2015年1月25日 22時00分現在の発表の一覧

MoodleMoot Presentations as of 2015 1 25, 10:00 p.m.


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Presenter: Shoji Kajita, Ph. D (IT Planning Office, Institute for Information Management and Communication, Kyoto University)

Title: The History and the Development of LMS

Presentation type: KEYNOTE


Learning Management System (LMS), which is also referred to as ‘Course Management System’ (CMS) from a teaching viewpoint, had rapidly gained popularity since around 1998, and has become commoditized in higher educational institutions (especially in north American institutions). Although Japanese higher educational institutions are almost ten years behind, the LMS/CMS has also penetrated into the Japanese teaching and learning environment, and we have seen an increasing number of use cases unbounded to PC terminal rooms such as MOOC and Flipped Classroom, due to the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy. As the result, it is becoming more important to integrate learning spaces in the cyber world and those in the physical world. This talk addresses the current status and challenges of new teaching and learning environment in the commoditized LMS/CMS.


Presenter: Marina Glancy (Development Process Manager, Moodle Head Quarters)

Title: What Does 'Open-source' and 'Community-driven' Mean for Moodle Development?

Presentation type: KEYNOTE

Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: contributing, development


When you start working with Moodle and explore it’s potential you might not even realise how many people were involved in the preparation of the final product. Thousands of users around the world participate not only in development but also in suggesting features, providing support, testing, translations and writing documentation for Moodle. In my presentation I will show many different ways of how Moodle users can actively participate in the product and how Moodle HQ organises these processes. Being open source makes code contributions much easier. By allowing everybody to take part in the code development, Moodle can satisfy the requirements of a broad user base and provide a wider set of features compared to boxed distributions developed by one team. This diversity of code can bring some disadvantages however, which I will also mention. I will cover what being open source means for security and how Moodle addresses it.


Presenter: Martin Dougiamas - REMOTE PRESENTATION (founder and lead developer of Moodle)

Title: Feedback

Presentation type: KEYNOTE


Feedback is one of the universal laws of education. I will be discussing how it works and how you can use it to design your education program.


Presenter: 篭谷 隆弘 Kagoya Takahiro (仁愛大学)

Title: はじめてのMoodle

Presentation type: 初心者向け日本語ワークショップ 1




Presenter: 藤田 豊 Yutaka Fujita (横浜市消防局)

Title: 一度覚えたらクセになる! データベースモジュール基本編 〜テンプレートBASICS〜

Presentation type: 初心者向け日本語ワークショップ 2



1. 活動の追加方法を理解する
2. フィールドとテンプレートの違いを理解する
3. きっちりキレイな表を作成する
4. テンプレートのタグを活用する
5. 便利なプリセット機能で持ち帰る


LEVEL1 科目一覧表
LEVEL2 教材レンタルサイト
LEVEL3 進捗管理表
LEVEL4 家計簿
LEVEL5 トーナメント予想表




Presenter: 藤田 豊 Yutaka Fujita (横浜市消防局)

Title: 一度覚えたらクセになる! データベースモジュール応用編 〜テンプレートMANIAX〜

Presentation type: 初心者向け日本語ワークショップ 3



1. フィールドとテンプレートの違いを理解する
2. きっちりキレイな表を作成する
3. タグを活用して動的なデザインを実現する
4. 表の中で自動計算する機能を追加する
5. 便利なプリセット機能で持ち帰る


LEVEL1 科目一覧表
LEVEL2 教材レンタルサイト
LEVEL3 進捗管理表
LEVEL4 家計簿
LEVEL5 トーナメント予想表




Presenter: 淺田 義和 Asada Yosikazu (自治医科大学 医学部 メディカルシミュレーションセンター)

Title: ロール・パーミッションの理解を深めよう!

Presentation type: 中級・上級者向け日本語ワークショップ 1




Presenters: 長岡 千香子 Nagaoka Chikako (熊本大学), 平岡 斉士 (熊本大学), 喜多 敏博 (熊本大学)

Title: Moodleとポートフォリオ・SNSとの連携のコツ ‐翻訳カスタマイズとプラグイン

Presentation type: 中級・上級者向け日本語ワークショップ 2




Presenter: 宇田川暢 Udagawa Mitsuru (山口県立大学 情報化推進室)

Title: 数学 e ラーニングを体験しよう

Presentation type: 中級・上級者向け日本語ワークショップ3


Moodleを利用したことがある数学教員、および数学教育に興味のあるMoodle管理者を対象に、数学 e ラーニングの構築方法や固有機能を体験して頂きます。以下の様な内容でのハンズオン形式のワークショップを予定しています。テーマ毎にそれぞれ説明と、事前に用意された環境(Moodle Ver.2.6以上)での実習となります。
1. 数学eラーニングのWebページ上で使用するTeXによる数式表現。
2. STACKを用いた数学eラーニングのオンライン小テストの作成。
3. 高度な数学コンテンツの作成。


Presenter: Eric Hagley (Muroran Institute of Technology)

Presentation type: English Beginner workshop 1


This is a workshop for the Moodle novice. People who have little or no idea about how to use Moodle will be given a chance to learn. Participants will be able to learn the basics of Moodle by working hands on in a real example of an online course. Moodle is an interactive website useful for most learning environments. It is an open source (free) learning management system that can be a one-stop location for giving online quizzes, handling email announcements to students, providing handouts for download, and publishing protected student blogs, chatrooms, forums, wikis, or glossaries. This workshop will give an overview of what Moodle is and showcase quickly some of its features. It will then train teachers to be able to create content using Moodle. Teachers will make their own courses in a Moodle site. Even teachers who have never used computers for teaching may find it useful to see how discussion forums, blogs, chatrooms, surveys, online quizzes and other interactive activities can make livelier learning programs and streamline management of assignments, grades, and materials. In particular, the most common features of Moodle: forums, quizzes and resources will be created. Participants will also be able to request specific feature explanations too. This workshop will be followed by another one where your skills as Moodle editors and creators are further honed.


Presenters: Bob Gettings (Hokusei Gakuen Junior College, Sapporo)

Presentation type: English Beginner workshop 2


In this workshop we will develop the skills you attained in the first one and add to them. Introduction of multimedia into Moodle, more detailed student and course management, and how to add resources and other activities will be covered here. For those that didn't attend the first workshop but have a basic understanding of Moodle, you are welcome to join this too.


Presenter: Peter Ruthven-Stuart (Future University Hakodate)

Title: Eleven Essential Technical, Administrative and Pedagogical Activities

Presentation type: English Intermediate /Advanced workshop 1


For this Workshop the presenter has prepared eleven topics from which attendees will be invited to choose. Each attendee will be given 'teacher access' to a course on 2.8 Moodle system (http://vle.c.fun.ac.jp/workshop/) both during and after the workshop. Each of the eleven topics covers a technical, administrative, or pedagogical activity, and each activity requires the use of various standard Moodle features (plugins, functions, activities and resources). In one or two cases, third-party plugins and non-moodle software packages will be discussed. The ten topics and related Moodle features are: Calculating grades (Functions & formulae, Gradebook); Collaborative course content creation (Backing up, Importing, Permissions-Roles-Contexts, Restoring); Collaborative learning (Assignment module, Forum module, Groups & Groupings, Workshop module); Differentiating instruction (Conditional activities, Groups & Groupings, Lesson module, Visible & Separate Groups); Interaction - Teacher-student and student-student (Blog system, Comments block, Forum module, Messaging system); Multimedia Embedding (Embed code, Multimedia plugins filter, Trusted content, PoodLL); Navigational tips and tricks (Auto linking, Blocks, Conditional activities, Course formats); New Features in 2.8 (Email to private files, Gradebook improvements, Forum enhancements, Analytics and Reporting, Cohorts); Quiz creation and management (Gift & XML importing, categories, statistics); Self and peer assessment (Assignment module, Forum module, Permissions-Roles-Contexts, Questionnaire & Feedback modules, Workshop module); Student created content (Database module, Forum module, Permissions-Roles-Contexts, Resources).


