2014 Moodle Moot Presentations
ID 321 Presenter(s): Adrian Greeve, Moodle core developer and driving force behind the recent alternate name project. エイドリアン・グリーブズ氏: ムードルでアジア系の氏名を扱いやすくするための代替氏名フィールドプロジェクトについてお話しいただきます。 Title: Making Moodle Fit Japan: Alternate Names and Gamification ムードルを日本に合わせる:追加氏名とゲーミフィケーション Presentation type: KEYNOTE Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development, 学校以外の場所でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in non-traditional settings, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract Moodle is changing to fit Japan. Administrators need flexible ways to display names with multiple alphabets and characters. Students love the gaming atmosphere of learning software and social networks. Thus the new Moodle 2.6 addresses these needs with additional name fields and gamification features. The alternate name fields started as an idea from the members of the Moodle Association of Japan. As a programmer at Moodle Headquarters in Perth, Adrian Greeve took up the challenge of implementing a solution as a personal project and after further encouragement from the Moodle Association of Japan, the project was moved to official sprint status. While the initial additional name fields issue is complete, the project itself is still in the early stages of developing flexible tables and sorting features throughout Moodle. The current implementation is the basic core feature, so additional issues have been created to make alternate name fields even more useful, not only for Japan, but the Moodle community as a whole. These new displays will be discussed and displayed in this presentation. In addition, the trend toward gamification in courses is now being added through existing and future projects in Moodle. Popular studies have divided people who play games into eight different types. Using these categories as a guide, it is important to try and create a course that encompasses the possible different ways that people will interact with your site.With the recent addition of open badges to Moodle, and the use of other new methods, Adrian will show how it is possible to create a Moodle site that can be more engaging to the student. ムードルは日本にフィットする方向に変化しています.サイト管理者はユーザ氏名をアルファベットや漢字など多彩な文字で表現できる柔軟性を求めています.また学生は学習ソフトウェアやソーシャルネットワークにゲーム的な要素を求めています.そこで,新しいムードル2.6にはこの二つの特徴,追加氏名フィールドとゲーミフィケーション,が組み込まれています.追加氏名フィールドは日本ムードル協会の発案で動き出しました.オーストラリア,パースに在るムードル本部のプログラマーとしてエイドリアン・グリーヴがそのチャレンジを請負い,一人でその解決に取り組みました.その後日本ムードル協会からの支援を得ながら,このプロジェクトはムードルの公式スプリントに採択されました.現在基本的な追加氏名フィールドは出来上がりましたが,本プロジェクトはまだ初歩的な段階で,これからムードル全体レベルでの柔軟なテーブルの作成やソート機能を開発する必要があります.現在出来上がっているのは基本となるコアの部分で,その開発と同時にこの追加氏名フィールドを日本だけでなく,全ての国のムードルユーザにとってより使いやすくするようなアイディアが議論されています.これらの新しい名前や表示方法がこの発表で紹介されるでしょう.それに加え,コースのゲーム化への流れが現行の,そしてこれからのムードルの中に組み込まれつつあります.今話題の研究ではゲームをする人々は8つのタイプに分けられるそうです.それらのタイプをガイドとして,人々が皆さんのサイトを利用する際の様々な方法に対応するようなコース設計をすることが重要です.最近ムードルに追加されたオープンバッジや,その他の新しい方法によって,ムードルサイトを如何に学生にとってやる気を起こさせるものにすることが出来るかをお見せいたします. ID 374 Presenter(s): Helen Foster (Moodle HQ) Title: A guide to participating in the Moodle community Presentation type: KEYNOTE Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract Since Moodle 1.0 was released eleven years ago, the community of Moodle users has grown enormously. There are now 70 million users with around 70 thousand sites in 235 countries, and Moodle is being translated into over a hundred languages. ID 378 Presenter(s): 土屋 俊 Syun Tutiya 大学評価・学位授与機構 National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation) Title: ポストMOOC時代の高等教育 Whither higher education after MOOCs? Presentation type: KEYNOTE Abstract "MOOCの勃興は、高等教育におけるテクノロジーの勝利を意味する。このテクノロジーとは「教育工学」ではなく「インターネット」である。つまり、このテクノロジーゆえに、高等教育に関して世界的な意味で教育における学習活動のオンライン化は、たんなる電子的学習環境の実現から知識の生産・提供・享受・理解・活用そのもののオンライン化へ移行したということができる。しかし、このような全面的なオンライン化は、社会における高等教育の位置づけの再考を求めるものである。本講演におけるこの再考の結論は、高等教育機能実現の「アンバンドル化」である。すなわち、これまで一体と考えられてきたキャンパス、ファカルティ、学生、スタッフ、教室、図書館等がそれぞれ自律的な役割を社会的に果し得るというということである。端的には大学の消滅である。しかし、中等教育を修了した人々は、高等教育相当の学習を達成しないと収入のある社会的活動を行なえないと考えられる。つまり、われわれは、大学なき時代における高等教育を構想しなければならない。その構想の端緒を模索することが本講演の課題である。 ID 379 Presenter(s): 堀 真寿美 Masumi Hori (NPO法人CCC-TIES 企画室長/帝塚山大学 General Manager, Planning Office, NPO CCC-TIES / Tezukayama Univ) Title: ポストMOOC時代におけるMoodleへの期待 In the post MOOC era, what are Moodle's prospects? Presentation type: KEYNOTE Abstract "The year of the MOOCと言われた2012年以来、アメリカ発のオープンエデュケーションは世界を席巻しているが、一方ではその限界も指摘され、すでに時代はポストMOOCに向かって動き出している。現在のMOOCには、プラットフォームのスケーラビリティ、高コストなユーザー認証、学習完遂率の低さ、数万人の学習者に対する適切な指導法の不在、既得権者の抵抗、そして不十分なビジネスモデルなどの問題がある。我々NPO CCC-TIESでは、1996年以来日本における教育のオープン化に取り組んできており、ここ一年は、ポストMOOCのラーニングプラットフォームの開発に取り組んできた。それが、電子書籍をポータルとしMoodleをバックエンドとしたCHiLOs (Creative Higher Education Learning Objects) である。その目標は、大規模オンラインコースに耐えうる統合VLE(Virtual Learning Environment)の構築であり、そのコンセプトは、統合VLEのマイクロ化である。今回は、このCHiLOsの開発経験を通じて、次世代のラーニングプラットフォームを考察する。 ID 368 Presenter(s): Justin Hunt Title: Hands on with PoodLL Presentation type: ショーケース 最大90分 Showcase, up to 90 mins (Academic) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract PoodLL is an open source project that adds multi-media features to Moodle via several plugins. These plugins include an audio and video recording repository, an assignment, and a question type. It also adds a number of interactive widgets to Moodle including animated flashcards, a stopwatch, and visual timers. These widgets can be added to any area of Moodle where there is an html editor, e.g a lesson, an assignment description, a question or a page resource. PoodLL also contains modules to enable advanced real time activities notably audio and video pairwork and shared whiteboards. ID 314 Presenter(s): Seishi ONO (NPO CCC-TIES), Shinzo Kobayashi (smileNC&co.), Kazutsuna Yamaji (National Institute of Informatics), Toshihiro Kita (Kumamoto University), Masumi Hori (Tezukayama University) Title: Moodleを利用した学習基盤の構築 Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: 学校以外の場所でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in non-traditional settings Abstract TIESは1998年以来オープンな教育システムの構築と運用を行ってきており、無償で提供するeラーニングシステムを利用して、講義資料や講義ビデオを公開してきた。このコミュニティには、最大で、5ヶ国に渡る83大学、1000人以上の大学教員および3万人の学習者が参加した実績がある。 ID 316 Presenter(s): Nur Liyana Binti Khalid Khan Title: Using Moodle as Blended Learning Platform in Malaysia Metro Polytechnic Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: 学校以外の場所でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in non-traditional settings Abstract In order to provide an effective e-Learning environment, Moodle has been adopted as a Learning Management System (LMS) for Malaysian Polytechnics, which have applied the blended learning approach. Activities provided in Moodle are suitable to be used in the Malaysian Polytechnics' teaching and learning environment. These activities support the implementation of a blended learning curriculum, which provides structured face-to-face and non face-to-face contact hours between lecturers and students. Moodle provides the means for effective time management for both lecturers and students as they can plan their teaching and learning online. For example, by creating an online forums, online assessment and also sharing information in the platform. Besides that, students indirectly learn how to communicate among themselves and other users. However, some challenges appear among lecturers and students. Lack of motivation, inability to adapt to change, and a lack of familiarity with a knowledge-sharing environment are some of the issues faced by the users. These challenges need to be addressed with effective techniques. In order to overcome the challenges, continuous actions have been taken for all Moodle users in polytechnics. Training sessions for lecturers, brainstorming sessions with polytechnic caretakers and video competitions through Moodle have been carried out among Malaysian Polytechnics as approaches to provide a Moodle friendly environment for the users. ID 317 Presenter(s): Eric