
ムードル・ムート大会も年々盛況になるにつれ,発表者も多くなり,それに つれて発表の質を維持する観点から,一般(個人・団体)会員様につきましては,通常発表,ライトニングトーク,ショーケース,それぞれについてお一人様, 原則一つずつのエントリーとさせて頂きます.(ワークショップ,達人バーはこの限りではありません.また,グループ発表のファーストオーサーになっていな い方は別の発表でエントリーできます.)これは複数の投稿を完全に妨げるものではなく,査読審査により,特に高い評価が得られたものは複数エントリーが認 められる場合もあります.


1.      発表は商業的宣伝と取られるような内容を含まないこと

2.      営利団体から援助を受けた実践のような場合には公正で偏りの無い内容を心がける事

3.      営利団体から直接の援助を受けての発表ではないこと



MAJ Policy re Proposal Submissions

As our conference grows bigger and more flourishing year by year, in the interests of quality, we’d like you to cooperate with our policy that Regular (individual or institutional) member can in principle make ONE entry for each regular presentation, lightning talk, and showcase. (Workshops and genius bar are exempt from this regulation, and anybody who is NOT the first author of a group presentation is eligible for another entry.) This is not to mean to absolutely eliminate multiple entries. Multiple submissions with significantly high reviewer rates may have a chance to enter the program.

When you submit a paper, please note the following.

Speakers should be able to:

1. Keep presentations free of commercial bias.

2. Present content in a fair and unbiased manner if relevant financial relationships exist.

3. Attest that they are not receiving direct payments from a commercial entity with respect to this educational activity. 

Associate members are eligible for one regular presentation and one lightning talk. Sponsors are eligible for one regular presentation, one lightning talk, and one workshop.

We ask for your understanding and call for vigorous submissions. Thank you.

最終更新日時: 2014年 08月 20日(水曜日) 00:09