Presenter: Thom Rawson (Nagasaki International University)

Presentation type: English Intermediate /Advanced workshop 2


Student-driven workshop (will teach as asked) covering a range of administration tips and explanations for configuring and running Moodle. This workshop will contain information for helping solve administrator issues. Configuring and troubleshooting LTI from both the consumer perspective as well as provider perspective will be offered. Attendees should have a some advanced understanding of Moodle operations to obtain the best benefits of this workshop, however, all are encouraged to attend especially those wishing to embark on the challenge of managing a Moodle installation from the bottom up.


Presenter: Marina Glancy (Moodle HQ)

Presentation type: Japanese and English Workshop run by Marina Glancy




Presenters: Yuko S. Yoshimoto (Tezukayamagakuin University), Daisuke Yoshida (Osaka City University), Mami Umemoto (Tezukayamagakuin University), Kobayakawa Mai (Tezukayamagakuin University), Naoki Ueda (Locazing Inc.), Toyoko Okuda (Tezukayamagakuin University), Hideo Nakano (Tezukayamagakuin University), Kanako Katai (Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts)

Title: 栄養士の食品重量見積力育成のためのMoodleを活用した教育プログラム開発

Presentation type: ショーケース 最大90分 Showcase, up to 90 mins (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: 栄養士,食品重量,見積り学習,食品画像,大学生,eラーニング


栄養士による食事バランス診断が,デジタルカメラやカメラ付携帯電話で撮影された食事 画像を利用して行われ始めている.精度の高い診断を行うため,栄養士には食事画像から食材量を正確に見積るスキルが必要となる.そのような見積りスキル育成のため,Moodleを活用して教育プログラムを開発した.教育プログラムは,対象者の見積り意識の変容や見積り精度の向上を検討できる事前・事後調査項目,トレーニングコース(6コース,1コースあたり30食品から構成),および各コースの学習の振り返り項目より構成される.使用するディスプレイに応じて画像表示を実物大に補正できる機能を実装していること,実物大に表示された食品画像から見積り重量を入力し,正誤判定と正解重量が表 示されること,各コースの受験後に成績が表示され,学習の振り返りができるポートフォリオ機能があることが,本教育プログラムの特徴である.今後の改良のための基礎資料とするため,管理栄養士養成課程生にこの教育プログラムを試用してもらい,形成的評価を行った.


Presenters: Marina Glancy (Moodle Headquarters), Don Hinkelman (Moodle Association of Japan)

Title: Developer's Roundtable

Presentation type: ショーケース 最大90分 Showcase, up to 90 mins (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development
Keywords: plugins development, Moodle Headquarters


The developer’s Roundtable will be a opportunity for experienced developers in Japan to meet with the Development Process Manager of Moodle Headquarters, Ms. Marina Glancy. Each developer would present a short summary of their work and some of the successes and failures they encountered developing for Moodle. Ms. Clancy would then comment on each summary with her insight working from a global perspective. After this roundtable sharing, the moderator will lead a discussion on various questions concerning plugin development in Japan. Some of these questions could include:

- why do some modules last a long time and why do some disappear?

- what is important for long-term sustainable maintenance and improvement of plugins?

- what are problems of quality in development of modules?

- what is the best way (or alternate ways) to design a plugin?

- what are the worst mistakes that programmers make in the coding of plugins?

- what are effective ways of funding development?

- is MAJ's targeted development of the Additional Names Fields a model to try again for the future?


Presenter: Marina Glancy (Development Process Manager; Moodle Head Quarters)

Title: Extending Moodle with Plugins

Presentation type: ショーケース 最大90分 Showcase, up to 90 mins (Academic)

Topics: インストールと管理 - Installation and Administration, Moodleの開発 - Moodle development""Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: plugins


“M” in the word Moodle stands for “Modular”, to truly benefit from the product you should know how to customise it to suit your needs. I will start with explaining why using plugins is preferable over changing core code. I will show the list of plugin types used in Moodle and explain the most common ones including but not limited to themes, modules and blocks. I will also briefly cover sub-plugins and when they can be used. I will show how you can view the plugins used in the system and how to disable ones that you don’t need. Together we will install and setup several additional plugins from the plugins directory and use them on the website. I will show you where plugins are located on-disk, what files can be found inside these plugins and the structure of different plugin types. I will show what to look for when you need to duplicate a plugin. Together we will upgrade one of the plugins and I will explain what happens during this process


Presenter: Peter Ruthven-Stuart (Future University)

Title: Setting up a Moodle Server for experimentation or production

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: インストールと管理 - Installation and Administration, Moodleの開発 - Moodle development
Keywords: installation, Mac, MAMP, MySQL, PHP, server


In this presentation the audience will be shown how to set up a Moodle server. Although the focus will be on Macintosh servers, much of the information will be relevant to other OS users. No previous experience of setting up or running a server will be expected. This presentation will be useful for people wishing to install and run Moodle on their own computers for experimental and demonstration purposes, and for those planning to run a low-volume production server. Although the presenter is not a trained ICT technician, during the last eleven years he has administered numerous Moodles, and set up four production Moodle systems on Macintosh computers. Based on this experience he will guide the audience through the details of preparing a computer to run as a server, and then explain how to install, set up, maintain, and update Moodle via the Terminal and browser interfaces. This step-by-step explanation will include: hardware configuration, the installation of MySQL and PHP, downloading Moodle via GIT, the installation of other useful applications, and important Apache and PHP settings. Attendees will have the option of setting up their laptops as Moodle servers during the presentation, or doing so at a later date while following the instructions on the presenter's web site.


Presenter: Eric Hagley (Muroran Institute of Technology)

Title: Virtual Exchange: Benefits for Second Language Education

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle, 学生の観点 - Students' perspectives
Keywords: Virtual Exchange, intercultural communicative competence


The European Commission co-financed INTENT project defines Virtual Exchanges (VE) as “technology-enabled, sustained, people to people education programs. These entail the engagement of groups of students in online intercultural exchange, interaction and collaboration with peers from partner classes in geographically distant locations, under the guidance of educators.” VE is useful for bringing immediacy to the second language classroom. Students, particularly in regional universities, have few opportunities to interact with users of the language they study – VE introduces students to others in countries around the world. This presentation will outline how two different types of VE can produce similar results in student output while also increasing the amount of language input. The first type is single language VE where English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students from Colombia, Japan, Malaysia and Vietnam interact online in English as a lingua franca. The second is dual language VE where EFL students in Japan interact with Japanese as a Foreign Language students in the US and Australia. They use both Japanese and English in the exchanges. The exchanges were carried out over 8 weeks using Moodle's forums and wikis. Information on improvements in language learning outcomes and improved ICC will also be outlined.


Presenters: Nobuhiro Kumai (Gakushuin University), Paul Daniels (Kochi University of Technology)

Title: New Features in VoiceShadow and VideoBoard Modules for Self- and Peer-Evaluation of Speaking Skills

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: audio & video uploading, sharing online, evaluation


This presentation will introduce the latest versions of VoiceShadow and VideoBoard, two popular Moodle plugins designed to seamlessly upload and share audio and video. The audio and video postings can then be shared and evaluated within a Moodle course, encouraging interaction among students and instructors. The VoiceShadow plugin was developed for sharing audio content and allows students to easily record and upload speech directly from the browser. There is a ‘shadowing’ function, where students can listen to a model audio file and simultaneously record their own speech, with or without reading the text. The VideoBoard plugin was designed for uploading, sharing and evaluating video content recorded either on a mobile device, such as an iPad or Android tablet, or on a PC. The updated versions of both plugins include new functions such as feedback in the form of rubrics and better compatibility with mobile devices. The presenters will demonstrate how these plugins can be utilized in speaking and presentation-based courses.


