Session type Duration Description Abstract length Main Themes
Academic Proposals (peer reviewed)
Presentation 20 mins, 40 mins or 90 mins This is the 'regular' presentation type. 40-minute presentation is the standard type of presentation with a 30-minute speech plus a 10-minute Q and A session. Submissions can be research oriented (Papers) or more practical descriptions of work in progress or completed projects (Show & Tell). Choose the 90 mins type if you plan to involve the audience in some kind of discussion as part or all of your presentation. 150-200 words or kanji equivalent (375-500 characters)
  • Installation and Administration
  • Integrating Moodle
  • Moodle development
  • Moodle in non-traditional settings
  • Moodle in traditional educational settings
  • Pedagogy and Moodle
  • Students' perspectives
For sub-themes see the Call for Presentations
Showcase up to 90 mins Showcases are electronic poster-presentations. They are an opportunity for you to show others your own Moodle course(s), or your institutions' Moodle web site to the MoodleMoot participants in a more relaxed setting where the participants are more free to ask questions.
Lightning Talk 10 mins
(includes changeover time)
Chose this type to present just a single idea, concept, method or opinion about Moodle. Three to four LTs will be placed back-to-back in 40-minute timeslots, and eight or nine LTs in 90-minute timeslots. 75-100 words or kanji equivalent (180-250 characters) As above plus:
  • Publicity for a Showcase
  • Examples of success, failure or something out of the ordinary
  • Improving Moodle & Mahara
  • Reports from abroad
  • Introduction to a special ICT tool or Web service
  • Moodle pet peeve (& a solution)
  • An invitation to participate in a project
  • Introduction to a study group or event
  • An example of overcoming an obstacle to introducing Moodle into a school or organization
Non-Academic AND Non-Commercial Proposals (peer reviewed)
Case Study 20 mins This is for people in a non-academic field to report on a practical merit of using Moodle for employee training, service enhancement, efficient in-house communication, etc. Any commercial element must be avoided. Company or product names should not appear in the title nor in the abstract. 75-100 words or kanji equivalent (180-250 characters) worker training/management/improvement etc.
Workshop and Genius Bar Proposals (on the basis of request from the Workshop coordinator)
Workshop 90 mins Choose this type if you plan to do a hands-on, how-to type of presentation. 150-200 words or kanji equivalent (375-500 characters)
  • How to use all aspects of Moodle
Genius Bar up to 90 mins Please volunteer to be a Moodle Genius if you believe that you will be able to answer attendees' Moodle questions: you can specify your field of Moodle expertise. You will be asked to indicate your area(s) of Moodle expertise. Example areas of expertise:
  • All or specific resource and activity modules
  • Other functions and features (e.g. Gradebook, Roles and Permissions, etc.)
  • Moodle 3.x
  • Installation
  • Administration
  • Integrating with other systems (e.g. Mahara)
  • Moodle security
  • etc.
Sponsors' Presentations
Commercial presentation 40 mins or 90 mins For commercial organizations or individuals wishing to present a Moodle related product or service. "Presentation with Lunch" is also available to valued sponsors. Contact the sponsor coordinator. 175-200 words or kanji equivalent (375-500 characters) Publicity for a Moodle Moodle related product or service
Commercial Lightning Talk 10 mins
(includes changeover time)
For commercial organizations or individuals wishing to present just a single Moodle related product or service. 75-100 words or kanji equivalent (180-250 characters)