforms such as Drupal or WordPress. This presentation will introduce the various types of H5P content available and demonstrate some of the presenter's personal favorites.
15:30 - 15:4010 分
The Use of Moodle Features Towards Data-Driven Improvement for E-Learning Content and Assessment at IAB Malaysia
Institut Aminuddin Baki (IAB) is a training institution under the auspices of the Ministry of Education Malaysia. One of the key training programs at IAB is the National Professional Qualification for Educational Leaders (NPQEL). In this program, participants must complete a self-directed e-learning course via the e-NPQEL portal as a prerequisite before pursuing the face-to-face course. The e-NPQEL module consists of 4 topics. Each topic has content sections, activities and quizzes. The contents and quizzes in the e-NPQEL module are continuously evaluated and enhanced based on data gathered using the Moodle Questionnaire module and the Moodle Quiz Statistics report respectively. This presentation will highlight on the contents of the e-NPQEL module and share the findings derived from data analysis.
15:30 - 15:4010 分
発表者が担当する教職科目「教育の方法と技術」では、様々な課題・レポートの提出をMoodle利用して受け付けている。それらの中でも特に、学生による教材制作を目的とした課題については、ワークショップモジュールを用いた、ルーブリック相互評価を実施している。また、それらの課題のひとつであるスマートフォンを用いた動画教材制作の課題については、Office365のMicrosoft Streamへのアップロードも活用することで、授業グループ内に視聴を制限した投稿・共有・相互評価も実施している。これらの実践例について発表する。
15:40 - 15:5010 分
15:40 - 15:5010 分
The long way to multilingualization of KIT Moodle
In 2014, Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT) was awarded ten years of Top Global University Project, Type B (Global Traction Type) funding. This is being used to globalize our programs and services, setting an example for other Japanese universities. I felt our Moodle website should be available in English to provide access to our international and exchange students. This lightning talk covers what I learned from translating and multilingualizing Moodle and what needs to be addressed in the future to enable persons who do not read Japanese to access Moodle content. I discuss the translation of Moodle announcements; official program, department, and course category names; and other top page content (which Moodle language pack couldn't help). I also describe the addition of the English text to the Moodle using its Multi-language Content Filter function.
15:40 - 15:5010 分
Microsoft Azureを利用したMoodleの構築と運用
国立高等専門学校機構は全国51高専共通のLMSとして平成26年度にBlackboardを導入した。高専の半数はMoodleを独自に導入し併用している。しかし、Blackboardがすでに導入されているために、Moodleを導入することが困難な状況にある事も確かである。私は前任校でMoodleを利用していたが、Moodleを利用することが出来ずに不便を感じていた。それを打破すべくMicrosoft Azure 上にMoodleを構築することにした。私自身は、ネットワークの管理権限がなく、ネットワーク管理知識も持ち合わせていない。単なるMoodleユーザーであったに過ぎない私が、いかにMoodleを構築・運用したかを話す事で、私と同様にMoodleを利用したくても出来ない状況に置かれている方々の助けになれればと思う。
16:00 - 16:1010 分
16:00 - 16:1010 分
Introduction to Learning Analytics with Moodle
240-P原島, Asada, Rawson
Teaching using LMSs, we often wonder if students are making progress on schedule, if there are some who lag behind others, or even if any are on the verge of dropping out. Learning Analytics (LA) is a way of measuring student engagement in class and also reports the effectiveness of any particular lesson. Sophisticated LA tools also provide teachers with detailed information on the behavior of each individual student. This enables teachers to differentiate between students meeting with success and those having struggles or being "at-risk. " The latest version of Moodle incorporates the LA tool "Inspire" into its core functionality. A growing number of other LA plugins and blocks are also becoming available for Moodle. The presenters will introduce a few LA tools including "Inspire", "Analytics Graph, " "Forum Graph, " and "IntelliBoard, " showing how they are used and how they help teachers grasp student behaviors. The tools provide various types of information including the chronological access distribution, the transition of assignment submission and active user numbers, the number of individual forum posts, and the interrelation between participants in a forum, as well as periodic reports on at-risk students. The presenters will also demonstrate how we can extract additional data from Moodle using the Configurable Reports plugin. This plugin helps to export the learning logs directly from the database using custom SQL. The extracted data is then fed into "R" (an open-source database software) for visualization. The visualized results are displayed as either a Page or a Book resource in Moodle.