Hagley Title: International Online Exchanges Using Moodle Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract This presentation will outline how the author uses Moodle to carry out online exchanges between his Japanese University students and students in Vietnam and the United States. Such computer mediated communication is increasingly being seen as beneficial to second language acquisition and improving cultural understanding (Belz & Thorne, 2006; Ware & O’Dowd, 2008) . The book, quiz and page modules are used to give the students the scaffolding support they need to use the language in asynchronous interaction using the forum module and synchronous interaction via the chat module and Skype. After showing how the exchanges are done, using conversation analysis tools, the author will compare how students interact in different exchange settings - cooperative versus collaborative. Cooperative is where students in each of the participating countries are studying the language of their partner, for example US students studying Japanese work with Japanese students studying English. Collaborative exchange is where students in both countries are studying English but collaborate in projects. The different exchange types seem to generate different language output and outcomes. These will also be outlined in this session. ID 319 Presenter(s): Minoru Akiyama (e-Learning-Service Co., Ltd./Tohoku University Graduate School) Title: 小テストの時間と負荷を大幅に改善するプラグイン Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development, 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract 潜在ランク理論に基づくコンピュータ適応型テストを実行する活動モジュールLRT-CATを開発し、Moodle Moot 2013で発表した。その後、アルゴリズムの改良、実地テスト、シミュレーションによる評価等を行い、最低限必要な設定項目を洗い出し、絞り込んで使い易くした。また、アイテムバンクを構築するために必要な問題の特性パラメータを推定するには、一旦Moodleの小テストから受験結果のデータをエクスポートし、分析ツールで特性パラメータを推定してからLRT-CATにインポートしていたので、操作性が悪いことが課題であった。そこで、LRT-CATに問題の特性パラメータを推定する機能を追加し、Moodle内でシームレスに実行できるようにした。 ID 320 Presenter(s): Masumi Kameda (Tokyo University of Science, Yamaguchi), Mitsuru Udagawa (Yamaguchi Prefectural University) Title: Moodle 2, TeX, STACK 3 による数学の e ラーニングの取り組み Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings Abstract 前回大会で発表した『Moodle, TeX, STACK による数学のeラーニングの取り組み』に対する断続発表である。 ID 322 Presenter(s): Andrew Johnson (Future University Hakodate), Michiko Nakamura (Future University Hakodate) Title: Supplemental Moodle for outside of the class Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: 学校以外の場所でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in non-traditional settings, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract This presentation describes the process the authors are using to create a fully autonomous e-learning Moodle course for lower-level Japanese EFL students. Following a structure similar to Khan Academy (http://khanacademy.org), the course consists of multiple stages, each divided into a series of lessons that allow students to proceed in a pre-designed order or select lessons matching their particular needs. Each lesson consists of a “learning quiz” which begins with a short video clip created by the authors to present the content followed by a set of questions (randomly pulled from a large question bank) aimed at checking their understanding. The course will be available for autonomous learners at the university and also used to supplement existing English-taught Communication courses. The main focus of the talk is to describe how we set up quizzes as learning tools, used quiz templates to import large numbers of questions, added multi-language features and utilized CSS and jQuery on Moodle. We also discuss the potential benefits of such an e-learning resource and its adaptability to other educational environments so that participants of the session will be able to ‘customize’ our attempt according to their needs and situation. ID 325 Presenter(s): John C. Herbert (Akashi National College of Technology) Title: When Syntactically Parsed Text Formats Help Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract Recent publications and presentations, by Professor Mark Warschauer of the University of California - Irvine in particular, have stimulated an interest in Visual Syntactic Text Formatting (VSTF) as an educational tool for fostering more fluent reading and more efficient second language acquisition. However, some researchers are finding that VSTF and derivatives of VSTF may not necessarily yield positive results in one EFL context, where they might be expected to, even though they do yield positive results in others. This does not discount the pedagogical value of VSTF, but it does prompt a need to consider the more pertinent tips and caveats for utilizing such text formats in Moodle-driven EFL courses, as well as in EFL courses in general. To that end, this presentation provides examples of how a cascading text format, modeled after VSTF and influenced by student perceptions and teacher intuition, then used in Moodle for speech contest preparation, led to positive training outcomes. Also, varied results from eye-tracking analyses of Japanese subjects engaged in intensive reading activities, which employ a similar text format, are explained. And, of course, tips and caveats for recreating and using the proposed activities in moodle are shared and their use encouraged. ID 328 Presenter(s): Kei Ito (Future University Hakodate), Tomoki Sato (Future University Hakodate), Mio Tsubakimoto (Future University Hakodate), Yoh Shiraishi (Future University Hakodate) Title: プログラミング授業における自習用小テストの導入と実践 Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings Abstract 情報系の学部における必修プログラミング科目では少数教師陣が多数学習者を教える多人数授業になりがちである。このため学習者個々の学習状況に応じた対応は難しく、学習者自身の自習に頼ることとなり、いわゆる落ちこぼれを発生させ易い環境になっている。著者ら所属大学でも初年次教育のプログラミング科目において不合格率や再履修率の高さが問題となっていた。 ID 329 Presenter(s): Miha Takubo (Osaka International University) Title: ゲームを利用した自学自習授業におけるMoodleの利用 Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract 「経営シミュレーションII」という2年次生対象講義の前半において、「やってみ店長」というビジネスゲーム(コンビニ経営ゲーム)を一人一台体制で利用している。 ID 330 Presenter(s): Dubhgan Hinchey (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Title: Correlation of Time on Task and TOEIC Change Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings Abstract In view of the fact that the online services iKnow! and EnglishCentral track student use, it is possible to pinpoint how much time students spend on task. Both services provide more appropriate, lexically graded, comprehensible input for individual students outside of class time. This longitudinal study of 20 students examines changes in TOEIC scores over a period of 6 months. Two cohorts of 10 students were identified by change in TOEIC score. Their respective TOEIC scores were compared with cumulative time spent on task. Time on task was calculated from student utilization of iKnow!, EnglishCentral, and a local installation of MoodleReader. Monthly reports of study time for iKnow! were created. EnglishCentral class completion reports of the weekly 2000 point (78 min.) goal were downloaded. Mean reading speed of 75 words-per-minute was estimated from time reading of graded readers for 10 students. The time on task for reading was then calculated by dividing the total number of words read by the mean reading speed. Preliminary, results show a mean positive correlation in TOEIC with the upper cohort spending double the amount of time on task for a 3-fold improvement in TOEIC score. ID 332 Presenter(s): Hiroshi Kihara (University of Toyama), Atsushi Hata (University of Toyama), Sakiko Ueki (University of Toyama) Title: Excelシートを利用したテスト問題の一括作成ツールの改良 Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract 我々は、Moodle 2のテスト問題作成を省力化できるツールとして、Excelシート上で画像や音声を含む複数の問題の作成・編集作業を行い、それをMoodle 2で読み込み可能なXML形式に変換するツールを開発してきた。本発表では、次の改良1), 2)および新機能3)について紹介する。 