Presenters: Kei Ito (Future University Hakodate), Yoh Shiraishi (Future University Hakodate), Mio Tsubakimoto (Future University Hakodate), Akio Ohnishi (VERSION2)

Title: 小テスト受験可視化モジュールとプログラミング演習データ分析

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings
Keywords: プログラミング教育, 学習データ分析, 教材改善




Presenter: Saburo Higuchi (Ryukoku University)

Title: Moodle Web Service を用いたバルク評定インポート

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: web service, REST, 外部システム連携


学生の外部システムでの学習が起きるたびに評定をMoodleが取得するプロトコルとしてLTIやOpaqueがある. 一方, 外部システムに蓄積された多数の学生の評定データをMoodleに一括インポートしたいという要求もある. 2.7で導入されたWeb service 関数 core_grades_xxx を利用すると, Moodleコードの修正なしに, 外部Webシステム側からこれを自動的に行うことが可能である. 実装例と教育での利用例を紹介する.


Presenters: Masumi Kameda (Tokyo University of Science, Yamaguchi), Mitsuru Udagawa (Yamaguchi Prefectural University)

Title: Moodle2 による数学基礎の e ラーニングの取り組み

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings
Keywords: 数学基礎教育, グラフ, TeX, STACK, Learning Analytics


Moodle2, TeX, STACK3を利用して大学初年次の数学基礎eラーニングを実践し,3度目の発表となる本講演では最新利用環境を紹介する。①グラフ生成ソフトウェアgnuplot (http://www.gnuplot.info/), graph.tk (http://graph.tk/), Desmos (https://www.desmos.com/), Geogebra (http://www.geogebra.org/) を活用したコンテンツ,②アクセスログ,活動成果物を用いて学習環境(時間,成績)を分析するLearning Analytics,③スキャンPDF作成ソフトウェアCamScanner (http://www.intsig.com/en/products/camscanner) を用いたピア評価,④数式入力支援ソフトウェアの活用と分析を紹介する。これらのソフトウェアはMoodle Ver. 2.6系列でリリースに応じて活用している。さらにMoodle 2.7から導入されたMathJax filter,次年度利用予定のMoodle2.8に関する情報も紹介する。


Presenters: Takashi Sawaguchi (Toyo University), Mari Yamauchi (Chiba University of Commerce)

Title: Moodle XMLフォーマットファイルを編集可能なウェブアプリケーションの開発と実践活用

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development
Keywords: moodle XML format, web application, quiz


Moodle問題バンクからエクスポートしたMoodle XMLフォーマットファイルを、1)読み込み、2)並び替え、3)結合(マージ)、4)編集、そして、5)書き出し・保存ができるウェブアプリケーション(名称:moodle XML manager; URL: http://www.mxmlm.com)を開発した。WindowsおよびMacintosh上のGoogle Chromeブラウザで動作し、Multichoice, Cloze, Truefalseの3種類の問題タイプに対応している。このアプリケーションを使うことで、Moodleのクイズエディターを使わずに、XML内の問題に修正を加えたり、画像を挿入する作業が極めて容易に行える。画像ファイルもBASE64形式でXMLファイルに埋め込まれるので、問題のバックアップや管理、別サーバへの問題の移行等にも活用できる。また発表者は、QuizletとMoodleを連携させるPoodLLのプラグイン(β版)で生成されたXMLの編集に、本ツールを利用している。発表時には、こうした利用例のいくつかをご紹介する。


Presenter: Peter Welch (University of Nottingham Ningbo China)

Title: An introduction to SELIO, a fully online Moodle course

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings
Keywords: online course, RLOs


The fully online remedial English course, Self Access Centre English Language Improvement Online (SELIO), has been under development by the Self Access Centre staff at UNNC. All work on Moodle and Reusable Learning Object (RLO) authoring for SELIO has fallen under my remit. Here four elements will be examined; design, interactivity, usability and outcomes. Design considerations and the capabilities of Moodle and integration of RLOs into Moodle have been at the forefront of the planning and development process for SELIO. Similarly, maximizing interactivity, especially through the use of Xerte RLOs and various Moodle activities and resources, ease of use, and focussing on student outcomes have been important considerations in the development of SELIO. The course begins with a comprehensive Pre-course Skills Survey which all students must complete before gaining access to any course content, and introductory videos and text consisting of a Welcome message, Introduction to the course, Course outline/guide, Course objectives and Course requirements and submission rules and instructions. SELIO content is mostly Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) authored on the University of Nottingham’s Xerte Online Toolkits, and Moodle assignments, assessments and forums, all organised into an eight week schedule.


Presenters: Hideto D. Harashima (Maebashi Institute of Technology), Akinobu Kanda (Tokyo Metropolitan University), Mari Yamauchi (Chiba University of Commerce), Thom W. Rawson (Nagasaki International University), Shin'ichi Sato (Nihon Fukushi University)

Title: Moodle LTIを利用した学校間恊働学習活動

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: LTI, collaboration, Mnet


LTIとはLearning Tools Interoperability (学習ツール相互運用性)のことで,LMS間で学習成果をやり取りすることができる仕組みである.ムードルではバージョン2.4からLTIプラグインが用意され,Moodle Networking(Mnet)の次世代を担うものとして期待されている.LTIとMnetの相違点としては,Mnetが接続先に完全に「移動して」しまうイメージなのに対して,LTIでは接続先の活動モジュールを自分のコースに「取り込んで」しまうイメージである.あたかも自分のコースの一つの活動としてリモートサーバにある活動を利用することができ,今後,教師同士の教材シェアリングに新たな可能性を生み出すものである.我々はLTIを用いて学校間で恊働学習プロジェクトを実践した.学生が自分のリサーチ結果についてPoodLLプラグインを利用したマルチメディア形式で共有データベース(ハブサーバ上)に発表し,それを他校の学生達が見聞きした後コメントし合い,ピア評価を行った.その評価結果がLTIを通じてローカルのコース成績表に自動的に反映される仕組みについてスライドを用いて解説する.


Presenter: Thomas Goetz (Hokusei Gakuen University)

Title: A look at 1st year English and moodle

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle, 学生の観点 - Students' perspectives
Keywords: moodle, program leadership, e-learning, curriculum design


Hokusei Gakuen University made a commitment to provide salient e-learning materials using moodle as an adjunct for their first year English core curriculum. The materials matched the textbooks and were weighted at 30% in the course grade aggregate. Cengage Publishing’s World Link series, Books 1, 2, and 3 were applied to a population of nearly 600 students, all non-English majors. All proprietorial online materials made were transferred from print and other media with Cengage’s knowledge and permission. The syllabus was complex in that students had to do online Preparation Exercises prior to classroom instruction and later Review Units upon chapter completion within a liberal, but set time frame. The purpose was to have the students "touch English" outside of class at least twice a week all throughout the spring and fall semesters. This presentation will be about the English teachers at Hokusei Gakuen University provided online support materials for 600 freshman via moodle. The results are encouraging. Anyone wishing to make a similar change and commitment to an e-learning adjust should attend this presentation.


