Things I Learned From My Friends Getting Engaged

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There comes a times in every young woman’s life where it feels like ALL of her friends are getting engaged at once, and she is now a one-woman wolf-pack. This could be a very easy time to get discouraged and feel lonely and like you will end up a sad spinster for the rest of your life. But I hope you will take a look at the lessons I learned, and glean a glimmer of hope from my experiences.

1. You’re Exactly Where You Should Be In Your Life

Sure, when your’e a kid, thirty sounds OLD. On the playground you and your girlfriends probably stated the exact ages that you would like to be married and have kids and most likely, all were before thirty. But in this day and age, it’s hard to accomplish a lot of goals before that age. There’s more competition and it takes longer to get ahead and working on your love life may have been pushed to the back burner while you focused on your mega watt career. And that’s OK. Life doesn’t work on a timeline. Things happen and you meet people when you least expect it. Wherever you are, whatever choices you’ve made, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. So don’t fret if you haven’t met your Prince Charming, or even Prince Harry yet. You’re in exactly the right place in your personal fairy tale and just because other people have met their mate sooner, doesn’t mean that yours isn’t out there waiting for you.

2. It’s OK To Wait For Perfection

Some of your friends that get married will be divorced before it’s time for you to change the brush head on your Clarisonic. It’s easy to get swept up in the “idea” of engagement and marriage, but when it’s time to put it to the test, few that happen at a young age measure up. It’s OK to wait until you know for sure that it’s the right guy and the right time. And never settle for anyone. As we all know, the ring doesn’t mean a thing (no matter how large) if you’re filing for divorce 72 days later…ahem!

3. You Can Hook Up With All Of The Hot Single Guys At The Weddings

While all of the bethrothed beauties are almost wifed up, they are missing out on one of the hottest hook-ups known to man (and woman)- the wedding hook up! There’s an open bar, everyone is dressed nicely, and while you feel a little lonely, it’s easier to make a connection with the groom’s Chris Pine doppelganger frat brother. Because of the free food and flowing champagne, the single people at weddings tend to get impulsive and creative. So while your other friends may have a ring on it, know that you’re steaming up the bedroom with all of the guys you want. Sometimes, it’s not so bad to be a single lady.

4. Marriage Isn’t Everything

Don’t shoot me…I’ve realized marriage isn’t everything. Yes, it’s wonderful to have a partner to share your life with, and every single person on Earth should have that. But, confession: I wouldn’t want to trade lives with any of my girlfriends that are engaged. I wouldn’t want their careers or their fiancees or any other aspect of their life. So while they have found their soulmate, I’m happy that I have my soles in Louboutins and the life I’ve created for myself. Anyway, when you’re truly happy on your own, that’s when Mr. Right comes and Mr. Right Now is history.

If all of your girlfriends are getting engaged, it’s totally normal to be in a bit of a slump, but just remember that you are fabulous and just like everybody has their fifteen minutes of fame, every woman will have their wedding day- just maybe not when all of your friends have theirs. What are YOUR tricks for beating the engagement/wedding blues?

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