ID 333 Presenter(s): Jun Iwata (Shimane University), John Clayton (Waikato Institute of Technology ), Shudong Wang (Shimane University) Title: 自律学習を促す英語学習教材開発に向けて-クイズによる教材選択支援とバッジ機能の活用 Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle, 学生の観点 - Students' perspectives Abstract 国際化の進展により、英語コミュニケーションスキル習得の必要性が高まっている。教育機関においては、授業改善や国際交流の機会拡充等によって学習者の英語コミュニケーションスキルの向上を図っているが、外国語としての英語学習(EFL)環境下において、こうした取組みだけで十分な教育効果を上げることは容易なことではない。 ID 334 Presenter(s): Jennifer Claro (Kitami Institute of Technology), Sawako Akai (Huron University College) Title: Making and Using Videos in a Japan-Canada Exchange Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract Recently a telecollaborative project was held between 3rd year university students in Japan studying English and 2nd year university students in Canada studying Japanese. 80 students participated for 2 months and made videos of themselves and their environments and posted them in Moodle forums. Students found that videos were better than text only for both communication and language learning because they could see their partner’s faces and hear their voices. According to quantitative and qualitative data collected, student motivation improved, knowledge of the target culture increased, and all 4 language skills improved as a result of the project. ID 335 Presenter(s): Daisuke Nakanishi (Hiroshima Shudo University), Shinya Ozawa (Hiroshima Shudo University), Akio Ohnishi (Version2) Title: ポートフォリオモジュール「柿右衛門」の開発 Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development Abstract Moodle 1.xにおいて不十分であったポートフォリオ機能を補うものの1つにMaharaがある。Maharaを使えば写真や動画などのコンテンツをドラッグアンドドロップでWebページ上に配置し、好みに応じてレイアウトを変更できる。日本国内ではMahara Open Forumを中心に実践に関する蓄積が行われており、活発なやり取りが行われている。しかし、Maharaはeポートフォリオであり、自主的かつ積極的な関与が要求されるため、Moodleと比較すると学習者の負担も大きい。しかもインターフェイス、特にメニュー階層が分かりにくく、Moodleとの棲み分けを意識してか機能が物足りない。 ID 337 Presenter(s): Elton LaClare (Sojo University) Jon Rowberry (Sojo University) Title: Using Moodle for listening skills development Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle Abstract Listening is one of the least understood and least taught skills in the field of EFL/ESL. Despite the importance of listening skills development in acquiring second language proficiency, educators are often baffled as to how to nurture this ability in learners. The Moodle platform offers numerous possibilities for enhancing the listening skills of already competent listeners and supporting those for whom listening poses a challenge. This presentation will highlight a number of task types that target lower-order skills such as phoneme or word decoding and higher-order skills such as comprehension and syntactic processing. The presenters will argue that traditional classroom activities such as minimal pairs distinction and dictation are greatly enhanced when adapted for use in Moodle. In addition to introducing a variety of task types, the presenters will demonstrate how these tasks have been integrated into a self-study program that is both monitored and assessed using a variety of Moodle features. ID 338 Presenter(s): Tetsuo Kimura (Niigata Seiryo University), Akio Ohnishi (Version 2) Title: MoodleでRaschモデルによるコンピュータ適応型テストを実施するモジュール Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development Abstract Moodleでは、小テストモジュールで作成された問題は、問題バンクに蓄積される。問題バンクに外部で作成した問題を一括インポートすることもできる。また、問題バンクに蓄積された問題からランダムに出題することもできる。本研究の目的は、テスト回答者の能力に合わせて問題を出題する仕組み、コンピュータ適応型テスト(computer adaptive test:CAT)モジュールをMoodleに追加することである。本研究で開発したCATモジュールは、Linacre(1987)がBASICで作成したUCATというプログラムをもとに、Moodle上で動作するように書き換えたものである(以下、M-UCATと呼ぶ)。M-UCATには、UCATになかった機能として、項目選択ルールにおいて目標正答確率(困難度)を調整する機能が追加されている。すでに Kimura & Ohnishi (2011, 2012)では、Ver.2.1とVer.2.1で動作するベータ版を公開した。本発表ではVer. 2.3以上で動作するM-UCATの利用方法を説明するとともに、モジュールのソースを公開する。本バージョンより、複数のCATの設定条件を一覧画面で変更できるようにした。 ID 339 Presenter(s): Ryusuke Kameya (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine), David Campbell (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) Title: Analyzing course logs to study students' engagement with course materials Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle, 学生の観点 - Students' perspectives Abstract As e-learning in language learning becomes more prevalent, tracking students’ engagement with course activities needs to be examined. Moodle has a log feature that stores a large amount of data on various aspects of the learning activities of the course from which reports can be generated. By analyzing log records of students’ interactions with class resources and activities in a Moodle course, students’ learning behaviors and Moodle usage can be examined. In this research, two surveys were carried out to investigate students’ motivation for learning English. Then using the data from the Moodle logs it was possible to see how their actual behavior and their stated beliefs differed. In research on motivation, objective data such as log records could be an important element to support findings gathered through traditional methods such as questionnaires and interviews. However, utilizing logs on Moodle is still difficult for busy teachers because of the difficulty in using the data. Some technical issues will be discussed on how to retrieve data from Moodle and how to analyze them in related software. The presentation will be given in Japanese. ID 340 Presenter(s): Yukie Koyama, Nagoya Institute of Technology Title: A Computerized Adaptive Testing System on Moodle: Integration of ESP Corpus Analysis and Latent Rank Theory Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract Computerized adaptive testing (CAT) is one application that is widely used in large-scale standardized tests. In addition to the general benefits of computer-based testing such as individuality and time independence (Brown, 1997), CATs have the additional advantages such as eliminating test items of inappropriate difficulty and saving testing time. However, due to the complex development process, it has been difficult for an individual institution to implement a CAT which is appropriate for the institution. ID 341 Presenter(s): Rob Bright (Hiroo Gakuen), Mark McClure (Hiroo Gakuen) Title: Merging Offline and Online Learning Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings Abstract Hiroo Gakuen’s International section began using Moodle in 2012 to provide teachers a platform to merge online and offline learning modalities. Our goal is to create a blended learning environment to review content, prepare for tests/assignments and participate in computer simulations. Flipping the classroom allows students to prepare for lessons at home or on their way to and from school using a variety of devices to access Moodle and keep up with course work when absent from school. Moodle's flexibility allows teachers to create content from student feedback, especially with surveys. The immediacy of the feedback provided by Moodle's quiz activities helps students improve their understanding straight away, rather than waiting for teacher feedback. As a result, students are more motivated to try the quizzes repeatedly and use the badge system introduced in Moodle 2.5. Students compete against each other to get the new badges and compare their collections. Humanities and science teachers have found Moodle-powered quizzes improve students' retention of vocabulary (ESL) and understanding of scientific terminology (e.g. Cell Biology). Math teachers are able to enter formulae and equations using DragMath, and embed resources from external sites, such as Khan Academy and GeoGebra to reinforce complex ideas and constructions. ID 343 Presenter(s): Peter Ruthven-Stuart (Future University Hakodate), Adam Smith (Future University Hakodate), Andrew Johnson (Future University Hakodate), Michiko Nakamura (Future University Hakodate) Title: Using Moodle to Facilitate Collaborative Writing Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle, 学生の観点 - Students' perspectives Abstract The presenters will explain how they are using Moodle to facilitate collaborative writing tasks in four fully online courses totalling more than 500 