Presenters: Kenneth Scott Huntley (Miller College, SWSi TAFE)

Title: Moodle and the Internet of Things

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle
Keywords: IoT


Is the Internet of Things the next big thing? How do we as educators leverage this? Can Moodle interact with IoT devices, and how? The Internet of Things is showing us that the Internet can be more than the computer. Devices, sensors, appliances, toys, even clothing can connect to the Internet. Our smart devices talk to us, and we talk back. Does this have any application to our teaching methods? I will present some ideas for using Moodle with the Internet of Things, including a demonstration of connecting an IoT device to respond Moodle events. I will show how an event in Moodle, such as a message in the forum, will trigger an action on the IoT device, in this case a series of lights on a wearable. The presentation will start with a practical demonstration of how to make these devices communicate with each other, but will lead to a broader discussion of potential ways to leverage IoT in eLearning. The point is not that you can have something like a shirt that lights up when you get a message in Moodle – something cool but useless – but the bigger picture; the Internet (and eLearning) will move beyond the browser.


Presenter: David Jon Campbell (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine)

Title: Understanding the MoodleReader Quiz Delay & Level Restrictions

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: MoodleReader, quiz delay, level restrictions, settings


The Moodle Reader plugin is becoming popular with English extensive reading programs, but new users or even some experienced ones may not always be aware of what the quiz delay and level restriction settings do and how they may impact students or instructors. If you decide to use these settings it is necessary to know what options are available and how to set them. Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine’s use of MoodleReader has evolved over the past five years and these settings are now important parts of our extensive reading program. The presenter will explain the beginnings of the program and the problems that were encountered. He will also show the settings that are used and explain how they were arrived at. There will be time in the presentation for people to share their experiences and feelings about using these features. The presenter hopes to also get ideas on how these settings can be improved and made more powerful in the future.


Presenter: Elton LaClare (Sojo University)

Title: Adapting Classroom Tasks for Moodle

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings
Keywords: information gaps, picture dictations, wall readings


Although teachers are often intrigued by the possibilities offered by the Moodle Learning Management System, most would admit they find it difficult to imagine that the system's existing suite of tools is capable of replacing traditional pencil and paper classroom activities. While it is true that Moodle does not come equipped with modules for information gaps, picture dictations or wall reading tasks, all of these can be accomplished using existing Moodle features adaptively. In addition to obvious benefits, such as the ability to incorporate multimedia, adapting tasks for Moodle opens up a variety of monitoring and assessment options for teachers. Using carefully selected and pedagogically sound task types, the presenter will guide participants through the process of adapting classroom activities for use in Moodle. Tips for enhancing the visual appeal of activities will also be discussed along with guidance concerning the best ways to improve accessibility across a range of devices.


Presenters: Michiko Nakamura (Future University Hakodate), Andy Johnson (Future University Hakodate), Adam Smith (Future University Hakodate)

Title: English Foundations: A Supplemental Moodle Course for outside the class

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings
Keywords: e-learning, English language, supplemental course


This presentation describes a supplemental e-learning Moodle course for lower-level Japanese EFL students called “English Foundations.” While not a credit-bearing course, it is designed to assist students reach an English proficiency required by their English-taught courses. Beginning in 2012, six out of fifteen intended stages have been completed. Each stage consists of approximately ten “learning quizzes” that give students varying degrees of autonomy. Each learning quiz has two parts: 1) a short video clip created by the authors to present the content, and 2) a set of questions aimed at helping students develop and confirm their understanding. The audience will learn how we created the quiz questions offline, and then utilized Moodle’s quiz import tool, question bank and quiz settings to make the quizzes. In addition, we’ll show how we used Moodle’s multi-lang feature, CSS and JavaScript with Moodle’s theming system to make the questions more attractive and accommodating to a wider range of student levels. We’ll also cover how we used non-Moodle tools to help create quiz and video content.


Presenters: Andrew Johnson (Future University Hakodate), Adam Smith (Future University Hakodate), Michiko Nakamura (Future University Hakodate)

Title: Theming in Moodle 2.7

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: インストールと管理 - Installation and Administration
Keywords: theming, Moodle 2.7


Moodle’s theming system significantly changed with the introduction of version 2.7. For example, while Moodle 2.6 came with over a dozen themes, Moodle 2.7 comes with only two themes: Clean and More. This presentation will introduce the new system and its two core themes, and explain why Moodle made these changes. Starting with the basics, you will be shown how to restore your favorite themes from Moodle 2.6, modify the Moodle 2.7 core themes, and create new themes. This presentation will also provide a brief introduction to CSS and demonstrate how it can be used to enhance the look of your themes. While this presentation will be most beneficial to those who have access to their Moodle site files and are not afraid to tweak code, it aims to inform all Moodle users of the potential possibilities of theming. Handouts and web resources on theming and CSS will be provided.


Presenters: Yasuyuki Nakamura (Nagoya University), Takahiro Nakahara (Sangensha LLC.), Toshioki Soga (Chitose Institute of Science and Technology), Norihito Kawana (Sapporo International University)

Title: Moodleとデジタル教科書の連携を可能にするプラグインの開発

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle
Keywords: デジタル教科書, iBooks Author, 反転授業


携帯情報端末の普及とともにインタラクティブなデジタル教科書が注目されている。また,Apple社から提供されているiBooks Authorのような,ドラッグ・ドロップによる直感的な操作で,インタラクティブな要素を含んだデジタル教科書を教師自身が手軽に作成することができる環境も整いつつある。しかし,現在利用されている多くのデジタル教科書には,学習履歴の管理や習熟度の把握ができるような機能は備わっていない。そこで本研究では,iBooks Authorに用意されているデジタルブックの機能拡張を可能にするHTMLウィジェットと呼ばれる機能を用い,iPadやiPhone,Mac向けのデジタルブック規格であるiBooksからの,Moodleのシームレスな利用を実現した。さらに,Moodleからそのウィジェットを自動生成できるプラグインとデジタル教科書用のテーマを開発した。このようなデジタル教科書とMoodleとの連携により,教科書の背後に教師の存在を感じることができる,すなわち教師と学生による学習空間の共有を生み出すことのできる双方向性を重視した新しい学習環境の構築が可能であると考えている。


Presenters: Atsuhiro Kojima (Osaka Prefecture University), Shigeki Aoki (Osaka Prefecture University), Takao Miyamoto (Osaka Prefecture University)

Title: 大阪府立大学におけるMoodleのバージョンアップ

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings
Keywords: バージョンアップ, 事例報告, 2.x, 公式サービス


大阪府立大学では、大学公式の教育学習支援サービスとしてMoodleを運用している。平成25年度の利用規模はアクティブユーザ数4,700名、利用科目数680であり、国内においては比較的大規模の運用事例と考えられる。平成23年度の運用開始以来Moodle 1.9を運用していたが、公式サポートの終了に伴い、最新の2.x系へのバージョンアップを実施することとなった。バージョンアップに際しては、利用者視点でのサービスの継続性を最優先とし、一定期間1.9と並行運用してデータ整合性の確認、不具合の洗い出し等を行った後、平成26年9月に2.6へ完全移行した。バージョン間の仕様変更に対しては、言語パックにおける文言の修正で対応した部分(課題モジュール等)、コードを修正しカスタマイズを行った部分(アップロードファイルサイズの制限等)がある。また、学内システムとの連携等、独自開発を行った部分についても対応を行った。新たに導入された条件付き活動等の機能についても、順次運用を開始している。本報告では、これらバージョンアップの詳細について、大阪府立大学における事例として報告する。


Presenter: Adam Murray (Miyazaki International College)

Title: Setting up a Course with a Research Component

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: experimental study, navigation tweaks, non-programmer tinkering


The presenter will share how he set up a course to conduct an experimental study with three treatment groups. Because the students and teachers participating in the study were unfamiliar with Moodle, a number of techniques were implemented in an attempt to make the course as straight forward as possible. For example, built-in features such as availability restrictions and activity tracking were used to present the activities one-by-one so that the participants completed them in the correct order. In the second part, the presenter will show a number of third party plugins and filters that were used: Questionnaire 2.7.0, the PoodLL Filter (Once Player), and the Generico Filter. In addition to the use of these plugins and filters, other adaptions because of the three treatment groups needed to be made such as multiple versions of many of the questions and descriptions in the Question Bank. In the final part, the presenter will describe some of the mishaps in the process of setting up the course and the actual implementation of the study. It is hoped that this presentation may provide some inspiration and practical advice from a non-programmer's perspective for those who are considering conducting an experimental study with Moodle.