16:00 - 16:1010 分
Performance Assessment with Mobile Phones
241-Pヒンクルマン, Cotter
In the past, the Video Assessment module has been built for teachers using a digital camera. However, for students handling the recording task of performances, the module would not allow those students to take videos with their mobile phones. This presentation reviews upgrades to the Video Assessment module, which combines rubrics with a video recording of a student performance on a single screen. In 2018, the video assessment module was improved with an ability for students to not only assess a live performance (such as a presentation drama, or skill display) but also to take a mobile phone video of a classmate, upload it, and assess it. This has been tested in iPhone and iPad models in Moodle 3.4. This process also uses a unique way of combining live assessment and delayed peer, self and teacher assessment. Recent developments in video recording by the PoodLL video recorder and the integrated video recorder in Moodle 3.5 will be compared for functionality. Finally, in this presentation, participants will practice doing a rubric assessment after taking a video themselves with their own mobile phones. The authors will also distribute a research paper on types of feedback, both online and verbally in classrooms, and how successful blending of these types of feedback enhances learner performance.
16:00 - 16:1010 分
242-P中村, Nakahara
我々は以前,小テストの問題タイプSTACKにおいて,解答の提出と同時に,解答に至る計算などの思考過程もあわせて提出する機能として,ノートを撮影したもの,タブレットなどに手書きにより記述したものを提出する機能を開発した。この機能は,STACKの新しい解答タイプとして開発したもので,STACK以外の問題タイプでは利用できなかった。しかし,例えば多肢選択式の問題であったとしても,その思考過程を知る必要がある場合も考えられる。例えば,理数系科目で多肢選択式の問題を利用する場合も,計算などの思考過程をあわせて提出することで,誤答であった場合,どこで躓いているのかを確認することができるし,当てずっぽうで答えていないことの確認にもなる。そこで,STACK以外の問題タイプでもノートを提出することができるような機能を開発した。なお,この機能は question behaviorプラグインとnoteブロックを利用するため,既存のMoodleに追加可能であり,Moodleのソースコードの改変を必要とするものではない。また,タブレットなどに記述したノートの場合,ペン利用開始・終了,消しゴムの利用などのログを保存する機能を設けることで,今後のペン入力データの解析に応用することが期待できる。
16:00 - 16:1010 分
The Conference Block: Organizing Medium-sized Conferences via Moodle
This presentation will report on the development of the "Conference administration block" plugin that was funded by a Moodle grant in 2018. The new block coordinates several tools that assist in the organization of a medium-sized conference, such as a MoodleMoot. The block includes tools to create databases for submissions and registrations, tools to handle the anonymous vetting of submissions, and tools to create the conference schedule and populate it with items from the submissions database. The presenter will give an overview of the technical workings of the block and then demonstrate how it is set up and used. This presentation will be interesting and useful not only to those who are considering running their own professional conference, but also to developers who are intrigued to see how the Moodle plugin architecture can be stretched to modify the behavior of Moodle's standard Database and Workshop activities. The implementation of the schedule editing tool is especially innovative in that it allows items to be be manipulated via a drag-and-drop interface and the resulting schedule to be saved in a Moodle resource.
16:00 - 16:1010 分
16:10 - 16:2010 分
16:20 - 16:4020 分
16: 50 - 17: 5060 分
16: 50 - 17: 5060 分
18: 30 - 20: 30120 分
18: 30 - 20: 30120 分
3月1日 (金)
09: 00 - 09: 3030 分
09: 00 - 09: 3030 分
Collect your badges and grab a coffee.