computer science majors. These four Virtual English Program (VEP) courses are compulsory subjects for first and second year students. Each VEP course consists mainly of vocabulary, listening and reading activities. Students are also required to complete four 150 to 300 word compositions in each course, in groups of three. We will describe both the technical aspects and learning outcomes of these tasks. Technically, these tasks have evolved over the four years of their existence. Initially, we started with the Moodle 1.9 Wiki for the writing and the Assignment module for grading. We now use the Wiki module in 2.5, the Forum module for intragroup communication, a custom built Feedback+ module for grading with rubrics, the Questionnaire module for self and peer evaluation and numerous conditional settings to guide students through the activities. In terms of learning outcomes, pre and post writing tests suggest that many students' writing skills have improved. However, there is also considerable variation in students' readiness and willingness to complete the tasks. We hope that this description of these tasks will be of use to participants contemplating introducing collaborative tasks in online courses. ID 345 Presenter(s): Jason Hollowell (Musashi University) Title: Ongoing modification of the face to face module Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, Moodleの開発 - Moodle development Abstract This presentation will introduce an ongoing project in which the face to face reservation module has been customized to meet the needs of a non-credit English study program on our campus. The face to face module allows students to schedule sessions (meetings, counseling, lessons, etc.) with an instructor but is limited in that, in its standard format, it does not allow for multiple bookings for each session as well as lacking various administrative management functions. Due to the fact that an alternative suitable module could not be found, we decided to modify the face to face module to fit our needs and have continued that modification for approximately a year. This presentation will summarize the modifications that have been made thus far as well as point out limitations that still exist. (Note - The modifications that have been made since this module was presented upon in the 2013 Moot will be given priority in this presentation. The entire modification process and outline will, however, be introduced in order to accurately explain the development process.) Detailed instructions will be provided and a copy of the modified version will be distributed to those who are interested in giving it a try. While programming knowledge is not required to follow this presentation, those with an interest in experimenting with minor code manipulations will likely find it most informative. ID 351 Presenter(s): Masaharu Terada (Kagoshima Immaculate Heart College), Katsuyuki Suenaga (Kagoshima Immaculate Heart College) Title: moodleのバージョンアップと短大生を取り巻くIT環境の変化 Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract 鹿児島純心女子短期大学(以下 本学)は平成20年度より教育支援を目的とし,moodleを導入した。教育支援においては全開講科目の登録を行い,授業における補助ツールとして活用した。更に同時期に採択された補助事業も支えとなって,就職支援等の学生支援でも Moodle を活用してきた。しかし導入当時最新であったMoodle 1.9の公式サポートも2013年12月に終わることとなり,更に,今後も継続的な利用・普及を行うためにはMoodleサーバのハード,ソフトの更新は必要不可欠であると判断し,平成25年度後期よりMoodle 2.5へバージョンアップすることを決定した。バージョンアップを行う上で,仮想サーバへの移行を検討し,更に本学では携帯端末向けにmoodle liteを導入しており,スマートフォンの普及等の短大生を取り巻くIT環境の変化やmoodle2.5に標準搭載されているスマートフォン向けテンプレートとの機能比較などを見極め今後の運用を検討した。本稿では,本学のこれまでの取り組みとバージョンアップに伴う検証結果,短大生の取り巻くIT環境を考慮したモバイル端末への対応等の事例報告を行う。 ID 354 Presenter(s): Iain Stanley Title: Integrating Moodle and multimedia to improve pronunciation Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract The presenter will demonstrate how to improve students’ pronunciation by combining Moodle with multimedia, including smartphones, Windows Media, and Quicktime. This activity allows students to tailor the exercise to their own pronunciation needs and accent aspirations. ID 356 Presenter(s): Mark Donnellan (Kinki University) Title: A Beginner's Guide to Blending Traditional Paper-Based Courses with Moodle Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle Abstract Many presentations and user guides to Moodle begin by offering advice on the technical aspects of a particular Moodle activity or Moodle as a whole, and then offer insight into pedagogy. This presentation aims to take the approach of first examining EFL/ESL pedagogy in relation to Moodle and then outlining technical aspects of Moodle, such as set up, in light of the observations regarding pedagogy. This presentation will outline for users new to Moodle some strategies for blending Moodle with a traditional paper-based course. A complete blended course will be presented focusing on the pedagogical end product. Moodle activities such as Quiz, Forum and Chat will be demonstrated. Finally the presenter will offer a brief overview of the technical aspects of setting up a blended course. Since various Moodle activities will be touched upon rather than covered in depth, this presentation will conclude by offering advice for participants interested in learning more about individual activities within Moodle. ID 357 Presenter(s): Adam Jenkins (Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology) Title: Getting others onboard: Moodle at institutions Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings Abstract Moodle is a useful tool for creating blended-learning courses that reach beyond traditional classroom settings by providing dynamic multimedia content. It enhances communication between students and teachers, and allows for interactive content with the potential for instantaneous feedback. Unfortunately, in many institutions, the number of teachers who adopt and utilise Moodle in their courses are limited. At some institutions, the Moodle administrator is also the sole teacher using Moodle. Many teachers perceive the learning curve to be prohibitively steep and without the appropriate support, many students and teachers may fail to log in to the site. Varying levels of computer literacy can be an obstacle for students. Moreover, many teachers who don't teach a language, perceive Moodle as nothing more than language learning software. This presentation will address these issues regarding the introduction and integration of Moodle to an educational institution. Strategies for providing adequate support for users and streamlining e-learning system management, such as pre-processing enrollments, will be covered as well as ways to encourage and enable teachers to adopt and use the system in order to make blended-learning via Moodle more accessible. ID 359 Presenter(s): Toshioki Soga (Faculty of Foreign Language Hokkaido Bunkyo University), Takahiro Nakahara (Sangensha LLC),Yasuyuki Nakamura (Graduate School of Information Science Nagoya University), Masanobu Mitani (Faculty of Photonics Science Chitose Institute of Science and Technology), Norihito Kawana (Department of Humanities Sapporo International University) Title: iBooksとMoodleの連携による本当にインタラクティブなデジタル教科書 Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, Moodleの開発 - Moodle development Abstract 近 年ではデジタル教科書の普及に伴い、デジタル教科書を簡単に作ることが出来る環境も整いつつある。Apple社から無償配布されているiBooks Authorは従来の文書作成ソフト感覚でマルチタッチブックを作ることが出来るアプリケーションである。本研究ではそのiBooks AuthorのHTMLウィジェットという機能を利用し、デジタル教科書とLMS、特にMoodleとの連携を実現することにより、双方向性を持ったコン テンツの開発環境の整備を行った。HTMLウィジェットはインターネット通信が可能なウィジェットで、これにMoodleサイトを埋め込むことによって Moodleの利用を可能にした。Moodleサイト側ではiBooksでの利用を考慮し、レイアウトやページ遷移のカスタマイズを行った。また、ウィ ジェットを作成するためのエクスポート機能を開発した。Moodleの小テストやアンケート等を適切に組み込み、成績やログの管理を行うことでデジタル教 科書を使った自学自習の進捗を把握することが可能となる。また、Moodleの各種機能との組み合わせによりデジタル教科書の多様化の可能性も含んでい る。 ID 360 Presenter(s): Michiko Sasakura (Ochanomizu University), Kuwana Anna (Ochanomizu University), Noriko Asamoto (Ochanomizu University) Title: Moodleを活用した授業動画の簡易配信について Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract 我々は、動画の記録についてWebカメラで撮影した動画をリアルタイムにエンコードしサーバに保存するシステム(ArgosView)を用いて、簡易に授業動画を記録しストリーミング配信する方法を検討してきた。