Presenters: Adam Smith (Future University), Andy Johnson (Future University), Michiko Nakamura (Future University)

Title: A Moodle-based pre-enrolment English course for AO and Suisen students

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle, 学生の観点 - Students' perspectives
Keywords: e-learning, English, pre-enrolment, university


Students who successfully take either an Admissions Office (AO) or Suisen entrance examination wait up to four months before attending their first university classes. Those who choose not to study in the interim often face a difficult transition to university life. The presenters will describe a fully online course which was created primarily to give approximately 100 such students an opportunity to maintain their English language skills during this period. With English as the main medium of communication, students were encouraged to participate in activities and forum discussions that were designed to help them connect with future classmates, expose them to new approaches to learning and get to know various aspects of the university. In addition, it was intended that students become competent at using Moodle, on which this and many other courses at the university are based, and improve their general computer skills. Students currently enrolled at the university were employed to create content for the course and assist in moderating the forums. The presenters will describe issues that arose during the course, show examples of how students engaged with the material, and describe student impressions of the course's effectiveness.


Presenter: John Tennant (Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University) Eric Hagley (Muroran Institute of Technology)

Title: The Moodle Reader Quiz Quality Assurance Project

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: extensive reading, quizzes, quality assurance, Moodle Reader module


The Reader activity module is a plug-in for Moodle that simplifies the management and assessment of an extensive reading (ER) program. It currently provides quizzes for over 4000 graded readers, levelled readers, and other books commonly used in ER programs. These quizzes facilitate the ER assessment of over 25,000 students worldwide. Extensive reading advocates recognize the importance in language learning of reading large volumes of easy to understand, interesting text. In its purest form, ER emphasizes the intrinsic value of reading and discourages post-reading activities such as testing. However, most ER takes place at educational institutions which typically require some form of student assessment. These two, essentially contradictory, ideas must be balanced by the Reader module and its quizzes. The Quiz Quality Assurance Project was initiated in 2012 to ensure that the quizzes meet a minimum standard. Since then, a team of volunteers from Japan and the rest of the world have worked to check and improve quizzes. In this presentation, we give background on the project, define what makes a good quiz, give examples of how quiz questions are being improved, and summarize both the problems encountered and the progress made by the team.


Presenters: Kotaro Matsushita (Tokyo Univ. of Info. Sci.), Hiroshi Yasuoka (Tokyo Univ. of Info. Sci.), Fumikazu Iseki (Tokyo Univ. of Info. Sci.)

Title: Moodle用自動出欠プラグインについて

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development
Keywords: 自動出欠, 出欠管理, プラグイン開発


今回我々はMoodle上で動作する自動出欠プラグイン(autoattendブロック/モジュール)の作成とその評価を行ったので,その報告を行う.autoattend ブロック/モジュールは,2008年に試作を開始し,その後改良と機能追加を行って来たもので,従来のMoodleの出欠プラグイン(Attendanceプラグイン)と比べてネットワーク上で学生の出欠を自動的に取得したり,学生が教員から指定されたキーワードを入力することにより出欠を取ることができるなどの特徴を持つ.また拡張モジュールを使用することにより,担任教員が担当する学生に対して,学生単位でコースを跨いで(教師として登録されていないコースであって)出欠の確認を行うことも可能となる.現在では十数名のクラスから200名を超えるクラスまで問題なくネットワーク上で出欠が取れることを確認している.また,今回は幾つかの授業でアンケートを実施し,学生に対しての有用性も確認した.


Presenter: Gordon Bateson (Kanazawa Gakuin University)

Title: Digital Badges, English-Villages and Moodle

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: 学校以外の場所でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in non-traditional settings, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: Moodle, digital badge, open badge, English-village


This presentation will outline a research project into the use of the digital badge functionality within Moodle to support English-village experiential language learning. An English-village is an English-speaking community composed mainly of non-native English speakers who wish to improve their English communicative competence. The community is situated around a geographical location in the real world, such as a university campus. Some institutions, such as Kinki University and Osaka Jogakuin University, have implemented versions of the English-village concept, but generally these have been done without online support, and none so far has incorporated Mozilla’s recently developed implementation of digital badges, known as ""open-badges"" (http://openbadges.org/), for recognizing and recording learning achievements. The presentation will first look at examples of the use of digital badges in education, and then describe some examples of English-villages. After briefly examining Moodle’s badge functionality, the presenter will then illustrate how an online support system for an English-village might look and behave and present a timetable for the research.


Presenters: Hiroshi Ueda (Kyoto University), Motonori Nakamura (National Institute of Informatics), Tomoya Jin (National Institute of Technology)

Title: 学認連携Moodleによる情報倫理教育コースの運用

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: インストールと管理 - Installation and Administration, Moodleの開発 - Moodle development, 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings
Keywords: 情報倫理教育, Shibboleth, 留学生教育, システム負荷対策


著者らは、大学における情報倫理教育の3つの問題sad1)標準化と可視化に対する意識が希薄(2)留学生への教育が困難(3)持続可能性が低いことに対処し,大学における情報倫理教育を充実させるためのeラーニングコンテンツ「倫倫姫」を開発してきた.「倫倫姫」は(1)「高等教育機関の情報セキュリティ対策のためのサンプル規程集」準拠による標準化とMoodleのレポートによる可視化(2)英中韓国語版の開発(3)継続的な改訂を行ったことが特徴である. コンテンツは危険度チェックと呼ばれるクイズと身近な事例紹介からはじまり、基礎知識の習得のための動画、復習テストと続き理解を深めていく.学認参加機関は,学認連携Moodle(https://security-learning.nii.ac.jp/)で,「倫倫姫」を無償利用できる.Moodle を採用した理由は,Shibboleth認証への対応と多言語化の充実である.学認連携Moodleは運用開始から2年が経過し,2014年10月31日現在93機関,18,695 名に利用されている.本発表では,「倫倫姫」開発・運用を総括するとともに、京都大学、全国の国立高専が利用する学認連携 Moodle の構築・運用,これらから得た知見を報告する.


Presenters: Masaaki Niimura (Shinshu University), Osamu Hasegawa (Shinshu University), Kyoko Nagaoka (Shinshu University), Miyoko Ishida (Shinshu University)

Title: 複数のMoodleの効率的な構築・運用手法

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: インストールと管理 - Installation and Administration, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: 構築,運用




Presenter: Adam Jenkins (Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology)

Title: Benefits of institutional integration of Moodle

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle
Keywords: adoption, collaboration, pedagogy


Educational improvements can be brought about using a Learning Management System (LMS) to create a blended learning environment. However, many schools and universities fail to provide institutional support for teachers who wish to initiate blended learning. This can result in an LMS being used by only a single teacher or small number of teachers within an institution. Students may then also be required to master several e-learning systems for each of their courses. Conversely, when an institution, rather than an individual adopts and integrates an LMS such as Moodle, there are several cascading effects that enhance the benefits for both teachers and students. With only one integrated system to navigate, students can focus on the study content instead of learning how to use multiple e-learning platforms. Moreover, collaboration between teachers for material development and content sharing becomes easier. In this presentation, I will report on the changes in teacher and student attitudes towards e-learning, as well as improvements made to course content observed during the adoption of Moodle at the Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology. Also, I will discuss the increased engagement with content seen in students' study routines, examining data from both server logs and questionnaire results.