09:20 - 10:0040 分
09:20 - 10:0040 分
09:20 - 10:0040 分
Simple and effective use of the Moodle grader report as a leader board
The Moodle grader report when used as a leaderboard adds an element of gamification which has proven to be a great motivator at individual and group levels in my teaching environment. This presentation will explain the results of using the grader report in the classroom. Examples will be given of how it can be used to promote appropriate learning strategies and autonomy. During classes learner engagement is increased through moment by moment rewards. Due to the immediacy of the change in ranking and scores a certain degree of excitement is also achieved. How to avoid discouraging underperforming students as well as help them will also be shown by giving examples. The learner strategies that have allowed for greater learner autonomy and less direction from the teacher will be explained. The problems faced from a teacher and learner point of view will be discussed along with possible solutions. The audience will have a greater appreciation and understanding of the Moodle grader report when used in large classes and multiple classes. Further extensions and ideas for the future will be presented based on what has been observed in class.
09:20 - 10:0040 分
Moodle への履修登録情報反映方法の比較
304-P新村, 長岡, 石田
高等教育機関において,組織として Moodle を利用する場合,教務システムの履修登録情報を Moodle のコース登録へと反映する必要がある.教務システムの履修登録情報の反映については,複数の高等教育機関において,連携システムの開発などにより実施されている.しかし,信州大学の運用においては,単位を必要としない聴講生や市民開放授業,ゼミ生の聴講など,履修登録者以外のコース登録が多くあることが問題となった.また,FD/SD や,卒論・ゼミ指導など,授業以外の用途への Moodle の活用が広まりつつあり,これらについても一元管理できることが望ましい状況となった.そこで,教務システムとMoodle の間に,独自のユーザ管理DBを設置し,履修登録者を含め,様々な利用者のコース登録管理を行うこととした.このユーザ管理DBを置くことで,既存の教務システムに対するMoodle との連携のための改修を最小限に留めることが可能となった.また,ユーザ管理DBから Moodle のコース登録の反映については,常時同期することは,双方のシステムにとって高負荷となることから,ユーザ登録に求められる即時性の度合いを分類し,その度合に応じて情報の反映方法を変えることとした.本発表では,信州大学における事例を元に,Moodle がもつコース登録方法のメリット・デメリットの比較と,現在,我々が採用している反映方法についての紹介を行う.
09:20 - 10:0040 分
STEM 教育における Moodle の活用実践
305-P亀田, 暢
筆者らは STEM (科学・技術・工学・数学)教育に対して多様な Plugins/Addons を多用させて主体的・対話的・可視的・協調的な学習環境作りを実践しています。第一に、数式組版システム TeX 、数式処理システム Maxima と小テスト問題形式 STACK を組み合わせて、学生が所持している Smart Device(ノートPC、スマートフォンなど)で受験できる数学基礎教育向けオンラインテストを提供しています。その結果、論理数式の記述式問題、自動採点を確立させた学習環境を実現させています。さらに学習データ分析(LA)により自主的学修時間の分析を試みています。第二に、E-Voting プラグインを組み合わせて、SmartDevice をクリッカーとして機能させて多肢選択問題に対する即時集計・閲覧を行うことで学習者集団の知見・認識を即時的に共有できる学習環境を提供させています。すなわちアクティブ・ラーニング(AL)化になります。第三に、ワークショップまたは小テスト機能によるルーブリック評価を活用して、学習成果物に対するピア・レビューを実行させています。これは協調的な学習環境を実現させたAL化になります。これらにおいて、STEM 教育における重要なキー「ICT」「BYOD」「LA」「AL」と組み合わせて、「LMS」としての Moodle の活用実践を報告します。
09:20 - 10:0040 分
306-P浜元, Yokoyama, Takefusa, Aida, Kuwata, Tōru Ishizaka
Moodleにはウエブサービスの提供に必要なLAMP環境のログやMoodleの活動ログ等の様々なログが蓄積されている。前者は,Moodle同時利用の際の負荷分析や,セキュリティインシデント時の発生源特定に有効であり,後者は,近年盛んな,Learning Analytics(LA)研究でも,データマイニング,分析して利用される。近年,大学間連携や部局統合に伴い,全学Moodle,大学間共有Moodleなどの「大規模Moodle」が現実的になりつつある。それに伴い蓄積されるデータの大規模化している。大規模化に耐えるためには,サーバ資源をクラウド化することが解決策の一つとなるが,クラウド上での処理では,そのデータ管理が問題の一つとなる。我々は,ローカルのMoodle上のデータ解析をクラウド上で行うため,データの匿名化に配慮した環境を提案する。その手順をJupyter Notebookを利用して整理することで,多くの環境で適用可能な形とした。本発表では,ログ解析環境とJupyterNotebookについて,その詳細を発表する。
09:20 - 10:0040 分
10: 10 - 10: 2010 分
10: 10 - 10: 2010 分
An introduction to the Fordson Theme
Over the years, the way to theme a fresh install of Moodle has dramatically shifted. When once administrators had numerous choices in a standard Moodle installation, now there are only three core themes: Boost, Clean, and More. For those wanting more choice, there are some good alternatives available on Moodle. org's Plugins> Themes page. This lightning talk will describe the 'Fordson' theme and discuss why it was chosen to be used for one of their university's Moodle sites.