この試みでは、動画配信は授業担当者が人の手を借りることなく手軽に利用できるシステムを安価に実現することを目指している。この発表では、授業動画を簡易に配信する仕組みの紹介と、これを実際の授業において、Moodleの上で活用した実践事例の紹介をする。 ID 361 Presenter(s): Martin Meadows (Nayoro City University) Title: Adding Audio to Moodle: An Overview Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract While Moodle is adept at presenting and playing audio files, a number of options have been developed for recording audio from within the moodle interface. While a simple and native solution has yet to appear, the currently available options each have their strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, they are in disparate states of maintenance and upgrade. This presentation will review the assorted options for adding audio recordings to moodle courses from both a teacher's and students' perspectives. Options considered will include using Audacity to create uploadable audio files and moodle plugins such as Audio Recording, NanoGong and PoodLL. The functionality and limitations of each method or plugin option will be discussed and their compatibility with the latest stable releases of moodle (versions 2.5 or above) will be evaluated. The presenter will also show how these various methods may be used to structure speaking activities in such a way as to provide scaffolding for the development of oral skills among learners of second or foreign languages. ID 364 Presenter(s): Mizuho Jones (The University of Nottingham Ningbo China), Mari Yamauchi (Chiba University of Commerce) Title: Intercultural Exchange via Moodle Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: 学校以外の場所でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in non-traditional settings, 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract This presentation reports on a telecollaborative exchange project implemented in 2013 for students from China and Japan. This intercultural project was designed for participants to share and gain different opportunities: for Chinese students to be exposed to authentic Japanese and to explore Japanese culture, and for Japanese students to experience intercultural interactions in Japanese and to understand people from a different cultural background. ID 365 Presenter(s): Hideto Harashima (Maebashi Institute of Technology), Akinobu Kanda (Tokyo Metropolitan University), Shin’ichi Sato (Nihon Fukushi University), Mari Yamauchi (Chiba University of Commerce), Thom Rawson (University of Nagasaki) Title: M-netとPoodLLを利用した大学間交流活動 Inter-university Exchange Activities Using M-net and PoodLL Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract Moodle Networking (M-net)の機能を利用して複数の大学間でムードルを連携し,遠隔地の学習者が学習リソースを共有したり交流したりする試みを続けて来たが,今年度はそれにPoodLLというプラグインを加えた活動を行った.PoodLLはMoodleに音声やビデオを取り込むインターフェースであり,語学学習に最適である.これを利用して各地方の特産物を英語のビデオコマーシャルにして紹介し,意見交換する交流フォーラム活動を紹介する. ID 367 Presenter(s): Justin Hunt Title: YouTube Video Recording Add-ons for Moodle Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract Recent developments in Moodle, and sponsored plugin development have seen three YouTube recording plugins developed in the last 18 months. These are the YouTube Anywhere plugin for the TinyMCE editor, the YouTube Assignment submission module, and the MyTube recording repository. These are self contained mods, that do not depend on each other. Once installed and configured they allow the student or teacher to record or upload videos into YouTube. The saved videos can then be played back in Moodle. ID 369 Presenter(s): ISHIKAWA Takayuki (Osaka International University) Title: backup file を介した course 自動生成 Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: インストールと管理 - Installation and Administration, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract これまで Moodle を使ったことがない教員に Moodle の利用を勧めても、操作習熟という初期労力を嫌って受け入れられないことが多い。そのため大阪国際大学では、教員から「課題を毎回提出させる」「感想文を毎回提出させる」といった包括的な指示や毎回の資料が情報教育部会に出されれば部会側で指定通りに courses を実装しておく、という活動を行っているが、実際の course 実装作業では、締切日時等の細目が異なるだけで同じような課題を1つの course 上で繰り返し作成したりすることになる。こういった作業は、plug-in として自動化を実現する方法が正攻法ではあるが、未来に渡って整合性を保つ作業が困難である。そこで、これまでの zip 形式と異なり MS-Windows 上でも扱いやすい tar.gz 形式による backup file の利用が Moodle 2.6 から可能になることを活用して、backup file と同様の file を自動生成し Moodle 上で restore することによって course を作成する方法を考案した。当日は、この方法を実際に活用した結果等も発表する予定である。 ID 370 Presenter(s): Toshiko Koyama (Osaka Ohtani University), Takaaki Okura (Osaka Ohtani University) Title: Moodleが提供する学びの空間:リスニングクラスの事例 Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings Abstract 本取り組みでは、まず学生一人ひとりが “Serendipity” などのDVDを自宅で視聴、その後、各自が「映画の中で気がついた日米の文化的な違い」についてレポートを作成しMoodleのフォーラムにアップした。そして、互いに気づいた部分の情報交換を行って、最後にCALLクラス内で紹介し合った。次に、映画の中で日常会話に役立つ表現が含まれたシーンを何カ所か授業者がMovie Makerで編集し、学生たちはExcelのTTS機能を使って各自でディクテーションを行った。そのディクテーションのファイルもフォーラムにアップされ、Peer Reviewが行われた。Reviewの過程では学生は自身が聞き取れなかった部分を評価し、評価された学生は、なぜ聞き取れたかを内省しクラスメートに紹介していた。 ID 376 Presenter(s): David Campbell (Obihiro Chikusan University), Peter Ruthven-Stuart (Future University Hakodate), Bob Gettings (Hokusei Gakuen Jr. College), Adrian Greeve (Moodle Headquarters) Title: Database Module Roundtable with Moodle HQ Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development Abstract Adrian Greeve of Moodle HQ will join a roundtable discussion on the current use and future plans of the Database Module. The Database Module has been a flexible, form-based activity in Moodle for over eight years. Presently, Adrian is the lead programmer in charge of the Database Module maintenance and development. So this is an opportunity to meet the person responsible for a module and discuss its future. In addition to Adrian, three long-time users of the Database Module, David Campbell, Peter Ruthven-Stuart and Bob Gettings, will co-chair the roundtable and show brief demonstrations of pedagogic uses of the module in their universities. One point of discussion will be the relation of this module to the new DataForm Module, a contributed, third party plugin. Note that this is not a hands-on training session and not about the MySQL database that used by Moodle. This session will be most relevant to experienced users and developers of the Database Module. Although the session will be in English, for Japanese-speaking participants, some translation and summarising will be possible. ID 377 Presenter(s): Don Hinkelman (Moodle Association of Japan), Hideto Harashima (Moodle Association of Japan), Helen Foster (Moodle Headquarters) Title: The Future of the Moodle Community Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract This is a roundtable discussion about the future evolution of the Moodle community of teachers, researchers and developers. Representatives of Moodle HQ, including Helen Foster, will join officers of the Moodle Association of Japan. The purpose of this discussion is to explore the role of the user community both politically and economically in the Moodle Community. MAJ has built a constitution for its organization with the aim of: 1) contributing funds to Moodle HQ, 2) educating members in the tools of Moodle, 3) supporting research into the use of Moodle in educational institutions, 4) sharing Moodle content among teachers and institutions, and 5) developing plugins and features that would benefit the Japanese user community. The discussion will explore the possibility of applying this NPO model to other countries in world, and establishing more formal ties with Moodle HQ. In addition, the direction of Moodle 3.0 and the role of open educational content sharing will be discussed. All members are invited to share their views. ID 315 Presenter(s): Masumi Hori (NPO CCC-TIES), Shun Tsuchiya (National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation) Title: オープンエデュケーションとMoodleの未来 Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 90分 90 minute presentation (Academic) Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, 学校以外の場所でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in non-traditional settings, 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle Abstract 本ワークショップは、今回のMoodle Mootの基調講演者2名による公開討論形式で行われる。 