Presenter: Jason Hollowell (Musashi University)

Title: Moodle as a communication and content facilitation hub for extracurricular study programs

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: extracurricular, non-credit, program hub, open learning center


In this presentation, an example of how Moodle is being used in a university level non-credit extracurricular program will be presented. The program, an open learning center focused on development of foreign language proficiency, will be briefly introduced and the presenter will then discuss: a. The steps that were taken to introduce Moodle into the program. b. How it has become a central hub for communication and content delivery via the use of modules such as forums, front page news, and Face to face. c. Plans for further integration into the program. (e.g. implementation of online student portfolios) After introducing the university program and explaining how Moodle has been situated within it, the presenter will task the audience, in small groups, with: a. first sharing opinions and ideas about the usage examples provided and also discussing ideas or experiences with using Moodle in extracurricular or non-traditional settings b. and then secondly ask for each group to share the key points of their discussions with the entire group. The goal of this presentation will thus be to share information about a specific usage instance of Moodle in a non-credit extracurricular setting and to encourage participants to participate in collaborative discussion about personal experience or ideas for innovative Moodle use.


Presenters: Nobuo Umemura (Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences), Megumi Yamamoto (Nagoya University of Foreign Studies)

Title: 教師用テキストマイニング・プラグインの開発と評価

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: text mining, plugin, R language, data visualization, Japanese text




Presenters: Takaaki Okura (Osaka Ohtani University), Toshiko Koyama (Osaka Ohtani University)

Title: QRcodeとドキュメント・スキャナーを用いたターンアラウンド型入力システム

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings
Keywords: 手書きレポート,QRcode、ターンアラウンド,eポートフォリオ




Presenter: Manfred Roer (Goethe-Institute Osaka)

Title: Low cost Moodle-server

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: インストールと管理 - Installation and Administration
Keywords: Ubuntu Moodle-server


Introduction: This presentation gives a summary of 3 years’ experience with an Ubuntu-webserver for using Moodle at universities. This low cost server can handle up to 800 or students. The advantage is that it can work independent from already installed management systems. In this presentation I will cover three points: (1) Necessary hardware for a cost between 50 and 100,000 Yen ($500-1000$) and Information about the monthly running cost. (2) Installation of recent Ubuntu server 14.04 LTS. I will only mention briefly the setting of the apache-server and the configuration of the mail-server. (3) Tips for administrator: In case of a big quantity of users grouping can be very helpful not to lose the overview. I show how I manage new registrations. My intention is to introduce a low cost solution for running a Moodle server as a teacher or at a university faculty. I hope that some teachers will be encouraged to try this out and enjoy a more creative and independent way of using Moodle. A site on my Moodle page “deutschlerneninkyoto.org” with the lecture material and further information will be opened at the presentation.


Presenters: Don Hinkelman (Sapporo Gakuin University), Adam Jenkins (Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology), Justin Hunt (PoodLL.com)

Title: Continuous Re-versioning of Open Courseware and Authoring Communities

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, Moodleの開発 - Moodle development, 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: open courseware, OER, hub


The MAJ Community Hub is a free, open courseware sharing site that is a service provided to MAJ members and also a service to the Moodle community as a whole. It is a contribution-required community so that other than an initial free download, participants need to contribute materials or time to continue using the service. This presentation demonstrates the three new features of the Hub completed in 2014. 1. Versioning System. This allows continual improvements to courseware be made and saved in the master download course file. In some cases, members can simply drag a new resource onto a course to make a contribution. 2. Authoring Community This function promotes a group courseware development effort through a forum and a system of permissions on each course. The forum is where active course users can discuss course content and collaborate on new and modified activities and resources for the course. 3. Community Email Notifications. This function gives periodic emails to site members to announce: 1) new versions of courseware, 2) newly added courseware, 3) status of contribution points, 4) other community hub information.


Presenters: Mari Yamauchi (Chiba University of Commerce), Mizuho Jones (University of Nottingham Ningbo, China)

Title: Intercultural exchange project via Moodle with external communication tools

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: external tools, student engagement, mobile


This presentation will describe the third implementation of our intercultural telecollaborative exchange project conducted over nine weeks in 2014 between two groups of students with different learning needs and goals. In this exchange project, as in the previous implementation in 2013, a variety of tasks using both synchronous and asynchronous interactions were structured according to Salmon’s 5-stage model of online teaching/learning in order to promote student participation in intercultural interactions and to help them develop intercultural awareness. Moodle was used as the platform for this project, as with the previous two implementations, but in the latest implementation tools outside Moodle were used more frequently, especially for synchronous (and asynchronous) interactions (Skype, WeChat, and Padlet), which was a major difference from the previous implementations. The focus of this presentation will be to discuss the use of these external tools in terms of promoting active interactions and mobile-friendliness, compared to Moodle modules that could be used for similar purposes. As to Japanese participants, they were different from the previous participants in their previous intercultural experience, which will also be briefly mentioned to discuss what differences this has made in their engagement in intercultural interaction.


Presenter: 山岡 茂治 (株式会社テクノウォーカー Techno Walker Inc)

Title: 開発初心者のためのプラグインの開発と利用 Development of Moodle plug-ins for development beginners

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 90分 90 minute presentation (Sponsors and AM)


昨年のMoot 2014では、Moodle情報サイトの紹介と開発事例を紹介させて頂きました。今年のMoot 2015では、これまでのMoodle開発経験を元に、プラグインのカスタマイズ方法や簡単な作り方をご紹介させて頂きます。発表は2部構成とさせていただき、前半(40分程度)にて(1)Moodleプラグインの概要と仕組み(2)プログラムの書き方・PHPの基本(3)プラグインの作成方法を実施し、後半(40分程度)にて(4)テーマの作成およびカスタマイズ(5)ローカルプラグインの開発(6)プラグインの利用方法(過去の開発事例の紹介)をご紹介させて頂きます。皆様の組織にてテーマやプラグインのちょっとした手直し等に役立つ内容にしていく予定です。ワークショップ形式ではありませんが、資料やサンプルにてご理解いただけるように努めます。途中からの参加も大歓迎です。興味のある方は是非ご参加ください。


Presenters: 不破 崇行, 北川 周子 (株式会社エデュプレイ EduPlay.Co., Ltd)

Title: アナライザーを用いた可視化と小テスト作成ツール Visualization using an analyzer and small test making tool

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Sponsors and AM)


ここ数年でMoodleはバージョンアップを重ねながら、UIの改善や機能追加がなされてきた。例えば、「普段使用しない項目を非表示にする」など、工夫が見られている。しかしながら、集計結果の表示は「表」と「棒グラフ」のみであり、小テストなどの集計結果表示にはまだまだ改善の余地があると考えられる。また、発表者は数名の利用者と会話を繰り返しているが、「Moodleには視覚的に訴える場面が少ない」という意見を多数いただいている。 これらより、結果を見やすくする「可視化」は今後Moodleにおける重要な要素となり得ると考えられる。そこで今回は、教員向けの可視化ツール"小テストアナライザー"を公開・発表すると共に、Wordで小テストが作成出来るツールをご紹介する。


Presenter: 大西 昭夫 (株式会社VERSION2VERSION2 Inc)

Title: VERSION2事例紹介 Case study of VERSION2

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Sponsors and AM)




Presenters: アシストマイクロ株式会社 ASSISTMICRO Co., Ltd.