10: 10 - 10: 2010 分
Predicting Student Performance Using Moodle Activity Log Data
308-PKuo, Chen
"Digital Learning and Massive Data Analysis" is one of the topics of current student learning assessment in various universities. In Ming Chuan University, our Moodle platform has been used since 2006 and has accumulated more than 46 million logins. It has more than 60,000 courses, and hundreds of millions of student activity logs. These precious and huge amounts of data can be mined through data exploration technologies. In this paper, we used each student's activity logs in Moodle and the student's final semester grades to divide the 18-weeks student learning activity data into six study periods. Models were established every 3 weeks,6 weeks,9 weeks,12 weeks, and 18 weeks. In this study, classification algorithms used with feature selection are Naïve Bayes, MultilayerPerceptron, Logistic, J48 and RandomForest. The classification model of each interval was used to predict whether students in the new semester would pass or fail the course. The accuracy of the predictions of this study is about 75%. In this forecasting result, it is mainly expected to let teachers understand the learning status of each student at each stage, so as to provide early warning and assistance.
10: 10 - 10: 2010 分
10: 10 - 10: 2010 分
311-L淺田, Yagi
10: 10 - 10: 2010 分
10: 20 - 10: 3010 分
10: 20 - 10: 3010 分
Moodle Training Round Table
Many attendees at a Moot are involved with training others at their respective institutions or may be asked to do so in the future. Those of us who have trained others in how to use Moodle have found techniques and methods that work and others that don’t. In this 30-minute open discussion people will have an opportunity to share their experiences about what works and what doesn’t. It will also be a chance for people to ask questions and get advice on the best way to work with beginners, intermediate and advanced users or presenting particular plugins or modules. For example, is it better to start beginners off with a course in Moodle or is it better to demonstrate what Moodle has to offer them and their students. This session is suitable for anyone who thinks that they may need to do Moodle training or have experiences they would like to share. Several experienced Moodlers will briefly share their experiences and ideas with other attendees. Through this exchange of ideas I hope that we can establish some best practices for Moodle training.
10: 20 - 10: 3010 分
10:30 - 10:5020 分
10:30 - 10:5020 分
Converting Offline Courses to a Moodle-based Curriculum
314-PSalah, Doj
Today with the development of technology and the trend of the Sudan government, Sudanese Universities have been converting much of their curriculum to e-learning. The International University of Africa is one of these universities. It started to convert manual educational to online education, In 2015 the university started using e-learning by entering two facilities to convert manual exams to e-exams. After success with this experiment the university added ten facilities to measures the abilities of students. In June 2018 all the faculties (23) (undergraduate and postgraduate) in the university gave help to teachers to measure the ability of students. In the next step, the university wants to apply other features of Moodle, such as Moodle attendance, activities and electronic courses and to connect them with interactive screens to raise the level of students academically.
