Message from the President of Nagasaki International University
Dear Participants of the 2022 MoodleMoot Japan,
My name is Dr. Yukio Ando and I'm the president of Nagasaki International University. I would like to extend a warm "digital" welcome to each and every one of the 2022 MoodleMoot Japan participants. Although we cannot meet face to face due to the current situation, I hope you feel welcome and supported by the faculty and staff of Nagasaki International University.
Although it pains us to not be able to host an in-person conference at Nagasaki International University, I hope that you can enjoy the positive atmosphere in an online environment during the few days that the conference will take place. Here at Nagasaki International University, the main theme of our university is hospitality, and central to that idea is the tea ceremony. It epitomizes the hospitality of each and every member of our university and we wish to extend that hospitality to each and every participant even if those wishes are only felt in a virtual environment.
During the days of the conference, I hope you can learn many things and improve your skills in education technology for the benefit of your own institutions and your own students. May you continue to enjoy life-long learning throughout this conference and into the future thereafter.
If it is possible in the future, we want to welcome each and every one of you to our campus one day. When the pandemic subsides and society returns to more normal functioning in day-to-day life, we hope that you will remember us at Nagasaki International University and if you are in the area you will stop by and say a long overdue hello!
Best regards,
Dr. Yukio Ando