Title: Moodleユーザに向けたアシストマイクロの取り組み Why AssistMicro? for Moodle Users

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Sponsors and AM)


Blackboard、Turnitin/iThenticateを筆頭とした教育機関に向けた製品とサービスを提供しているアシストマイクロがMoodleユーザに、新たなソリューションを発表いたします。 AssistMicro Blackboard and Turnitin/iThenticate service provider to educational sector, will announce its marvelous new service for Moodle Users.


Presenters: 松崎 剛 (株式会社イーラーニング e-learning co., ltd)

Title: Moodleの公式サービス ~Moodleパートナーとは~ Moodle official service -What is the Moodle partner ? -

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Sponsors and AM)


Moodleパートナーとは、Moodle本部(Perth, West Australia)から正式なサポートを受け、Moodleのサービスを公式に提供する会社です。 このプレゼンでは、Moodleの公式サービスとMoodleパートナーである株式会社イーラーニングの取組みをご紹介いたします。 -Moodle構築サービス -Moodleホスティング -Moodleサポート -Moodleコンサル -Moodleカスタマイズ -Moodleテーマ開発 -その他Moodleなら何でも


Presenter: 鈴木禎子 (株式会社Joe'sクラウドコンピューティング Joe's Cloud Computing)

Title: データサイエンティスト養成講座のSCORM教材の開発 Scorm for Data Scientist Training Course

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Sponsors and AM)


近年のビックデータ活用にともない、データサイエンティストの需要は日に日に高まっている。ただ、人材養成のための方法が確立せしておらず、模索しているというのが現状である。Joe'sでは、これまで社内の一般的な知識をもつための研修でMoodleを活用してきた。ただ、最近はセミナーや書籍でデータサイエンスに関しての教育も手掛けている。今回、そうした背景から、Adobe Presentorで、Scorm形式の教材を作成してみた。Moodle利用は、語学教育でのが多いが、理数系では数式の入力が足かせとなって、活用はまだこれからといったところである。ただ、この教材では、R言語と統計学とデータ獲得に関して学習し、課題をファイル形式で提出するので、そうした制約はなく、予期した通りの成果があげられている。


Presenter: David White (センゲージ ラーニング Cengage Learning)

Title: Relax - we've done it for you!

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Sponsors and AM)


As a CMS/LMS, Moodle has a proven track record for being flexible, time-saving and efficient for monitoring students' progress. Creating content for Moodle that complements and expands core texts, however, can be an extensive workload for which teachers may not have time or patience. As many of us know, spending hours making quizzes cuts into an already overstretched schedule. What if such content was already created and available for use in your classes so you didn’t have to spend hours creating Moodle quizzes for your course books? The presenter will introduce complimentary Moodle materials that Cengage Learning has developed for use with published texts that can be accessed across different platforms including tablets and smartphones. By examining the process involved in creating this content, the presenter will show how pedagogically sound print materials can been adapted to provide easy to access Moodle content that has been adopted by a number of institutions across Japan for their core English language programs.


Presenter: Justin Hunt (プードル PoodLL)

Title: Getting a Moodle Plugin Developed

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Sponsors and AM)


Getting a custom Moodle plugin made, is a great way to contribute to Moodle, and to create new educational tools for your students and your research. But for non developers, commissioning the development of a plugin can involve a number of uncertainties. This presentation will cover the plugin development process, from concept, and costs, to delivery. It is not a programming tutorial.

The presenter is an independent developer with a large portfolio of Moodle plugins that he has developed. He will talk about the plugins he has developed over the last 12 months, and discuss the process that he goes through with his clients to finalize the plugin design, develop the plugin, and perform final testing and handover.

Some time at the end will be available for participants to ask questions related to the presentation content, or regarding plugins they are interested in getting made.


Presenter: 不破 崇行 (株式会社アットウェア atWare Inc)

Title: 情報技術で変わる世界の教育現場 The field of education can change with IT solution

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation (Sponsors and AM)


情報技術の進化により、大量の情報を取得・集計・再利用が可能になった。たとえば、Moodle2.7から導入されたログ機構(Logging2)ではFluentdというログ解析アプリケーションと連携してログ解析が可能になった。 これらはコンピュータのスペックが大幅に向上した他、更にはMicrosoft Azureのようなクラウドサービスの普及が起因している。 この数年でITの世界はどのように変化したのか、そしてこれらは教育現場にどのような変化をもたらしているのかを発表する。


Presenters: Don Hinkelman (Sapporo Gakuin University), Matt Cotter (Sapporo Gakuin University), Kate Sato (Sapporo Gakuin University)

Title: Video-assessment of Student Performances

Presentation type: プレゼンテーション 90分 90 minute presentation (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: Rubrics, assessment, performances, public speaking


Performances such as speeches, dramas, counseling sessions and medical procedures need detailed feedback and assessment. However, assessing performances one-by-one can consume full class periods with limited interaction. Recording these presentations on video requires further hours of teacher management. To solve these problems, the Video Assessment Module was developed as an online system to manage video recordings (by digital camera or iPad) of student project presentations. It is combined with the rubrics feature of Moodle to give teachers an easy-to-use interface to evaluate student performances on multiple scales with qualitative and quantitative criteria. Although rubrics have been used effectively in the Assignment Module, this new module adds self-reflection and peer assessment, the Video Assessment Module uses an online class website to reduce teacher time to a minimum. It combines self, peer, and teacher assessment and offers a mobile-ready tool to assess live performances as well. This presentation documents new features of the Video Assessment Module and how a teaching team applied the Video Assessment Module for a public speaking class for communication students in a Japanese university. This course is available as a free content download from the MAJ Hub and includes the code for the Video Assessment Module.


Presenter: Tetsuo Kimura (Niigata Seiryo University)

Title: Data coordination between Concerto and Moodle

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development, 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: 委員会業務, 議案整理、意見交換、議事録作成、スケジュール調整


オープンソースでCAT(Computer Adaptive Test)を実現する環境ConcertoとMoodleの間のデータ連携をはかるプラグインを開発したので紹介する。木村・大西(2014)のM-UCATのように、Moodle上でCATを実現するプラグインを開発すると、Moodleのバージョンアップの度に、追加モジュールを手直しする必要が生じてしまう。この問題を回避するため、CATの実施自体はMoodleと独立したConcertoで行い、ConcertoとMoodleの間のデータ連携を図ることで、CAT 実施記録も他の学習記録とともに、Moodleで管理できるようにした。


Presenter: Elton LaClare (Sojo University)

Title: Responsive Design in Moodle Courses

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: user interface, responsive design, tablet, smartphone


Until recently, teachers and content creators could assume that a standard PC would be the most common means of interacting with materials curated within Moodle. However, smartphones and tablets are quickly becoming the norm with considerable consequences for those who want to provide complete and satisfying access for users. This talk will outline how to ensure that images and tables display properly on devices of various screen sizes. Although the points raised may apply to any version of Moodle, they are especially relevant to those using older versions prior to the introduction of bootstrap themes.


Presenter: Eric Hagley (Muroran Institute of Technology)

Title: Use of Graded Readers in an ESP Setting-Benefits and Drawbacks

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle, 学生の観点 - Students' perspectives
Keywords: Extensive reading, MoodleReader


Extensive graded reading has been shown to have many benefits for second language learners. As with anything that is "extensive", often it is time consuming. How would extensive graded reading affect engineering students' other reading? What are the effects on their language learning? This talk will aim to answer some of these questions. The MoodleReader program was used to encourage engineering students to increase their English reading. A pre and post course survey was carried out to discover what changes occurred. The results of this will be presented.