10:30 - 10:5020 分
315-P齊藤, Wang, Hisanaga, Tadamura
山口大学のMoodleシステムでは,授業内で一斉に小テストを実施する際のサーバの性能不足が顕著となっている。現在はデータベースが最も深刻なボトルネックとなっており,100名を超える受講生が一斉に小テストを受験する際には,回答が記録されないという不具合が発生する。そのため,データベースの増強が急務であるが,利用可能なサーバ資源は,仮想化されたブレード・サーバ(CPUは計16コア)が1台のみである。そこで我々は,このサーバ上に構築可能なデータベース・システムについて検討を行った。システムの構成としてMySQLクラスタ,仮想同期型レプリケーション(MySQL Group Replication及びMariaDB Galera Cluster),非同期型レプリケーションについて検証した。各システムに対して2種類のベンチマークを実施したほか,実際のMoodleシステムのログから処理時間の長いSQLクエリーを2種類抽出し,それらのクエリーの平均処理時間を計測した。加えて,物理サーバと仮想サーバとの間で,データベース及びディスクに関する性能比較も行った。本稿では,これらの検証結果について紹介する。
10:30 - 10:5020 分
MoodleとJupyter Notebookの連携
316-P石坂, Kuwata, Aida, Masatani, Yokoyama
Jupyter Notebookはデータ解析や機械学習などの環境として、人気がある。Jupyter Notebookでは対話的な環境を用いて試行錯誤を行い。結果をその場で確認することができるため、演習環境としても最適であると考えている。筆者らはJupyter Notebook環境およびMoodleを活用して大学1年次の学部・学科共通科目としてプログラミング教育を実施予定である。本講演では、以下の3項目の課題について実現方法を提案する。(1) Jupyter NotebookとMoodleの連携 (2) Jupyter Notebook上の課題の評価方法 (3) クラウド環境でのJupyter Notebookの実現 (1)ではJupyter Notebookで課題を出し、結果をMoodleに返すための連携が必要である。既存のLTIを利用し、ユーザ管理および課題管理などの連携方法を新たに提案する。(2)では、手動の評価に加え、自動的に演習結果を評価する方法を提案する。さらに学生の課題の更新履歴を採取して分析する方法を提案する。(3)では、SINET5を利用し、学生が利用する環境をクラウド環境上で実現するため、Jupyter Notebookのマルチユーザ環境であるJupyterhubを拡張する方法について述べる。
10:30 - 10:5020 分
Revisiting support for TOEIC preparation
317-PBessette, Tacker
This presentation will describe how a Moodle course is used to support TOEIC preparation. From April 2018, first year students at my university are required to score 400+ or 500+ on the TOEIC at the end of their first year and then 450+ or 550+ at the end of their second year to be able to register for second and third year classes, respectively. Students do not meet in a class and are instead supported with a Moodle course that consists of explanations of the TOEIC, general study strategies, test-taking strategies for the TOEIC, links to practice tests, and links to websites for self-study. Those aspects were described at the 2018 MoodleMoot and will be briefly described again. In addition, students are required to purchase a TOEIC practice textbook and submit the answers as online homework to the Moodle course. They also have to submit five study reports and take quizzes based on the textbook vocabulary. This presentation will focus on how those activities – online homework, study reports, and quizzes – were implemented on the Moodle course page and student performance. It will also report on students’ evaluations of the course.
