• Empowering educators to improve our world

      Supporting the Moodle Community in Japan

      The purpose of the Moodle Association of Japan is to promote the research, education, and development of the open source learning management system called ‘Moodle’ and its related systems. The Association provides a community for Moodle users in Japan to learn and teach about using Moodle in their institution. The association is a not-for-profit voluntary association (任意団体 nin’i dantai), financially transparent in nature, and is very similar to a formal Not-for-Profit Organization (NPO) although not officially.

      The Moodle Learning Management System is an open-source software project supporting online learning that has grown since 2002 under the direction of Moodle Pty Ltd and is used in hundreds of thousands of institutions and workplaces worldwide by over 100 million users.

      The Association functions as an organizational member of the world Moodle Users Association, Incorporated in Western Australia. In the conduct of its activities, the Association supports the international headquarters of Moodle Pty Ltd with fundraising and a portion of its membership dues to further the development of core Moodle software code.

    • Why join the Moodle Association of Japan?

      Our Mission

      The mission of the Moodle Association of Japan is to support the growth of Moodle in Japan by providing a strong and united voice to users, giving direction and resources for new developments and training throughout the nation.

      What can I do with Moodle?

      Learn how to use Moodle to enhance the learning environment for your students.  MAJ holds Workshops on the first day of the annual Moodlemoots on every aspect of Moodle; from beginner level to advanced. Also, the Hokkaido Summer Moodle Workshops provide members with even more opportunities to learn about Moodle and how it can be used to improve our world.

      Research and Development

      MAJ sponsors the development of plugins and content for Moodlers in Japan. Click on the links below for more information.

      Moodle Users Association

      The Moodle Users Association (MUA) provides a way for users to contribute to Moodle development. The Moodle Association of Japan is a Gold Member of the MUA with 10,000 votes, and submits a project to the MUA each development cycle. In this way, MAJ helps make Moodle better for everyone.

      MAJ Showcase

      The MAJ Showcase is a website for showcasing and sharing software and content developed by MAJ members.

      Become a Member

      By joining the Association you will have a real say in promoting Moodle and helping others learn about Moodle. The Moodle Association of Japan is an additional way to become directly involved in learning, teaching, and sharing about the Moodle Learning Management System.

      Join the Moodle Association of Japan

    • Moodle Association of Japan Sponsors

      Platinum Sponsors 


      Gold Sponsors



      Human Science



      Silver Sponsors


Moodle Association of Japan Announcements

日本ムードルムート2025 スケジュール / Timetable for MoodleMoot Japan 2025

by Jun SAITO -



  • プログラムはムートページ内「スケジュール」のセクションからご覧になれます。
  • ご発表のみなさまには,当初の発表ご希望日にあわせてスケジュールしておりますが,万一設定の不備等がございましたら,お手数ですが下記お問い合わせ先までお知らせください。
  • ムートへご参加の予定で,まだお済みでないかたは,参加登録(2024年度会費または大会参加費のお支払い)をオンラインにて承っております。ご登録は参加当日まで可能ですが,参加者数の把握のため,なるべくお早めのご登録にご協力いただけますようお願いいたします。ご発表のかたも,登録は発表申し込みとは別に必要です。詳細はムートページ内「参加登録」のセクションをご覧ください。
  • 2月28日(金)の 18:30 から懇親会の開催を予定しておりますので,よろしければぜひご参加をご検討ください。詳しくは別途ご案内いたします。
  • お問い合わせは maj @ moodlejapan.org までお送りください(「 @ 」は「@」に置き換えてください)



Dear MAJ members and to whom it may concern,

We are pleased to announce that the conference timetable for MoodleMoot Japan 2025 has been finalized. We deeply apologize for the significant delay in releasing the schedule.

  • The program is available in the "Schedule" section on the Moot page.
  • We have arranged presentations in accordance with the preferred day specified upon submission. If, however, there is any misconfiguration, please contact us at the following email address.
  • We are accepting registrations (by paying FY2024 membership fee or the Moot 2025 registration fee) online. Though the registration page will remain open during the Moot period, we encourage participants to complete their registration as early as possible to confirm the number of attendees in advance. For presenters, registration is necessary in addition to the presentation application. Please refer to the "Registration" section on the Moot page.
  • Please consider joining us for the Reception at 6:30 pm on Friday, February 28th. We will announce any updates shortly.
  • If you have any questions or comments, please send them to maj @ moodlejapan.org (please replace " @ " with "@").

We look forward to seeing you all at the event in Kyoto.

Moodle Association of Japan

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