Presenters: Yoichi Tanaka (Jin-ai Women's College), Kouichiro Hiratsuka (Jin-ai Women's College)

Title: MoodleとMaharaを連携した授業設計と学生支援

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle
Keywords: Mahara, Instructional Design, 教学IR




Presenter: Thomas Robb (Kyoto Sangyo University)

Title: Using the Scheduler Module for Skype Chat Appointments

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings
Keywords: scheduler appointments plug-in module


The contributed "scheduler" module was originally created for teachers to allow students to schedule individual or group appointments in a school setting. We have used this module as a means for students to select chat appointment times with any of our eight overseas chat partners. Students have four opportunities to chat per semester. We will also demonstrate several blocks that have been created to allow make-up sessions and to extract report data from the sessions for the teachers to view.


Presenters: Keiko Fukui (Miyagi University of Education),Taku Kawada (Miyagi University of Education)

Title: e-Learning授業時間内におけるサポート体制の試み

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: 授業運用,学習環境,サポート体制




Presenter: David Jon Campbell (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine)

Title: AutoAttendance plugin & Block

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: attendance, plugin, block


Taking attendance can be a time consuming part of a class and many universities have started using card readers, where students swipe their IDs, to speed up the process. Even when there are several devices in the room there are still long lines and there are students who forget their IDs or students who don’t attend, but have a friend swipe their it for them. For Moodle users there is the option of using the AutoAttendance plugin and Block to solve some of these problems. The settings for using AutoAttendace are pretty straight forward, but there are a few points that need to be considered. This talk will cover how to set up and use this Moodle add on and some potential problems a user might encounter.


Presenter: Yoshikazu Asada (Jichi Medical University)

Title: 学生および教師ロール体験を通じた学内FD講習の報告

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: FD, 大学




Presenters: Atushi Hata (University of Toyama), Hiroshi Kihara (University of Toyama), Sakiko Ueki (University of Toyama)

Title: Wordを利用したMoodle穴埋め問題一括変換ツールの開発

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: 小テスト,穴埋め問題,Word,一括変換,マルチメディア




Presenters: Eric H. Jego (Nihon University School of Medicine), Seiichi Udagawa (Nihon University School of Medicine)

Title: Moodle for Faculty Development at Nihon University

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: faculty development, Moodle training


This will be a presentation describing how we, at Nihon University School of Medicine have been using Moodle for Faculty Development activities. Being a medical school, we are trailing other institutions in terms of e-Learning. Nevertheless, we have been developing a way for faculty to learn about the different Moodle functions and get hands on experience. The presentation will outline some of these activities and show how we've taken an original approach to faculty development by focusing on current topics in medical education and e-Learning in medicine using Moodle.


Presenters: Megumi Yamamoto (Nagoya University of Foreign Studies), Nobuo Umemura (Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences)

Title: e-Learningコンテンツ制作を題材としたアクティブ・ラーニング

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle
Keywords: 協調学習,コンテンツ制作,小テスト,レッスン,データ分析


著者らは、自立性・協調性等の基礎力育成を目指し、学生が「教師・学生の一人二役を演ずる教育プログラム」を開発・実践してきた。個々の学生は、コースにおいて「教師」ロールを持ち、レッスン・小テストなどのコンテンツを制作する。その際、他学生は、「学生」ロールでコースに参加する。複数年度にまたがる実践を通じ、教師としての振る舞いが 「楽しさ・興味」などの意識向上につながる点を、形成的授業評価のテキストマイニングから確認した。しかしながら、制作したコンテンツの質保証・学習成果の指標明確化など課題も多い。


Presenters: Tomokazu Hayakawa (Meiji University), Chika Nishikado (Meiji University), Teruo Hikita (Meiji University)

Title: Moodleと連携するプログラミング学習環境の提案

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development
Keywords: プログラム教育, 学習環境, web application




Presenters: Naomi Nomoto (Jin-ai Women's College), Kouichirou Hiratsuka (Jin-ai Women's College)

Title: Moodleを用いた英語発音指導システム

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの開発 - Moodle development, 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle
Keywords: 英語発音指導, Praat, 音声解析




Presenters: Sakiko Ueki (University of Toyama), Hiroshi Kihara (University of Toyama), Atsushi Hata (University of Toyama)

Title: テスト問題のXMLファイルを可視化するビューアの開発

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: 小テスト, Moodle XML, 可視化, 問題再利用, 問題共有


Moodleの小テスト問題の再利用・共有などのためにエクスポートしたMoodle XMLファイルは,そのソースコードから元の問題をイメージすることが困難である.そこで,このXMLファイルからMoodle上の問題とほぼ同イメージに再現するビューア(HTML変換)ツールを開発した.これにより,Moodleが利用できない環境であっても,問題イメージを確認することができる.また,我々がこれまでに開発した問題一括変換ツールと共に利用すれば,問題表示確認のためだけのMoodleへのインポート作業は不要になり,問題完成までの作業量を大幅に低減できる.


Presenter: Don Hinkelman (Sapporo Gakuin University)

Title: Best Open Courseware of Japan

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Academic)

Topics: 学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings, 教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle, Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keywords: open courseware, OER, hub


Have you seen the best eight open courses from the past two years? These courses are available for free download from the Moodle Association of Japan Hub (hub.moodlejapan.org). This lightning talk will show what each can do and why they were chosen as the best courses of the year. All courses are adapted for Japanese universities and organizations. In addition, a simple guidebook will be distributed to explain how to contribute open courseware to the Hub and how participants can win an award at the Best Open Courseware Awards. Selection criteria will be explained for the 2015 awards competition.


Presenters: アシストマイクロ株式会社 ASSISTMICRO Co., Ltd.

Title: 貴学の価値を高めるTurnitinとMoodleの連携 If your school offers Turnitin, it's absolutely priceless

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Sponsors and AM)


論文、レポートのオリジナリティチェックのTurnitinの日本での導入が本格的に始まろうとしています。 ここでは、オリジナリティチェック、オンラインでの評定、ピアレビューといった機能を持つTurnitinが、Moodleとの連携を通じて、貴学の価値をいかに高めるかをお話します。


Presenters: 株式会社イーラーニング e-learning co., ltd.

Title: Moodleパートナーとは What is the Moodle partner ?

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Sponsors and AM)


Moodleパートナーとは、Moodle本部(Perth, West Australia)から正式なサポートを受け、Moodleのサービスを公式に提供する会社です。 このプレゼンでは、Moodleパートナーの役割をご紹介します。


Presenter: 緒方俊輔 (株式会社Joe'sクラウドコンピューティング Joe's Cloud Computing)

Title: MoodleがインストールされたJoe'sの無料のサーバーをすぐに使おう Let's use Joe's free server pre-installed Moodle (http://lms.ac)

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Sponsors and AM)




Presenter: 不破 崇行 (株式会社アットウェア atWare Inc)

Title: 株式会社アットウェアのご紹介 Introduction of atWare

Presentation type: ライトニング・トーク 5〜10分 Lightning Talk 5 to 10 mins (Sponsors and AM)


株式会社アットウェアでは「システムで人々をしあわせに」をテーマに、分散型DB(Couchbase)や検索エンジン(Elasticsearch)といった最新技術・アプリケーションを駆使したソリューションをご提案・開発しています。 またMoodleを中心とした教育ソリューションも先生方とお話ししてご提案します。 ライトニングトークでは、アットウェアの簡単なご紹介をします。

Last modified: Tuesday, 17 February 2015, 12:22 PM