11: 00 - 11: 5050 分
11: 00 - 11: 5050 分
Block chain first appeared in a paper by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 as a fundamental technology required for cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, thereafter becoming a darling in the field of FinTech (financial technology). After another cryptocurrency (the open-source Ethereum) had succeeded in integrating smart contract functionality with instruction sets close to “Turing-complete”, the scope of blockchain technology spread and it was then not limited to FinTech Research and development, but was being promoted in various other fields. In the field of education, issuing of graduation certificates that are almost impossible to tamper with due to the high security inherent in blockchain technology, has already taken place. In the next stage, learning itself may be reformed via blockchain technology. In this presentation, we introduce the latest information in the field of education where blockchain technology is being used and introduce research into the CHiLO Chain, a next generation education system the NPO CCC - TIES is working on. ブロックチェーンは、仮想通貨ビットコインの基盤技術として、2008年にSatoshi Nakamotoの論文に登場し、瞬く間に、FinTech(financial technology)の分野の寵児となった。さらに、別の仮想通貨の一つであるイーサリアムがブロックチェーンにチューリング完全に近いプログラミング言語によるスマートコントラクトを実装することに成功した後には、ブロックチェーン技術の範囲は、FinTechに限らない多くの分野での研究開発がすすめられている。教育の分野では、まず、ブロックチェーンの高い安全性に基づく改竄することの難しい卒業証明書の発行が実際に運用されるまでに至っている。次の段階では、学びそのものがブロックチェーンによって改革されると考えられている。本発表では、ブロックチェーンの教育分野における最新情報を紹介し、NPO CCC-TIES が取り組んでいる次世代教育システムCHiLO Chainの研究を紹介する。
11: 50 - 12: 0010 分
11: 50 - 12: 0010 分
ベスト・ムードル・イノベーション 賞授賞式
12: 00 - 13: 0060 分
12: 00 - 13: 0060 分
13:00 - 13:4040 分
13:00 - 13:4040 分
Using Moodle to Create a Student-Generated Survey for the IVE Project
321-Pジョンソン, Hagley
The International Virtual Exchange (IVE) Project (https: //iveproject. org/) aims to provide an opportunity for EFL students to communicate with peers from other cultures using Moodle. In the autumn 2018 iteration, approximately 2700 students from 10 countries were divided into 42 forum exchange groups. A new activity was added in this iteration: a survey consisting of student-generated questions using the Moodle questionnaire module. The rationale for the survey was to increase engagement by allowing students to take an active role in learning about the other students in the IVE project, not just those in their exchange group. This presentation will describe two ways Moodle was used during the project. First, it will describe how several classes used Moodle to collect a pool of student-generated questions and then vote for the ones to submit to IVE. Second, it will describe how the IVE Moodle used forums to collect the various question contributions and the questionnaire module to create the final student-generated survey. Moodle's group feature was also used to allow students to view results by culture. The presentation will also discuss the merits of student-generated surveys, challenges in creating a simple process for implementing the various stages of creating the survey, student feedback and possibilities for future iterations.
13:00 - 13:4040 分
Marketing Moodle for Institution-wide e-learning
To implement an institution-wide e-learning system, student and teacher buy-in is essential. This presentation takes a marketing approach to student and teacher buy-in examining the product, price, place and promotion of a single Moodle instance aimed at institution-wide use. At many institutions, the implementation of e-learning is limited to a single teacher or a small number of teachers working individually. With each teacher using their own system, students are often required to master several e-learning platforms for their various courses. Conversely, when an institution, rather than an individual adopts and integrates e-learning using an LMS such as Moodle, there are several cascading effects that enhance the benefits for both teachers and students. With only one integrated system to navigate, students can focus on the course content instead of learning how to use each of the multiple platforms. Moreover, collaboration between teachers for material development and content sharing becomes easier. The resulting system has greater usability for all teachers and in turn their students. None of this is possible without the users (teachers and their students). An example of how such a system was developed, originally created for language education, that later sparked an institution-wide e-learning revolution will also be presented.