ID 311 Presenter(s): Takahiro Kagoya (Jinai Univ.), Hiroyuki Harada (Sapporo Gakuin Univ.), Tatsuya Shirai (Suzuka N.C.T) Title: 国内の高等教育機関におけるMoodle利用状況のデータベース化 Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic) Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings Abstract 日本国内の高等教育機関(国立大学,公立大学,私立大学,高等専門学校)で利用されているMoodleサイトを網羅的に調査し,データベース化した.調査方法と調査結果を発表すると共に,データベースで提供する情報の詳細説明と利用方法を説明する.データ構造が確定したら本データベースはmoodle.orgへ移す予定である.本データベースは更新して常に最新の状態に保つことが重要である.ライトニングトークを通してデータベースの存在を宣伝すると共に,データ更新のボランティアの必要性を訴える. ID 312 Presenter(s): Takayuki Matsuki (Tokyo Kasei University), Hiroyasu Asami (Wakkanai Hokusei Gakuen University), Shinichi Hama (Hiroshima University of Economics), Naoki Hashimoto (Tokyo Kasei University), Miyuki Kura (Tokyo Kasei University) Title: 成績転送システムの開発(Mahoodleの利用) Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic) Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle Abstract 学生が自己達成度の評価のうち成績評価を自分で行える仕組みをMahara上に作成するのが目的である。前回Moodleの小テストの評価をMaharaに転送するシステムの開発を行ったが、これは他のMoodleの転送データ(Outcome等)とは無関係に行えた。今回は、これらの成績データをコース名付きで時系列順に並べ、かつMahara側で一つのページで閲覧できる工夫を加え、最新版のMoodle及びMaharaに対応したシステム開発を行った。 ID 313 Presenter(s): Sei Sumi Title: Development and Application of Naive Bayes Classifiers Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic) Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development Abstract The module we developed makes it possible to apply Naive Bayes Classifiers to any test results in Moodle. It also helps teachers automatically divide students’ scores into any number of set-groups such as Advanced, Inter-mediate, and Basic according to patters in their answers. In the presentation, (a) background of the Moodle module development, and (b) use of the module, and (c) merit of the module will be talked about. In addition, an example of the use of the module will be given and possibilities for future development will be talked about. ID 323 Presenter(s): Akiko Takahashi (Tokushima University) Title: 学習内容や学習方法の選択を支援するMoodleプラグインの最新動向 Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic) Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development Abstract 著者はこれまで,自己主導的な学習を支援する目的で,教育設計理論(インストラクショナルデザイン)の1つである学習課題分析に基づいて,学習内容全体の構造図を示し,構造と成績に基づいておすすめの学習内容をアドバイスするMoodleのプラグインなどを開発してきた.本報告では,学習者に最終的な選択権をゆだねるものの,おすすめの学習内容や学習方法の選択を支援するMoodleプラグインの最新動向(たとえばNavigation Webなど)を紹介し,その発展可能性を探る. ID 324 Presenter(s): Yosuke Morimoto (The Open University of Japan), Kiyoshi Nakabayashi (Chiba Institute of Technology) Title: SCORM 2004対応とコースのエクスポート Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic) Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development Abstract 発表者らが提案しているELECOAと呼ばれる仕組みを用いたMoodleのプラグインを2つ紹介する。1つ目は、これまでのMootでも紹介してきたSCORM 2004対応プラグインである。今年度は、SCORM規格へのさらなる準拠、動作速度の向上、モバイルデバイスへの対応強化などを行い、完成度を高めた。2つ目は、コースのエクスポート機能である。SCORMおよびELECOA形式のパッケージとしてエクスポートでき、Moodle以外のSCORMやELECOAに対応したシステムで動作させることができる。 ID 326 Presenter(s): Bob Gettings Title: Organizing Student Appointments with Scheduler Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic) Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract This talk will highlight the functions of the Scheduler Module, a plugin maintained by Henning Bostelmann, that allows appointments to be made and graded. With Scheduler, teachers can set up appointment slots for students to choose or assign students slots. Students can be graded and notes about the meeting can be kept. There is also an automatic notification function to remind students of their appointments. The presenter will also show how he has used the module in his classes.. ID 336 Presenter(s): Takayuki Nakata (Future University Hakodate), Peter Ruthven-Stuart (Future University Hakodate), Gosselin Nathalie (University of Quebec in Trois-Riviere) Title: Making Moodle Manageable for young learners Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic) Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development, 学校以外の場所でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in non-traditional settings, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract Recent studies suggest that music classes can enhance the listening abilities of profoundly deaf children with cochlear implants. We have created an online music course for this population. Online learning systems can be an effective tool for a clinical neuropsychological setting by providing a comfortable learning experience at home, thus increasing their compliance to daily learning. To make this course manageable for young learners in the absence of personal guidance from teachers, the course has at its core interactive Flash animations and adaptive learning procedures made possible by both standard Moodle features such as conditional activities and a suite of custom-made plugins. ID 346 Presenter(s): Tomokazu Hayakawa (Meiji University), Syun Murayama (Meiji University), Takahiro Hishida (Meiji University), Teruo Hikita (Meiji University) Title: 汎用的なプログラミング学習用プラグインの設計と実装 Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic) Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development Abstract 本稿では,我々が開発したプログラミング学習用のプラグインの設計と実装について述べる.我々は,コンパイラや静的チェッカの出力を学習者にフィードバックすることがプログラミング学習の一助になると考え,それを実現するプラグインを設計・実装した.プラグインはWebサービス(REST)として設計し,実装にはJavaScriptとPHPを用いることで,コンパイラやチェッカの種類に依存しにくい汎用性を実現した.我々は,複数のコンパイラやチェッカを用いた評価を行い,提案プラグインが正しく動作することを確認した. ID 348 Presenter(s): Chuanning Huang (Kanazawa Institute of Technology), Lee Knowlton (Kanazawa Technical College) Title: Using Moodle for Extensive Reading Book Reports Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic) Topics: 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract This presentation introduces using Moodle for extensive reading (ER) book reports in English reading classes at a Japanese university. The presentation will consist of: 1) the background of the ER program and a description of students at the university, 2) thoughts on adopting Moodle for the purpose of collecting and grading ER book reports including the pros and cons of various Moodle blocks (assignment, quiz, database, etc.) and 3) a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of using Moodle for ER book reports based on feedback from both the students and teachers. ID 352 Presenter(s): Kahori Ogashiwa (Yamaguchi University), Yoshihiko Hamamoto (Yamaguchi University), Yue Wang (Yamaguchi University), Joji Kariya (Emeritus Professor at Yamaguchi University), Kakuji Ogawara (Yamaguchi University) Title: 形成的評価を支援する可視化ツールの開発 Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic) Topics: 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle Abstract 小テストモジュールを活用して、形成的評価を支援するための可視化ツールを開発したので報告する。このツールの機能を説明する。 ID 355 Presenter(s): Yoshikazu Asada (Jichi Medical University) Title: 医学部教育におけるmoodle活用の現状と課題 Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic) Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract 医学部教育では座学による知識学習に加え、臨床現場での手技(スキル)や態度の学習も必要となる。特にスキルや態度はeラーニングのみで学習することは困難であり、演習授業との組み合わせが必要となる。本発表では、医学部におけるmoodle活用事例として(1)フォーラムでのディスカッションを通じた座学形式における授業での利用(2)小テストを利用した基礎医学授業の学習支援(3)動画教材や小テストを予習課題として与えたうえで反転授業的に行うシミュレーション演習授業 について紹介し、今後の課題や展望を述べる。 ID 362 Presenter(s): Akane SHINBO (Ochanomizu University) Title: 数学オンラインテストSTACKのリメディアル教育への活用 Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract Moodleで利用される、数式の利用が可能なオンラインテストシステムであるSTACKについて、とくにリメディアル教育への活用を視野に入れた、利用する教師への支援を考えた問題バンクの構築について報告する。教師がSTACKを利用するには問題作成が難解と考え、問題作成での負担を減らし気軽にSTACKを利用できるようにするため、問題バンクの構築に取り組んでいる。本研究では入学前教育や入学後のリメディアル教育に使用することを考え、中等教育の教科書や入試問題などをもとに問題バンクを構築している。 ID 363 Presenter(s): Aika KAKINOKI (Ochanomizu University) Title: 成績評価情報の収集と教師支援 Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic) Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract Moodleを利用する授業で、成績評価に利用できる情報の収集と、それらの情報をもとに教師が成績をつける際に成績案を提示するシステムの提案と実装を行っている。 