Presentation ID Number 発表ID:
Presenters & Author(s)発表者と著者:
Ibrahim Farouck
Presentation title 発表標題:
The Design and Integration of In-house Materials on Moodle to Improve TOEIC Scores of First Year Japanese University Students
Presentation type 提出原稿のタイプ: プレゼンテーション 40分 40 minute presentation
Day & Time 日時: 日 Sunday 09:00 - 09:40
Location 場所: 162B
Presentation abstract 発表内容
A challenging task for Japanese universities is how to choose or design TOEIC preparation content for their students. This presentation discusses the learning environments and the outcomes of four cohorts of first year TOEIC preparation classes. The first cohort used a commercial TOEIC preparation system. The second cohort used the same system concurrently with in-house TOEIC preparation materials on a commercial host system. The in-house materials were designed to incorporate students’ essential sociocultural background and the English taught in other classes to facilitate scaffolding and comprehension. The third and fourth cohorts used the in-house materials on the commercial host system and Moodle respectively with different number of questions. Moodle quiz module was utilized for the online lessons as it enabled autonomy for the design. A statistical analyses of the TOEIC scores of students in all the cohorts showed increasing average scores from 485.5 in 2009 to 552.8 in 2012, where that of the fourth cohort outperformed the others significantly. There was no significant difference between the second and the third cohorts. The author concludes that, in drill-and-practice learning for TOEIC preparation, content relevance due to adequate students’ background knowledge and number of questions is very essential for improving TOEIC scores.

Presentation topic(s) トピック:
Moodleの統合 - Integrating Moodle
学校でのMoodle導入事例 - Moodle in traditional educational settings
教授法とMoodle - Pedagogy and Moodle
Moodleの利用 - Using Moodle
Keyword(s) キーワード:
Moodle, TOEIC Material Development, Japanese Sociocultural Context, drill-and-practice, pedagogy