13:00 - 13:4040 分
国内の高等教育機関で利用されているMoodleサイトのアップグレード(バージョンアップ)状況の調査を行った。AXIES 2017年度年次大会において国立大学を対象にした集計結果を報告したが、本報告は国立大学のほかに公立大学や私立大学、高専を含めた現時点までのものとなる。サーチエンジンなどにより発見したMoodleサイトをリスト化し、定期的にMoodleサイトのバージョン調査を行うことで、どの程度の頻度やリリースからの遅延でアップグレード作業が行われているかを集計している。運用組織ごとにどのようなアップデートポリシーで運用を行っているか、公開されたMoodleの脆弱性の脅威を評価し、重大な脆弱性に対して速やかな対応ができているかをこの調査結果から明らかにする。また、アップグレード作業を行わないことにより引き起こされるリスクとしてどのような脆弱性が存在し、Moodleサイトが攻撃される恐れがあるかの解説と実際に攻撃が行われる様子を紹介することでサイト管理者に対して意識付けを行いたい。
13:00 - 13:4040 分
13:50 - 14:3040 分
13:50 - 14:3040 分
Enabling Homework Options through Moodle
A great but underutilized strength of Moodle is its power to allow for individual choice in learning. Buzzwords and phrases such as autonomy, s tudent-centered learning, and agency abound in the recent talk about pedagogy. Often, however, there is a gulf between the talk and actual practice. This presentation will look specifically at how our institution has attempted to provide 2nd-year students with greater control over just one segment of learning, their homework. The first part of the presentation will focus on the Moodle course design of the homework component. I will briefly demonstrate how students tried the four available homework options and indicated the two they chose to pursue via the Choice activity. Participants will next be shown how we’ve utilized groups and activity level restrictions to make the appropriate content visible for individual students. We will also explore some of the peripheral effects on aspects of Moodle, including the Gradebook and Course Completion. The second part of the presentation will focus on student and teacher reaction to student choice in homework. We will discuss the benefits of this project and the challenges, both from a pedagogical point of view and from a technical perspective. We will finally discuss solutions going forward and how other teachers and institutions can benefit from a similar approach.
13:50 - 14:3040 分
Formative assessment using recording and reflections in Moodle
327-Pカチマヤ, Laclare
Throughout Japan the prevalence of curricula focusing on test preparation, grammar, and reading has resulted in students who are unaccustomed to taking an active role in spoken interactions. To address this issue, a new curriculum was implemented that focused on recorded conversations and speaking fluency tasks delivered through Moodle. The curriculum was organised by topics, each of which was covered over the course of three lessons. In the first two lessons students were exposed to vocabulary, phrases and oral practice related to the topic. In the third lesson students engaged in paired conversations with multiple partners prior to recording an extended conversation in groups of three. Upon completion, students were required to listen to their performance and reflect on certain aspects of the conversation in a database task. Assessments for the course consisted of two ten-minute conversations which were evaluated based on the number of words spoken by the student, the number of utterances they made, and the average number of words per utterance. As part of assessment students were required to transcribe their spoken interaction for further reflection and improvement. This presentation discusses the processes and procedures involved in this intervention. The presenters will provide examples of materials and tools used within the curriculum and explain the system used to record conversations and collect reflections. Finally, the presenters will report summary statistics of student performance collected via pre- and post-tests.
13:50 - 14:3040 分
328-P畑, Toyama, Ueki
13:50 - 14:3040 分
13:50 - 14:3040 分
大学 STEM 共通教育における Moodle 利用の取り組み例として,発表者が所属機関において担当する物理学の講義科目,実験科目,および統計プログラミングの演習科目に関する実践内容と,その評価の試みについて報告する。STEM 分野の学習内容は,数式や数値(プログラミング)計算,グラフやダイアグラムの多用など特有の技術的な理由により,直ちに他分野と同様の仕方で Moodle 等の LMS が活用されることは期待できない。しかし近年,数式や化学式表示のためのフィルタ,数式・グラフ評価のための小テストプラグイン,手書き入力エディタや外部プログラミング言語の埋め込みなど,さまざまな先進的開発の取り組みが本 Moot 等でも報告されており,それらの教育実践における評価について今後の研究が待たれる。本報告では,必ずしもそうした先進的な Moodle の開発・利用事例ではないものの,Moodle を STEM 分野の授業に取り入れた各種の実践について,その効果の評価を含めて議論する。具体的な実践内容として,予習前提の授業や反転授業,ワークショップ・モジュールによる相互評価,レッスン・モジュールによる演習,課題モジュールによる試験答案フィードバックおよび実験レポートのルーブリック評価などについて,従来の STEM 分野における典型的な課題と対比しながら紹介する。また,これらの取り組みについて,成績やアンケート結果,Moodle 上のログデータなどを用いて総合的に評価した結果についても紹介し,STEM 教育における Moodle 利用の課題や可能性について具体的に検討したい。
13:50 - 14:3040 分
14: 40 - 15: 0020 分
14: 40 - 15: 0020 分