ID 371 Presenter(s): Toshitake Komazaki (Tokyo Healthcare University) Title: Moodleの「課題」「小テスト」を用いた授業改善 Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic) Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract 本年度より医療情報学科の授業でMoodleを利用開始した.キャリア教育では,学生が議論のテーマについて考えたことを「課題」から予め投稿,これを授業中に表示した.提出率は,90.3%(前年度は紙媒体で60%)であった.資格試験対策では「小テスト」を用いて,授業前に学生が解答した結果から授業内容を調整した.学生の利用回数は,「表示」1128回,「投稿」268回(48日間)であった.授業評価では,3割の学生から「効率的」と評価された.今後,未利用や低い授業評価の要因を調査し改善を図りたい. ID 353 Presenter(s): Shinya Ozawa (Hiroshima Shudo University), Mari Yamauchi (Chiba University of Commerce), Mayumi Kawashima (Kyushu Sangyo University), Ken Urano (Hokkai-Gakuen University), Hiroko Miyake (Tokyo Keizai University), Kenichi Kamiya (Osaka Institute of Technology) Title: Moodleを活用して英語の授業を構築してみよう! Presentation type: ワークショップ 90分 Workshop 90 mins (Workshop) Topics: 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle Abstract Moodleも2.xになり、様々な機能が充実してきた。しかしながらシステムを使いコンテンツを作成する立場の教員にとっては、機能が充実しすぎているが故に、Moodleをどのように活用したら良いか悩む場合も多いのではないだろうか。 ID 380 Presenter(s): Mari Yamauchi Title: 19th Feb 2月19日 12:30 to 14:00 日本語の初級ワークショップ パート1 Presentation type: ワークショップ 90分 Workshop 90 mins (Workshop) Abstract Moodle の初心者のためにMoodleとは何か,Moodleで出来ること,について解説したあと,初歩的な活動を体験して頂きます。世界でNo.1の支持を得て いるオープンソース学習管理システムであるMoodleは今や全世界で6000万人のユーザを誇っています。このMoodleを使ってみたいが,どうやっ たら使えるのか分からない,という初心者のために初歩からMoodleについてお教えするワークショップです。クイズやフォーラムの使い方を体験しながら学んで見ましょう。もちろん質問も受付けます。 ID 381 Presenter(s): Eric Hagley Title: 19th Feb 2月19日 12:30 to 14:00 English beginners workshop part 1 Presentation type: ワークショップ 90分 Workshop 90 mins (Workshop) Abstract This is a workshop for the Moodle novice. People who have little or no idea about how to use Moodle will be given a chance to learn. Participants will be able to learn the basics of Moodle by working hands on in a real example of an online course. Moodle is an interactive website useful for most learning environments. It is an open source (free) learning management system that can be a one-stop location for giving online quizzes, handling email announcements to students, providing handouts for download, and publishing protected student blogs, chatrooms, forums, wikis, or glossaries. This workshop will give an overview of what Moodle is and showcase quickly some of its features. It will then train teachers to be able to create content using Moodle. Teachers will make their own courses in a Moodle site. Even teachers who have never used computers for teaching may find it useful to see how discussion forums, blogs, chatrooms, surveys, online quizzes and other interactive activities can make livelier learning programs and streamline management of assignments, grades, and materials. In particular, the most common features of Moodle: forums, quizzes and resources will be created. Participants will also be able to request specific feature explanations too. This workshop will be followed by another one where your skills as Moodle editors and creators are further honed. ID 382 Presenter(s): Takahiro KAGOYA Title: 19th Feb 2月19日 12:30 to 14:00 日本語の中級・上級ワークショップ パート 1 Presentation type: ワークショップ 90分 Workshop 90 mins (Workshop) Abstract Moodleの新しい機能を体験しよう ID 383 Presenter(s): Peter Ruthven-Stuart (Future University Hakodate) Title: 19th Feb 2月19日 12:30 to 14:00 English intermediate/advanced workshop part 1 Presentation type: ワークショップ 90分 Workshop 90 mins (Workshop) Abstract For this Workshop the presenter has prepared ten topics from which attendees will be invited to choose. Given the time available and the complexity of the topics, it is unlikely that there will be time to cover all the topics. Each topic covers a technical, administrative, or pedagogical activity, and each activity requires the use of various standard Moodle features (plugins, activities and resources). In one or two cases, third-party plugins and non-moodle software packages will be discussed. The topics and related Moodle features are: Calculating grades (Functions & formulae, Gradebook); Collaborative course content creation (Backing up, Importing, Permissions-Roles-Contexts, Restoring); Teacher-student and student-student interaction (Blog system, Comments block, Forum module, Messaging system); Differentiating instruction (Conditional activities, Groups & Groupings, Lesson module, Visible & Separate Groups); Embedding multimedia (Embed code, Multimedia plugins filter, Trusted content); Facilitating collaborative learning (Assignment module, Forum module, Groups & Groupings, Workshop module); Installing Moodle on a Mac (Apache, GIT, MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin, Sequel Pro); Navigational tips and tricks (Auto linking, Blocks, Conditional activities); Self and peer assessment (Assignment module, Forum module, Permissions-Roles-Contexts, Questionnaire & Feedback modules, Workshop module); and Student created content (Database module, Forum module, Permissions-Roles-Contexts, Resources). ID 384 Presenter(s): Hideto Harashima Title: 19th Feb 2月19日 14:15 to 15:45 日本語の初級ワークショップ パート2 Presentation type: ワークショップ 90分 Workshop 90 mins (Workshop) Abstract 初級ワークショップ1を引き継ぎ,初級ワーク ショップ2を行います。参加者には御自分のコースを持っていただき,マルチメディア素材の埋め込み方,グルーピングの仕方,宿題(課題) の提出法,成績管理,ワークショプモジュール,データベースの利用,サイトの管理,などを時間の許す範囲でお試しいただこうと思います。 ID 385 Presenter(s): Bob Gettings Title: 19th Feb 2月19日 14:15 to 15:45 English beginners workshop part 2 Presentation type: ワークショップ 90分 Workshop 90 mins (Workshop) Abstract In this workshop we will develop the skills you attained in the first one and add to them. Introduction of multimedia into Moodle, more detailed student and course management, and how to add resources and other activities will be covered here. For those that didn't attend the first workshop but have a basic understanding of Moodle, you are welcome to join this too. ID 386 Presenter(s): ホロウールとハグリー Title: 19th Feb 2月19日 14:15 to 15:45 日本語の中級・上級ワークショップ パート2 Presentation type: ワークショップ 90分 Workshop 90 mins (Workshop) Abstract Moodleの利用経験がある方を対象に、時間許す限り、以下のMoodle機能や使い方を体験してもらいます: レッスンモジュール 教科書をムードル化にする方法 ムードルのコースページ雰囲気を変更する方法 ブックモジュール 用語集自動リンク機能使用 学生管理 cPanelでムードルインストール方法 参加者の要望にも応じたいと思います。 ID 387 Presenter(s): Thom Rawsono Title: 19th Feb 2月19日 14:15 to 15:45 English intermediate/advanced workshop part 2 Presentation type: ワークショップ 90分 Workshop 90 mins (Workshop) Abstract Advanced Workshop (Bi-Lingual Available) ID 388 Presenter(s): 株式会社ブルーポート Title: 19th Feb 2月19日 16:00 to 17:30 Japanese beginners workshop part 3 Presentation type: ワークショップ 90分 Workshop 90 mins (Workshop) Abstract HTML5のSCORM教材が簡単に作れます教材作成ツール iTutor ID 389 Presenter(s): Don Hinkelman Title: 19th Feb 2月19日 16:00 to 17:30 English beginners workshop part 3 Presentation type: ワークショップ 90分 Workshop 90 mins (Workshop) Abstract Assessment in Moodle Assessment in Moodle includes making simple grades with scales and more complex grades with rubrics. This workshop will use simple English to teach you how to assess both students’ knowledge and their skill performances. Student knowledge can be checked with Quizzes, Assignments, Lessons, and other modules, which all share the same system of “Scales” in Moodle and are collected in the “Gradebook”. I will show participants how to set up their own custom scales and how to apply in each module. In addition, many student performances are best assessed using a set of scales called a rubric. A rubric can be applied to written or video recording of a include a speech, drama, role-play, or conversation. These performances are used to assess communication skills or a training exercise in a field such as nursing, fire-fighting, or counseling. In this hands-on workshop, you will be able to set your own five-part rubric to assess a speech recording. I will also introduce some contributed modules which use this rubric, such as: - PoodLL Assignment Module: recording via a webcam into a PoodLL Assignment - Video Assessment Module: recording via digital camera into Moodle I will demonstrate each approach and allow participants to make short recordings with digital cameras to learn hands-on how to move the videos into Moodle and manage them there. I will compare the features and advantages of each approach and show how to use rubrics to do judge qualities such as eye contact, gestures, and appropriate words. Participants will also receive a guidebook in video recording of performances to use after the workshop in their Moodle course. ID 390 Presenter(s): Adrian Greeves and Helen Foster (from Moodle HQ) Title: 19th Feb 2月19日 16:00 to 17:30 Japanese (通訳付き) and English intermediate/advanced workshop part 3 Presentation type: ワークショップ 90分 Workshop 90 mins (Workshop) Abstract このワークショップで、ムードル本部からAdrianとHelenは様々な2.6のムードル活動や新しい機能を紹介します。参加者はそれらを実際に利用してもらいます。In this workshop, Adrian and Helen will showcase various activity examples, including new features in Moodle 2.6, and give participants the opportunity to try them out. ID 390 Presenter(s): As above Title: 19th Feb 2月19日 16:00 to 17:30 English intermediate/advanced workshop part 3 Presentation type: ワークショップ 90分 Workshop 90 mins (Workshop) ID 318 Presenter(s): Kuzuhiko Yuzawa (calinto LLC. ) Title: moodleリポジトリ大量ドキュメントの効率的管理 Presentation type: 商用プレゼンテーション 40分 Commercial presentation 40 mins (Sponsors) Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle Abstract moodle はバージョン2以降 moodledata がリポジトリ対応となり先進的なドキュメント管理が出来るようになったが、このために、ベースのシステム構成やハードウエアー構成の面で新たな課題が見えて来ている。今回はこの課題に対する回答のひとつとして、moodleリポジトリにオブジェクトストレージを利用する方法とそのメリットについて説明する。また、プロトタイプ実装のデモンストレーションを行うとともに、追加検証のためにレポジトリプラグインの開発方法も説明する。 ID 331 Presenter(s): Shigeharu Yamaoka (TechnoWalker Inc) Title: Moodle情報サイトと無償管理ツールの紹介 Presentation type: 商用プレゼンテーション 40分 Commercial presentation 40 mins (Sponsors) Topics: インストールと管理 - Installation and Administration, 学校以外の場所でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in non-traditional settings, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract 弊社ではMoodle普及のお手伝いとしてMoodle情報サイト(http://www.twalker.co.jp/moodle/)を公開しています。 ID 342 Presenter(s): Takayuki Fuwa (VERSION2 Inc.) Title: Moodle単体で実現するポートフォリオ プラグイン(mamiline)の開発 Presentation type: 商用プレゼンテーション 40分 Commercial presentation 40 mins (Sponsors) Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract Moodle+MaharaによるMoodleのポートフォリオ力の強化をする動きが多い。しかしながら連携にあたってはMoodleとMahara双方に対してシステムに関して一定上の知識が必要であるため敷居が高い。 ID 349 Presenter(s): Osamu Ikehara, Teiko Suzuki, Shunsuke-Ogata (Joes.co.jp) Title: Who manages your Moodle server? - Simply focus on your own teaching - Presentation type: 商用プレゼンテーション 40分 Commercial presentation 40 mins (Sponsors) Topics: インストールと管理 - Installation and Administration Abstract It is said that a lot of people are not capable of using Moodle 2.5 although they wish to do so. Because the version for PHP has to be 5.3 or above, it is necessary for school teachers to install PHP at educational institution and it could be too much trouble. The issue in this talk is who should manages your moodle server. Of course, you need to take care of your Moodle site. The main difficulty is that Moodle constantly updates often and you need to update LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) environments. Can you focus on your own teaching? Joe's has started providing servers for a year in which Moodle is already preinstalled and set for free. I would be teaching you how to use the Joe's server and show you a quick demo of it. During the second half of the talk, I would be teaching you how to install Moodle from the beginning. We have started English support call which operates 24/7 as well as email support. In addition, we have started providing services for Moodle from January 2014 for people all around the world. Please feel free to ask any questions. ID 358 Presenter(s): David White (Cengage Learning) Title: Relax - we've done it for you! Presentation type: 商用プレゼンテーション 40分 Commercial presentation 40 mins (Sponsors) Topics: 学校以外の場所でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in non-traditional settings Abstract As a CMS/LMS, Moodle has a proven track record for being flexible, time-saving and efficient for monitoring students' progress. Creating content for Moodle that complements and expands core texts, however, can be an extensive workload for which teachers may not have time or patience. As many of us know, spending hours making quizzes cuts into an already overstretched schedule. What if such content was already created and available for use in your classes so you didn’t have to spend hours creating Moodle quizzes for your course books? The presenter will introduce complimentary Moodle materials that Cengage Learning has developed for use with published texts that can be accessed across different platforms including tablets and smartphones. By examining the process involved in creating this content, the presenter will show how pedagogically sound print materials can been adapted to provide easy to access Moodle content that has been adopted by a number of institutions across Japan for their core English language programs. ID 347 Presenter(s): Tasuku Nakamura (Version2) Title: Lessons Learned from Creating My First Moodle Plugin Presentation type: 商用ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Commercial Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Sponsors) Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development Abstract In this presentation, I will lead the audience through the process of creating a Moodle plugin. ID 350 Presenter(s): Thom Rawson Title: Moodle Genius Bar Volunteer Presentation type: 達人コーナー Genius Bar (Workshop) Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development Abstract As a Moodle User, Administrator, and former Software Engineer/System Administrator, I hope to provide Moot participants with a resource for getting your Moodle challenges addressed. I will help users and administrators of all levels. Some of the areas I have experience and confidence in are: Moodle Administration, System Administration, Courseware Development, Moodle Customization, Moodle Hosting. Moodle Configuration, Troubleshooting, Migration from 1.9 to 2.x ID 401 Presenter(s): 湯澤一比古 (かりんと合同会社) Title: 学際・産学の情報連携と moodle Presentation type: ライトニングトーク Topics: インストールと管理 - Installation and Administration, Moodleの開発 - Moodle development Abstract moodle のバージョンが 1.x から 2.x にあがるときに、リポジトリが導入されました。これは、教材の作り方が今後大きく変わってゆくことを示唆しています。 教室と研究室をつなぐひとつの提案が、リポジトリなのです。moodle 1.x では、データ領域は教材をmoodle で使うためにアップロードする場所でしたが、2.x のリポジトリは普段の研究成果を記録するための場所、論文やレポートを保存する場所、 資料を収集しておく場所にあたるのです。これはより多くの研究者を繋ぐ情報交換の場としても活用できる可能性を含んでいます。レポジトリは学部、学科を越えて、学校の枠を超えてより広い情報の保管庫となりえるのです。そして、情報共有の場所としてより多くの機関の情報連携に活用することが可能です。 このときには、レポジトリに入れられる情報の量は爆発的に大きくなってゆくはずで、大容量のレポジトリ管理用に設計された CAS専用OSの“CAStor” の真価が発揮されます。※ CASとは、Content Aware Storage の頭文字で、更新頻度があまり高くなく、長期の保存が必要な情報を大量に安全に保存するのに特化したストレージのことです。 ID 373 Presenter(s): Christian Thompson (International School of the Sacred Heart Tokyo, University of the People) Title: Genius Bar Volunteer Presentation type: 達人コーナー Genius Bar (Workshop) Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle Abstract Gradebook, Permissions, Installation, Administration, Etc., Tweaking ID 375 Presenter(s): Helen Foster (Moodle HQ) Title: Genius bar Presentation type: 達人コーナー Genius Bar (Workshop) Keywords: Roles, Permissions, Moodle 2.5, Moodle 2.6 Abstract Moodle Roles and Permissions, new features in Moodle 2.5 and 2.6 ID 392 Presenter(s): TBA Title: Other Geniuses Presentation type: 達人コーナー Genius Bar (Workshop) ID 347 Presenter(s): Tasuku Nakamura (Version2) Title: Lessons Learned from Creating My First Moodle Plugin Presentation type: 商用ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Commercial Lightening Talk 5 to 10 mins (Sponsors) Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development Abstract In this presentation, I will lead the audience through the process of creating a Moodle plugin. |